Join NWCS as we conduct an interview with a Vampyre. We learn about the Vampyre culture and lore from Armani a self-proclaimed real-life Vampyre.
We also review the movie Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter and discuss all things Vampyre's.
Sit back, relax and enjoy the chilling topics and lighthearted shenanigans of NWCS during our episode dedicated to Vampyre's.
N.W.C.S. Discusses their adventures at the Clown Motel in Tonopah, Nevada as well as other clown related topics and shenanigans. Enjoy!!
Join N.W.C.S. on this unlucky 13th episode as we discuss Angels and Demons and diddle around with our soundboard we have no idea how...
Join NWCS as we discuss Serial Killers from the past until current.