The first documented mention of Giants was in the Bible and were referenced in Genesis 6:4, as well as Numbers 13:32 - 33 The Giants were known in the Bible as the Nephilim and described as a group of mysterious beings or people of unusually large size and strength. Join NWCS as we discuss historical and modern day Giants.
Grimm's Fairy Tales, originally known as the Children's and Household tales as adopted by the Brother's Grimm are anything but children friendly. N.W.C.S. takes...
The Rougarou or Loup-Garou is the French word for werewolf and describes a half-man, half-dog creature that roams the swamps of Louisiana. Join N.W.C.S....
On March 08, 2014 Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 vanished from air-traffic-control radar screens, never to be seen again. Missing Flight 370 has become the...