NWCS Into The Dark Episode 45 Hollyweird

Episode 45 May 22, 2024 00:57:08
NWCS Into The Dark Episode 45 Hollyweird
N.W.C.S. Into The Dark
NWCS Into The Dark Episode 45 Hollyweird

May 22 2024 | 00:57:08


Show Notes

Welcome to another spine-chilling installment of NWCS Into The Dark. In this our 45th episode, we're discussing the glitzy, glamourous, and downright ghostly underbelly of Hollywood. Forget the Walk of Fame; we're taking you on a tour of the Walk of Fear! Tune in, if you dare, for a hilarious hair-raising journey through Hollywood's weird history. Whether you are a skeptic or a believer, "Hollyweird" will have you looking at the silver screen in a whole new, eerie light.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:03] Speaker A: Hear the sasquatch howling in the night paranormal beings come out to play. [00:00:17] Speaker B: Feel. [00:00:18] Speaker A: That chill upon your neck. [00:00:23] Speaker B: But do not fear when the rougarou barks because. [00:00:29] Speaker A: We'Ll follow you into the dark. [00:00:35] Speaker C: We'Ll. [00:00:36] Speaker A: Follow you into the dark into the. [00:00:39] Speaker B: Dark contains subject matter and language that may be unsuitable for younger listeners. Listener discretion is advised. Hello, greetings and welcome to NWCS into the Dark podcast. This is our Hollyweird episode, Hollyweird. In the studio tonight we have rob with eleven and a half b's. [00:01:00] Speaker A: Ciao, ciao, ciao. [00:01:03] Speaker D: I don't know. [00:01:04] Speaker B: Hello, we've got tab. [00:01:08] Speaker A: Hello there. [00:01:10] Speaker B: We've got. From Texas, Jesse. [00:01:13] Speaker E: Hey, hey. [00:01:14] Speaker B: I'm trying to google funny California city name so I can come up with something for Danny, but I'm just behind the gun on it. So from somewhere in sunny California, Danny. [00:01:23] Speaker E: Oh, yeah. [00:01:26] Speaker B: So sexy. Sitting at the big boy table tonight we've got Paris. [00:01:30] Speaker F: Hola. [00:01:32] Speaker B: And over in the corner, preoccupied with Pornhub, we've got Joey. [00:01:37] Speaker D: Hey. [00:01:39] Speaker B: Hey, everybody. Did I say Jesse from Texas? [00:01:43] Speaker D: Yeah, he said yeah. [00:01:44] Speaker B: Hey. [00:01:44] Speaker E: Hey. [00:01:45] Speaker B: Oh, he did? Okay. I didn't hear the. Hey, hey. Can we do that one more time from Texas? Jesse? [00:01:50] Speaker C: Hey. [00:01:50] Speaker D: Hey, hey, hey. [00:01:53] Speaker B: Welcome. Welcome to the studio. It's been a while. Welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome. What's the background noise? Somebody's blowing their nose or something like, that's not me. Jesse, can you not blow your nose when we're on the air? Can you tell us a little bit about Texas? Inquiring minds want to know. You have a fan base that's like, hey, where's Jesse? We get messages all the time. All the time on our Facebook. They're like, hey, how come Jesse's not in the studio anymore? Like hundreds of fans wondering what's going on with Jesse. [00:02:29] Speaker C: We don't even have 100. [00:02:31] Speaker B: Well, whatever. Fans or us. Hey, we do have a five star rating. Did you guys know that? We have like five. Five star ratings? [00:02:40] Speaker D: Wow. [00:02:41] Speaker B: Unfortunately, I can't. [00:02:42] Speaker A: So that's a total of five stars. [00:02:45] Speaker B: Five. Five stars? [00:02:46] Speaker E: Five. [00:02:46] Speaker A: One star. [00:02:48] Speaker B: Five. Five stars that add up to five. No. Oh, no, no, no. [00:02:53] Speaker E: Five stars average is fine. [00:02:54] Speaker D: I did one of the ratings. [00:02:55] Speaker B: Oh, did you? Okay, okay, so that's. I did too. [00:02:59] Speaker E: I did one too. [00:03:01] Speaker A: So we got one star. [00:03:03] Speaker B: No, we got five stars. Five stars. [00:03:05] Speaker D: Yeah. Jesse, tell us about Texas. [00:03:07] Speaker B: Texas. [00:03:08] Speaker D: Let's get back on that. [00:03:09] Speaker C: Well, we just got through a big storm where it dumped a month's worth of rain in four days. And it's been nice ever since. [00:03:18] Speaker A: Welcome to Texas. [00:03:19] Speaker C: Tomorrow's gonna be 80 degrees in February. How are you guys down there? [00:03:24] Speaker D: Well, cold. [00:03:25] Speaker B: Cold. My nipples are hard in the studio. It's like 26 degrees. [00:03:29] Speaker D: It is very cold. Actually, putting those heaters in here on break really helped. [00:03:33] Speaker B: Except for the malfunction. [00:03:35] Speaker A: The malfunction. Yeah. Thanks. [00:03:38] Speaker D: Do you got any new farm animals or anything like that? What do you got going on there? [00:03:42] Speaker A: Okay, we got something. [00:03:45] Speaker C: All wild animals? No, no. Domestic farm animals. Oh, but we have pig. We have pigs. [00:03:51] Speaker B: I thought you had horses. You don't. You don't have horses? [00:03:55] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:03:55] Speaker B: Oh, well, those aren't farm animals. [00:03:58] Speaker A: How about my horse? Do you have my horse still? [00:04:01] Speaker C: No, we ate it. [00:04:03] Speaker D: Wow. [00:04:05] Speaker E: Yeah, times are tough. [00:04:07] Speaker B: Times are times. [00:04:09] Speaker E: Our horses lay eggs. [00:04:10] Speaker B: I've got four chickens now, Danny, so I'm living a life of luxury. [00:04:14] Speaker E: Oh, look at you. [00:04:16] Speaker B: Four chickens. We get like four eggs a day. [00:04:20] Speaker E: Wow. [00:04:21] Speaker A: You owe me. [00:04:21] Speaker B: That's impressive. We have some eggs. You can. You can take some. You don't think I work for you? You don't think I make money being a private investigator, do you? [00:04:28] Speaker A: I work for eggs. [00:04:29] Speaker B: Yeah. I sell eggs on the side. [00:04:32] Speaker E: Yeah? [00:04:34] Speaker B: Yeah. What's new, Paris? Anything new? [00:04:38] Speaker F: Not much. Just working. [00:04:40] Speaker D: Oh, come on. [00:04:41] Speaker F: Like, straight up. [00:04:43] Speaker E: I feel like I've heard this before. [00:04:45] Speaker B: I know. Deja vu. [00:04:46] Speaker F: I mean, I don't really have a life, so it's like, I don't really have much to do. [00:04:50] Speaker A: You're adulting that well? [00:04:51] Speaker F: Yeah, I'm adulting. [00:04:52] Speaker B: We all watch the rodeo. [00:04:54] Speaker F: Oh, yeah. We went to PBR. [00:04:55] Speaker B: Yeah. How was that? [00:04:56] Speaker F: It was pretty good. [00:04:57] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:04:58] Speaker A: I like. [00:04:59] Speaker D: We got this time the number two bull rider in the world. [00:05:04] Speaker A: Number two. I thought the number one was there. [00:05:06] Speaker D: No, he was number one in that era. [00:05:09] Speaker F: In the. That time. [00:05:11] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:05:12] Speaker D: But the number two bull rider in the world. [00:05:15] Speaker B: Let's give a shout out to our camby celebrity. [00:05:19] Speaker F: Oh, chase Doherty. [00:05:20] Speaker B: Chase Doherty. Yeah, there. [00:05:22] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:05:23] Speaker B: Local cambie boy here. [00:05:24] Speaker F: He's going to NFR. [00:05:26] Speaker B: Yeah, he made it. [00:05:27] Speaker A: He made it to finals. [00:05:28] Speaker B: That he. He did really well the night before. [00:05:30] Speaker F: The night before. That's what got him to go. [00:05:32] Speaker B: Didn't do super well. [00:05:33] Speaker A: And then he rode the number one bull. [00:05:36] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:05:37] Speaker A: For quite a long. I don't, what, 3 seconds? Yeah, he rode it pretty good. [00:05:42] Speaker B: He could have done better. [00:05:43] Speaker F: I like the part where they had the bull that had never been rode before. Nobody could ride it or something. [00:05:50] Speaker D: No, nobody has lasted 8 seconds. [00:05:52] Speaker F: Oh, yeah. Nobody lasted 8 seconds. And then the number one guy. [00:05:55] Speaker E: I can't. [00:05:55] Speaker B: Or number two. [00:05:56] Speaker D: Guy in the world, the guy who won it. I can rode the bowl for 8 seconds. So that was a cool. [00:06:02] Speaker B: Yeah. Really cool to watch. Also, speaking of what's new and where we've been and what we've been doing, we recently. Not recently, but we not too long ago got back from New Orleans. Another trip. You haven't. We haven't talked about that. [00:06:17] Speaker A: We have. [00:06:18] Speaker D: Our last episode. Way back when we did that, we talked about the Zach Baggins thing. [00:06:22] Speaker B: Yeah, but that was Las Vegas. But different than New Orleans. [00:06:26] Speaker E: Yeah, but that was a while ago. [00:06:28] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:06:28] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. [00:06:30] Speaker B: So we got back from New Orleans. Tom, what do you think? [00:06:33] Speaker A: Well, it's always a good time in New Orleans. For sure. [00:06:36] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:06:38] Speaker B: Rob, what do you think? [00:06:39] Speaker D: The Rugaroo festival. Yeah, yeah. Was. [00:06:43] Speaker A: I kind of swore we talked about that. [00:06:44] Speaker B: No, we haven't. [00:06:45] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:06:46] Speaker B: Yeah. I know we haven't. We have not. We have not. [00:06:50] Speaker D: Or is this a Mandela effect? [00:06:52] Speaker A: I'm definitely having that Mandela effect moment right now. [00:06:55] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:06:55] Speaker E: I could have not heard about the Rugaro festival. [00:06:58] Speaker B: Yeah, we haven't talked about. [00:06:58] Speaker E: Jesse go too. [00:07:00] Speaker D: No, wait. [00:07:02] Speaker B: Yeah, he did. Jesse. We all went. What'd you think? [00:07:06] Speaker C: I think I didn't go to the Ruger fast. [00:07:09] Speaker B: Yes, he did. I have a picture of him wearing the Wolfhead dry. [00:07:12] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:07:12] Speaker D: Yeah, that's right. He did go. [00:07:14] Speaker B: He's just being. He's just being a bully again. [00:07:16] Speaker D: It was. [00:07:18] Speaker B: In Jesse's defense, we did drink an awful lot during that trip. Yeah. Jesse just may not even remember being in Louisiana. [00:07:28] Speaker A: Maybe that was me. [00:07:30] Speaker B: You were there. [00:07:32] Speaker D: But the Ruger fest was very anticlimactic. [00:07:35] Speaker B: Well, let's first let's preface this by saying we love the Rugaroo festival. We love our listeners in huma, Louisiana. But it just wasn't what we expected. [00:07:46] Speaker D: Well, I think it's because the nutra chili was not there. I think if we had that to talk about, we would. It might have changed their minds. Hint, hint, hint. [00:07:56] Speaker A: My vision was, is that was gonna be in this big park. [00:07:59] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:08:00] Speaker A: You know, like a forested kind of park. Swampy park. [00:08:03] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:08:03] Speaker A: That was what I was picturing in my head, I think. [00:08:07] Speaker D: Me too. When we talked to the guy back. [00:08:10] Speaker B: Well, they changed the location, remember? Oh, okay. This was a new location, Jonathan. Okay, Jonathan. Forest. Forest. Forest for it. [00:08:19] Speaker D: Yeah. When we were there. No, we did not hook up with them. [00:08:22] Speaker B: And I felt really bad. He runs the whole festival and there was a lot of people there. Thousands. There was a lot of. It was a big festival. And here I am texting him, going, hey, bro, we don't know where we are. Like, we're at the old location. I'm sure he was like, get the red carpet. Like, these guys are investigators. It was. It was embarrassing. But anyway, it was not very rude. Rougarou y. Like, I expected it to be a little bit more rougarou. It was a rougarou theme, but there was very little. It was more of a, like a Saturday market where there's a whole bunch of vendors selling things. Slash music festival. Cause they had bands and stuff like that. But I guess I was just expecting more rougarou. But great festival, the drive. Let's talk about that, Jesse. So the night before we went to the Rugaroo festival, we participated in some spirits. I think that was the night that I did 27 jello shots. [00:09:19] Speaker C: No, there were jello shots. And then pumpkin or not pumpkin. Pickle juice shots. [00:09:25] Speaker B: Pickle juice shots. Oh, my God. I remember that. I remember that. So it was a crazy night at the turtles. Props to the turtles. [00:09:36] Speaker D: Love the turtles. [00:09:37] Speaker B: Broidge, Louisiana, and Butler Rose. Awesome. Awesome place. [00:09:42] Speaker A: I don't know how the remodel actually, you know what? [00:09:43] Speaker B: I don't even want to say how awesome it is because I don't want a whole bunch of people to go, yeah, yeah. [00:09:47] Speaker D: Well, yeah. Control them to get some business. [00:09:50] Speaker B: Like, we literally don't want our three, three listeners going there. [00:09:53] Speaker A: Next time we go, it's probably gonna be a totally different. [00:09:56] Speaker B: Yeah, they are. [00:09:56] Speaker A: Cause they're gonna remodel. [00:09:58] Speaker D: Wait, when did they say that was gonna be done? [00:10:00] Speaker B: Soon. Well, I think they've been talking about it for a while. But anyway. Little. Little swamp bayou bar called the turtles. Awesome waitress. Best waitress you'll ever have. TLC is a pretty good waitress. But whatever. Did participate in a lot of alcohol consumptions that night. And then we had to get up early in the morning and take, like, this three hour drive to Houma. It was painful. And let's talk about this. So the vehicle that we had, I'm always. [00:10:29] Speaker A: That was an experience. [00:10:30] Speaker B: Yeah. So I'm always responsible for planning things. Right. So I'm typically quite the planner. I'll get the lodging. [00:10:37] Speaker D: He's very good at it. [00:10:38] Speaker B: I will dial things in perfectly. [00:10:42] Speaker D: No, absolutely. [00:10:44] Speaker B: I kind of pride myself on my ability to put these things together. [00:10:48] Speaker D: He has, like, he has a folder. It's all labeled, documented, like, almost to the minute of what we're going to do. It's kind of almost annoying. [00:11:00] Speaker B: That's my controlling nature. But anyway, that's, besides the point. So the night before we're leaving, it's like 09:00 at night. I'm having a panic attack because I'm kind of OCD. So I'm looking over my files. Everything okay? I want to make sure that lodgings all set. I want everything to go through without a hitch. Everything just to be fluid. I forgot to rent a car. Like, the biggest thing. I forgot to rent a car. So I'm freaking out. So I call Hertz, I call enterprise. I call everybody. No cars in Louisiana. Not one. So I'm thinking, this trip is screwed. Like, we're like. I'm literally flying out in the morning. And so I came up with this. What was the name of that website? It's like a car show. It's like an Airbnb for cars. Oh, turo, turo, turo. And so I get on Turo, and I'm like, okay, this should be easy enough in theory. So I reserve a car. It was like a Cadillac escalator, something like that. And it's like, okay, the owner of this vehicle will get back to you whether or not you're approved within, like, 2 hours. Well, now it's 203:00 in the morning. I'm still freaking out. Haven't heard back from this guy. So I try to get another car on turo, and it's like, I'm sorry, you can't get another car. You've already got a reservation for another one. So we have to literally get on the plane with no car. We're gonna land. And nothing in place, right? So we had a layover in Texas. So I'm trying to get ahold of the Truro people. Nothing, nothing, nothing. So finally he says, I'm not doing it. I'm not gonna rent you this car. So in Texas? In Texas, I had to call, put in a request for another one. The only vehicle that was available that would fit us was, like this mom broken down minivan. [00:12:57] Speaker A: It wasn't that bad. It could have been way better. [00:13:01] Speaker D: Yeah, but it was definitely, like, it had smiles on it and it had a smell. It had been used. But being since, we would have had. [00:13:11] Speaker B: To, like, nothing, nothing. [00:13:13] Speaker D: It was. It was nice. [00:13:15] Speaker B: So this guy's like, yeah, I'll rent you my mom's minivan for dollar 342 a day. I'm like, well, we're stuck, so we gotta. No, it wasn't dollar 342 a day, by the way. The NWCS funds have been completely depleted, but. So we got hit the minivan, and it was. [00:13:32] Speaker A: Thanks, Minivan. Guy. [00:13:33] Speaker B: Thanks, minivan guy. [00:13:34] Speaker E: It's not my fault this time, but. [00:13:36] Speaker B: It was quite the. Wasn't it kind of a sketchy process with meeting with this guy? It was a little sketchy. Little. [00:13:43] Speaker A: Little sketchy. The dark alley was the only thing missing in the whole situation. [00:13:47] Speaker B: Yeah. So anyway, we got it. Everything went off, for the most part, without a hitch. So it was great. Great trip. We had some awesome food. What else happened on that trip? Rob got drunk. [00:13:59] Speaker A: Scott got drunk. [00:14:00] Speaker B: Tab got drunk. [00:14:01] Speaker A: Okay. [00:14:02] Speaker B: No, I. Jesse was hammered. [00:14:05] Speaker D: I drove. I didn't drink. I stopped drinking. Cause you guys were all out of control. [00:14:12] Speaker A: That's how you remember it? [00:14:14] Speaker D: I drove. [00:14:16] Speaker C: That's not what I remember. [00:14:17] Speaker B: That's not what I remember, either. [00:14:19] Speaker D: I know because I drove. [00:14:20] Speaker C: I remember Rob being out of control. [00:14:23] Speaker B: Yeah. He ripped off his shirt and said, let's go swim with the gators. And we're like, bro, it's not a good idea. Not a good idea. Yeah. Anyway, where are we going with this? [00:14:35] Speaker A: I don't know. [00:14:38] Speaker B: There had to have been something. [00:14:40] Speaker A: You want to plan a vacation? I said rental into Louisiana and rent a car and make sure you have a car ready. [00:14:48] Speaker B: Rent it ahead of time. [00:14:49] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:14:49] Speaker E: It could have just got a U Haul. [00:14:51] Speaker B: Did we do anything creepy? Any. Any investigations? Did we do anything? [00:14:56] Speaker A: No, we didn't. I think. Yeah, that was. That was. [00:15:01] Speaker B: Oh, let me tell you about my most recent trip to Louisiana. After you guys went with us. Oh, yeah. [00:15:06] Speaker D: You went there on business. [00:15:07] Speaker B: I'll be really brief about this, because we've talked about the Menchek swamp quite a bit. Oh, Jesse was there. He just didn't participate in the Manchuk, because we took another trip, and Jesse was there, and he was hammered. Jesse was hammered. [00:15:19] Speaker A: No, Jesse. [00:15:21] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:15:22] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. Did you get. Did you get video? [00:15:25] Speaker B: Yeah, I think I do have some videos. So Trish and I actually went to the Manchuk swamp. We were able to do it. We got kayaks. We actually kayaked through the Manchuk swamp. The disappointing thing was that most of the kayak trips that we took in Louisiana, you would rent the kayaks and you just go in the swamp by yourself. This was a guided tour. You couldn't do the Manchuk swamp. So our guide. Guess where our guide turned out to be from? [00:15:50] Speaker D: Gresham, Oregon. [00:15:52] Speaker B: Portland, Oregon. [00:15:53] Speaker D: No way. [00:15:54] Speaker B: Oh, boy. Yeah. [00:15:55] Speaker A: Oh, boy. [00:15:56] Speaker B: Yeah. And so he talked about birds. Nice enough guy, but he was total Portland. Total Portland guy. He was talking about the birds and the owls. And I was like, isn't this the most haunted swamp there is. Let's talk about Julie Brown and the haunted. [00:16:12] Speaker A: I want to talk about Portland, Oregon. [00:16:14] Speaker B: Yeah. And he's like, well, you can look for the woodchuck owl, which is right over here. He didn't have much of an interest in talking about Julie Brown. Seemed like there was like twelve people in the kayaks. They were all like. They all looked like people from Portland. It was the weirdest thing. And then we met up with Jesse and got really hammered. [00:16:35] Speaker D: Yes, we did. [00:16:37] Speaker E: Sounds like that. That's my favorite. [00:16:39] Speaker B: Let's just say. Let's just say that Jesse left with a bunch of beads. A bunch of beads? [00:16:46] Speaker D: What kind of beads? [00:16:47] Speaker E: Was it during. Was it during Mardi Gras? [00:16:49] Speaker B: Mardi Gras? No, it was not. I will never go there during Mardi Gras. But you couldn't even see his big head. Like, the beads went like a walking shoulder with beans. [00:16:58] Speaker D: Easy there. [00:16:59] Speaker B: Hey, if you're gonna sit at the big boy table, Paris, you can't. You need to learn how to operate that microphone a little bit better. [00:17:05] Speaker A: All right. [00:17:06] Speaker B: Yeah, I just feel like. [00:17:07] Speaker C: So with that, with that. [00:17:08] Speaker B: When we go back October. [00:17:11] Speaker F: I'm going next time I'm joining. [00:17:12] Speaker D: No, not till you. [00:17:13] Speaker E: 21. [00:17:13] Speaker F: No, I'm going for my 20th. [00:17:18] Speaker B: Is Joey gonna join us on this trip? [00:17:20] Speaker D: Joey? [00:17:20] Speaker B: Joey, Joey, are you going to join us on the next trip to Louisiana? [00:17:24] Speaker E: Oh, Joey's here. [00:17:26] Speaker B: He's done. [00:17:27] Speaker D: I forgot he was here. [00:17:28] Speaker G: Come on. [00:17:29] Speaker D: I forgot he's here. He was asleep. Something back there. [00:17:33] Speaker E: Hey, I want to go this time. Let me know. [00:17:35] Speaker F: Okay, I'm with you on that one. [00:17:37] Speaker B: All right, moving on, moving on. Anything else new with the group? Anyone else got anything new now that we're 20 minutes into this? Unbelievable, unbelievable, unbelievable. I think somebody else just needs to take over being the main host. Cause I just. I have a tendency to just blab. [00:17:54] Speaker D: Okay. [00:17:55] Speaker A: No, we need a blabber. [00:17:57] Speaker D: No. Okay, I'll have Tab take over. [00:18:01] Speaker A: Well, it'll be a really quick show if it's me. [00:18:04] Speaker B: All right, the topic of this podcast is Hollyweird. [00:18:09] Speaker E: Weird Hollywood. [00:18:11] Speaker B: All right, so, Jesse, what do you got for us? Well, let's just. Hey, let's just. Let's take tab. Suggestion. I like it. Let's not do one by one. [00:18:19] Speaker A: Yeah, let's just all roll. [00:18:22] Speaker D: Let's all talk at the same time. [00:18:23] Speaker A: No, no. [00:18:26] Speaker D: What I'm saying is that we can all just do it right now. [00:18:37] Speaker B: Another thing, Rob, like, you literally don't need to have the microphone in your mouth hole. [00:18:42] Speaker D: I don't have it in my. [00:18:45] Speaker B: This is gonna be an editing fucking nightmare. [00:18:47] Speaker A: Just like the last episode. [00:18:48] Speaker B: Yeah, Jesse, have fun with this one, buddy. [00:18:51] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:18:52] Speaker B: All right, Hollyweird. [00:18:53] Speaker E: So, Jesse, what do you got? [00:18:54] Speaker C: Danny, have you ever. You're the horror movie guy. So have you seen the Poltergeist series? [00:19:03] Speaker E: Yes. [00:19:04] Speaker C: From like. [00:19:05] Speaker E: I don't think I've seen three. [00:19:07] Speaker A: They're here. [00:19:09] Speaker C: So the funny thing with Hollywood on that is that whole movie production is supposedly cursed by making that movie. Have you heard this? [00:19:22] Speaker D: Yeah, I have heard. Yeah. [00:19:24] Speaker C: So the theory is that all these cast members have been dying from weird young ages. [00:19:33] Speaker A: Yeah, I heard about this other stuff. [00:19:34] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:19:35] Speaker C: From making this movie all the way up from the original and 1980s all the way to number three. Like 22 year old. The twelve year old. [00:19:45] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:19:46] Speaker C: You know, are dying. It's the numbers pretty. There's quite a few people that have starred in it have actually died, so. [00:19:53] Speaker E: Right, right. [00:19:54] Speaker C: I have not seen the movie. [00:19:55] Speaker A: Didn't. Wasn't there like a helicopter scene? [00:19:57] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:19:58] Speaker A: That then ended up like decapitating somebody. [00:20:01] Speaker D: Or something where it crashed and. Yeah, yeah, yeah. [00:20:05] Speaker C: There's a 22 year old that played the teenage daughter. She was murdered. There's a 60 year old that died during the film. Another 53 year old that was in the film. He died after the film was released. And then a twelve year old girl that played the young daughter, she died. [00:20:27] Speaker E: I think that was where it started. If I don't. [00:20:30] Speaker B: And the old lady. The old lady too. What was the old lady? The clairvoyant or. Not clairvoyant, but I got Jesse on. [00:20:40] Speaker D: Look at you mean mug. [00:20:42] Speaker A: Look at that dirty face. [00:20:44] Speaker B: Look at the size of dip in his jaw. Look at the dip. [00:20:47] Speaker A: That's like probably three pounds of dip there is. [00:20:51] Speaker B: Give a half a cow in your lip. [00:20:54] Speaker A: We can see you now, Jesse. It's like Joey that went away. [00:20:59] Speaker B: Well, it's like Joey when he's chewing. He's got a small baby in his lip. [00:21:04] Speaker E: Oh, my goodness. [00:21:06] Speaker B: I'm sorry. Where were we? [00:21:09] Speaker D: Yeah, where were we? [00:21:10] Speaker B: Yeah. So the old lady, did you already mention her? Jessie? Didn't the old lady die the medium? [00:21:14] Speaker C: Yeah, but she was old. [00:21:16] Speaker E: Well, Angia. [00:21:18] Speaker B: Angia Caroline. [00:21:20] Speaker E: She died the same year. She died the same year as the other galaxy that played. That played Carolyn. They died the same year in 1988. [00:21:30] Speaker D: That's crazy. [00:21:32] Speaker B: I gotta tell you, as a kid, that movie scared the crap out of me when I was a kid. [00:21:39] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:21:39] Speaker B: Like that old man, you know, who. [00:21:41] Speaker E: Got me from there? Their same person. [00:21:43] Speaker B: The old guy. [00:21:46] Speaker E: Yeah. His name was Kane. [00:21:47] Speaker B: Kane. Yeah, he shows up with the hat. Yeah. Kind of looks like an amish guy. I had no idea. Nightmares about him for a long time. [00:21:58] Speaker A: Yeah, he's like a cult leader. [00:22:00] Speaker B: Yeah. At the Zach Baggins haunted museum, they have a little room. Not a whole room, but they have, like, a Hollywood room or something like that. And they talk about that at the museum, about the poltergeist curse and some of the stuff from that. Yeah, that's interesting. [00:22:20] Speaker E: That is weird. Weird. [00:22:22] Speaker B: Did we. Did we lose Jesse? [00:22:24] Speaker A: No, the video feeds. [00:22:27] Speaker D: Not that great right now. [00:22:28] Speaker A: No. Yeah, I wouldn't. It's worry about that. It's choppy. [00:22:32] Speaker C: Yeah, but you don't mess with poultry, guys. [00:22:36] Speaker D: Yeah, absolutely. I was. It was. I mean, for the time, it was kind of scary. [00:22:41] Speaker B: It was really scary. All right, so we covered poltergeist. Check. Next. [00:22:47] Speaker A: What else is weird about the wizard of Oz? [00:22:51] Speaker B: Yeah. Hey, go on. [00:22:54] Speaker C: The last one. [00:22:56] Speaker A: Yeah, that's the one that I. That I think is interesting. [00:23:00] Speaker B: Look at how Danny froze. That is a amazing. [00:23:04] Speaker A: Get a picture of that. [00:23:05] Speaker B: I'm gonna get a picture of that. [00:23:07] Speaker A: Before it goes away. It might refresh. [00:23:08] Speaker B: Rudy, get a picture that. [00:23:13] Speaker A: He'S throwing the Illuminati. [00:23:15] Speaker B: Oh, he got a good. [00:23:17] Speaker D: I got it, I got it. [00:23:18] Speaker A: That's good, Danny. [00:23:19] Speaker B: No, you guys, stop that. Don't take a picture of that. Rudy, do not take a picture of that. [00:23:23] Speaker A: What do you think that's all about? I mean, what are they promoting? [00:23:26] Speaker B: New world order or the Illuminati? Yeah, Danny actually did freeze like that. [00:23:31] Speaker A: I mean, the Super bowl. The Super bowl halftime show was all Illuminati based evil. [00:23:41] Speaker E: Sam Smith touched on this briefly, but what. What exactly happened? I didn't watch it. [00:23:46] Speaker B: So during. During the Grammy Awards, Sam Smith did a. His song unholy. And it was. The whole performance was just overflowing with satanic overtones. Overtones and undertones. Undertones. Take a picture of Jesse. [00:24:07] Speaker A: Oh, Jesse Rugaroo. [00:24:09] Speaker B: He's got his rugaroo mask on. Oh, no, I don't want any of those photos posted. But, yeah, I mean, obviously something's going on. I don't want to. I don't want to sound like a weird conspiracy theory. Like me. [00:24:24] Speaker A: Like me. [00:24:25] Speaker B: Definitely going on with all of the Illuminati signs. And Rihanna's halftime performance. You know, people were saying, oh, my gosh, that was an amazing performance. But, I mean, who rubs their crotch and sniffs their fingers? [00:24:39] Speaker D: Well, Joe just did ten minutes ago. [00:24:41] Speaker B: Well, that's Joey. [00:24:42] Speaker E: I do that like every ten minutes. [00:24:44] Speaker B: That's like, yeah, Joe's constantly got his hands down his pants and sniffing, but he's also not doing a, you know, on the Super bowl halftime show. [00:24:54] Speaker A: He's not doing it for attention. [00:24:56] Speaker B: And she threw up the Illuminati sign. I mean, I just don't understand what's going on with. With all of that. It's in your face. It's absolutely in your face. [00:25:06] Speaker A: I don't know if it was the same lady, but I think it was. I probably should do more research in it, but somebody was wearing a shirt with an upside down cross that said, minds controlled. [00:25:21] Speaker F: And there's also a girl doja cat, and she had an Illuminati party, and she's a big singer. And the theme of it was illuminati. [00:25:29] Speaker A: Do you think that they do this for attention, or do you believe that the Illuminati is real? The organization? [00:25:34] Speaker F: I mean, I think it's real for sure. I think they're just kind of throwing it out there to be like, oh, I don't know. Like, who throws an Illuminati party? Who sold their soul? Like, just. I don't know. I think it's crazy. [00:25:46] Speaker E: I did. I did one last week and like. [00:25:48] Speaker F: To post it, too. [00:25:49] Speaker B: I mean. I mean, can we honestly really say that the Illuminati doesn't exist? [00:25:54] Speaker A: Doesn't. [00:25:55] Speaker B: Doesn't. [00:25:56] Speaker A: No, we can't. [00:25:56] Speaker B: I mean, with all of the evidence that you see now, it's like, literally in your face. Literally in your face. [00:26:02] Speaker A: I mean, if it is real, I guess that's their way of showing that this was funded by. Or I'm showing, you know, the secret society of the Illuminati that I respect you, or, you know, it's paying homage to. I don't know. Maybe they're asked to do this before they, you know, do a video. [00:26:22] Speaker B: Or did you guys see the Kim Kardashian interview where she was on a lie detector? Did you see that, Danny? And the reporter asks her, are you part of the Illuminati? And she smiles and goes, yes. And then she says, no, no, I'm not. And immediately the polygraph examiner says, it's true. And she goes, well, that means I'm not. And she goes, no, it's true that you are. And then. So she said, no, first I said I was, and then I said I wasn't. I was joking. And the reporter says, you know, don't try and twist this around. You answer. You know, just be honest. You answered the question. They called her out, basically. It was actually. [00:27:05] Speaker A: I wonder how that interview goes, you know? I mean, what does the Illuminati guy look like? Or woman? [00:27:13] Speaker B: You get this knock on your door. [00:27:15] Speaker A: You're like, is it a phone call? [00:27:16] Speaker B: You're like. You're, like, somewhat famous. And they're like, hey, we can make you really famous. You have to drink this adrenochrome, you. [00:27:24] Speaker A: This serum to let me give you a pass out, end up in a room. [00:27:29] Speaker B: What is the selection process like, names, Danny? [00:27:34] Speaker E: I don't know, but let me tell you some of the names. Maybe we can figure it out. Okay, so there's Beyonce, there's Jay Z, who are married, apparently. I don't know if they're still together or what, but were. There's Madonna alum, there's Donald Trump. It says Kim Kardashian, Kanye West, Lindsay Lohan, LeBron James, Rihanna, Michael Jackson. [00:27:58] Speaker A: Whitney Houston apparently is still in it. [00:28:01] Speaker E: Yeah, there's. [00:28:03] Speaker B: There's lots of. There's lots of video of LeBron James throwing the Illuminati sign. Lots of him. And part of his ritual, as he gets on or off the field, he does this kind of ritual, which includes the Illuminati symbol. Where was I going with that? You name those names again. [00:28:19] Speaker A: No. [00:28:20] Speaker E: How do they get in? How do you suppose. [00:28:22] Speaker B: Oh, Kanye. So Kanye. I think Kanye, like, there's been a lot of interviews lately with Kanye. I think that he was approached and didn't want to be involved, and that's why he's really super spiritual now. And he started all the christian music and stuff. Cause he talks about it, but he talks about it in code, basically saying, they can't control me. [00:28:46] Speaker A: They can't control you, but your life is probably on the line. [00:28:50] Speaker B: Yeah, I think that he's smart. I don't think Kanye is a real super smart guy, but I think he's smart to know that if he calls this out, he could die, because so many people have, or supposedly. So he talks in code, like, I was approached, but I'm not gonna do this. What was the other thing about the black actors having to wear dresses, and then if you were a black actor wearing a dress, then that was a sign that you were involved in the Illuminati. [00:29:19] Speaker A: Well, what was that movie that you turned on last night? What was that? [00:29:23] Speaker F: It was like Madea. What? [00:29:26] Speaker B: Yeah, Madea. [00:29:27] Speaker F: Madea. [00:29:28] Speaker A: Is that comedy, right? [00:29:29] Speaker F: Yeah, comedy. [00:29:31] Speaker E: Don't knock on Medea. I love Tyler Perry. [00:29:34] Speaker A: Well, I didn't watch it. I felt. [00:29:36] Speaker F: That's Tyler Perry. Tyler Perry's. The actor. [00:29:39] Speaker A: Well, he's wearing a dress, right? [00:29:42] Speaker B: The clone of Tyler Perry is wearing a dress. [00:29:44] Speaker A: I didn't get into it. I fell asleep. So I have no idea. [00:29:48] Speaker E: He used to have a play that used to. They used to be play these on. Well, I don't know if they were on Broadway, but they used to be plays. But he plays the. Madea is the character he plays as the. [00:29:59] Speaker A: So. [00:30:00] Speaker E: Grandmother. Mother. [00:30:01] Speaker A: So do you think he's part of the illuminati, then? [00:30:04] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm trying to list the people. I'm trying to think of the comedian Kevin Hart. No, but there's that weird interview of Kevin Hart, too. [00:30:13] Speaker A: Robin. [00:30:14] Speaker B: Kevin Hart and the Kardashian gal. And she's talking to Kevin Hart, and she says, yeah, I've had them ask me to do crazy things. And Kevin Hart's, like, putting his finger in front of his mouth, like, shh, shh. And she's like, oh, they're here. And he's just like, have you seen that one? That one's pretty interesting. [00:30:32] Speaker E: I haven't seen that one. [00:30:33] Speaker F: Jim Carrey, though, is wild. [00:30:35] Speaker B: But who's the comedian? Gosh, I forget. [00:30:39] Speaker D: George Carlin. [00:30:40] Speaker B: No, the Gallagher. I don't even know the guy that does the. [00:30:43] Speaker D: Sam Kinison. [00:30:44] Speaker A: No, just Robin Williams. [00:30:46] Speaker B: Just stop throwing names like comedians out. You're making it more difficult. He's the african american guy that does the crackhead. He had his own show. [00:30:54] Speaker E: Dave Chappelle. [00:30:55] Speaker B: Dave Chappelle. Dave Chappelle was basically saying they wanted me to wear a dress, and I know why they wanted to do it, and I'm not, I'm not participating in that. Basically trying to call out the illuminati, and they said, look at who wore the dresses. And it was interesting. But, yeah, the interview with Kim Kardashian and what was that? [00:31:16] Speaker D: Kevin Hart. [00:31:17] Speaker B: Kevin Hart, yeah, you need to look that up. That's a good one. Kevin Hart and Kardashian interview. Check it out. Yeah, definitely some stuff going on. I mean, I. I don't know. Joey. [00:31:29] Speaker G: Yeah. Yes. [00:31:33] Speaker A: You want to participate or. [00:31:35] Speaker G: Yeah. [00:31:35] Speaker A: What? [00:31:36] Speaker D: Go ahead. [00:31:38] Speaker A: Well, no, no, let's not do that, because. [00:31:41] Speaker E: Don't. [00:31:41] Speaker D: Go ahead. Go ahead, Joe. [00:31:43] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:31:43] Speaker A: Don't put him on the spot like that. [00:31:46] Speaker G: The Illuminati stuff. I don't know anything about it. [00:31:49] Speaker A: No. What makes Hollywood weird, I just brought up the illuminati, so. Or actually, Jesse did, but that was what I was going to cover. [00:31:58] Speaker B: And this group can so easily go down an Illuminati rabbit hole. [00:32:01] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, it's so easy. My conspiracy mind goes crazy on a plan. [00:32:06] Speaker E: But it could be related to some of the stuff that's like the unsolved deaths and the. [00:32:13] Speaker A: Oh yeah, there's a dark side. [00:32:14] Speaker E: I think. I think there's a dark side to Hollywood that that kind of stands out to make it. Make it weird. And I think I've heard somewhere too that the Hollywood sign is supposedly like a portal to. There's a portal or something behind there. I can't remember what it was. [00:32:29] Speaker A: The Hollywood sign didn't. Wasn't it Hollywood land? [00:32:33] Speaker D: Yes, originally I have it right here. I actually was going to talk about that. So the sign was originally for a housing development. So it was first erected to advertise housing in the Hollywood hills. [00:32:50] Speaker E: Sorry. [00:32:52] Speaker D: The letters went up in 1923 and they originally read Hollywood land. So it was from the development site that was there. A couple other things since I'm on the subject now. A couple other things. Each letter is 50ft high. [00:33:09] Speaker A: Was that original? Because I think it got burned. Didn't get. Didn't it burn down? One year and they had to recreate it. [00:33:16] Speaker E: I thought there was something. And then one of the big money people paid to get it refurbished or whatever. [00:33:23] Speaker D: Yeah. It was first adorned with 4000 light globes which flashed the words Hollywood land in separate rounds. So it go Hollywood blank. Wood plank land. And then there's a searchlight below. It was $21,000 at first. That which was quite a bit of money for 1923. Is that what I said it was? [00:33:51] Speaker A: How much? [00:33:52] Speaker D: It was $21,000. So it's probably half a million, I guess, just to do that. [00:33:59] Speaker A: I think we should do one in Portland. Call it Port weird land. [00:34:08] Speaker D: In 1976. [00:34:09] Speaker E: Port weird land. [00:34:10] Speaker A: Port weird land. [00:34:12] Speaker D: In 1976, the state law reduced the penalty for small amounts of marijuana. So I think it briefly was called Hollyweed. Somebody put sheets on there to make the e and then. Well, they put a white sheet across and then a black sheet to make it look like it said Hollyweed in the 19. It sounds like something we would do in the 1940s. The h took out the letter when he was drunk driving, went off the cliff, smashed into the h and then it got really deteriorated. And then Hugh Hefner in 1978. [00:34:50] Speaker E: That's who it was. [00:34:52] Speaker D: Yeah. He decided to restoration campaign. He started it. It was really deteriorated in 1978 and then they started to work on it. [00:35:01] Speaker A: So is that when they changed it to just Hollywood? [00:35:04] Speaker D: Yes. Yes, it was. It was actually in the. I'm not sure when it actually changed to only Hollywood. But. And then in one interesting thing, in 1977, somebody used one. L was covered. And so it was said Holywood, when Pope John Paul II came to LA. So kind of interesting things that happened with it. [00:35:31] Speaker B: I. [00:35:31] Speaker A: So it actually never burned? [00:35:32] Speaker D: No, it was just very deteriorated. [00:35:34] Speaker A: Okay, so my personal Mandela effect, I. [00:35:38] Speaker D: Guess so in 1978 is when it first started getting re erected. Restored. [00:35:43] Speaker B: He said, erect. We've re erected. I want to just talk real briefly on the black dahlia from Hollywood. This goes way back to 1947. [00:35:56] Speaker A: What is the black dahlia? [00:35:57] Speaker B: Well, if you give me a second. [00:35:59] Speaker A: Well, I just want to make sure you cover that. [00:36:02] Speaker B: I will. [00:36:03] Speaker D: What is the. [00:36:05] Speaker B: So this goes all the way back to 1947, talking about Hollywood conspiracies and odd things. This is actually from FBI dot gov. So this is not a Google search. This is the FBI file from Black Dahlia. On the morning of January 15, 1947, a mother taking her child for a walk in a Los Angeles neighborhood stumbled upon a gruesome site. The body of a young, naked woman, sliced clean in half at the waist. The body was just, from my understanding, this person thought that it was a mannequin. So they went over to take a look at it and realize it wasn't a mannequin, but it was a woman sawed in half. The body was just a few feet from the sidewalk and posed in such a way that the mother reportedly thought it was a mannequin. At first glance, despite the extensive mutilation, it cuts on the body. There wasn't a drop of blood at the scene, indicating that the young woman had been killed elsewhere and brought to that location. The ensuing investigation was led by the LAPD, and the FBI was called in to help. And it quickly identified. And they quickly identified the body within 56 minutes, I guess. In fact, after getting blurred fingerprints from sound photos from Los Angeles, a young woman turned out to be a 22 year old Hollywood hopeful named Elizabeth Short, who was later dubbed as the black Dahlia by the press for her rumored penchant for sheer black clothes, and for the blue Delilah movie that was out at the time. She applied for a clerk at the commissary of the army camp Cook in California in 1943. She had been arrested by the Santa Barbara Police Department for underage drinking. Seven months later, after she got the job, the bureau also has had her mud shocks in the file and provided them to the press. Based on early suspicion, the murderer may have had skills in dissection because the body was so cleanly cut. Agents were also able to check a group of students at the University of Southern California medical schools. And in a tantalizing potential break in the case, the bureau searched for a match to fingerprints found on an anonymous letter that may have been sent to authorities by the killer. But the prints were not in the FBI files. And today, that murder is still a mystery. The black Dahlia. So odd, unusual things have been going on in Hollywood since at least 1947 with different deaths and mysteries, and she was a wannabe actress. She moved from some small town, I believe, to Los Angeles to pursue her career in acting or as an actress. She was a fairly attractive woman. Based on these photos that they have of her. Elizabeth Short, black Dahlia. Holy weird. Joey, what do you got? [00:39:00] Speaker G: I think we should talk about Epstein island. [00:39:02] Speaker B: All right. [00:39:03] Speaker A: Okay, let's go to. [00:39:04] Speaker B: Let's go to Epstein. [00:39:04] Speaker A: I want to actually, I want to be updated on this list, because I didn't realize they released a list. [00:39:09] Speaker B: They. [00:39:10] Speaker G: Did somebody else do it? [00:39:11] Speaker B: But they. Within, like, a week ago, they released the list. [00:39:14] Speaker A: Bring your. Joey, bring your mic towards you a little bit. [00:39:17] Speaker B: You got a voice, Joey? [00:39:18] Speaker G: Yeah. [00:39:19] Speaker B: Use it, big buddy. [00:39:20] Speaker E: Real thing. [00:39:20] Speaker B: Use it, big buddy. Yeah. Let's go to Epstein island. [00:39:25] Speaker A: Mmm. We should do an investigation there. [00:39:28] Speaker B: He didn't hang himself, clearly. [00:39:30] Speaker A: Well, do you think he was hungry? [00:39:32] Speaker E: Allegedly. But you know what? [00:39:36] Speaker A: We're not allowed to talk about this. [00:39:40] Speaker D: Why did everybody get weird just now? That's weird. [00:39:42] Speaker A: I didn't get the memo. [00:39:44] Speaker E: I didn't either. [00:39:45] Speaker B: Know if anybody. If anybody thinks that Epstein actually hung himself in the cell, any. Anybody believe that? [00:39:52] Speaker A: No. [00:39:53] Speaker B: What do you got, Joey? Epstein island. They recently released the names of the participants of Epstein island. Let's go over. Let's go over some of the names of those folks. [00:40:03] Speaker A: Should we? [00:40:04] Speaker B: Why not? Why wouldn't we? [00:40:06] Speaker A: Okay, go ahead. [00:40:08] Speaker B: No, I'm not. I'm not saying the list. [00:40:10] Speaker A: Oh, guess. Are we guessing who's on that list? [00:40:13] Speaker G: Who's not on the list? [00:40:14] Speaker A: Who's not? Well, I'm not for sure. [00:40:17] Speaker G: Tom Hanks. [00:40:18] Speaker E: Where did the list. [00:40:19] Speaker B: Danny may or may not be on the list. [00:40:22] Speaker E: Yeah, I'm right there. Apparently the cop. [00:40:24] Speaker B: Does someone have the list? [00:40:25] Speaker E: 167. So is this real? [00:40:27] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:40:28] Speaker A: Did we fact check it to see? [00:40:30] Speaker B: Yeah, no, it was released by the. [00:40:32] Speaker A: Because I thought the. The judge redacted it. [00:40:34] Speaker C: So how did he. [00:40:36] Speaker B: They probably redacted the government officials names that are on there, except for Trump, of course, like their own. [00:40:44] Speaker C: There's no way Epstein got that island without somebody in the government. [00:40:47] Speaker A: Oh, for sure. [00:40:49] Speaker B: Right? [00:40:49] Speaker A: He got that. [00:40:50] Speaker C: He got it for $8 million. [00:40:52] Speaker B: Right? [00:40:53] Speaker C: And at a time when it was worth $64 million, right? There's no way. [00:40:59] Speaker B: No. Are you gonna give us the names, Danny? [00:41:01] Speaker E: I'm looking. I don't know where to find it. [00:41:03] Speaker B: Here. [00:41:03] Speaker G: Oprah Winfrey. [00:41:04] Speaker D: Oh. Okay, gentry, let's tread. [00:41:07] Speaker A: Let's make sure we get the right list. You know, Google is going to show you probably a bunch of different kinds of. [00:41:14] Speaker F: I got the list. [00:41:14] Speaker A: The official one. [00:41:16] Speaker F: Yeah. [00:41:16] Speaker A: Off of what site? [00:41:17] Speaker G: Kevin Spacey, Bill Clinton. [00:41:20] Speaker D: Well, we all know Kevin Spacey. [00:41:22] Speaker F: Bill Gates, Prince Andrew, Donald Trump, Chris Tucker. I don't know how to pronounce one of these names. George Mitchell, former Senate Bill Gates, Robert F. Kennedy, John Dylan. [00:41:34] Speaker E: Huh. [00:41:35] Speaker D: Are you just skipping over the names you can't pronounce? [00:41:38] Speaker F: No. Hang on. [00:41:43] Speaker A: Let's. Let's count the ones that have passed away. [00:41:45] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, let's. Uh. [00:41:47] Speaker F: Allen D. Showit. Leslie Wexner, Prince Andrew. Tom Barrick, Mort Zuckerman, Woody Allen, Larry Summers, Bill Barr. Ken Starr, Jim Carrey. Stephen Hawking. [00:42:01] Speaker B: Stephen Hawking. Wasn't Stephen Hawking. [00:42:03] Speaker F: Alec Baldwin. [00:42:04] Speaker B: Didn't Stephen Hawking talk about the God particle on the hydro collider? Stephen Hawking. [00:42:12] Speaker A: I'm sure you're thinking of the science. The guy that was in the wheelchair. Hawkins. No, who's the guy in the wheelchair? What was his last name? [00:42:21] Speaker B: Yeah, he talked about Naomi Campbell. Okay. And the list goes on and on and on. Lots of. Lots of influential causes. So what. What. What about Epstein island? [00:42:34] Speaker G: What do you. What do you. What are they doing out there? [00:42:36] Speaker B: I don't know. That's a big question. [00:42:37] Speaker G: Hanging out, dinner. [00:42:39] Speaker A: What was his girlfriend's name? She's in prison now. Yeah, but I guess it's more like a resort. [00:42:43] Speaker B: I think that's where she. I think that's where they got the list was from her. [00:42:46] Speaker G: Yeah, for sure. [00:42:47] Speaker B: For. In consideration for. [00:42:50] Speaker G: I'm surprised she's still alive. [00:42:51] Speaker A: Well, I guess, like, posh. Mm hmm. [00:42:55] Speaker B: What? [00:42:55] Speaker E: Danny, there's rumors that the unidentified aerial phenomenon are related to the Epstein list. Because. What a way to cause a distraction. [00:43:04] Speaker A: Oh. [00:43:05] Speaker E: Why were World War three send out these balloons and distract the public while this list is apparently out there? And Rogers. No, that's a different thing. I'm reading these. [00:43:17] Speaker B: I guess. That is interesting. That happened about the same time that the list came out. [00:43:21] Speaker A: Everything's a distraction nowadays. I mean, there's so many weird things that have been going on. It just seems like one right after the other. And it's not just one event. They have to make, like, five, six. [00:43:32] Speaker B: Events out of it like major poisonings? Like water poisonings. Train. Train derailments with chemicals. [00:43:38] Speaker A: Yeah. And then there was a movie called static. Was it static or static noise or something like that? White noise that Netflix came out with a couple years ago. Same subject matter. It's basically in the same area. That's just weird. And then the mainstream media doesn't even really cover it. You have to dig into all these small news groups, actually go out boots on the ground, checking out the streams and stuff and doing their own investigating. [00:44:09] Speaker G: What about all the food manufacturing plants. [00:44:11] Speaker A: And stuff that are burning. [00:44:13] Speaker G: Burning to the ground? There's something going on for sure. [00:44:16] Speaker A: Yeah. Derailment create man made scarce. [00:44:21] Speaker G: I think we're in roar three damage. It's gonna be a different kind of war. That's just my personal opinion. [00:44:25] Speaker E: Or they uploaded a new program in the matrix. [00:44:28] Speaker G: I did just talk to a couple officers recently. [00:44:32] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:44:33] Speaker G: Military officers that were talking about the equipment that would be moved around. [00:44:36] Speaker A: Really? [00:44:37] Speaker G: It was pretty substantial. [00:44:39] Speaker A: Wow. [00:44:39] Speaker G: So that's not happening just because we're. There's something going on. I think China. I think China is actually going to take down Taiwan. I think it's going to happen. [00:44:49] Speaker A: We're getting political now. [00:44:51] Speaker E: You guys ready to move on serious Hollywood scandal? [00:44:55] Speaker B: Anyone else have anything on Hollywood? Danny? [00:44:58] Speaker A: No. Holly weirdness? [00:44:59] Speaker E: No. Nothing else for me. [00:45:01] Speaker A: Yeah, you got to be careful because you live in California. [00:45:06] Speaker B: Northwest Curiosity society brings you. Fact or crap factor crap. Danny, what do you got for us? [00:45:22] Speaker E: Okay, so fact or crap? I'm going to share with you a tweet that was. [00:45:28] Speaker B: Oh, hold on, hold on. Hold on 1 second. We need to talk about something else. Just for a moment, because Rob has left the studio. [00:45:34] Speaker A: Is this gonna be a secret? [00:45:35] Speaker B: No, no. Factor crop needs to include him so he can give his two cent. Rudy, you got a joke for us? [00:45:40] Speaker F: It's not related to anything. [00:45:41] Speaker B: That's fine. [00:45:42] Speaker F: I have. [00:45:42] Speaker B: Give us a joke break. [00:45:43] Speaker F: Okay. What is Forrest Gump's email password? [00:45:46] Speaker B: Forrest Gump's Forrest? [00:45:49] Speaker F: How'd you know? One forest. One. I find that funny. I don't know. [00:45:55] Speaker B: That was hilarious. [00:45:56] Speaker F: Like, it. It's. I'm laughing at my own joke, but it's so funny. Like. [00:46:02] Speaker E: Wow. [00:46:03] Speaker B: All right, you guys ready to laugh? [00:46:05] Speaker F: Danny to laugh? Even Danny laughs. [00:46:07] Speaker A: Okay, so what's. [00:46:07] Speaker B: What's. [00:46:08] Speaker A: What's the factor crap? [00:46:10] Speaker E: All right, so factor crap. This one's on me, huh? [00:46:13] Speaker B: Yes, sir. [00:46:13] Speaker E: I'm going to read you a tweet. First, to start this off from a doctor Tamatha Scov, who is apparent. Yeah. Tamatha. T a m I t h. Maybe it's scove. I don't know how I'm pronouncing it, but apparently she is a weather physicist, a space weather physicist who sent out a tweet back on February, I think it was February 2 of this year. The tweet reads, talk about polar vortex. Material from a northern prominence just broke away from the main filament and is now circulating in a massive polar vortex around the pole of our star. Implications for understanding the sun's atmospheric dynamics above 55 degrees here cannot be overstated. [00:47:04] Speaker A: So you're talking about the sun or the planet? [00:47:08] Speaker E: This tweet, the sun and the sun had, there was an image of the sun that was an image of this event captured on the, on the tweet as well. So, uh, this caused, um, a lot of people to discuss and, and, uh, hypothesize what she meant. And what came out of this was that a piece of the sun had basically broken off and was floating away in space. [00:47:40] Speaker B: Uh, that's true. [00:47:41] Speaker F: I'm gonna say fact. [00:47:42] Speaker B: That's true. [00:47:43] Speaker E: I told them, let me clarify. Did not that the story was true, but did a piece of the sun break off and float away? [00:47:51] Speaker B: Yes, true, Jesse. [00:47:57] Speaker C: Like a gas. [00:48:00] Speaker A: Yeah, true. I say bullshit. [00:48:02] Speaker G: I say bullshit, too. [00:48:04] Speaker A: There's just the gravitational. Yeah. [00:48:07] Speaker F: No, no, actually, I feel like, I. [00:48:09] Speaker A: Don'T think anything's gonna get away from it. It can't get away from itself. [00:48:13] Speaker B: I recall that something did recently break off of the sun. I remember hearing about that rather was a piece of the sun. [00:48:21] Speaker A: Well, I would say maybe the storm, I'm saying storm or whatever, I'm saying. [00:48:26] Speaker B: Magnetic fields that I'm saying true what, eject. [00:48:29] Speaker A: But I don't think any matter actually ejected off the sun. [00:48:36] Speaker E: Okay. Okay. Well, according to heliophysics, which is actually a science, it's the study of the sun and it's a fairly young branch of astronomy, by the way. But. And Doctor Scov, however you say her name, that no, this did not happen. A piece of the sun did not break away. The tweet did launch people to speculate that, that it did. So based off of how it was written and the image that she, she attached to it. But apparently there's, they don't really know what it was, but they're fairly confident that it wasn't a piece of the sun. Like, like you would think of a piece of the earth detaching and floating away into the atmosphere. [00:49:25] Speaker A: Yeah. That just, I don't think that would be possible. [00:49:28] Speaker B: I feel like I was misled by yours. I feel like I was misled. [00:49:34] Speaker E: I read you. I read you the events as they were described in this article. [00:49:39] Speaker B: I think Danny's gonna get the horse's ass award for this segment. [00:49:45] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:49:46] Speaker B: Is that why I didn't guess wrong? You misled me. Are you guys ready to move on? [00:49:51] Speaker D: Ready. [00:49:52] Speaker B: Ready to move on? Yeah. [00:49:54] Speaker D: Ready? [00:49:54] Speaker E: Yeah. [00:49:55] Speaker D: Ready. [00:50:10] Speaker B: Northwest curiosity society brings you. [00:50:13] Speaker D: What the was that? Yeah. [00:50:31] Speaker E: It sounds like it's underwater. [00:50:38] Speaker D: Is that somebody's. [00:50:39] Speaker E: Well. [00:50:42] Speaker D: Somebody swallowed a microphone. [00:50:48] Speaker E: It sounds like a dolphin or a whale. So I'm gonna go with the combination of the two and say killer well. Killer well. [00:51:05] Speaker D: I'm gonna say it's somebody's intestinal. [00:51:10] Speaker B: Like Joey stomach. [00:51:12] Speaker D: Yeah, it's. It's Joe's stomach. [00:51:17] Speaker E: Oh, it's breaking up for me on this end. [00:51:20] Speaker A: No, it's breaking up on this end, too. [00:51:22] Speaker E: Oh, okay. [00:51:25] Speaker F: It's something underwater. [00:51:29] Speaker E: I'm thinking, though, about what Rob said. Maybe it's like a. Like an ultrasound, almost. [00:51:34] Speaker A: Yeah, ultrasound is what I was thinking. [00:51:38] Speaker B: So bloop. Bloop is the. This was deep, deep, deep sea microphones. [00:51:46] Speaker D: Oh. [00:51:46] Speaker B: And bloop is the big kahuna in unexplained sounds. In 1997, which was a big year for auditory ocean mysteries, this extremely powerful, ultra low frequency sound was detected at various listening stations thousands of miles apart and traced to somewhere west of the southern tip of South America. The sound only lasted about a minute and was heard repeatedly over the summer, but not since. They've dubbed it bloop. And bloop is generally believed to be the sound of a massive ice quail. But scientists haven't totally ruled out the possibility that the sound originated from something organic. [00:52:26] Speaker A: Sounds like Joey's belly. [00:52:28] Speaker B: It does sound like Joey's belly. [00:52:29] Speaker A: A lot. [00:52:30] Speaker G: I'm ready for some bacon. [00:52:33] Speaker D: Bacon? [00:52:33] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:52:34] Speaker E: Wouldn't, though. If it was an ice quake. Wouldn't that be organic as well? I know what they mean. [00:52:40] Speaker A: Totally. Yeah, that's organic. That's ice slipping on rock, right? [00:52:47] Speaker E: Yeah, exactly. [00:52:50] Speaker B: We interrupt this program to bring you a special report. Jesse. Jesse, our on the spot reporter. [00:52:56] Speaker C: Jesse, you want to talk about Hollywood breaking news? [00:52:59] Speaker A: Breaking. Breaking news. Like today? [00:53:03] Speaker C: Interrupt this program to bring you a special report. Who wants to talk about the Baldwin shooting? [00:53:10] Speaker A: Oh, that's right. [00:53:13] Speaker B: Which. Which? [00:53:14] Speaker C: Yeah, the Alec one. The rusk shooting. Movie shooting. Yeah, conspiracy theory time. [00:53:22] Speaker B: Is that. Is that the town that you live in? [00:53:24] Speaker C: It is, but it's the wrong state. [00:53:25] Speaker B: Oh, but coincidentally, the story that you happen to talk about is the town that you live in weird? It is conspiracy. Odd. Oh, did you guys hear that? That's my stomach. [00:53:39] Speaker A: I did hear that. [00:53:40] Speaker B: Yeah, that was my stomach. [00:53:41] Speaker E: Someone get to a buffet. [00:53:42] Speaker B: Anyway, in the news. [00:53:43] Speaker C: So they just released the full interview, police interview. And now there's conspiracy theorists going around thinking that that was not an accident. How did he get the live rounds into the mood, into the thing, and give him the gun? I don't know how exactly. The theory kind of jumbled. But he was given that gun so that he would go down because of his political views and everything on guns, so that they put live rounds in his gun knowing that he was gonna be doing those scenes. I don't know. Conspiracy. [00:54:16] Speaker A: Was he on the Jeffrey Epstein left? [00:54:19] Speaker F: Yes, he was, actually. I don't think he knew, though. I don't think he knew anything about. [00:54:28] Speaker D: Wasn't he supposedly seeing the gal that got shot or some. I thought I read that. [00:54:33] Speaker A: Here we go. We're thinking. Yeah, rumors. [00:54:37] Speaker C: But anyways, they just coincides. The release of the interview, the release of him on the list. [00:54:44] Speaker B: And they charged him with involuntary manslaughter, correct? [00:54:46] Speaker C: Yeah, they did. [00:54:47] Speaker B: And the. And the person that was in charge of the props. Props person. So, I mean, anybody that knows anything about guilty. [00:54:55] Speaker E: Right. [00:54:56] Speaker B: Props. And prop guns. Guns. I don't know why they would use guns that would actually take real bullets. That's. [00:55:03] Speaker G: They all take. They all take real bullets. [00:55:05] Speaker D: No, no. Why? [00:55:06] Speaker B: Crimped. [00:55:07] Speaker G: They're crimped. They're shooting blanks. [00:55:10] Speaker D: Yeah, but you could. I just. [00:55:12] Speaker E: You could put change the cartridge size by, like, half a millimeter. Right. [00:55:18] Speaker A: Well, that gets too expensive. [00:55:20] Speaker D: No, it's Hollywood. Come on. [00:55:24] Speaker A: No, they still try to do things cheap as possible. [00:55:27] Speaker E: Motivated the same way. The less you have to spend, the more you make. [00:55:33] Speaker D: I guess we're done. [00:55:35] Speaker B: We're done, boys. Thank you, everybody, for joining Jesse Rob Paris. [00:55:42] Speaker A: Joey. [00:55:43] Speaker B: Joey, thank you for all your input on this, on this episode. We really. [00:55:48] Speaker D: I really liked all your put. [00:55:53] Speaker B: Next episode is gonna be phenomenal. [00:55:57] Speaker A: Fabulous. [00:55:58] Speaker B: Joey, can you spell phenomenal? [00:56:00] Speaker A: Phenomena. [00:56:01] Speaker G: No. [00:56:02] Speaker B: Phenomenal. [00:56:03] Speaker G: I actually probably could. [00:56:04] Speaker B: All right, go ahead, buddy. [00:56:06] Speaker D: Uh, f. Yeah. [00:56:12] Speaker B: You okay? Nailed it to a good start. Yeah. [00:56:18] Speaker D: He's gonna burst a blood vessel. [00:56:21] Speaker G: Okay. M n a l. There. [00:56:25] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:56:27] Speaker B: That was really close, buddy. Really close. [00:56:29] Speaker E: I really tried mic drop. [00:56:31] Speaker B: All right, thank you. Thank you, everybody. Thank you, everybody. And until next time, illuminati. The illuminati. Did you guys hear? [00:57:02] Speaker D: Anyway, I like toad. [00:57:04] Speaker E: Oh, sorry. Goodbye. [00:57:05] Speaker B: All right. I like the wizard. Goodbye.

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