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NWCS Into The Dark - Episode 33 Year In Review
Join NWCS as we attempt to discuss our year in review. Well... that was our intent but we got sidetracked...
N.W.C.S. - Into The Dark Episode 32 - Center of The Earth
What's actually going on in the Center of the Earth? Lost worlds, ancient civilizations, Alien colonies or just a deep hole? Join NWCS as...
NWCS - Into The Dark - Episode 31 Giants
The first documented mention of Giants was in the Bible and were referenced in Genesis 6:4, as well as Numbers 13:32 - 33 The...
NWCS - Into The Dark - Episode 30 The Beast of Gevaudan
Between 1764 and 1767 an evil, wolf-like creature known as Bete du Gevaudan, or Beast of Gevaudan stalked the small villages and rolling hills...
NWCS - Into The Dark Christmas Episode - Krampus
Krampus is a horned anthopomorphic figure in Central and Eastern Alpine folklore that is described as "Santa's shadow" Krampus appears during the Christmas season...
NWCS - Into The Dark - Episode 29 Secret Societies
Secret societies have existed around the world since the Rosicruian Order in 1607. The "cloak and daggers" nature of secret societies make them an...