N.W.C.S. - Into The Dark Episode 38 - Wendigo

Episode 38 August 30, 2022 01:20:24
N.W.C.S. - Into The Dark Episode 38 - Wendigo
N.W.C.S. Into The Dark
N.W.C.S. - Into The Dark Episode 38 - Wendigo

Aug 30 2022 | 01:20:24


Show Notes

The Wendigo is a mythological creature or evil spirit which originates from the folklore of Plains and Great Lakes Natives as well as some First Nations. It is based in and around the East Coast forests of Canada, the Great Plains region of the United States, and the Great Lakes region of the United States and Canada. The Wendigo may appear as a monster with some human characteristics or as a spirit who has possessed a human being and made them monstrous. It is historically associated with cannibalism, murder, insatiable greed, and the cultural taboos against such behaviors. 

Join NWCS as we discuss this creature and fall off script into...well....whatever...

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:04 The Sasquatch in the nine bear, normal beams of playing feel that shoe upon your neck, but do not fear when follow you into the follow you into the, Speaker 2 00:00:39 Into the dark contains subject matter and language that may be unsuitable for younger listeners. Listener discretion is advised. Hello, greetings, and welcome to end WBCs into the dark podcast. This is our when Togo episode, Speaker 3 00:00:55 When Togo, Speaker 4 00:00:56 When Togo, I thought it was, I thought we were doing review. Speaker 2 00:01:00 Uh, I, I was told it was Wingo. I spoke with some experts. Speaker 4 00:01:04 I did. I studied on Winnebagos. Speaker 2 00:01:07 Oh, you did Winnebagos Speaker 4 00:01:09 Winnebago. Speaker 3 00:01:09 I didn't. I, I did man. Dingos, Speaker 2 00:01:13 Man dingos. Oh boy. What is a man? Dingo would Speaker 5 00:01:15 Be awkward. Speaker 3 00:01:16 I thought, I thought that's why Danny picked it was Mandigo. Speaker 2 00:01:20 Well, I could understand the confusion with Winnebago, but I really am having a hard confusion though. You Speaker 3 00:01:26 Flipped the w I, I thought it was a M not a w Speaker 2 00:01:30 Wonderful. Speaker 5 00:01:31 I, I did the, the Dingo took my baby. <laugh> what the Dingo took my baby. He the thingo. Speaker 3 00:01:43 Hey, Danny. Hey, Danny. You're kind of in the slash medical field, I guess you could say. What's the medical definition of a Mandingo? Speaker 5 00:01:54 Uh, the Mandingo definition, huh? Um, the Speaker 3 00:01:57 Me the medical, Speaker 5 00:01:59 What's the rating of this show. <laugh> Speaker 2 00:02:02 It's PG 13, PG Speaker 5 00:02:04 13, PG 13. Speaker 4 00:02:05 We're beyond that, Scott. Speaker 2 00:02:07 This is, uh, Speaker 5 00:02:08 It's a massive private member. How about that? Oh, Speaker 2 00:02:12 A massive, Speaker 3 00:02:13 I know private Speaker 2 00:02:13 Member. Speaker 3 00:02:14 You would not believe. Speaker 2 00:02:15 Is that Speaker 4 00:02:15 A club it's near your Nono square. Speaker 2 00:02:18 Oh Speaker 5 00:02:19 Yeah. In that space somewhere. Speaker 4 00:02:20 Oh, in that space? Yeah. Speaker 3 00:02:22 You would not believe the re where the research takes you when you research Maning goes Speaker 4 00:02:27 <laugh> how long? Speaker 2 00:02:28 Well, I, I guess we're probably gonna find out at some point. How long Speaker 4 00:02:31 Did you research that? Jesse Speaker 2 00:02:35 Days and days. And Speaker 3 00:02:37 I'm still researching it Speaker 2 00:02:39 In the studio, in the studio this evening. We have myself. We've got Jesse Scott. We've got tab. Speaker 4 00:02:47 Oh, ho Speaker 2 00:02:48 Joining us remotely. We have Dan bur in his safe space room. Speaker 5 00:02:55 Yes. Oh yeah. Speaker 2 00:02:57 Oh yeah. And, uh, Rob, for some reason, wasn't able to make it to the studio. Although we all had plans to be here and we were all together last night and it was a plan and he's not here. Uh, but joining us how Speaker 5 00:03:11 You Speaker 2 00:03:11 Really feels joining us remotely is Rob from Oregon with 14.7 BS. Speaker 4 00:03:20 How do you pronounce the last B? Not repeating Speaker 2 00:03:23 The last B is silent. Speaker 4 00:03:24 Oh, okay. Speaker 5 00:03:26 <laugh> <laugh> the last, wait, I have a question. Easier. Speaker 2 00:03:29 Silent. Speaker 4 00:03:29 Yeah. Speaker 5 00:03:30 Yeah. I have a question. What, what to changed up his little greeting? What, what is a ho <laugh>? Speaker 4 00:03:37 I don't know. I just kind like the sound of it. I, I thought it'd be different today. Speaker 2 00:03:41 We're all, we're all still experimenting. We're only 40 some odd episodes into it. We're still trying to find our sign on. Speaker 5 00:03:49 Okay. Speaker 4 00:03:49 Still trying to figure it out. That's fair. And I I've switch mine. I've Speaker 2 00:03:53 I've never given the opportunity to have one because I'm the one that introduces people. So I don't, I don't have a sign on, do Speaker 5 00:04:00 You want let's let's practice. You Speaker 2 00:04:01 Want one let's practice. Okay. Let's Speaker 5 00:04:02 Practice. And in the studio with us in the studio is Scott. Speaker 2 00:04:06 Yo Speaker 4 00:04:07 That's the best you got? Speaker 2 00:04:08 Well, no, that's not the best I got, but I, this is new. So Speaker 4 00:04:14 What's that Speaker 2 00:04:15 One more time. Speaker 5 00:04:16 You wanna do it again? Yeah. Okay. And in the, in joining us in the studio, it's Scott. Speaker 2 00:04:21 Hey Speaker 5 00:04:23 <laugh>. Oh, now you just sound like Joey. Speaker 4 00:04:25 No, we gotta work on that. Speaker 2 00:04:26 You all right. We'll work Speaker 4 00:04:28 On it. I changed mine because I put a, uh, a clean shirt on and I thought I'd just take it to the next step. Speaker 2 00:04:35 Totally lost on that. So you'd done 37 episodes Speaker 4 00:04:38 With the same shirt. Yeah. <laugh> wow. Speaker 2 00:04:42 Uh, speaking of starting fresh, uh, I, Danny suggested the other day that we scrap our intro and we do a new intro, a new intro song. Completely new. Speaker 5 00:04:54 Not right away. Not right away. You know, just at some point. Yeah. We Speaker 2 00:04:58 Consider just kind of ease, ease into it. Yeah. Speaker 5 00:05:01 Yeah. It could be, it could be episode 100. Speaker 2 00:05:03 You know what, you know what comes, you know, what comes to mind, Danny? When I think of a theme song for this podcast. Yeah. <laugh> you remember? Uh, Rob and big. Remember that show Rob big? Speaker 5 00:05:13 Yes, baby. Speaker 2 00:05:14 Last, Speaker 6 00:05:14 Just a couple. Speaker 5 00:05:18 The one course. Speaker 2 00:05:20 What's that? Yeah. Let's do something like skateboard. Yeah. No, I, I don't know how to, well, let me tell you a little skateboard story, Danny. <laugh> uh, when I was probably 16 or 15 mm-hmm <affirmative> I got a skateboard first, like 30 seconds on the skateboard. I fell head over heels and busted out my front tooth. So I kind of, kind of gave up on that. Speaker 4 00:05:42 We'll find it out. Yeah. I do not remember you having a skateboard. That's Speaker 2 00:05:45 Why I Speaker 4 00:05:45 Have, I know fake teeth. Well, and then there was another incident. Speaker 2 00:05:50 Oh, it was actually, I don't know how old I was. It was a Woodhill court. So that was a long time ago. Speaker 4 00:05:54 Yeah. There was another incident with your front tooth. Wasn't it? Speaker 2 00:05:57 Yeah. That's the second front tooth. That's big there. Oh, okay. But that'll be another episode. We'll talk about that. On, on another episode, the win Togo, win Togo. Anything new? Anything new with the group? Speaker 3 00:06:08 Yeah. We lost the deer member of our group. Speaker 2 00:06:12 Yeah. He died. Speaker 3 00:06:14 Don't Speaker 4 00:06:15 Go too Speaker 2 00:06:15 Far. I wouldn't stay. Don't Speaker 4 00:06:16 Go lost. Speaker 3 00:06:17 No, he, he died. Speaker 2 00:06:19 He didn't die. He's moving out of town. Speaker 4 00:06:21 No. And, and he will. Speaker 5 00:06:22 Return's the same thing. Speaker 2 00:06:24 Well, I mean, we all got together last night. He's bit, a bit of faring part, excuse Speaker 4 00:06:30 Me. Faring around Speaker 2 00:06:31 Parting ado. Speaker 3 00:06:32 Parting, Speaker 4 00:06:33 Parting. Speaker 2 00:06:33 OkayDo anyway. Speaker 5 00:06:35 Apparently it's still going on. Actually, there was Speaker 2 00:06:37 Some parting, there was, uh, there was a little bit of that, but uh, yeah, we bid, we bid a dude to PD last night. Um, apparently Rob tide went on a little too much to Speaker 4 00:06:48 He's. He's not officially gone yet. And we did invite him into the studio. Speaker 2 00:06:52 Well, you know, the whole evening we had to listen to Jesse. Talk about killing him. Speaker 4 00:06:58 Yeah. That's that's why he's Speaker 3 00:06:59 Scared. I know. Have you heard from Pete this morning? Speaker 2 00:07:02 I I'm sitting there. We're all at the table. We're all kind of talking, having a good time then. But ding, I get a little text message and Jesse's like, is it time? Are we doing it now? <laugh> Speaker 4 00:07:11 I got Speaker 2 00:07:11 The hole ready. I was like, bro, I got the hole ready. And I was like, no, it's not a good time yet. We gotta wait anyway. Uh, a hundred, one ways to kill Pete. Speaker 5 00:07:23 Oh wait, do we have to do a different song? Speaker 3 00:07:26 I'm all in. Speaker 2 00:07:28 Yeah. So he was, uh, we, we called him out on that last night, Danny. We called him out on record. Oh no. We called him in on the I'm all in. And then he tried to make, tried to make all kinds. Speaker 4 00:07:40 I called them. Mr. I'm all in. And he is like, what? Speaker 3 00:07:44 He's like, you guys have been making fun of me for the last 10 episodes. I'm like, yep. No, Speaker 2 00:07:48 Actually, obviously Speaker 4 00:07:49 He doesn't even listen to our podcast. You guys don't Speaker 2 00:07:51 Listen to us. Speaker 5 00:07:52 What the hell's going on. I know. What about the other two? You know, did they show up? Speaker 3 00:07:56 No, Speaker 2 00:07:57 No. I rarely listen to the podcast, but I was listening to it the other day. I was like, God, I'm first of all, I'm kind of a mean guy. Yes. Speaker 4 00:08:05 That's why we keep talking about turning over and Speaker 2 00:08:08 Just a big ball. Second of all. I, I noticed that Jesse is just an incredible bully. No Speaker 3 00:08:14 Don't yeah. Speaker 2 00:08:15 Just an incredible boy. Didn't Speaker 4 00:08:16 Just figure Speaker 2 00:08:17 That out. So what, what we should do right now, mm-hmm <affirmative> based on my Speaker 3 00:08:21 Switch Speaker 2 00:08:22 Rolls. No, we should. We should all say one thing positive about each other real quick. Just because I think that there's I think everybody in this room is always wound so tight that we think Speaker 4 00:08:34 That's. Can Speaker 3 00:08:35 You, can you talk into the mic without smacking? Your see what I mean? Bang on this, on this. See microphone. Speaker 2 00:08:41 Jesus. See what I mean? Speaker 4 00:08:42 He's believing me Speaker 2 00:08:43 Started. We have to edit these. Stop. Stop. Say some, say something nice, Jesse. About somebody in the room or remote say nice. I know it's tough. Speaker 3 00:08:58 My mom said if I can't say stop Speaker 2 00:09:01 Something, Speaker 3 00:09:01 Stop not to say anything. Stop. Speaker 2 00:09:03 Look at tab. Look him in the eyes tab. Look Jesse in the eyes. Look each other. Look at Speaker 3 00:09:08 Some music. Oh, I've never looked tab and not, you have really beautiful eyes Speaker 2 00:09:12 Tab. See? Thank you. It wasn't that difficult. Now say something to me. Speaker 4 00:09:20 He's just staring Speaker 3 00:09:21 At him. Me. He just your face. I just wanna punch you in the face. That's not, Speaker 2 00:09:26 That's not the goal we're trying to achieve. Speaker 3 00:09:28 He said say something to you. He, Speaker 5 00:09:30 He said want to, he didn't Speaker 3 00:09:33 You're making me extremely uncomfortable. Speaker 2 00:09:36 What? Just cause I'm holding your hand, touching me Speaker 4 00:09:38 Like, all right, this is not working. All right. It's not working. Let's move on. I tried to Speaker 5 00:09:41 Play some, I've tried to play some music for you guys, but some Speaker 2 00:09:46 Names. All right. Anybody have anything new? Anything new with the group? Wow. Speaker 5 00:09:51 We should have so, but I don't have anything. Speaker 2 00:09:53 Oh, well I got, we got a bunch of things new. We just got back from, uh, Speaker 4 00:09:58 What was that place? Speaker 2 00:09:59 What was that? Wolf Creek. Yeah. And let me say the best thing about Wolf Creek. I'm gonna throw this out here right now. I'm so tired because of code and that's not being able to go and do things that we're gonna be able to talk about something else besides Goldfield. Like if I hear the word gold, we have talked about Goldfield at Nam. That's one thing I did notice on listening to these podcasts, but we have, we have Wolf Creek, Speaker 4 00:10:22 But we love it. There. Speaker 2 00:10:24 I, no, don't get me wrong. We love Goldfield. We love it. I love Goldfield. And I'd like to go back, but it's always like Virginia city gold Goldfield. The Arabia mean we've been there like 742 Speaker 5 00:10:35 Times Speaker 2 00:10:36 Triangle. Yeah. So we're gonna have something new to talk about now that we're starting to get out a little bit. Um, what do you guys just real brief? We're gonna do a, uh, an episode on our reveal there, but what'd you guys think overall about our trip to Wolf Speaker 4 00:10:51 Creek? Yeah. It was fun. I, I, I loved the place. Yeah. I liked all, all the history and Speaker 3 00:10:56 The building was awesome at night. Yeah. With their lights and stuff outside. Yeah. They have like these old, they Lanter type out light lights on the outside that make, they kind of flicker like a lantern. Yeah. Yeah. So it's pretty neat. Really Speaker 5 00:11:10 Set the Speaker 3 00:11:10 Move. Yeah. It was pretty cool building. Speaker 2 00:11:13 Bouch check. Speaker 5 00:11:14 I thought it was cool. Yeah, for sure. And having access to the restaurant and they're the people that, that worked there were great. Speaker 2 00:11:20 They were so awesome. Speaker 5 00:11:21 The people that were there as guests, you know, or the people walking through the tour, I scared the crap outta one lady. I was just sitting in the chair inside of the Clark Gable suite, listening to some. And she came in kind of looking and oh, so I dunno. It was because, because I'm me or because of, you know, <laugh> Speaker 3 00:11:40 Narrow Speaker 5 00:11:41 Might be general. Speaker 3 00:11:41 So probably cuz she walked into your bedroom. Speaker 5 00:11:44 <laugh> yeah. That's Speaker 2 00:11:45 Maybe she must stick you for Clark Gable. Speaker 5 00:11:48 Yeah. I could see that. I could see that. I can't better. Brett. Maybe I can't. No, no, no, no. It's no Speaker 2 00:11:56 Rob, Rob, what do you think of Wolf Creek? Speaker 7 00:12:00 My thought is there's a fine line on what I liked and what I didn't like, like a highway divides, what I liked and what I didn't like. Speaker 4 00:12:09 Oh, that's true. Speaker 7 00:12:12 Like Speaker 3 00:12:12 You didn't, you didn't like the 24 7 convenience store. Speaker 7 00:12:17 I mean, it was, um, entertaining. Uh, it was like, I felt like we were like over at the Wolf Creek in where like it back in time. And then we were looking through a portal of what the future looks like and it wasn't that Speaker 2 00:12:34 Good. It wasn't impressive. Speaker 3 00:12:36 You mean the Fu the, our future is meth out people with no teeth yelling at each other. Is that yeah, that's terrible. Speaker 4 00:12:45 Yeah. Yeah. There's campsite and stuff all over town. Speaker 3 00:12:49 I have to say. But Wolf Creek like Speaker 7 00:12:53 Yeah, the town, like the place, Speaker 3 00:12:56 Not town. Not so much. Speaker 5 00:12:59 Sorry, go ahead, Rob. Speaker 7 00:13:01 No, the whole, the, the building, they did a really, really good job at restoring it. I think they restored it back in Speaker 3 00:13:07 Seventies. I think they started Speaker 7 00:13:08 Doing yeah. In the seventies. It, it looks amazing. I love how they brought back that, that piano, which we're probably talked about later. Uh, it's one of the original pianos that was built in the same year that the hotel was. So yeah, it was really awesome. Speaker 2 00:13:28 Yeah. I think we, uh, we still have to review some of our, uh, evidence, but I think, you know, right out the gate, we got some pretty good stuff that, um, we don't necessarily have to review, but, uh, they had really good brussel sprouts. Speaker 4 00:13:41 Oh, they were Speaker 3 00:13:42 Amazing. I hate brussel sprouts and those I ate 'em twice that were so good. Speaker 2 00:13:48 Anyway, that was the most memorable to me. The Bruss Speaker 3 00:13:51 Brussel sprout. Speaker 2 00:13:51 Yeah. Let's uh, let's move on. Um, yeah, we're gonna do a, um, a full episode on our reveal for there. And I think we have a, we have an episode from there. Don't we did that get, did that get uploaded, Danny? Speaker 5 00:14:06 You know what? I did not I'll do that today. Speaker 2 00:14:08 Let's let's do that. Um, alright, Danny, what do you got for us? Speaker 5 00:14:13 All right. Well, so today's episode Winnebago man. Bingo. Mandigo. Yeah, so Mandigo is a warrior with a huge, oh, wait, sorry Speaker 3 00:14:24 That what? No, you're you're Speaker 2 00:14:26 On. That was Mandingo. Speaker 5 00:14:28 I was on the, yeah, I was on the wrong tab again. Sorry. Let's start over. Can we, can we fix that in post? He said job. Yeah. Yeah. Let's start over. So the Windingo the, or sorry, rather Wingo. Uh, Speaker 4 00:14:44 How do you pronounce Speaker 2 00:14:44 It? The experts that I talked to said win Togo. Speaker 5 00:14:48 Okay. Win Togo. Windigo Speaker 4 00:14:49 I've been saying it all Speaker 5 00:14:50 Wrong. I, I don't don't know if it's a long eye or not, but there's no second in is what I always get confused on. That's where I get. I always want to add a second in there's no ego it's ego or ego ego or, yeah. Windigo <laugh> I say it wrong sometimes. So Windigo or win ego? Speaker 2 00:15:10 What, what, Hey, hold on. Just one second, Danny. Oh, oh my God. What, what surprises me so much about that is that the win Togo is like the easiest to say ever. And you like nailed the beast of Vernon, like corrected us and that's like a 16 syllable word. It's HPH what, what was it? The beast of GDA burn. Danny, can you, Speaker 5 00:15:37 So Speaker 2 00:15:39 He's referencing French names, like it rolls off his tongue, but he can't say when Togo, w E N D I G O the most simple term, like Speaker 5 00:15:48 What's his name? O Speaker 2 00:15:50 Right. Anyway, go ahead. I'm sorry. Speaker 5 00:15:52 I'm low on coffee this morning. So the window go, it's a mythological crypted legend that comes from native tribes that are centered in parts of Eastern Canada, Northeast us coast, and the great lakes area. Uh, the legend exists in area that are primarily speakers of the Algonquin family of languages. I get that one right too, uh, that shared similar dialects and life experiences. So apparently there's two different types of, of versions of this creature or being, um, some say that it's a, a physical being or monster that kind of takes the shape of a human form. And others say that it's a, um, it's generally a malevolent spirit that takes control of human bodies. Uh, people that are generally overcome with selfishness or greed or too self-involved in some way. Um, and I was thinking about this as I was reading this. I'm like, oh, you guys maybe remember some of our malevolent spirits from our Demonn angels and demons episode. I think maybe we need to do another one of those again, if you guys are up for the research, Speaker 2 00:17:00 But I'm still trying to get that one outta my mind. Speaker 5 00:17:03 <laugh> still Speaker 2 00:17:04 To process still in canceling over that episode. Speaker 5 00:17:08 All well, maybe we'll leave it for now. So, uh, just some generalized description of the, the Windigo it's a large, you guys remember the term for a humanlike creature. It's a long word. It's probably a 13 letter word. Speaker 2 00:17:25 Uh, Speaker 5 00:17:25 I'll give you a hint. <laugh> Speaker 5 00:17:30 Anamorphic creature. <laugh> with gray, uh, decaying skin, long claws and teeth, and sometimes depicted with antlers or the head of a St. Ooh, uh, it's said to have an insatiable appetite and feeds on humans or anything else that gets in its way for that matter. Um, some say that, that it re is reported to, uh, grow in proportion to whatever it eats and is reportedly able to, that's kind of a difference between, um, some of the other creatures we've seen before, but able to open doors and also mimic human voices calling for help and pursuit of its prey. Speaker 4 00:18:05 That's creepy. Speaker 5 00:18:07 Yeah. And if you think about a lot of the creatures we have, you know, it's pretty pretty, uh, yeah. I don't think I've heard of any of them being able to open doors for that matter, but some areas of pop culture, um, you might hear of the wind go, if you remember the pet cemetery movie from 1989 by Stephen King, Speaker 2 00:18:25 If it Speaker 4 00:18:25 Wasn't for that damn road, Speaker 5 00:18:27 <laugh> I, that creature was, uh, terrorizing. The community was actually the spirit of the WGO. Um, or Windigo however you guys want to say it. Uh, also there's reported, uh, uh, this Windigo psychosis, um, which is reported to related, uh, having related to people, eating human flesh, where they become kind of this, the same kind of take on the same creature features that we've talked about wanting to eat and, and devour human flesh continuously from there. So my question for you all, how do you defeat the wind? You go when you go, Speaker 2 00:19:06 I can't, we run really fast. I Speaker 4 00:19:10 Would say it's fire, but I think that releases the spirit and doesn't actually kill it Speaker 5 00:19:14 If right. Yeah. Weakened state. Oh, somebody did some research, huh? <laugh> the weekend state. Well, weaken it. I don't, I'm not really sure. I think it's right after a feeding it's at its weakest moment. Yeah. Is that true? Some say some say that's true. Very similar to some of the other legends that we've seen. The key is silver <laugh>. So one of the, one of the reported formulas for defeating a Windigo is silver bullets that can be used to put that creature into its weaken state. And then you have to cut out the heart with a silver knife and chop it up into little tartar pieces and put it inside of a silver box and then bury it inside of a church. <laugh> damn. And then also, do Speaker 2 00:20:03 You have to get, do you have to get permission for that? Speaker 5 00:20:07 I wouldn't tell anyone about that. That might be a little weird. Yeah. <laugh> and then chop up the rest of the body with a silver plated X, and then it's salt, like salt bay. You guys remember salt bay and you drop a little salt. Speaker 2 00:20:19 Wait, ho, hold on, hold on. You burn. Hold on. Silver. <laugh> that's a lot of silver. Speaker 4 00:20:25 Yeah. I know this gotta get expensive. Speaker 5 00:20:28 Yeah, we need the, and then you burn the body after that, but, Speaker 4 00:20:32 And then you eats a hole. So Speaker 5 00:20:34 If, and then you eats a hole. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:20:35 <laugh>. If, if I'm out metal detecting and I come across a real silver, strong signal and I start digging and it's a silver box and I, and I didn't know this information Speaker 3 00:20:46 And I open it. What happens? Speaker 5 00:20:49 You just gave me goosebumps cab. That is excellent, man. Excellent. Excellent. I, yeah, maybe we should add that. Um, metal detector to our, uh, our, our tool shed already have one from some of these adventures I've Speaker 3 00:21:04 Got too we've we've got a top, Speaker 5 00:21:06 A line get out. Yeah. All right. Let's get out and go find the win GIGO box. Speaker 3 00:21:11 Well, what happens if you open it? Speaker 5 00:21:14 I don't know. We're gonna have to find out box, man. Yeah. Maybe that's where the legend comes from. What do you guys got? Where do you think when to go, Speaker 3 00:21:23 Danny? How or when or the group? How do you cure Windingo psychosis? Speaker 5 00:21:30 Oh Speaker 3 00:21:30 My goodness. It's an actual medical condition. You can have Windingo psychosis. Ibuprofen. <laugh> no, Speaker 5 00:21:39 Take two. And call me in the morning. There's do you cure it with a Mandingo? What? Wait, um, Speaker 3 00:21:48 Hey, you know what? Moving on. The good thing is we have one of those in our group. We have a Speaker 5 00:21:55 <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:21:57 So I, I, I don't know personally, but I've heard Speaker 5 00:22:01 <laugh> yeah, this is awkward. So, Speaker 3 00:22:03 So what is the cure or what do you do? So I guess what they've done in the past to cure people of the psychosis is they make them eat or drink the fluid from fatty animals. And it, they know if it's working, if the victim or not the victim, the, the, uh, patient starts vomiting, ice. What has this been documented at all? Speaker 5 00:22:34 That's how they know it's Speaker 3 00:22:36 Working. Yeah. That's how they know it works. Yeah. And what country does this? There's actually, there's actually a couple cases of when Dingo psychosis, there was this, uh, in the late 18 hundreds, this guy named swift runner. He was out in the woods, basically with his wife and like five kids. And he came back in like the spring and said that his entire family, uh, starved to death. And he was like 20 miles from a food from like a resupply place. And so they went out to where his camp was and found all the bones had been from his family, like picked clean. He broke open the, the bones and sucked the marrow out. Wow. And instead of like treating him for the psychosis or chalking it up to, he had to do it to survive. They executed him. Well, cannibalism that causes Speaker 5 00:23:34 And in it hole. Speaker 3 00:23:36 And then that causes problems. Yeah. I'm sure Speaker 5 00:23:39 There's yeah. It causes wind to go psychosis. Speaker 3 00:23:41 Yeah, I would think so. Yeah. Oh, and it also causes your hands to, to shake. You get like very shaky hands from eating human flesh. Speaker 5 00:23:53 Do we need to have everyone holding their hands up and see Speaker 3 00:23:55 What movies that from Danny? What's that hand shaking hand. Shaking humans, eating human flesh. Speaker 5 00:24:04 Um, silence of the lamps. Speaker 3 00:24:07 No, Speaker 5 00:24:09 <laugh> Speaker 3 00:24:10 Killing me. Speaker 5 00:24:11 Uh, Speaker 3 00:24:12 It has another, it has another Mandingo that is in the movie. Speaker 5 00:24:18 <laugh> another Mandingo in the movie. Let's see. Speaker 3 00:24:24 Very popular Speaker 5 00:24:24 Human flesh, shaking hands Speaker 3 00:24:28 Based on the BI, uh, Bible verse or book. Speaker 5 00:24:33 I'm really I'm long coffee today. Speaker 3 00:24:35 Book KA Speaker 5 00:24:35 Eli. Yeah. Nothing. Oh, oh geez. Speaker 3 00:24:39 Come on, man. You need some more coffee. Speaker 5 00:24:41 I knew that one. Speaker 3 00:24:43 There was another case. No, Speaker 5 00:24:46 I own that movie Speaker 3 00:24:47 By the way, was a guy named, uh, Jack Fiddler. Um, and he was known for defeating. Wendy goes, Speaker 5 00:24:57 Mm. Speaker 3 00:24:58 And in the early 19 hundreds, him and his brother were arrested in Canada, um, for homicide, by killing all these people that he claimed were Windingo. Uh, and his brother was, um, sentenced to life. And then Jack committed suicide in prison. Speaker 2 00:25:23 It's interesting that, um, the cure was how you know that the cure works is when they, what spit up ice. Yeah. Cause alga, alga, Cian legend describes the wait. What describes the creature as the white, as a giant with the heart of ice, sometimes it's thought to be entirely made of ice. Oh, it's body is skeletal and deformed with missing lips and toes. So it would make sense that it Speaker 3 00:25:55 Starts vomiting ice. Speaker 2 00:25:56 You would start vomiting ice because that would be the thing coming out of you, I guess. So that's kind of interesting that the alga queen legend describes it that Speaker 3 00:26:07 Way on a Speaker 2 00:26:11 That's interesting though. That's interesting that somebody describes it as a heart of ice, Speaker 5 00:26:16 A gun queen. Speaker 2 00:26:18 Okay. Speaker 3 00:26:20 Bless, bless Speaker 2 00:26:20 You. I'll take your word for that. What else you got Jesse? Lovely. Speaker 3 00:26:27 That's all good Speaker 2 00:26:29 Tab. What do you got on the, uh, when to go? Speaker 4 00:26:32 Oh, let, to be honest, I wasn't able to do much studying Speaker 2 00:26:36 Really? Yeah. Did you, Speaker 5 00:26:39 You make Speaker 3 00:26:39 It tab, did you at least watch the movie, Tim? I did watch Speaker 4 00:26:41 The movie. Speaker 2 00:26:42 You, I, I do know that the, uh, the, you make it, the drive through there is opened generally 24 hours in most states they have chili. Um, Speaker 5 00:26:52 Wait, are you saying Wendy's? Yeah. Are you saying Wendy's? No. This Speaker 3 00:26:57 Episode is on meningo, uh, Speaker 5 00:27:00 Tab. We got, we got where's our notes Speaker 4 00:27:02 Notes. I did mind Wingo stuff down. I can, Speaker 2 00:27:05 I could tell you who started Wendy's Speaker 4 00:27:10 No, but it it's a pretty freaky looking creature. You know, the depictions of what some people have come up with. I think the ones with the horns is the scariest. I think, Speaker 3 00:27:22 Yeah. It looks like a wear Wolf crossed with a, a deer or something. Speaker 4 00:27:28 A decay deer head. Speaker 5 00:27:30 I think we should. I think we should go up to the great lakes area. Speaker 4 00:27:34 Does anybody know where they're, where they're Speaker 5 00:27:36 Signing to list up? Like some of the most recent sightings were, I meant to look that up, but I did not do that in my research, but Speaker 2 00:27:44 Allegedly I tried in my research and I couldn't, I couldn't find any sightings. Yeah. I saw that there were some books that you could buy Speaker 3 00:27:51 That's cuz all the people that saw it were eaten. Speaker 2 00:27:55 Well, that's probably a good point. Speaker 3 00:27:58 And Speaker 5 00:27:59 Apparently you suppose, how do you suppose the stories got conveyed then <laugh> Speaker 3 00:28:05 By winding go hunters Speaker 2 00:28:07 Because all that was left was their cell phone footage. Speaker 3 00:28:11 <laugh> yeah. Speaker 5 00:28:11 Good point. Some found footage. Speaker 2 00:28:13 You got anything else down on Speaker 4 00:28:14 Side note? Well, there's a video game. They have out that you can hunt this thing. Oh yeah. Yeah. It looks pretty freaky. It came across a lot of that. Speaker 5 00:28:26 Some video game footage. Speaker 4 00:28:27 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:28:28 Go ahead, Danny. What do you got? Speaker 5 00:28:30 I was gonna say on a side note, I think we should actually, I, I really think we should set up a, uh, uh, one of those competitions where you record a movie and like, you know, 24, 48 hours, you have to shoot it, edit it and then, and then submit it within that timeframe. We should do a found footage movie. That would be fun. Speaker 4 00:28:51 Oh, like a cam movie, hand, hand cam movie. He just Speaker 2 00:28:55 Rob's Rob's Speaker 5 00:28:56 You can shoot it however you want, Speaker 2 00:28:57 But Rob's already got a really good start to that with that amazing footage he got for us at Wolf Creek when he was exploring, when he Speaker 4 00:29:05 Got lost, Speaker 2 00:29:05 When he was exploring the woods and got lost. Speaker 3 00:29:08 <laugh> Speaker 2 00:29:10 I think, I think we definitely need to post that one up. Put that on our YouTube channel. Speaker 5 00:29:16 I think you were in the same place ghost adventures went, right? <laugh> I think so. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:29:21 When they got lost Speaker 2 00:29:22 Deep in the woods, deep in the woods, uh, Speaker 3 00:29:26 Do you guys know that there's a win Dingo board game? Speaker 4 00:29:31 Oh, don't tell Scott that we'll be playing it next. Yeah, Speaker 3 00:29:34 We should over, we should get the win Dingo board game. Cause the, the basis of the game is each player takes on the role of, uh, like an Eagle scout, but one, one player's, uh, secretly the Windingo spirit and it's point of the game is to uncover who the Windingo is. And if not each, each round, the winding go kills off one of, one of the Scouts. And if he ends up killing all of them, then the wind Eagle wins. If you unmask him, the players win. Speaker 5 00:30:13 It sounds like an amazing Friday night. Next time I come up, we need to get that. Speaker 3 00:30:18 Yeah. And it's uh, not that expensive. Speaker 5 00:30:22 <laugh> Speaker 2 00:30:23 There is a win Dingo festival in, uh, manna, Manito, Wisconsin. Uh, every year they have a, that sounds cold win Dingo festival. It's September 30th, uh, October 1st and October 2nd. Speaker 3 00:30:38 Do you have to be a certain size to go to that? Or Speaker 2 00:30:42 What does that mean? Speaker 3 00:30:43 Do they allow, Speaker 2 00:30:44 What is that Speaker 3 00:30:44 Supposed to mean? Smaller Windingo to go Speaker 2 00:30:47 <laugh> they have, uh, live bands, food concerts, um, costume content. It looks like it's kind of a Halloween Halloween festival, but it's called Windingo Fest. Speaker 5 00:30:59 Isn't that in? And around the time, same time as the, uh, Rugo festival? Speaker 2 00:31:04 Uh, no, uh, yeah, actually it is, uh, it's October, isn't it? Speaker 5 00:31:10 Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 7 00:31:11 The, yeah, that's in October the Speaker 5 00:31:14 Rug, I say we hit, we hit the Wingo festival and then Jo down to the Rugo festival. Speaker 2 00:31:20 So just hop in base camp, drive to Wisconsin and then from Wisconsin to, Speaker 3 00:31:25 Oh boy, Louisiana, Louisiana. Speaker 5 00:31:28 <laugh> I'll I'll plot that out. I'll plot that out while we're talking. Speaker 2 00:31:33 Okay. Just a week to get Rob, what do you got? Speaker 7 00:31:37 I found the depiction of it. The, the, when to go or Windingo or what, however you say it very, uh, disturbing, um, half human, half, whatever. I don't even know what the other half is, but, um, especially in the movie, how they depict it in the movie was pretty, it seemed like the opposite of what, uh, you, you were saying where the heart or the inside was ice in the movie. They depict it as burning and hot and glowing and would actually burn if you touched it. So, um, but it was very, uh, very freaky, um, looking and, and, uh, it would haunt your nightmares. And I believe this was, um, tales from indigenous tribes that came up with the whole story of this. And it's kind of like one of those things, um, the rug and, and everything else. I, I, I'm not sure exactly what the storyline is for it, but it is definitely something that could haunt you at night. I, I don't have too much as far as, um, other than that, I Speaker 3 00:32:46 Guess, did anybody notice the similarity of the depiction of the wind go to like other creatures, the Rugo? They all kind of have like that same mm-hmm <affirmative> saying figure kind of creepiness half animal half. Yeah. Speaker 7 00:33:01 Yeah. Half animal, half human Speaker 5 00:33:03 Versus battle who wins the win wind to go versus the oo Speaker 3 00:33:08 Ooh, Speaker 2 00:33:09 Oo, hands down. Speaker 3 00:33:10 <laugh> Speaker 7 00:33:12 I would pay to see that. That'd be, that'd be a good one. Speaker 3 00:33:14 I don't know. That'd be a hard one. Speaker 2 00:33:16 The Ruger win to kick his Speaker 5 00:33:18 Ass. Yeah. Why? Yeah. <laugh> Speaker 3 00:33:22 Well, they both are susceptible to silver, right? Speaker 5 00:33:25 Yeah. Speaker 3 00:33:26 Yeah. The Rugo and the Windingo. Speaker 5 00:33:28 So we, so we drop one silver knife in the middle of the room. <laugh> in the middle of the cage and uh, let him go at it. Well, the, Speaker 7 00:33:37 I feel like the rug rule would be smarter cause the, the, when they Wingo is, is just driven by. Speaker 3 00:33:48 Yeah. Well, I Speaker 2 00:33:49 Don't know. I don't know about smarter cuz uh, Rugo can't count past 12. Speaker 3 00:33:54 You Speaker 7 00:33:55 Yeah, but I think he'd be cunning. Speaker 3 00:33:57 What, what about the windos ability to regenerate that would help? That would play a role. Speaker 5 00:34:02 That is a thing <laugh> Speaker 3 00:34:04 I think the Windingo would just mouth punch that rug room Speaker 5 00:34:09 <laugh> <laugh> Speaker 2 00:34:11 Yeah. Actually the more I think about Speaker 5 00:34:12 It, sit, sit down. Speaker 4 00:34:14 I think all these mythical creatures, they represent something it says here, uh, represents extreme greed, gluttony and excess mm-hmm Speaker 5 00:34:23 <affirmative> Speaker 7 00:34:24 So no, I think we should have like a, a wrestling maylay, like, you know, when they like the wrestling where they put all of 'em in there, we'll get the, we'll get big foot and the back squash and the Windang go and rug get 'em all in one little ring, Speaker 2 00:34:40 Like a cage match Speaker 7 00:34:41 I'm at it. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:34:42 Totally like Russell menu. That Speaker 4 00:34:44 Sounds like Pokemon. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:34:45 What, what if, what if the, what if the creatures are like distant cousins? The Windigo is like the Northern part he's got big antlers, you know, is in the wooded areas or whatever. And then the Rugo is the Southern cousin. That's in the swamps that has smaller, you know, no antlers, you know, that type of thing. They could be distant cousins. Speaker 5 00:35:09 And then it was like, oh my God, what if we found out it was just some random guy, like just walking around the world. It was like, Hey, you know what? This is what I saw. And he just like changed it up and called it different things around the world Speaker 3 00:35:25 And it was Speaker 5 00:35:25 Listen and they're all very similar. <laugh> that's gonna suck if we find that Speaker 2 00:35:31 Out. Got you got anything else, Rob? Speaker 5 00:35:33 Nope. Hey, just the side note really quick. That trip. 85 hours round trip, Speaker 2 00:35:38 85 hours. Speaker 5 00:35:40 85 hours. Speaker 4 00:35:41 Wow. That's no stops Speaker 5 00:35:42 From here to, from St. Paul to Manito down to HOA back then to Oregon. Yeah. Wow. Speaker 2 00:35:52 That's a long trip. Speaker 4 00:35:54 Let's Speaker 2 00:35:54 Do it. I'm not sure that base can't. I think Speaker 5 00:35:56 We should hit Speaker 3 00:35:56 Something in, would make it Speaker 5 00:35:58 While we're adding, Speaker 3 00:35:59 But with all the stops for gas and food, it would take us a month. Speaker 2 00:36:05 Can you imagine how much that would cost right now at the price of gas? Speaker 4 00:36:08 Uh, yeah. Speaker 5 00:36:09 Oh yeah. It's 5,737 miles. Let me, uh, calculate that. Hang on. How much is gas? Speaker 3 00:36:16 Five 50 Speaker 4 00:36:18 And we get Speaker 3 00:36:18 10 miles to gallon. That's Speaker 5 00:36:21 Wait. This is, uh, it's a diesel too. Speaker 3 00:36:23 So yeah, five 50, even more, Speaker 4 00:36:25 Which is crazy. It's cheaper to make diesel than gas. Speaker 2 00:36:29 The, uh, OJU Bawa uh, tribe. The O the what? OJI. Speaker 3 00:36:35 Oh, there you go. Speaker 5 00:36:37 Algonquin, Speaker 4 00:36:37 Bless you. Scott Speaker 2 00:36:38 Described, uh, describe the creature as a large creature, as tall as a tree with a lipless mouth and jagged teeth. It's breath was a strange hiss it's footprints full of blood and it ate any man, woman or child who ventured into its territory Speaker 3 00:36:59 Other than, other than the, the, the height. That sounds just like Scott, other than being tall. <laugh> Speaker 5 00:37:06 The Speaker 3 00:37:07 Lipless. Yeah, the lipless toothless. Speaker 5 00:37:09 I was thinking Clark Gable. Oh, <laugh> Speaker 3 00:37:12 Stinky breath. You know, anyway, sorry, continue, Speaker 4 00:37:18 Uh, Speaker 5 00:37:19 Thousand $151, by the way, Speaker 4 00:37:22 <laugh> Speaker 3 00:37:23 Told me Speaker 5 00:37:24 <laugh>, Speaker 3 00:37:26 I'm sorry. Scott's Speaker 2 00:37:27 We don't have that enough in our account. Speaker 3 00:37:29 We'd have to sell one in Scott's kidneys. Speaker 2 00:37:31 Sometimes the Windingo chooses to possess a person instead. And then the luckiest individual becomes a Windingo themselves much like some of the other things we talked about, uh, hunting, uh, down those he once loved and feasting upon their flesh. According to legends, uh, when Togo is, uh, created whenever a human resorts to cannibalism to survive in the past this accord more, more often when Indians and settlers found themselves stranded in the bitter snows and ice of the north woods, sometimes stranded for days, any survivors might have felt compelled to cannibalize the dead, to survive other versions of the legend site that humans who displayed extreme greed let and excess might also be possessed by a win to go. Thus, the MIS served as a method of encouraging cooperation and moderation. Again much like all the other ones that we, we talked about. In fact, the rug guru, uh, they're just kind of saying is now they're spokesperson for, you know, be kind to the forest and do what the rug guru says. Speaker 2 00:38:42 Um, so there seems to be a lot of that with these, uh, according to the legends of the Han valley, a native author in named basil Johnson once described the, uh, Windigo and his master work, the Windigo was gaunt to the point of UC initiation. Um, its skin pulled tightly over its bones with its bones, pushing out over its skin, its complexion, the Ash gray of death and its eyes push back deep into the sockets. The indigo looked like a gaunt skeleton recently, um, from the grave, what lips it had were tattered and bloody unclean and suffering from separations of the flash. The indigo gave off a strange and eerie odor of decay and decomposition of death and corruption. That's funny. Death and corruption. Speaker 4 00:39:38 Well, if you stay on the keto diet for too long that's you might end up looking like, Speaker 3 00:39:42 Look like that. <laugh> Speaker 0 00:39:44 Uh, Speaker 5 00:39:45 <laugh> not good. Speaker 2 00:39:48 Who did we, who did we miss here? Speaker 4 00:39:51 I think we missed also, uh, some say that it could control the weather through dark magic. Speaker 2 00:39:57 Hmm. That would be a handy skill to have. Speaker 4 00:40:00 Yeah. I it'd be sunny all the time. Speaker 5 00:40:02 There there goes. The Rugo. Speaker 2 00:40:03 Is that like, it's sorry, buddy. Is that like it's superhero? Uh that's Speaker 4 00:40:07 Ability. Superpower. Speaker 2 00:40:08 Yeah. Superpower control the weather. What do you guys got? Anything else? You guys Speaker 3 00:40:13 Ready to move on? We Speaker 5 00:40:13 Got a giant silver bullet. Speaker 3 00:40:15 Wow. Speaker 5 00:40:17 <laugh> Speaker 4 00:40:17 Well, Rob's ready. Speaker 3 00:40:20 Rob's bringing artillery Speaker 2 00:40:22 Rounds. You need to get that. Speaker 5 00:40:23 Back's like a Mario bullet. Speaker 2 00:40:24 You need to put that back in Julie's room. Whoa. Speaker 5 00:40:30 Oh geez. Speaker 2 00:40:32 You guys ready to move on? Speaker 5 00:40:34 Yeah, let's move on. <laugh> Speaker 1 00:40:41 In a quiet town in a small studio. It's Northwest curiosity, movie review. Speaker 8 00:41:04 What is storytelling? Storytelling started with our indigenous people. Can anyone give me an example of a myth or a story they're afraid of Lucas? Speaker 0 00:41:39 What's going on? Speaker 9 00:41:40 Well found a part of a man in the woods today. Speaker 0 00:41:45 Part of a man, Speaker 9 00:41:47 I guess the other half was found in the mine. Speaker 0 00:41:53 Oh, Speaker 9 00:41:53 This has got to be an animal, right? Speaker 0 00:42:02 No animal that I've ever seen. Something is going on. These drawings belongs to a student of mine. This is what was in the mind. It's a diabolical spirit. Speaker 9 00:42:23 Excuse me. This is a myth Speaker 0 00:42:25 For you. Yeah. Speaker 10 00:42:32 Again, Speaker 9 00:42:38 He's not your responsibility. Speaker 0 00:42:40 He has no one. He is my responsibility. He needs Speaker 2 00:43:16 Great movie pick by Dan Burer Jesse. What'd you think I Speaker 4 00:43:21 Was a good pick. Speaker 3 00:43:22 So after last night I got home at like midnight. I hadn't watched the movie. So I got right for bed, laid in bed, turned it on. And like only made it like 15 minutes in the movie. But did anybody else notice, like did anybody else say at the very beginning there was the kid and he was waiting for his dad or whatever in the truck. And they showed the scenery. I'm like, that looks just like Oregon <laugh> and then it turned out that I was right. It was yeah. Supposedly taking place in Oregon. So I was like, man, that just the, the weather and the mountains. I'm like, that looks just like Oregon. Speaker 4 00:44:03 No, it doesn't. Speaker 3 00:44:04 It did Speaker 4 00:44:05 No. Speaker 3 00:44:05 You know, think so. Speaker 5 00:44:06 I thought I did think the Speaker 3 00:44:07 Same. Didn't you? I was like the same. I was like, man, this looks just like Oregon. Speaker 4 00:44:11 I thought it looked more like Canada or Washington. Speaker 3 00:44:14 Oh, well that's pretty close town. Speaker 4 00:44:16 I know. But the mountains were the valley. It was just, yeah, Speaker 2 00:44:20 It's weird. I kind of thought it was like Kansas. Speaker 4 00:44:23 What? Speaker 5 00:44:23 To me it was the Misty cloudy. Speaker 4 00:44:25 Did you watch the movie? Speaker 5 00:44:26 Big green trees? Speaker 2 00:44:28 Yeah. I watched the movie. Speaker 4 00:44:29 What was that? You were watching this morning when I walk in Speaker 5 00:44:33 <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:44:35 Oh, Speaker 5 00:44:39 What happens in the middle? I dunno how the internet works, Speaker 3 00:44:42 Jesse. Like it looked like Oregon. Speaker 7 00:44:47 I, I think, I think Scott should go first. Speaker 4 00:44:50 Why don't we make this more seamless and let's just talk about the movie instead of what did you think? What did you think? What did you think? What did you think? Okay. Why don't we do it that way? Speaker 3 00:44:59 What you think I'm always up for something I'll be right back. I gotta pee. Speaker 4 00:45:03 Oh, conveniently there. Go Scott. He's out here. Speaker 3 00:45:09 Yeah. I so only Speaker 5 00:45:11 Gonna pause. Speaker 3 00:45:12 I only, uh, I only made it like 15 minutes through the movie before I fell asleep, but Speaker 4 00:45:18 I had a hard time following, following the beginning of the movie because I was confused about the two boys. I was thinking the second boy was the first boy in the movie and Speaker 5 00:45:29 Yeah, that was a little Speaker 4 00:45:30 Confusing. Yeah. It took me, it took about 30 minutes into the movie to finally figure it out. Speaker 3 00:45:35 What the, I didn't real. What were, what was the dad doing at the beginning? Were they like stealing stuff from, Speaker 4 00:45:42 They were making meth, I think. Is Speaker 3 00:45:44 That what they were Speaker 4 00:45:44 Doing? Yeah. Was a lab lab Speaker 5 00:45:46 Band in mine. Speaker 7 00:45:48 Yeah. Speaker 5 00:45:48 Which, which I think this was set in. Was it set in Wolf Creek somewhere? Speaker 4 00:45:52 <laugh> yeah, probably. That's the first thing I thought actually that's funny. <laugh> Speaker 7 00:45:57 Yeah. Speaker 5 00:45:58 Sorry, Jessie. I was also confused, Rob. Sorry. Speaker 7 00:46:02 Yeah, yeah, no, I was also confused on the relationship of the, the, the main, one of the main charact, the sheriff and the, the, the female, I, oh yeah. Like I thought they were like, they had split up cuz they were divorced. Right. Or it was just weird that they did it that way. But overall I thought it was, um, it was pretty good. I mean, as Danny says that, that there's a few jump scares in there. Like when they were in the shed, those ones that really got me. But um, Speaker 4 00:46:32 Yeah. Yeah. It was pretty good though. And it was just filmed very dark. I mean, everything was dark. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:46:38 Like Speaker 4 00:46:38 Was like dark all the time. Like even Speaker 7 00:46:41 The lighting was Speaker 5 00:46:42 Just it's very Oregon movie. Speaker 4 00:46:44 Yeah. Just about yeah. Yeah. They got that. Right. But it was actually filmed in British Columbia, Canada. Right. Speaker 5 00:46:50 <laugh> so I was right. Of course. <laugh> Speaker 4 00:46:54 Well, I, I think it's, Speaker 7 00:46:55 It's not about being right Speaker 4 00:46:56 Tab. I think it's cheaper to film up there for some reason. Cuz they do a lot of stuff in Canada as far as they're Speaker 7 00:47:02 Nicer. Speaker 4 00:47:03 Anyway. Probably Speaker 3 00:47:05 What'd you think's cut. Oh who's nice. Speaker 5 00:47:10 Yeah. Good talk. <laugh> should we pretend here? Let's try again. Ask that many things. Speaker 3 00:47:16 What do, what do you think Scott? Speaker 5 00:47:19 Well, uh, I think it was great and uh, uh, I didn't get a chance to watch it, but <laugh> Speaker 4 00:47:26 No, he would say, yeah, it was a very dark movie. Um, it, I don't think it was filmed in Oregon. I think it was filmed in British Columbia, Canada <laugh> and I don't think the, I couldn't figure out the boy thing. It was actually you're brothers. You're just, you're just a bully to, and it took me about 30 minutes to figure it out. <laugh> Speaker 5 00:47:52 Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:47:53 What do you think, Danny? Speaker 5 00:47:54 It's funny because he's giving me, this is the funny part. Yeah, I know, right. That's I was like, oh, he can't hear us, but it's, it's funny that they actually shot it in pretty well, not necessarily the area where it was set, but, or, or where the legend came from, but um, shot in BC, but set in Oregon and not necessarily associated to the area where this kind of, uh, Speaker 4 00:48:18 The creature actually Speaker 5 00:48:19 Exists, um, the creature. Right, right, right. That being said, you know, I, I thought it was, I was a little excited to hear, oh, movie set in Oregon, you know, it's kind of cool. Um, it did give me the Wolf Creek vibes a little bit, but yeah, it did. Um, Speaker 4 00:48:33 <laugh> cause Wolf Creek is kind of in a valley like that. Yeah. Just not as high at mountains. Speaker 5 00:48:37 Right, right. Absolutely. Yeah, exactly. Now here's the thing. I, I, I saw this movie in the theaters. It's a fairly new movie. It came out late. I maybe in fourth quarter of, uh, 21. Um, but at first I did not understand the, the story of the characters. Right. You think, you think about the character or the creature and the, the plot and the story set around that creature. Right. So the, the story around the creature didn't make sense to me at first, but I kind of rewatched it again with a different kind of eye, I guess, if you will. And uh, if we think about, again, like we've said where this, uh, creature comes from or how it's generated, it's from greed, gluttony and excess, right. Mm-hmm <affirmative> for those that are. Um, and if you think about that opening scene inside of a meth lab and in mine, I think that's the ultimate depiction right. Speaker 5 00:49:30 Of this, this excess screen and go gluttony and, and just, you know, that whole kind of negative vibe, um, around that. And I think that, okay, looking at that, I'm like, okay, maybe this makes sense now. So, um, there's some things that were added in there. You know, as far as the characters go, it's really, really slow and kind of the plot in general really slow, uh, kind of burn toward the actual big reveal of the, of the creature and the, and the big conflict in this. But, um, you know, if you kinda watch it a little bit, you get some of why the creature was there. I didn't understand the relationship with the brother and sister as part of the movie, um, you know, the whole plot line. I, I didn't catch why that was connected in there, but, um, and, and why the need for that. But, um, that being said, when you did finally get to the big reveal of the creature, I thought it was well done. Um, well designed, you know, I didn't think they, uh, um, you know, kind of spared too much on that, but the, the kind of big conflict or the fight scene was a little underwhelming <laugh> I think when they finally got Speaker 4 00:50:36 To that part. Yeah, it was Speaker 5 00:50:38 <laugh>. I was expecting a little bit more, uh, you know, punning Robbie used the word punning earlier, but, um, but, and then in the end, um, you know, that, that during that conflict, the part, now I know Scott hates this, but I'm gonna say it because it is a fairly new movie <laugh> so turn off your ears. Spoiler alert. If you're, it is a new movie, we Speaker 2 00:51:02 We're gonna start a new rule. Anyone that says spoiler alert is gonna get fined. I'm gonna put a jar spoiler. I'm gonna put a jar on the table and it's gonna say spoil alert, Speaker 4 00:51:11 $5, Speaker 2 00:51:12 $5 every time someone Speaker 5 00:51:13 Spoil alert, let let's, let's qualify that if we watch a movie within the, the last year, from the date that we record, we should say spoil alert. I feel like we, that should option Speaker 4 00:51:24 That's $5 maybe. Yeah. Just put that into the intro, by the way, there's spoil alerts. And then that way we don't have to remind people that's Speaker 2 00:51:32 $5 tab, but then I'm saying the word Speaker 4 00:51:34 Damnit, what word? I'm already five bucks in. Well, Speaker 5 00:51:38 What if I say alerts? There's spoilers. Speaker 2 00:51:40 That's same thing. Speaker 4 00:51:42 That's Speaker 5 00:51:43 Okay. Well, so she killed the other brother in the end. There you go. Speaker 4 00:51:48 Cause he, Annie, I haven't watched that part. He was changing. Speaker 5 00:51:51 Oh, sorry. <laugh> Speaker 4 00:51:53 Now I don't, now I'm not gonna watch it. Well, you know, I don't think she actually killed Jesse. She didn't kill the boy. The boy was already dead. I think. Speaker 5 00:52:01 No, he was changing to the, Speaker 4 00:52:03 Yeah, I know he was changing it at that point. I think you're dead. There's no coming back. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:52:08 Spoil alert. Speaker 5 00:52:09 That's Speaker 2 00:52:10 Jesus wins double Speaker 5 00:52:11 Killer. <laugh> Speaker 4 00:52:14 That's like 10 bucks, but I Speaker 5 00:52:15 Mean, the way the movie ended though, um, with the Speaker 7 00:52:20 Plot spoiler. Speaker 4 00:52:21 Oh, that's like, Speaker 5 00:52:22 Yeah. Plot. Speaker 4 00:52:23 There you go. Up to like 20 bucks already. Speaker 5 00:52:25 <laugh> no, Speaker 7 00:52:26 I just, I said plot spoiler. Speaker 5 00:52:28 I did, we're gonna make this Speaker 4 00:52:30 That's two Speaker 5 00:52:30 50 to, uh, to Homa and the other place here, we're gonna make this out of this episode. Um, pick up the cost for that, but yeah, Speaker 7 00:52:40 Here's some plot revealing information <laugh> Speaker 5 00:52:46 I thought it was, I thought it was overall good movie. I didn't like the way it ended though. Um, you know, there, there was the need for that cliff hanger in there. And I don't know, I just kinda the other thing too. I didn't really, it was a little predictable in the parts where you have your, you know, insert your typical, um, not typical, but insert your, um, kind of expected, uh, native person in the movie saying, Hey, it's this creature and everyone's saying, no, it's not a real thing. We don't believe you except for the one person. And then that's the person that goes out and kills the thing. Um, you know, it's just, it's, it's a little too expected and typical of a lot of different movies, you know, so, but overall, I thought it was a good movie. I really enjoyed it. Speaker 3 00:53:31 So Danny, as a person that went out to theater and paid money to see it, if you could Mandela affect this, would you do it again? <laugh> Speaker 5 00:53:41 Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, definitely. This is, I thought it was a good movie. Um, I enjoyed it. I thought again, even for the, the, the plot, some parts being confusing and also some of the weird choices by <laugh>, let me just go into this house and, and see what's happening over here. You know, um, knowing it's a that, I don't know, some, some of the poor choices by some of the people in there weren't choices I would make, but overall it was entertaining. It served its purpose. Speaker 4 00:54:13 I thought the special effects were pretty good. The, the way they, yeah. Um, I don't know the, where they showed the bodies. That was pretty, pretty Speaker 5 00:54:24 Istic. Oh yeah. They did do really good job on their Speaker 7 00:54:26 Move on. I thought it was really, really cool on the, like the finale there. And I will say this is a warning. This is a plot reveal. Um, <laugh> I would say, I would say that it, uh, it was really, like, I explained a little bit earlier. She cuts the heart out and it like burns her hands. And I don't know, I, I thought that part was pretty intense, but kind of, uh, like Danny said, underwhelmed, I thought it was gonna be more of a, more to it, but it was actually good for the little short bit that they did. Speaker 2 00:55:07 Anything else. Speaker 5 00:55:08 Scott, what do you think? Speaker 4 00:55:09 Yeah. Hmm. Speaker 2 00:55:11 What do I think about what <laugh> in the movie? Yeah. Speaker 4 00:55:14 <laugh> well, don't she love it when you put on Speaker 5 00:55:16 Hear from you earlier a little bit, but, uh, I thought we'd just see, we heard a little bit from you earlier. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:55:21 Um, but Speaker 5 00:55:23 Yeah, Speaker 7 00:55:23 You sounded a little different, but Speaker 2 00:55:25 No, I, I actually saw it in the theater when I first came out. Speaker 5 00:55:29 Yeah. Oh Speaker 2 00:55:30 Really? Yeah. Yeah. I felt that it was, uh, a little dark. It was hard at some point. Yeah. I had to like, you know, squint to see what was going on. Cause it was just so dark. Speaker 3 00:55:41 Did you have both of your glasses on? Yeah. Speaker 2 00:55:43 Um, I, I recall, I recall when I was first watching, I was like, that really looks like Oregon. And then I realized that it wa it was filmed in Oregon, which was actually kind of cool. Um, <laugh> Speaker 4 00:55:57 It was actually Canada. Speaker 2 00:55:59 Yeah. I think that the story around the creature didn't make a whole lot of sense, a little, almost a little predictable. Um, but when you're taken the, when you take, when you take into totality, the, the creature itself, when it's, you know, greed, all of that stuff and it's centered around like the opening of the meth house and mm-hmm <affirmative>, you can really see how something like that could survive with that. Uh, yeah. With that element. Yeah. It sort of fed the creature, you know, the negative vibe fed, fed the creature. I think there was a little bit of a slow burn, um, towards the reveal of the creature. Um, <laugh> definitely the fight scenes were a little underwhelming. I was expecting more like a God Illa versus Mothra. Um, yeah. You know, it kind of predictable, I think, throughout the whole thing, but, uh, I enjoyed it. Speaker 3 00:56:50 Mm-hmm <affirmative>, that's probably the best movie review you've ever done. Speaker 2 00:56:53 Well, you know, Speaker 4 00:56:55 Damn. Speaker 3 00:56:56 Usually it starts out with interesting UN died. You guys ready to move on? Speaker 5 00:57:02 <laugh> yeah. Let's move on. Speaker 11 00:57:16 Northwest Speaker 1 00:57:17 Curiosity, societies Speaker 11 00:57:21 Gear review. Speaker 2 00:57:24 Gonna talk a little bit about a gear review, Danny. We're gonna discuss low light photography. What do you got, buddy? Speaker 5 00:57:30 Yeah. So let me qualify this and say first off, uh, Danny is definitely not even an amateur photographer, but Speaker 2 00:57:37 Well, hold on a second. Um, hold on a second. Speaker 5 00:57:39 <laugh> yeah, Speaker 2 00:57:40 It's a little weird. You're referring to yourself as Danny. Yeah, that's almost, did I say it wrong? No, that Speaker 4 00:57:46 Sounded presidential. No, Speaker 2 00:57:47 For sure. You're you're talking about you're you're the one given the year review and you're like, first of all, Danny is not a expert. Yeah. It was almost I'm telling people serial killer. Like I'm Speaker 5 00:57:56 People who I am. Oh, sorry. I am not an, even an amateur photographer. Is that better? Speaker 4 00:58:04 Sure. I was fine with the first Speaker 2 00:58:05 Version. I know it just seemed a little more like, but anyway, go Speaker 5 00:58:10 <laugh> well, so I, I, I am trying to learn myself a little bit more about utilizing, uh, cameras and, and different things like that. So I came across the, one of the things that's always been on my mind is how do we improve, uh, low light photography? Because generally a lot of these investigations, we find ourselves in, uh, we're in low light situations. So speaking specifically at photography, because videography is a little bit different. Um, some of the tips that have come across improve your, the quality of your photographs first off, this is, uh, related to your typical kind of DSLR slash mirrorless type cameras. Um, it could work with some of the, uh, point and shoot cameras if you have the ability to manipulate the settings manually on the cameras, but these are specific manual settings that you could change. And the first part you look at is the, what they call the exposure triangle, which consists of the ISO or the ISO. What Speaker 2 00:59:09 Does that stand for? Speaker 5 00:59:11 I don't know what it stands for. I've been trying to figure that out for a while. So <laugh>, I'd love to rego it. Speaker 2 00:59:16 It's Speaker 4 00:59:17 Probably got sensor in there or image sensor or something. Speaker 5 00:59:20 Something, yeah. Yeah. Uh, the aperture, which I'll talk about these here in a minute, and then also the shutter speed. So looking at the ISO that is, uh, setting on the camera where you can basically, uh, brighten your shot. If you will. Now, the brighter that you set or the higher level that you set on your ISO on the camera, the more, uh, the brighter the picture will be, but the more, what they call noise, you introduce into the photograph. So, uh, noise is referencing like distortion or different things that make it your picture, not as high quality as, as you might want. So, uh, there's a fine line in some of this you'll have to play around with and balance with the other three are the other two parts of the exposure triangle, but ISO will generally brighten your, your picture a little bit more again, though, the higher you go, depending on the type of camera you have, the more noise you'll have or distortion in that picture. Aperture is re relative related to the width of the, the lens that you use. So most of the time when you're talking about low level settings, you want a wider lens and get it open as wide as possible. Speaker 4 01:00:27 Kinda like how your eyes work, your, the people of your eye. Speaker 5 01:00:32 Right? Right. You want, you wanna open that as wide as you can and leave it? Well, we'll talk about shut of speed here in a sec, but, and that's actually a good reference is thinking about, uh, the eye in these, right? So aperture speed. You want to get that open to open as wide as possible with regard to your shutter speed. One of the kind of recommendations I've come across is that you wanna match your focal length. So if your fo focal length is as an example, 50 millimeters away, your shutter speed shouldn't be any slower than one over 50 seconds. Right? So speed that of which that your shutter is actually open and closing is your shutter speed. So if you think about blinking or opening that aperture for that length of time, that captures your photo. Now, the slower, your shutter speed. If I understand this right, meaning it's opening and closing at a slower speed, if you're moving around and things like that, you could start to capture some blur, things like that. So you might want to consider using a tripod, especially for those longer exposures that you can stabilize your cameras. And, uh, again, move those, move that around less so that although you can create some pretty cool effects, if you're using that's that wide or faster or longer shutter speed, uh, with the cameras as well, create some blur, things like that. So also, Speaker 4 01:01:48 Or lighting effects, even you can do some lighting effects, take a flashlight. And Speaker 5 01:01:52 A lot of times people, right. And a lot of times people kind of shy away from especially in the settings of the, the places that we kind of get to. Again, we've talked about this a little bit, why we investigate in the dark versus the light, things like that. But, but some people shy away from actually using, uh, lights in the area to, to either see and or help capture, uh, those events. I think it just adds to the, to the ambiance of the investigation. But if our goal is to try and capture potentially something or in the shadows, things like that, which be mindful of shadows, if you do have lighting, by the way, <laugh> maybe those shadows from the lighting aren't necessarily the things that you, uh, you know, malevolent spirits or things along those lines, coast of interest. So anyway, also Speaker 4 01:02:33 Consider shooting what the, Speaker 5 01:02:35 Uh, thank you, <laugh> consider shooting raw. Um, but it which removes some of the compression is what I understand. And then you have the opportunity to kind of, if you think about like a light room, right? You have the ability to use digital features nowadays to correct and or enhance inside of the post process. So doing some correction on camera, things like that. Again, this is primarily related to DSLR slash mirrorless type cameras or those cameras, even the point shoots with the ability to, um, manipulate the manual setting. Sometimes the manual settings on those point shoots, you know, you can set at night mode or action mode or whatever. They're, they're trying to get to a setting, a generalized setting that will help you capture some of these things. So what do you guys think? Speaker 4 01:03:19 Uh, Speaker 3 01:03:19 That was very technical. Speaker 4 01:03:21 It was <laugh>. Speaker 3 01:03:23 Is that a setting that you can flip on the camera or Speaker 4 01:03:28 <laugh> well, is there, yeah. How about, how about like a beginner camera? Do, do you have any products that people, Speaker 3 01:03:36 Can we do that with Scott's camera? Speaker 5 01:03:38 Yes. So Scott's got a DSLR camera and you can manipulate the settings on there manually, but even some of those DSLR cameras have just generalized settings where you can see auto know auto or low light or action or whatever it might be. Right. And that is just a base setting for these, the exposure triangle, trying to get capture the best setting possible on that. But you can manipulate the individual settings on those cameras to try and get the best exposure possible out of that. Right. Also, I think those settings usually default to some sort of compressed file. Again, it's not a raw file. Speaker 4 01:04:13 Like a JPEG would be compressed. Speaker 5 01:04:15 Right? Exactly. Speaker 4 01:04:17 I don't formats light room thing. Hey, Rob, Rob, we're not interrupting you or anything. Are we <laugh>? I think he's doing research on cameras Speaker 5 01:04:28 <laugh> I was trying to, yeah. <laugh> videography side note is a whole different ballgame because now you're talking about things, moving the environment. Right. So it becomes a little bit more challenging. And at that point you're probably going to have to add in some additional lighting Speaker 4 01:04:42 Or like, Speaker 5 01:04:43 And capture Speaker 4 01:04:44 Or like infrared mm-hmm <affirmative> Speaker 3 01:04:46 Well, take a look at this. Speaker 5 01:04:47 Yeah. Infer, Speaker 3 01:04:48 Infrared, take a look at this, Danny. We've got a brand new cannon HD camera that we picked a Speaker 4 01:04:55 4k Speaker 3 01:04:56 4k. It's got infrared. We'll have to play around with it. We'll do a review on it, but looks pretty. Yeah. Pretty it it's a nice camera and it's not that giant monster that we have. Speaker 5 01:05:08 <laugh> right. Nice. Speaker 3 01:05:09 Nice. So it's got audio jacks Speaker 5 01:05:11 Tapes on the Speaker 4 01:05:12 Side. Yeah. It's got Mike. Yeah. Speaker 3 01:05:13 Mike jacks and wireless audio and nice. It's gonna be, Speaker 4 01:05:18 It's gonna take us a year to figure Speaker 3 01:05:20 It out. Yeah. It's I'm gonna take it home. Yeah. Speaker 5 01:05:22 Stabilization. I'm gonna take a stabilization on it too. You'll have to send me the model number. I'm curious to Speaker 3 01:05:27 See. Yeah. I'll have to take it home. Cuz it'll take Scott five years to figure out how to turn it on Speaker 2 01:05:34 It. Jesse being an asshole. Speaker 3 01:05:36 <laugh> all right guys. Ready? New Speaker 4 01:05:38 Leave. Speaker 2 01:05:39 You guys ready to move on? Speaker 4 01:05:40 Let's do it. Speaker 2 01:05:55 Northwest curiosity. Society brings you Speaker 0 01:05:59 What the <inaudible> was that. Speaker 12 01:06:08 Well there's certainly no shortage of D pheasant back mushrooms out here. You can see here's one and one over here. They look really nice. And then, um, just looking around here in a distance, that tree has a bunch and then this log over here has a bunch take a walk over there. Usually look pretty big. Speaker 4 01:06:38 I've seen this. Speaker 12 01:06:43 Yeah. This like how big that one is down there. It's gotta be about 12 inches across. And this one looks like it has a bite out of it. <laugh> and this one and uh, there's one over here. Looks like it's holding some water. Speaker 0 01:07:02 Huh? Speaker 12 01:07:12 I think it's time to go. Speaker 3 01:07:14 <laugh> so he's so I'm assuming he's a mushroom hunter. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:07:21 So this is tomorrow's garden, YouTube. Uh, Speaker 4 01:07:24 Does he say where he Speaker 2 01:07:25 Was? His handled tomorrow's garden? Um, yeah, he's he's a mushroom hunter and he's just sort of explaining, uh, various mushrooms that he's coming across and hears that when to go scream. Uh, I'm not seeing Bigfoot where he was when this was, uh, Speaker 5 01:07:45 Sounds like he's from Canada Speaker 2 01:07:47 A little bit. Yeah. It doesn't sound, Speaker 4 01:07:48 He looks like a rainforest. I think if I remember the video Speaker 2 01:07:51 Time to go <laugh> he's time to go. That's Speaker 3 01:07:54 That totally reminds me of tab. Yeah. He hears this. He's just standing there printing mushrooms and this long scream and he is like, Pete. Oh boy. Speaker 2 01:08:04 Oh boy, Speaker 3 01:08:05 Dude. If that was me, I'd be tripping over law. I'd be booking it. <laugh> Speaker 2 01:08:10 Yeah. Speaker 4 01:08:11 Especially out there all Speaker 2 01:08:12 By yourself. Speaker 3 01:08:13 Yeah. I'd be like, oh Jesus. Oh Speaker 2 01:08:14 Jesus. We boy. Speaker 13 01:08:16 One more time. Oh boy. Oh, oh, oh boy. Speaker 12 01:08:21 And this one and uh, there's one over here. Looks like it's holding some water. Speaker 4 01:08:37 It sounds really human at the end. I Speaker 12 01:08:39 It's time to go. Speaker 5 01:08:40 Yeah, it does. Oh boy. Speaker 2 01:08:43 Oh boy. Sounds Speaker 5 01:08:43 Like really? It sounds pretty convincing at the beginning, but at the end. Speaker 4 01:08:47 Yeah. It just sounds like a, a guy yelling. Speaker 5 01:08:50 Yeah. Yeah. The wind, the win the Wingo has. Uh, and maybe that was him possessing. Speaker 4 01:08:57 Are they saying that's a win Togo? I'm sorry, Danny didn't mean I, you, Speaker 5 01:09:01 Oh, that was it. <laugh> Speaker 2 01:09:03 No, they're not saying it's a win to go. Oh, strange sound while mushroom hunting. Speaker 5 01:09:08 Oh, okay. Speaker 2 01:09:09 But, but I came across another win Togo, alleged win Togo sound. It sounded a lot like that, but I couldn't get the other one to play with any sort of volume, um, clarity. Uh, so we, I chose that one instead. You guys ready to move on? Speaker 3 01:09:23 Yeah. Speaker 14 01:09:24 We interrupt this program to bring you a special report. Speaker 2 01:09:28 Our on the spot reporter, Jesse, what do you got for us? Douche bag? What I mean, what do you got first? Speaker 3 01:09:34 Come Speaker 4 01:09:35 On. Speaker 5 01:09:35 I thought we were saying stuff nice about each Speaker 3 01:09:38 Other. Well, thank, thanks for that, Scott. I appreciate your kind words. Uh, Speaker 2 01:09:43 Bless your heart. Speaker 3 01:09:44 <laugh> um, in the news is an update on the something we've done episode on the missing Malaysian flight, three 70. Speaker 4 01:09:53 I heard about it. Speaker 3 01:09:54 You heard about this. So there's a British engineer who believes he sold the mystery behind the missing flight by using radio wave technology. Uh, Speaker 4 01:10:04 He's a ham radio right operator. Speaker 3 01:10:07 I think. So his name or obvious? Yeah, his name's Richard Godfrey mm-hmm <affirmative> and he believes that he has used radio waves to track the flight by the disturbance and the radio waves. And that it was the only plane in, you know, within the hours' flight of its location. So he believes that it's the missing ation flight. Um, I'm sure most of our listeners know about that. It happened in 2014, there was over a hundred million dollar surge for the, to find the plane. And despite that surge, the plane was never found mm-hmm <affirmative> uh, and a lot of the people, relatives of the people on that plane don't think it was an accidental crash. They think something else happened. Uh, but he, he believes that it crashed, uh, do west of Australia and, and is about 400 meters down on the O on the ocean floor. Um, how many feet is that? Sky four. So about, about 12,000 feet, um, Speaker 4 01:11:07 Easy peasy. So Speaker 3 01:11:08 He believes that he tracked it and the original investigation believed that it was like on autopilot when a straight line and then disappeared. But by using the radio wave disturbances, it made like all these weird turns, 360 degree turns almost like it was in holding pattern during different parts of the flight. And he, that tracking that flight supports the theory that the pilot was in control and deliberately took that plane off course Speaker 5 01:11:39 And real radical behaviors. Yeah. Speaker 3 01:11:41 Yeah. Real radical changing direction, 180 degrees, and then a 360 degree holding pattern and then a different direction. Mm-hmm <affirmative> like maybe he was trying to contemplate which, which way to go. Speaker 5 01:11:53 I suppose there's a possibility could have been lost, maybe some lost communication and lost. I don't know. Although they do talk about that. There were intentional things that were intentionally turned off. Speaker 3 01:12:04 Right. Speaker 5 01:12:05 And, and that too. So I guess that totality, Speaker 3 01:12:08 And he, he says that this could explain the delay and that he also thinks that he, the pilot was in contact with the Malaysian government, even after they said that they lost contact with it. And they obviously, he reached out to the, the government and they're like, oh yeah, we're really busy right now, consumer. Yeah. Really discuss it. So there, there are people that do lend credence to his, the technology and the ready wave disturbances. And, but they're not, they're not really sure whether they wanna send out the money to actually go to the location where he thinks it was. And he thinks that they actually missed the plane on their search. They didn't see it down. Speaker 5 01:12:50 There's not quite fair. Yeah. Speaker 3 01:12:51 Yeah. So we'll see if they party up the money. Speaker 5 01:12:55 Yeah. If I understand right. The way the technology works, it's almost like if you see, like you've seen cars in like those wind tunnels with smoke or something going on the top, right. To show the aerodynamics. If I understand, right. The radio waves show that distortion, as something moves through it, almost like a wind tunnel. Right. Um, as it's moving through it kind of, you know, <laugh> and, um, that's how he was able to track this. The, the flight pattern, I think even overlay it with what we know of, not only when it took off, but to the point where we lost communication, but then it was also picked up by the military satellite, they, for what another, I can't remember how much longer, but that mapping of the disturbances in the force <laugh> right in the radio wave, aligns with what we know of the pattern up until the point where it disappeared. Speaker 3 01:13:50 Yeah. He, he says that he has a a hundred over 160 distinct disturbances in the radio waves. Mm-hmm <affirmative>. Yeah. And that there were no other planes around there within, you know, an hour's flight of that other plane so that it could only be that plane, if it was in fact an airplane. So, or a UFO. Speaker 4 01:14:10 I was gonna say that aliens. Speaker 3 01:14:12 Yeah. A cloaked alien unad dyed vessel. Speaker 4 01:14:16 Yes. Speaker 5 01:14:16 <laugh>. Speaker 4 01:14:18 That's what I think. Speaker 3 01:14:19 So Speaker 5 01:14:19 Do you have any, how do we get that technology? Cause maybe we can track UFOs to that point. Speaker 4 01:14:25 What cloak Speaker 5 01:14:26 Identified aerial? Speaker 3 01:14:27 No. And ons, radio wave frequencies. I don't know. That'd be expensive. Speaker 5 01:14:34 I'll click on this guy. Could do it himself or, yeah. Speaker 2 01:14:39 <laugh> all right, gentlemen, are we done amazing episode? It seems, it seems like it's Speaker 4 01:14:43 We have to stay by. Speaker 2 01:14:44 Seems like it's been forever since we've been in the studio. Although I don't think it's been that long, but uh, it's good to be here. Uh, Rob to bad. You couldn't be here. Speaker 3 01:14:51 Thanks for Speaker 4 01:14:52 Showing up. You missed out, out on biscuits and gravy Speaker 2 01:14:54 And some breakfast burritos. It was Yu. Anyway, we got a super exciting episode coming up. Super exciting. Speaker 4 01:15:03 I can't wait is that Speaker 2 01:15:05 It's so exciting. I don't even really want to discuss it. I don't wanna get people like too worked up, you know, too early on. Yeah. Is participation of our, oh, it'll be scary. Speaker 4 01:15:14 Okay. Or I'm in. Yeah, we don't don't want I'm all in. I'm all spoil. Speaker 2 01:15:20 You know, we forgot Speaker 3 01:15:21 To call Pete. Yeah. Pete. He's not, that's gonna be hard. He's not alive anymore. He Speaker 2 01:15:28 Died. You know what? Let's call Pete. At Speaker 5 01:15:30 Least we tried. Speaker 4 01:15:31 Oh, we're skipping out. Speaker 2 01:15:33 We're not, we we'll do this outro in just, just about two minutes, but let's, let's give Pete a call. Speaker 3 01:15:38 Uh, he's not gonna Speaker 2 01:15:39 Answer. We gotta say Speaker 4 01:15:40 Goodbye. Yeah. He's not. Speaker 2 01:15:41 No, let's let's try. Speaker 4 01:15:42 Okay. Speaker 3 01:15:43 I let's literally I followed him home last night. Go and Tony, he's not gonna answer you. Can't. Speaker 4 01:15:49 Let's see. Who's who's he gonna answer? Speaker 2 01:15:50 You don't wanna say that on Speaker 3 01:15:52 Air? Oh no. I'm saying that he'll Speaker 4 01:15:54 Danny. He'll Speaker 2 01:15:54 Answer. Speaker 3 01:15:55 All right. Totally Speaker 2 01:15:57 Roll. We all have, say goodbye to PD. Speaker 3 01:15:59 All right. Hang on. Speaker 2 01:15:59 Our audience members. Wanna hear Pete's voice one last time. Speaker 3 01:16:03 All right. Before we kill him, Speaker 5 01:16:04 I think we should say goodbye necessarily. I think, I think he could still call in. Speaker 2 01:16:09 No, maybe. No, but we're done. He moves. We're done. Speaker 4 01:16:13 <laugh> Speaker 3 01:16:14 All right. Let's give him a call Speaker 5 01:16:16 Off the island. All right, Speaker 2 01:16:20 Come on. Beatie Speaker 4 01:16:22 You can do, buddy. Speaker 3 01:16:25 He's not to answer him telling you. Speaker 4 01:16:27 Answer, answer. Speaker 5 01:16:30 Hello? Speaker 4 01:16:31 Oh, Speaker 3 01:16:34 I'm all in. Oh, Speaker 5 01:16:35 I'm all. What happens? Speaker 4 01:16:37 It's all in. Can you go to voicemail? PD PD. Speaker 5 01:16:41 Hello? Speaker 2 01:16:41 Good afternoon, sir. Hello? Speaker 5 01:16:42 Are you? Hey. Hey. Hey. Oh, Hey. Hey. I'm all in guys. Speaker 2 01:16:50 Well, we're, we're literally at the last 30 seconds of the podcast, so you're not all in literally. Speaker 5 01:16:56 No, personally, Speaker 4 01:16:57 It's not just Speaker 2 01:16:58 The tip. So wait, what? Just Speaker 5 01:16:59 The tip. Speaker 4 01:17:00 <laugh> Speaker 2 01:17:01 We, we did wanna see, uh, what's going on with PD. What's new. What's the new, what's the HAPS. What's shaking bacon. What's going on? Well, Speaker 15 01:17:09 I'm gonna be heading down to Albuquerque and in the lieu of that, I think I should try to find some haunted places down there for N WCS to go check out. Speaker 2 01:17:18 Oh no. And Speaker 15 01:17:19 I Speaker 7 01:17:20 Like all you single ladies. He'll be in Speaker 5 01:17:22 Albuquerque. I like Speaker 3 01:17:24 Like the bad news. Pete is you're not gonna make it to Albuquerque. Speaker 2 01:17:30 You're leaving on the, uh, you're leaving on the 24th and we have plans for you on the, uh, 22nd. Speaker 15 01:17:37 Okay, perfect. I am leaving on the 24th. That's exactly the day that I'm leaving. So Speaker 3 01:17:41 No 27th and the, the Speaker 7 01:17:44 27th he'll be in Speaker 3 01:17:45 Toon. Yeah. And the, Speaker 15 01:17:47 No, it's the 24th. I think it's the 24th. Speaker 2 01:17:50 We'll meet you in Tono. Pop Speaker 5 01:17:51 We'll stick with that. Speaker 15 01:17:52 <laugh> Speaker 3 01:17:53 Arrangements happening Speaker 2 01:17:54 More specifically the parking lot of the clown motel. So we're just a hop, skip, and a jump from the graveyard there. Speaker 15 01:18:02 You guys realize that we're doing this live right now, right? Like this is a, you know, Speaker 5 01:18:07 There's Speaker 3 01:18:07 A disclaimer, we're fixing, Speaker 15 01:18:09 Some listeners might find this suspicious behavior. Speaker 5 01:18:12 <laugh> we'll fix it in post. Speaker 2 01:18:15 We have editing. We have editing abilities. Pete, Speaker 3 01:18:17 We have the technology. Speaker 15 01:18:19 Yeah. So you have means opportunity and, and intent. Got it Speaker 2 01:18:23 Means opportunity and motive. Mom, Hey, uh, we're gonna miss you, man. We're Speaker 15 01:18:29 Gonna miss you guys. I'm gonna miss you guys too. I really am in, in all honesty though, finding some haunted places in New Mexico, I think is gonna be fairly easy. So, uh, I think we'll end up finding some new spots that we've never been to down there before. And hopefully some really good things to, to check Speaker 2 01:18:43 Out. It's only about an 18 hour drive in base camp. Speaker 15 01:18:47 Oh, only an 18 hour drive. Yeah, no. Speaker 5 01:18:50 Should we round up a little bit 30? Speaker 2 01:18:52 30? Yeah. Speaker 15 01:18:53 <laugh> for the stop for chili cheese dogs along the way. Oh Speaker 2 01:18:56 Yeah. New chili cheese dogs. Speaker 5 01:18:58 And you, and you have to account for the topography too. You know, we're gonna, we're gonna run into some Hills. I'm sure. Speaker 15 01:19:04 Of course. Speaker 3 01:19:05 Well, it's good to hear from you PD. You want to do the outro with us? Speaker 15 01:19:09 Yeah. I'll do the outro with you. Speaker 5 01:19:11 <laugh> Speaker 3 01:19:12 Take two. Awesome. Speaker 2 01:19:14 We got an amazing episode coming up, uh, for our next episode. Is it gonna be scary? It's gonna be phenomenal. What Speaker 3 01:19:21 Is it? Speaker 2 01:19:22 I'm not gonna say what it is. Not saying what it, it might be on dejavu. Yeah, no might be on. You wouldn't wanna, he Speaker 3 01:19:28 Wouldn't want to. Speaker 5 01:19:29 It is, is scary. Speaker 2 01:19:31 Uh, thank you, Jesse, for being in the studio. Thank you tab for being in the studio. No, thank you, Scott, Rob, whatever. Thank you, Danny and Pete for joining us for the last 30 seconds of the podcast. Woo, Speaker 15 01:19:45 Woohoo. Appreciate guys. Speaker 5 01:19:47 Welcome. Speaker 3 01:19:48 Thanks for answering the phone. Yeah, that's the first time and Speaker 2 01:19:52 First time. And thank you for being our friend. Speaker 15 01:19:56 I I'm all in guys. Just remember that. Speaker 3 01:19:59 I'm all in. We're gonna miss you when you die. Speaker 15 01:20:03 That's what thing? You'll always say. Speaker 3 01:20:04 <laugh> Speaker 2 01:20:06 All right, until at next episode, 90 night, you're gonna die, Pete. Speaker 5 01:20:15 Bye. Bye. Speaker 2 01:20:19 Bye. Speaker 5 01:20:21 Bye buddy. See you guys.

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