NWCS - Into The Dark - Episode 41 Grimoires

Episode 41 February 15, 2023 01:10:54
NWCS - Into The Dark - Episode 41 Grimoires
N.W.C.S. Into The Dark
NWCS - Into The Dark - Episode 41 Grimoires

Feb 15 2023 | 01:10:54


Show Notes

Join NWCS as we discuss the book of Grimoire.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:03 The Sasquatch, Helen in the night, bear normal beans. Come out to play. Feel that upon you, upon your neck. But do not fear when the rug bikes, because we'll follow you into the dark. We'll follow you into the dark, Speaker 2 00:00:39 Into the dark, contains subject matter and language that may be unsuitable for younger listeners, listener discretion is advised. Hello and welcome to nwc S into the Dark. This is our, are we given podcast episodes number now, or we're not doing that anymore? We're not doing that anymore. So this is big podcast episode number, no number. Oh, no numbers. Okay. No, no number. Alright. Uh, so tonight's topic is gr Grim is Speaker 3 00:01:07 Grim is Speaker 2 00:01:08 Gonna be great. Listen, listen, grim. I have a feeling that Danny selects his podcast episodes with names that are difficult to pronounce. Just to be difficult with me. Speaker 3 00:01:20 It's all about you, buddy. Well, I just wanna see, well, the struggle bus come Speaker 2 00:01:25 Through. Well, I mean, the struggle bus, <laugh>, <laugh>, all aboard the struggle Bus Speaker 3 00:01:30 <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:01:31 I, the, the, the beast of Ger and the, the, uh, the aha, the and the grim. Technically, Speaker 3 00:01:41 I didn't pick that Speaker 2 00:01:41 One though. Gr Grim. War Grim. So this is Episode Grims, grim Speaker 3 00:01:46 Wars. Grim war. Grim, grim Grim Wars. So look at that. You nailed it. Speaker 2 00:01:49 Mm-hmm. Grim War Grim worries. Speaker 3 00:01:52 Grim Wars. Speaker 2 00:01:53 Grim wars like memoirs, but scary grim wars. Speaker 3 00:01:57 Yeah. It's still kind of a Speaker 2 00:01:58 Twister. Okay. Okay. Uh, uh, in the studio, tonight's got, we've got, uh, myself, we've got, uh, tab. Hello. We've got Rob. Speaker 3 00:02:14 Hi. Speaker 2 00:02:15 We've got Danny all the way from somewhere in California. A special guest in the studio tonight, Joey. Speaker 3 00:02:27 Ladies and gentlemen, nice to be back. Speaker 2 00:02:30 Ladies. What the what, gentlemen? Ladies. Okay. Speaker 3 00:02:33 Wow. Speaker 2 00:02:34 So, Joey, Speaker 3 00:02:35 Jojo in Speaker 2 00:02:35 The house. So if you noticed, Joey, we all have kind of intros. You're, you were working on an intro for like, I Speaker 3 00:02:44 Was gonna second he was working Speaker 2 00:02:45 On that. Like Danny is Oh, yeah, yeah. Idea. And Jesse is like, Hey, hey. And tap. Like, wait. He didn't do it though. Danny didn't do it. I don't remember what my, Rob Viv just Rob. Sorry. It was love. Let me, let me just address that. You Speaker 4 00:02:58 Guys, guys are, none of you guys are on air. I am with the blue light. Yo. Speaker 2 00:03:02 Right. So Danny, Rob, you just kind need to sit. Speaker 4 00:03:05 Okay. What, sit, what are you going? What, what? Speaker 2 00:03:07 You need to just sit there and kind of look pretty for this Speaker 4 00:03:09 Episode. <laugh>. All right. Don't look pretty with my face looking Hing. Speaker 2 00:03:12 So Rob just got back from the dentist. <laugh>. Rob got back from the dentist, and so half of his mouth is drooping. Speaker 3 00:03:20 Oh, this is Speaker 2 00:03:21 Gonna be great. He can't really talk very well. I don't know why he's even on this episode. Just, Speaker 4 00:03:25 Or, or did I have a stroke? Speaker 2 00:03:27 Did you, I either, Speaker 3 00:03:30 Do Speaker 2 00:03:30 You smell toast? Either one. Speaker 4 00:03:32 Do I smell toast? What? Speaker 3 00:03:34 Yeah, it's a thing. Apparently if you smell toast, it's signs of a stroke. I'm told Google it. Google it. I saw it on Snoops Speaker 4 00:03:42 <laugh>. Okay. I smell, uh, uh, chicken Speaker 2 00:03:46 Just gave Speaker 5 00:03:47 Your mouth. It does smell like chicken. Speaker 2 00:03:48 Just close your mouth, buddy. That's what we're having dinner. Speaker 4 00:03:51 I am. Why am I here, Speaker 2 00:03:52 Joey? Speaker 6 00:03:53 My Speaker 2 00:03:53 Bad. Yes. What's going on, brother? Oh, been a while. It's been a while since you've been in the studio. Yeah, it's been a while since we've all been in the studio. I, Speaker 4 00:04:00 I know. I think the last time we were all together was when he was here. <laugh>. I Speaker 2 00:04:03 Dunno, it's like six months ago. Where'd Danny go? Speaker 5 00:04:07 Danny disappeared. Speaker 6 00:04:08 Just been, uh, you know, staying busy at work. Speaker 2 00:04:10 Yeah. Yeah. Uh, well, let's move on to anything new, Joey. What's new? Speaker 6 00:04:16 Huh? You guys wanna talk about some bodies? Speaker 4 00:04:18 What? Speaker 2 00:04:20 What? Speaker 6 00:04:22 Sorry. Speaker 2 00:04:23 Oh, Speaker 6 00:04:23 Different conversation. Speaker 4 00:04:24 Oh, Speaker 5 00:04:25 No, I Speaker 3 00:04:26 Don't think, apparently I was on mute. Oh. Can you, can you guys see my screen? Speaker 2 00:04:30 Yes, sir. We can. Is that Rob? Rob? That's Rob Speaker 3 00:04:33 <laugh>. Speaker 5 00:04:34 It's Chunk or not Chunk? Baby Speaker 6 00:04:36 Ruth. Baby Ruth. Speaker 4 00:04:38 Is Mike Speaker 3 00:04:39 From Goonies Speaker 2 00:04:40 Sloth? Speaker 3 00:04:41 That's right. Yeah, I can Speaker 4 00:04:41 Hear you. Oh, okay. It just seemed okay. Speaker 2 00:04:44 Tab. What's up? Anything new? Speaker 5 00:04:45 Absolutely nothing new. I've been not busy either, so I just, Speaker 4 00:04:50 Oh, no. A boring light. You did a nice, uh, wrap here recently. Well, Speaker 5 00:04:55 Yeah, yeah, Speaker 4 00:04:55 Yeah. That was good. It Speaker 5 00:04:57 Turned out pretty good. Speaker 4 00:04:57 Yeah. That's awesome. I can't wait, Speaker 3 00:04:59 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Rap with an Speaker 5 00:05:02 R? No, no. With a Where did you Speaker 2 00:05:04 Perform? Speaker 3 00:05:04 <laugh>? I wanna hear Speaker 2 00:05:05 It. No, you don't. I wanna hear it. You don't wanna hear town rap? Speaker 5 00:05:08 No. You do not with Speaker 2 00:05:09 An r p, but he, he wraps vehicles with a W A R P. Rob, anything new buddy? Speaker 4 00:05:15 Uh, speaking of a R p, I got a letter today Speaker 2 00:05:19 From A A R P Speaker 4 00:05:21 <laugh>. I'm just kidding. Uh, anything new? No. I just had my face drilled and I had a bunch of Novocaine in my face right now, and my eye keeps twitching. I think it hit her nerve to my eye because <laugh> my eye. This Speaker 6 00:05:36 Is gonna be great. Speaker 2 00:05:37 Uh, this is gonna be an awesome episode. Danny. Can Speaker 6 00:05:39 Can you take another drink of your water? I'd like to watch that Speaker 2 00:05:42 Again. <laugh> It goes all over the table. Yeah. Speaker 5 00:05:44 Yeah. It, uh, he's making a mess. Speaker 2 00:05:45 It's kinda What do you got for us, Danny? Anything new? Speaker 5 00:05:47 I don't, and we ran outta napkins too. <laugh>? Speaker 3 00:05:50 Yeah. <laugh>. Um, I've just done a little bit of exploring around here. Local area, uh, near the Sacramento area. I got a chance to head up to, uh, Auburn, California. I went and checked out that old mining town a little bit. Nothing exciting, nothing breaking up crazy, but I am. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:06:09 You're son Gared. Oh, Speaker 3 00:06:11 Sorry. Speaker 4 00:06:12 Don't you mean Auburn? Speaker 3 00:06:16 Auburn <laugh>. I guess I have a big event around, um, Halloween time, uh, where they, people come in different dress for the period, or I don't know what period it is, but I'm gonna check that out this year and see if they have the event. But also, Jackson, California, which apparently is home of the Jackson Mine. And, uh, on my radar for this next couple months, I'm gonna try and hit Nevada State Prison. If you guys are, if you guys are down. Nice. We need to get a trip. Speaker 2 00:06:41 I, I would be down for that. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yeah, for sure. Uh, the only thing I have new is sort of some sad news. Um, you guys know Kirk, uh, Allen Cohen Mayo, uh, known to Manny as Hudu San Moiz. Oh, yeah. Who was a friend and, uh, guest of the show, uh, passed away recently. Uh, his death has been, his death was confirmed by Festival of Witches, uh, through an online post. The circumstances surrounding his passing have not be, uh, been made public. Uh, Hudu and Moise was a believed, uh, beloved elder of the Hudu practice, author and friend to many as a guest on our podcast. Hudu San Moiz worked to dispel the taboos and glorified untruths of the practice of Hudu. Uh, we were honored to, uh, have him as a guest and to be able to spend some time with him at his, uh, shop in New Orleans, conjure New Orleans, uh, during one of our investigations while we were in the New Orleans area. And, uh, we definitely extend our con our condolences to his family, uh, friends and all those who, um, all those who lives, he's touched. So, uh, rest in peace. Hudu San Moe. Speaker 3 00:07:50 Yeah. Speaker 4 00:07:51 Yes. Rest in peace. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:07:54 The topic this evening is Speaker 3 00:07:59 River Wars. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on. Before we move on. I, I, I, I, I gotta ask, where the hell has everybody been? Myself Speaker 2 00:08:10 Know, I just moved. I just moved. We've all been helping Scott move. Yeah. Everybody's been, I, I appreciate everybody in this. Its helping me move. Mine came over when we were done moving. Yeah. Joe and Joe that attended the, uh, the barbecue, the Speaker 3 00:08:24 After party. Speaker 2 00:08:25 Yeah. Joey, Speaker 4 00:08:26 I haven't, I haven't been home in three weeks. Speaker 2 00:08:28 He showed up for the, uh, showed up for the after party, but yeah, I moved to, uh, beautifuls, Oregon, which is kind of, kind of out in the middle of nowhere. I thought I was out in the middle of nowhere. Speaker 3 00:08:38 That's that booming metropolis. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:08:40 Yeah. It's not a booming, but, you know, coincidentally, I'm actually Joey's neighbor now because Joey lives in the 10, 10 minutes beautiful town in Jefferson, which is the neighboring town. So Yeah. Of all the, of obscure far away places to move. Joey happens to be my neighbor. Speaker 6 00:08:58 And I actually got in trouble because I went to his house, house before he lived there, and I, Speaker 3 00:09:03 Yeah, Speaker 6 00:09:03 Yeah. I fell asleep in the living room. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:09:06 We're squatting. Speaker 5 00:09:07 Yeah. And you got in Speaker 2 00:09:08 Trouble. Yeah. Well, the house was still for sale. We, we didn't, we didn't even sign any papers and he just showed up at the house. Speaker 6 00:09:14 The lady showed up and I'm laying there naked and, oh, half drunk. Oh Speaker 2 00:09:18 My gosh. Speaker 6 00:09:18 Yeah. It was weird. It was kind a little bit Speaker 3 00:09:20 Of crico oil all Speaker 6 00:09:21 Over. Yeah. I got trespassed and I called Scott and I was like, well, I know the owner. And she's like, well, it's not sold yet. This is kind of strange. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:09:27 Yeah. Speaker 6 00:09:28 Did you break in? Yeah, it was Speaker 2 00:09:30 Weird. Joey jumped the gun a little bit, bit on that Speaker 6 00:09:32 One. What happened? Speaker 2 00:09:32 It was on Speaker 3 00:09:34 <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:09:34 Uh, just a little bit. And, you know, with him being my neighbor just 10 minutes down the road, it's weird because sometimes I'll, you know, be walking around the house and he is just standing outside looking in the window. <laugh>. That's Speaker 6 00:09:46 Crazy. Very. Speaker 2 00:09:47 But actually, I could, Michael, Speaker 5 00:09:49 I could see that it's Speaker 2 00:09:50 Like, it's like pouring down rain outside. He Speaker 6 00:09:52 Hear the ladder Speaker 2 00:09:53 And he's just soaking wet looking in the window. I was like, bro, you can come in. Why are you, you want to come in and just, I'm good. Speaker 4 00:10:00 I, I think it's really weird when Speaker 3 00:10:02 He's, it's like the Oregon Michael Myers. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:10:05 I think it's really weird when his car's parked on your property, <laugh>, you, you can't find him. Mm-hmm. Speaker 5 00:10:10 <affirmative>. I could imagine this like a Jack Nicholson look on his face with the rain falling on. Speaker 6 00:10:16 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. What about the time I, yeah, I was up on the ladder. <laugh>, you were putting your shirt on the morning, you looked over and I was just sitting there staring at Speaker 2 00:10:24 You. It was weird. It was Speaker 6 00:10:26 Weird. Cause Speaker 3 00:10:28 Is it too late to take back that question? Speaker 6 00:10:30 Well, he is out in the country. He thinks he's, you know, safe, but he's invincible. He's really not. Speaker 3 00:10:36 <laugh> not from you, apparently. Speaker 2 00:10:38 Where, where's everyone else been? That's my excuse for not podcasting for the last six months. We've moving Speaker 3 00:10:45 Sure. Speaker 2 00:10:45 Loading things. What's everyone else's excuse? Speaker 6 00:10:48 Just working myself. Speaker 4 00:10:49 Working nonstop. Speaker 2 00:10:50 Yeah. Work sucks. Mm. Speaker 3 00:10:53 Yeah. That's the thing. When, when is this podcast gonna take off? Are we monetized yet? Speaker 2 00:10:59 I don't know. So we can retire from, I, uh, I haven't had the chance to check the stats on it Speaker 4 00:11:04 Or anything like that, but <laugh>, we haven't done anything, anything with the podcast. Speaker 3 00:11:07 Oh, man. We gotta get back on that. We Speaker 2 00:11:10 Gotta, we gotta we got a possible paid event coming out that we might make a small fortune on and retire early. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:11:16 There we go. Trip. No, that's just, that's probably just gonna pay for gas Speaker 2 00:11:20 Really? Well, it might pay for our drinks. That's at the true, uh, tlc. Speaker 3 00:11:24 Oh, hell yeah. What we don't really remember, we are the, they reigning, Speaker 5 00:11:30 And that's in October, right? Speaker 3 00:11:31 March Jenga Block Champion. Speaker 2 00:11:32 We don't have a date set. We're looking, Speaker 4 00:11:34 I'm gonna have to start practicing my arm wrestling. Speaker 6 00:11:38 Excuse Speaker 2 00:11:39 Me. Or your Speaker 3 00:11:39 We are, we are the reigning, we're the reigning large Jenga block champion there, by Speaker 2 00:11:44 The way. And we will reclaim that title when we roll back. Speaker 3 00:11:47 No, we, we, we own it. Absolutely. Okay. Speaker 2 00:11:49 Yeah. Speaker 3 00:11:50 Okay. Put some sta on it. Speaker 2 00:11:52 What is is the, uh, what is the Grim Grims? <laugh> Grim. Speaker 3 00:11:57 Grims Grim. Speaker 2 00:11:59 I tell, tell us about, tell us about the grims Speaker 3 00:12:02 To do this episode. Yeah. So Grims, let me just qualify this and say, first off, Danny is not an expert. I'm gonna quote Wikipedia here, <laugh>, and give you my general understanding of what it is. So first off, let me just ask, in general, does anybody have a sense of what it might be? Just, just just a couple words, what you know. Speaker 2 00:12:22 Yeah, I'm gonna guess and say, uh, like, it's similar to a book of spells and invocations. Speaker 3 00:12:27 Oh, okay. Maybe let me retract that question. Okay. So, a grim is a, also known as a book of spells and invocations. God damnit. See, <laugh> <laugh>. Scott. Scott read my notes. He's got the notes. Speaker 4 00:12:41 Well, it's the title of our, our, our our segment. Speaker 3 00:12:45 Oh, yeah. I did write a subtitle on there. Oh, Speaker 2 00:12:48 Yeah. Oh yeah. Speaker 3 00:12:49 Oh yeah, baby. So, more or less, really what grim is, it's a textbook of magic that typically includes instructions on how to create magical objects like talismans or ambulance, and also how to perform magic spells, charms, and deviations. And it also can include how to summon or invoke supernatural entities such as angels, spirits, deities, and your favorite demons. Speaker 2 00:13:17 Why? Sounds like that. Danny, why do you continue to do this Speaker 3 00:13:22 <laugh>? What did I Speaker 2 00:13:23 Do? You're just, you, you bring Demonn juju into the studio. He wants to be a demon hunter, but, you know, Speaker 3 00:13:30 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. You guys have chicken? There are demons cabinet back there. There are demons. Chicken head, it's head cut Speaker 2 00:13:36 Off. That was, that was a gift from Hudu. Moe <laugh>. Uh, but you know, I, I find it funny that he does all these demonn things and he's not in the studio. Right. He's safe in California and not Speaker 3 00:13:50 By Speaker 2 00:13:50 Myself. It's all nice and warm. Then he's by myself. Then he invokes all this juju in the studio, and we have to deal with it. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:13:57 Wait till you open the box. Speaker 2 00:13:59 I don't wanna open box. So anyway, I do not wanna open the box now. <laugh>. Go ahead. Go ahead, Speaker 3 00:14:04 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:14:06 I'll, I'll find the box. I'll find it. Speaker 3 00:14:08 <laugh>. Yeah. All right. And so the other thing about this is that the books themselves are believed to be imbued with magical powers in some case. And although many cultures consider them sacred texts, not all grim. Mars, are you ready for this? I'm ready. Such as the Bible <laugh>, our believed to have supernatural properties. Speaker 2 00:14:29 Wait, wait, wait. Hold on. <laugh>, back up. Hold up. Wait a minute. Speaker 3 00:14:34 Let me put some pimping in Speaker 2 00:14:36 It. Uh, I am So what you're saying is the Bible is a grim war. Other Speaker 3 00:14:41 Sacred, other sacred text. Sorry. Speaker 2 00:14:43 Oh, okay. Don't confuse the Bible with a grim war. Please, Speaker 3 00:14:47 <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:14:48 Please. Speaker 3 00:14:48 Maybe it is to some people, Speaker 2 00:14:51 Spoiler alert, Jesus wins. Speaker 3 00:14:53 Oh my God. <laugh>. Take that to the bank. So, nonetheless, uh, you know, these things have been around for a long time, and, you know, grim Mars are really, like I said, uh, intended to be this book of spells and invo invocations that for whatever purpose you use, it's a record or a journal of your experiences through this. So what do you guys think? Speaker 5 00:15:19 Um, <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:15:21 Great. Great. Great. Good talk. Good Speaker 5 00:15:23 Talk. <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:15:25 Yeah. Nice input to Thank you, Speaker 5 00:15:28 <laugh>. Oh, boy. <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:15:30 Well, Speaker 5 00:15:32 I'd Speaker 2 00:15:33 Like to talk about the key of Solomon, if I could. Speaker 3 00:15:36 <laugh>. Okay, let's do it. Speaker 2 00:15:39 So, in the, uh, the book of Grim Wars are spelled in invocations. Uh, the key of Solomon is a medieval grim war or book of magic. And despite its name, it's not attributed to Solomon, son of David. Scholars typically identify the key of Solomon as a 14th or 15th century piece of Latin literature. Most remaining manuscripts date from the 16th to 18th century, including translations in several English, uh, languages, particularly Italian. Uh, the manuscripts include many pentacles, Nero, necron designs, uh, to be used in invocations and spells. Speaker 3 00:16:19 What was that? What was that? Speaker 5 00:16:21 Yeah. What was that again? What does that mean? Speaker 2 00:16:24 Invocations? Speaker 5 00:16:25 Yeah. How do you, no, how do you actually Speaker 3 00:16:26 Spell? No, no, no. Speaker 2 00:16:28 Nero man. Nero. Speaker 5 00:16:31 Yeah. What, what is that? Speaker 2 00:16:33 <laugh>. It means having sex with dead people. Speaker 5 00:16:35 No, no, no, no. Nick. Oh, I got, Speaker 2 00:16:40 According to going there. According to the mythology included in the document, king Solomon originally wrote the book for his son, Reba, and commanded him to hide it in his tomb upon his death, allegedly, the book was later discovered by a group of Babylonian philosophers while repairing Solomon's tomb, one of these mens received a vision in which a supposed angel commanded him to hide the book from the unworthy. Like Joey. This led to the philosopher to cast a spell on the book. The first section of the Key of Solomon includes a variety of chance spells and curses to summon or restrain demons and the spirits of the dead. The section also, uh, touches on other magic spells, dealing with how to become invisible and how to find love. Joey, one prayer, uh, passage to cast out a demonn reads like this. And I have it. Speaker 5 00:17:39 Uh, are you Speaker 2 00:17:40 Gonna read it? I don't think I'm going to <laugh>, but it's a Speaker 5 00:17:42 Spell. What? Have Danny do it, Speaker 2 00:17:45 It, it's a passage to cast out demons. So it's not, it's not, oh, that's safe. Safe. It's not. It's pretty safe. So, Speaker 3 00:17:53 Okay. So what's the risk? Let's read it. Let's hear it. Speaker 2 00:17:56 Uh, Speaker 3 00:17:58 If, if, if one of you falls over though, then we have, uh, some work to do. Speaker 2 00:18:02 I, it's a good one. It, it's meant for good. So I'm gonna do, Speaker 3 00:18:06 You should turn on the spirit box while you're doing, it should Speaker 2 00:18:08 Shut your manhole. That's, Speaker 6 00:18:10 I Speaker 2 00:18:10 Feel like your Speaker 3 00:18:11 Manhole. Well, Speaker 4 00:18:12 I feel like I'm the weak one here, so I'm not really comfortable right Speaker 2 00:18:16 Now. Maybe we should let Rob read it with his gimpy gum. <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:18:19 Oh, yes, he's gimpy gum. There Speaker 2 00:18:21 We go. Rob, I'm gonna have you read. Speaker 4 00:18:23 Fuck me. I mean, Speaker 3 00:18:24 And now we turn into Rob for slots reading the, uh, <inaudible> swat. Speaker 4 00:18:30 Uh, Speaker 2 00:18:31 All right. He's gonna read the passage with his gimpy gums. Speaker 3 00:18:36 <laugh>. This is gonna be great. Speaker 4 00:18:38 Lord Jesus Christ. Speaker 3 00:18:39 Control Speaker 4 00:18:40 The loving son of God, which dust illuminate the hearts of all men in the world. Lighten the darkest darkness of my heart and kindle the fire of my most holy love in me. Speaker 2 00:19:00 Why are you breathing so happy? Does that have anything to do with your gum problem? Shit, Speaker 6 00:19:03 Probably. Yeah. Your face is sagging. It's on your shirt. His whole side of his face. Speaker 2 00:19:10 Just, I can't, Speaker 4 00:19:11 I seriously, my face. Did you go numb? Speaker 2 00:19:13 Pick up your lip shot or something? Continue. Pick up your lip and continue. <laugh>. I Speaker 6 00:19:18 <laugh>. It's hanging down on his collar. Speaker 4 00:19:20 They gave me like four no shots. Speaker 2 00:19:23 Continue. <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:19:24 Can you repeat that last part again? Speaker 6 00:19:26 Oh my Speaker 4 00:19:27 God. You mean the whole the whole beginning? Speaker 2 00:19:30 No, no, Speaker 6 00:19:31 Don't start over. Speaker 2 00:19:33 Start off when you left off Speaker 3 00:19:34 <laugh>. Give me what if he doesn't say it right. Okay, go ahead. Speaker 4 00:19:39 Give me true faith. Perfect. Charity. <laugh>. I can't talk. Speaker 2 00:19:45 Hold, hold on. I can't. Hey, Danny. Danny brings up a really good point. I Speaker 4 00:19:50 Can't do it. Speaker 2 00:19:50 Danny brings up a really good point. What if his slurring actually says a different word and it, it evokes means the complete opposite? Yeah. Speaker 4 00:19:59 I'm, I'm gonna try again. Speaker 6 00:20:00 Okay. Are we even Sure This is actually Rob Speaker 3 00:20:04 Zuzu Speaker 4 00:20:05 Give me true faith per I can't do it. Nope. I can't do it. Speaker 3 00:20:10 <laugh>. I, Speaker 4 00:20:11 I, my mouth is not working. Speaker 2 00:20:13 Lord Jesus Christ. Speaker 3 00:20:14 Come on, man. What Your chicken, Speaker 2 00:20:16 Lord Jesus Christ, the loving son of God, which does dosed, illuminate the hearts of all men in the world. Lighten the darkness of my heart and kindle the fire of thy most holy love in me. Give me true faith, perfect charity and virtue whereby I may learn to fear and love the, and keep the commandments in all things. That when the day shall come, the angel of God may peacefully take me and deliver me from the power of the devil that I may enjoy everlasting rest, amids the company of the Holy Saints. And sit on my right. Grant this thou son of the living God for the holy namesake. Ah. Amen. What, Danny, are you okay, Speaker 4 00:20:59 Bro? Danny's Speaker 5 00:21:00 Danny. Danny's said demon. He's releasing the demonn. Speaker 6 00:21:05 He's purging. Speaker 2 00:21:06 I knew it. Speaker 5 00:21:07 I knew Speaker 2 00:21:08 It the whole time. He's Speaker 6 00:21:09 Fine. Oh, just let it out, Dan. Sorry. Get it out of there. Speaker 3 00:21:12 I choked on it. Speaker 4 00:21:14 Hey, Theto, the black guy doesn't die in this movie. Come on. Speaker 3 00:21:17 <laugh>. <laugh>. Yeah, it's, we always go first. It's Speaker 2 00:21:20 Okay. This prayer, uh, includes an obvious inner charism. The reference to the Lord Jesus Christ proves the manuscript was not written during the time of Solomon. The prayer also mixes magic and church teachings, which was common to Italian literature of the Middle Ages. The, the, the second section of the key of Solomon lists and describes a variety of purifications and exorcists should undergo instructions are given on clothing, magical devices, and even animal Speaker 4 00:21:52 Sacrifices. Speaker 3 00:21:54 Sacrifice Speaker 2 00:21:54 <laugh>, despite the name of the book, the Key of Solomon is neither a key nor of Solomon. It is simply a book of medieval magic that utilizes Juge o Christian themes. While the book is valuable for historical research, it's subject matter, is Unbiblical the key of Somon? Mm-hmm. <affirmative> is not connected in any way with the biblical character mentioned and its title. That's what I got. Speaker 3 00:22:20 Interesting. What else you guys got, Rob? He's Speaker 2 00:22:26 Got a fat lab. Uh, Speaker 4 00:22:27 Um, <laugh>. Yeah, I agree. I agree with Scott Speaker 3 00:22:32 <laugh>. Good talk. Good talking. Yeah. So, well, I, let me give you this. So, went back in the, um, archives here. I checked out, the Guardian wrote an article back in 2009 titled Owen Davies, top 10 Grim Wars. Okay, are you ready for this? We hit it. Book number one, sixth and seventh. Books of Moses, what? Stop, considered, considered a grim wire. I'm just telling you what they said. <laugh>, don't shoot the messenger. <laugh>, sixth and seventh books of Moses. Number two, the Claco of Solomon. I don't know if that's the same thing, but it sounds like it's referenced. Uh, similarly, uh, there's another call number three, petite Albert or Little Albert. And number four, the book of Saint Oh boy, Speaker 4 00:23:28 Uganda. Got Speaker 5 00:23:29 Somewhere. There's a word that Danny didn't Speaker 4 00:23:31 <laugh>. Yeah, that's, you kinda sound like Speaker 5 00:23:33 Scott <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:23:35 It was my glasses. It was my Speaker 5 00:23:38 Glasses. Could it be superior? Speaker 3 00:23:40 That sounds right. Number five, the dragon. Speaker 2 00:23:43 Oh, I put the brain on tab. <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:23:46 No. Yeah. Big brain on tab. Speaker 5 00:23:49 I got my glasses Speaker 3 00:23:49 On. Number six. Number six, the book of honors number seven. The fourth book of Oc cult philosophy. Number eight, the Magus. Number nine, the Nero Maga. Speaker 2 00:24:02 The Maga, Speaker 3 00:24:03 Yeah. <laugh>. Speaker 5 00:24:04 Yeah. Number, number Speaker 2 00:24:06 10. Speaker 3 00:24:06 Book of Speaker 2 00:24:07 Shadows. Maga Speaker 3 00:24:08 Of Shadows. Number 10. You know that number nine, the neon I heard was, um, one of those, it's kind of controversial because it allegedly, it was a book written, or, or, or a was referenced as The Grim Mar and a story written by HP Lovecraft as a fictional book. But there's, there's debate on whether or not it's a real, real, uh, active grim or not up there. So we should go on a Speaker 5 00:24:34 Hunt. And that would go, I mean, I've got it in front of me. Is that, um, if I'm reading it right, does, is it this come from the eighth century, though, what they're thinking? Speaker 3 00:24:45 Yeah. Referencing to That sounds right to me. Yeah. I, I don't know the actual story that it's referencing, but, um, there are some people, it was definitely written by HP Lovecraft, but into a book or story. But, uh, there's, there's kind of some that have been titled the same and, and labeled as quote real. But again, it was written inside of a story or, or a book that each Greek Lovecraft had written. Speaker 5 00:25:09 Yeah. They, they referenced it to, uh, the book of Secret Wisdom. Speaker 3 00:25:14 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 5 00:25:15 And, and that was in the eighth century. Speaker 3 00:25:18 I think we should go try and find it. Speaker 2 00:25:20 No. No, we should not. Speaker 3 00:25:22 Why not? Speaker 2 00:25:23 Because it's devil juju. Speaker 3 00:25:26 We can, we can do like, um, what is it called? Uh, without a paddle. I'll cuddle you, Scott. Speaker 5 00:25:32 There's the, the Book of Shadows too, and it references, uh, the free Masons. Speaker 3 00:25:37 Yeah. See, there you go. We're the free Masons Demonn worshipers. Speaker 5 00:25:43 Yeah. Uh, it is founded on the text of modern Wicca. Is what? It's basically, Speaker 3 00:25:50 There you go. Speaker 5 00:25:51 Founded in, uh, 1940s. Speaker 3 00:25:55 There you go. Speaker 2 00:25:57 What, what do you got for us, Joey? Speaker 6 00:25:59 Oh, I don't, I don't, well, Speaker 2 00:26:01 He's just over, he's just over there on Tinder and Facebook and, and Speaker 6 00:26:04 I'm, here's Speaker 2 00:26:05 Nice and big. Are you doing Speaker 3 00:26:07 Research? Checking his grinder out? Speaker 6 00:26:08 No, I printed. Yeah. I'm actually kind of a big deal on Grindr. I've got like 50,000 followers or Speaker 2 00:26:13 Something. <laugh>. Wow. Speaker 6 00:26:14 That's pretty impressive. What Speaker 5 00:26:16 Is grinding? Wow. Speaker 6 00:26:17 They said something about, I don't know. Yeah, Speaker 5 00:26:20 I printed that for You Speaker 3 00:26:21 Wanna drop your only fan page, Speaker 5 00:26:22 Joe? Huge text. Speaker 6 00:26:23 What's that? Speaker 3 00:26:24 You wanna drop your only Fann page link? Speaker 6 00:26:28 No. Speaker 3 00:26:28 <laugh>. Why do I feel like this is another, uh, uncomfortable episode? Like our demons Speaker 6 00:26:36 Episode? Well, Speaker 4 00:26:38 Uh, uh, uh, so Hey, Danny, the pad today, Danny, the package you sent, is it in a white envelope or a brown one? Speaker 3 00:26:48 I have no clue, but there are two of them. Oh, let me tell you what's in one of 'em. Okay. Speaker 2 00:26:53 Hey, don't tell me I'm Speaker 3 00:26:55 Gonna, I have a special surprise for you guys. Speaker 2 00:26:57 Is it something double related? Speaker 3 00:26:59 Hang on. No, just hang on a second. Pause. <laugh>. Inside one of them, you're going to find a small trophy. It's called Our Horse Shit Award. That was just for fun, <laugh>. Okay, so there, there should be three total items inside of the packages. So, so for the, for the listeners, uh, we have a special surprise for the group here that I've mailed to them. And this might be the last time they hear from any of them. I mean, Speaker 4 00:27:31 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:27:32 So this is our, this is our unboxing. Speaker 3 00:27:35 Um, yes. We're gonna, which Speaker 2 00:27:37 Is awkward, which is awkward dating. I'm just gonna preface this by saying you said that you're gonna be sending me something. And on a regular basis, I get Amazon packages here from me. So <laugh>, this could be any, any one odd uhoh. Uh, but it looks like it might be a, Speaker 3 00:27:55 Um, Speaker 5 00:27:58 It's a fancy Speaker 2 00:27:58 Box. It's a fancy box. It's looks like a water. If Speaker 3 00:28:02 It, if it's, it's a, if it's long and black, it's not, uh, Speaker 2 00:28:05 It's, it's long and black. Uh, Speaker 5 00:28:08 I sent, Speaker 3 00:28:09 I sent the wrong package. I sent the wrong package. Speaker 2 00:28:12 No, no, no, no. It is a long black feather pen. Speaker 3 00:28:17 <laugh>. Is that Speaker 2 00:28:18 Part, is that part of it? Speaker 3 00:28:20 Yeah, that sounds, uh, Speaker 2 00:28:22 Fancy. Speaker 5 00:28:23 So it's a Speaker 2 00:28:24 Quill. It's a nice, it's a, with all different types of quill. And it's got a little fancy Stand for it. Speaker 5 00:28:31 Look at this here. Ink. Yeah. So you're gonna have to go buy in. Speaker 3 00:28:35 What are you supposed? Speaker 2 00:28:36 No, no, no. Look it ink. Ink is included. Speaker 5 00:28:39 Oh, I wonder what that Speaker 4 00:28:41 We got some calligraphy going on. Speaker 2 00:28:43 That's beautiful. So I, with, with this, I'm not sure that I want to open the, the second Speaker 3 00:28:49 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:28:51 It's gonna be some sort of ritual. Oh, I need a knife. Who's got a knife? All right, we're opening this second box. Maybe we can speed this up. Maybe we can speed this up through editing. I'm gonna try to not cut myself. Speaker 3 00:29:04 Let me help. Let help. And now it starts opening the, Speaker 2 00:29:10 Okay. The second box appears to be Speaker 4 00:29:13 The bullshit award. Speaker 3 00:29:16 <laugh>. Speaker 4 00:29:17 It's the bullshit award. Speaker 5 00:29:20 Is this for the studio? What Speaker 3 00:29:21 Is it for the studio? Yeah. I, I figured can work that into another segment. Oh, Speaker 5 00:29:27 It's a trophy horse. Speaker 2 00:29:28 Horse shit. Participation trip. What? Speaker 5 00:29:30 What other horses? <laugh>. It's the A horse. Speaker 4 00:29:35 I love it. Speaker 2 00:29:35 It's beautiful. That's Speaker 4 00:29:37 Actually pretty. Okay. What's this other one? Speaker 3 00:29:39 Horse shit. Speaker 6 00:29:40 Participation. Here we go. What? Speaker 5 00:29:42 We'll have to use, take a picture of that and put Speaker 4 00:29:45 It on the, I took it out of the, Speaker 2 00:29:46 Oh, so there's another one. Speaker 6 00:29:48 Ooh, that's a nice Danny. Speaker 2 00:29:49 Okay, so this might be, this might be what goes with the quill. Speaker 3 00:29:53 Nice. Knowing you guys. Why Speaker 2 00:29:55 Is there, I don't want to open it here. Gonna Speaker 5 00:29:57 Explode. Hey, what is this Rob, Speaker 2 00:29:58 You opening? I got nothing. I don't want, I don't want demon juju. Speaker 6 00:30:02 What is this staining on this knife, Scott. Speaker 4 00:30:04 That's my knife. Uh, nevermind. Speaker 6 00:30:06 What have you been doing? Speaker 2 00:30:07 They're Speaker 5 00:30:08 Staining Speaker 3 00:30:08 On, that's not noise. Yeah, you don't. Oh, Speaker 2 00:30:12 Good lord. You don't have to be dramatic about it. Yeah, Speaker 6 00:30:14 Just throw, throw the knives away and buy Speaker 3 00:30:16 New one. You get the point, Speaker 4 00:30:18 Uhoh. Speaker 2 00:30:19 I'm not, I don't even wanna look at it. I'm not looking at Speaker 5 00:30:21 It. Oh, Speaker 2 00:30:21 No, I'm not. Speaker 4 00:30:22 Oh, no. Why kidding? Speaker 5 00:30:24 Oh, no. Oh, it's a book. It's a book. Oh, Speaker 4 00:30:27 This Speaker 5 00:30:28 Is cool. It's a lip. Is it the book of Enoch? Speaker 6 00:30:30 Hold on. It's a lip brace. Speaker 3 00:30:32 <laugh>. Oh, sozo. Speaker 4 00:30:35 So it says, it says Northwest Curiosity Society, the book of spells and encampments. Speaker 5 00:30:43 Oh, uhoh. Speaker 2 00:30:44 <laugh>. Let me Speaker 3 00:30:45 See. Dude, Speaker 4 00:30:46 That's awesome. Speaker 2 00:30:47 What? Speaker 5 00:30:48 It's leather. And Speaker 2 00:30:50 That's beautiful Nanny. Speaker 5 00:30:51 That's awesome. That that'll be the cover of our, uh, episode. Speaker 2 00:30:55 Yeah. So it's a leather go down. It's a leather bound journal that's got the N W c s crow with some sort of Celtic symbol behind it. And it says Northwest Curiosity Society Book of Spells and Enchantments. Let Speaker 5 00:31:08 Me see that. So we have to come up with our own spells. <laugh>. That's bad. Well, you know, Speaker 2 00:31:12 That's beautiful. We can use it for other purposes besides spells and enchantments, but what we could do, we could agree. We could all journal in that. Speaker 3 00:31:20 Exactly. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:31:22 And then when we're, when we're famous, we'll sell it Speaker 5 00:31:25 Or we run outta subject matter. We could That's really cool. Actually. Read each other's journals, <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:31:31 So when we're in base camp, do we need to bring the Quill with us? Speaker 3 00:31:35 No, I, we can, we can probably just use a standard pin, but I thought the Quill might be a nice luck, you know? Yeah, Speaker 2 00:31:40 Yeah, for Speaker 4 00:31:41 Sure. No, that's awesome, man. Speaker 3 00:31:43 <laugh> Speaker 5 00:31:44 And Danny. Sorry. I Speaker 3 00:31:45 Figured that'd be Speaker 5 00:31:46 Fun. You know, it's real leather. Speaker 2 00:31:47 That's awesome, Danny. Speaker 3 00:31:48 It is. Yeah. Awesome. It's a little smaller than I thought, but Speaker 5 00:31:52 Yeah. Wait, they, Speaker 4 00:31:53 That's, Speaker 5 00:31:54 She's Speaker 2 00:31:55 <laugh>. That's why she's, oh my God. You guys ready to move on? Speaker 4 00:32:00 Yeah. No, I, yeah. That's awesome, Speaker 2 00:32:02 Danny. That is awesome, Danny. Thank you. Yeah, Speaker 3 00:32:05 No problem. No problem. Let's do it Speaker 1 00:32:09 In a quiet town, in a small studio. It's Northwest Curiosity Societies Movie Review. Speaker 7 00:32:30 Our subject today is Simon McNeil. He's a self-professed medium. Speaker 8 00:32:35 He's almost here. Speaker 7 00:32:39 For those of you that don't know, I've recently lost my son Miles. People like Simon like to pray on grief. Ready whenever you are. Speaker 10 00:32:47 I need complete darkness. Or rather, they do Speaker 11 00:33:12 All the dead have stories. There is a place where these horrors are transcribed. Speaker 12 00:33:20 I'm not sure where I'm going. I felt like I was being followed. Speaker 13 00:33:24 We're headed. Raven War. Is it a nice place? Speaker 9 00:33:28 No. Speaker 13 00:33:30 Here. The dead. They're so much closer than you realize. Speaker 12 00:33:38 I wasn't planning on stopping. I just think I'm really tired. Speaker 9 00:33:42 Come, Speaker 12 00:33:44 You're safe here. I just have a thing with noises. It's neurological. Would've probably been better if I just didn't stop taking the meds. I'm so sorry, dear. I didn't mean to startle you. Speaker 13 00:34:19 Some bad shit happened. You urban decay. That's what happened. We like to think everyone who stays here Speaker 9 00:34:29 Is family. Speaker 11 00:34:37 We all die, but sometimes the stories of our passing must be forever carved into our collective memory. But all stories end here. Speaker 9 00:35:00 And Mommy, Speaker 2 00:35:03 The Hulu original Books of Blood. Speaker 9 00:35:06 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, Speaker 2 00:35:08 Uh, I gotta admit, uh, the trailer did not look like what I watched Speaker 14 00:35:15 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:35:16 What? What was that? What? We watched him, uh, it sounded like it, oh, Speaker 14 00:35:22 Wait Speaker 2 00:35:22 A minute. It tapped, Speaker 9 00:35:24 It tapped the Speaker 2 00:35:25 Movie <laugh>. I may or may not have. I'm gonna be, hon. I'm gonna be really honest. I did watch the movie <laugh>, but I kind, I kind of had a multitask watching it, so Fair enough. I didn't get everything. I Speaker 5 00:35:36 Know know, there was three main stories to it, and it all comes together. They kind of all come together at the end. Um, so I did, I did watch it, but I really had a hard time multitasking and watching, because I got confused between all three stories. So I was like, oh, wait a minute. You know? So I confess, Speaker 3 00:35:56 Well, let's just throw it out there. Books of Blood for, maybe those who don't know, was a, it's a 2020 American film based on an anthology of books, A horror fiction by the author Clive Barker. And, uh, Clive actually wrote these books. What's that? Speaker 5 00:36:13 Oh, is, was he a Freemason? I'm kidding. I'm Speaker 3 00:36:16 Kidding. I don't know. I'm kidding. <laugh> is that one. I don't know. But, uh, Clive Barker had written these books back in, it looks like 84 to 85. There were six volumes with many, uh, I'm gonna call 'em short stories. I don't know if you classify 'em for sure as short stories, but six volumes of stories, uh, that were written around this movie. And Speaker 2 00:36:37 Actually, would you consider, would you consider them, uh, Gothic Novellas? Speaker 3 00:36:41 <laugh>? Good job. Yeah. Very impressive. Let's go ahead and call 'em that <laugh>. There were actually several of them. Uh, some of them you might recognize were, uh, also adapted. Those stories were adapted into movies or film as well. So, RA had Reed back in 1986. And this, well, I'm gonna save that one. The last illusion, uh, was the story. It was, uh, adapted into the 1990 film. Lord of the Illusions and The Body Politic was adapted part of an, an part of the Anth audience into a movie called Quicksilver back in 1997. Probably the most famous one, I'm gonna assume you guys know this one. It was a story called Rumble Forbidden. The Forbidden was adapted into the 1992 film. Candyman <laugh> Speaker 5 00:37:31 Candyman. Speaker 3 00:37:32 Actually, you guys remember Candyman? No, Speaker 5 00:37:33 I didn't see it, but I Speaker 3 00:37:35 Remember it. Oh, man. It's an old school film, but nonetheless, one of the, uh, one of my favorites. Anyway, so Speaker 6 00:37:42 Candy Speaker 3 00:37:43 Man. Uh, but yeah, candy Man, but, uh, <laugh> Uhoh. Here we go. You guys don't remember the infamous Tony Todd as Candy Man, Speaker 2 00:37:52 I love it. You're, I loved it. You're, you're asking me, like, I would've watched that movie. Did Speaker 6 00:37:56 You actually go do it, Danny, in the, did you go in the bathroom and do it, Danny? Speaker 3 00:38:00 Uh, I tried that And Bloody Mary. I was, that was a, a thing. I, I, oh, Speaker 5 00:38:03 I've done that one. Speaker 3 00:38:05 I couldn't bring myself to do Candy Man, though. Oh. It was too, too real for me. But, uh, anyway, what'd you guys think? I, Speaker 5 00:38:13 I <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:38:14 I, I enjoyed the quote. If we close our minds to possibility, then we would never make any progress. I kind of, I kind of like that when the, the student was saying, how do you know all this paranormal stuff is real? So we're supposed to just believe it. Okay. <laugh>, um, <laugh>. But if we close our minds to possibility, then we would never make any progress. I, I watched it with Tab, and I kind of got a kick out of the guy that was, uh, kind of going down the hallway by himself, and he kept hearing all these weird things, and he kept going towards it and gets to where all the sounds are, and they're just super creepy sounds. I'm like, tab, that's totally you, you like on your own. I would, what? As soon as I Speaker 5 00:38:53 Know if we were together, you would Speaker 2 00:38:55 Be gone. Like, as soon as I heard the first creepy noise or sound, it would be like that cartoon where it's like, like the headphones would be on the ground and there'd be like a whole hole, like an outline. An outline of a person on the wall where it just Speaker 6 00:39:08 Actually on note of that <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:39:10 Um, what's Speaker 6 00:39:11 That? It makes me wonder if you still have a video that, um, of you leaving me Speaker 2 00:39:18 <laugh>. Speaker 5 00:39:18 Where? Oh, this actually happened. Speaker 3 00:39:20 The Flinstone Speaker 6 00:39:21 Run Basement Speaker 2 00:39:24 <laugh>. Hell yeah. I got outta there. Speaker 6 00:39:25 Why not? But why would you leave me behind? Do you still have that video? Speaker 2 00:39:29 Any chance that, I mean, hey, I can't, if you can't run as fast as I can, I can That be our, I can't be blamed for that. Speaker 6 00:39:34 That could be our fact or crap video. Yeah. For Speaker 2 00:39:36 Night. Totally did, did Scott leave? Wow. Yeah. Who's gonna believe that that would be, you know, not anything but true. Speaker 6 00:39:42 I bet you, of Speaker 2 00:39:43 Course, I've Speaker 6 00:39:43 Gonna leave that. I still have that video around somewhere. You have a collection of videos. Speaker 2 00:39:49 Oh, that was a good one. And now I kind of remember that that was a good one. That it's bank. That Where was it at? Speaker 5 00:39:53 Found? Speaker 6 00:39:54 Yes, we have that. Where were you? Can we play that on the podcast? Speaker 2 00:39:58 Our original office in Oregon City, the basement was Speaker 5 00:40:01 Straight up. Oh, this was on video? Speaker 6 00:40:02 Yeah. Yeah. We have it on video. We caught some stuff and he leaves me Speaker 5 00:40:07 <laugh>. Of course. Speaker 6 00:40:07 We, we, he was, was gone. I turned around. He's completely fucking gone. We Speaker 2 00:40:11 Were going into this dark boiler room, and then as we're going in, we hear this. Speaker 5 00:40:15 Yeah. This was an Oregon city. Yeah. In the basement. Speaker 6 00:40:18 We have Do you have that on a computer on Speaker 2 00:40:20 Her? I don't have, and then all you hear is I'm running and all you hear is crying. Speaker 15 00:40:25 No, no, no, no, no, no, Speaker 2 00:40:27 No, no, no. As he's running behind me. I mean, you could hear his footsteps. You were right behind me. Speaker 5 00:40:32 So it's an audio recording. Or actually, Joe, like Speaker 6 00:40:35 No video? No, no, no. Speaker 2 00:40:36 Yeah, it's a video. Speaker 6 00:40:37 We're gonna have to Speaker 2 00:40:37 Find that. I don't know if I can Speaker 3 00:40:39 Can, so, so, so the movie, Speaker 6 00:40:40 Oh, sorry. Oh, sorry. We got a little Speaker 2 00:40:42 Section <laugh>. Speaker 5 00:40:43 So, uh, we're Speaker 2 00:40:45 Back. So they're, so they're doing the, they're, so they're doing the investigation, right? And the, the kid gets all sliced up. Like they come into the room, he's on the ground, all bloody, and his face is all sliced up, like horribly sliced up. And she's like, oh, mm-hmm. <affirmative>, just get some rest. Like, bro, she needs to go to the hospital. He needs to go to the hospital. Speaker 5 00:41:08 <laugh>. Like, Speaker 2 00:41:09 At what point do you say, all right, let's hold off on the investigation for a little bit. We'll get you to the hospital and see why you all cut up and bloody Speaker 5 00:41:16 Yeah. She was in for it for herself Speaker 2 00:41:18 Though. She was like, just get some rest. And then they just continue the investigation. I thought that was really odd. Speaker 3 00:41:26 <laugh>. It, it was a little bit odd, but, you know, it's, it's, I don't know. It's, it's part of the, the, you know, vibe of the whole movie, but, well, she Speaker 5 00:41:35 Had selfish motivation, Speaker 3 00:41:38 Right? This movie. Speaker 2 00:41:39 Well, I didn't see the end, so Speaker 3 00:41:41 Maybe it, it didn't really have, uh, a very good reception, um, when it came out, by the way. Uh, it holds a 21% rating on 28 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes. Uh, averaging four out of 4.8 out of 10 <laugh>, um, metacritic, uh, rates at a 42 out of a hundred. So it didn't really get very good ratings on its release, but shocker of shockers. I actually enjoyed it. I've seen bits and pieces of it before. Yeah. But I haven't seen it in totality until now. So, but I thought that it was a good, I love stories that have these kind of evolving and intertwining pieces to them. Right. I thought the, uh, kind of the guy getting called out on his bs, you know, in the end. Yeah. <laugh> and, uh, kind of that revenge spot twist. Speaker 5 00:42:33 Yeah. I mean, it was kind a, stories was always a mine job for Speaker 3 00:42:36 Sure. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Right, right. And especially the lady in the, the bread and breakfast or the hotel room, whatever, Speaker 5 00:42:41 You know, those Yeah. I see. That's Speaker 3 00:42:42 Where's kind of psychological Speaker 5 00:42:43 Movies. Yeah. You definitely can't, cannot if do any multitasking and watch this movie <laugh>. So you gotta be all eyes on, on, otherwise you look away, it's in a different story and you're like, what the heck? I'm totally lost. And then towards the end, you can kind of, you gotta be all, everything together, but yeah, you gotta be all in. Oh, in. Speaker 3 00:43:03 I'm Speaker 5 00:43:03 All in. I Speaker 2 00:43:05 Knew, in fact, that was the text that we received from Jesse, who's not here this evening. Remember when I said, Hey, we podcasting Friday 13th right away, Jesse. He's like, I'm all in Speaker 3 00:43:18 <laugh>. Yeah. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:43:19 And he's not here. And we Speaker 3 00:43:21 Should, and he's not here won. Speaker 5 00:43:22 We're gonna have to cut that Speaker 2 00:43:23 Out. Maybe we should make fun of Jesse. We're gonna Speaker 5 00:43:25 Have to cut that whole, whole segment out right there. Should we Speaker 2 00:43:27 Call him? Speaker 5 00:43:28 We're not talking about Friday the 13th right now. Oh, Speaker 3 00:43:32 Not yet. Side note, side note. This, uh, this, this movie, um, was the book was by Clive Barker, but he was also the director of one of the other famous horror movies. Hellraiser. Speaker 2 00:43:46 I was gonna, I was gonna say Hellraiser. Yes. Yeah. That was one of my Speaker 5 00:43:50 Favorites. Hard to Speaker 2 00:43:50 Follow. Absolutely my favorite. Speaker 5 00:43:52 That one was hard to follow. That's Speaker 2 00:43:54 Scared the hell out of me. Speaker 3 00:43:55 <laugh>. It was just all about blood and gut. So Yeah. What would you guys think? Recommended it or no? Speaker 5 00:44:01 Uh, I, I can't, I really can't honestly say. I mean, I guess if I was all in, yeah, I would say watch it, but I just, uh, I found that the, the, the guy's body was the book, and I thought that was a cool twist. Speaker 3 00:44:17 Yeah. It's kind of like the book of Speaker 5 00:44:18 Eli. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:44:21 I, I did not like it. It was way too much of a slow go for me. My attention span is like, not super great. Speaker 5 00:44:26 <laugh>. Well, you were multitasking Speaker 2 00:44:27 Too. I was multitasking and I was hungry, and I was wondering what was in the package I was gonna open. And it just, Speaker 3 00:44:35 All these things. What's in the box? What's Speaker 2 00:44:36 In the box? All these things going through my mind. I just couldn't, uh, Speaker 5 00:44:39 A little cranky Speaker 2 00:44:40 Too. Yeah. See, there we go. I'm all in Speaker 4 00:44:43 <laugh>. I just, I just sent it <laugh>. I sent a text to Speaker 2 00:44:46 Joey. What did you think about the movie? Speaker 6 00:44:49 I thought it was, you know, well done. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> just, well, well done. <laugh>. Mm-hmm. Speaker 2 00:44:53 <affirmative>. Yeah. Speaker 5 00:44:53 How about the end Speaker 3 00:44:54 Ending? Good talk, bro. Good talk. Speaker 6 00:44:56 Super scary and kind of left you questioning a lot of things in Speaker 2 00:45:00 Life. Like what Speaker 6 00:45:01 <laugh>, Speaker 3 00:45:02 Uh, when do you ponder now that you've seen that movie about Speaker 6 00:45:05 Life? You know, just reflecting on myself and trying to, you know what, think about Speaker 3 00:45:10 What'd, what'd it come up? Speaker 6 00:45:12 <laugh>. Think about how, you know. Speaker 2 00:45:15 Yeah, Speaker 3 00:45:15 Yeah. Speaker 6 00:45:16 Could probably go back and do things a little differently and, you know. Yeah. Take into count people feelings. Speaker 2 00:45:22 Like what would you do differently if you, if you could go back, okay. Speaker 6 00:45:24 Let's just put in the movie Missouri On Yeah. In the Speaker 2 00:45:28 No, you said were from myself. Yeah. Personal Speaker 3 00:45:30 Life. Speaker 2 00:45:31 Because this is all about the movie, right? What would you do differently to get Speaker 6 00:45:35 Oh yeah. But Speaker 3 00:45:36 There, there was a message in this movie, apparently. What is that message? Speaker 6 00:45:40 Don't, um, look in the Mirror. That one. Speaker 3 00:45:43 <laugh>. Wow. Speaker 2 00:45:48 Um, Speaker 3 00:45:48 I don't think he watched it. Speaker 2 00:45:49 Rob Left Speaker 3 00:45:50 <laugh> Speaker 5 00:45:51 Convenient. Speaker 6 00:45:52 I was getting, I was getting, Rob watched the movie. Speaker 2 00:45:55 Oh my gosh. Speaker 3 00:45:57 What Speaker 6 00:45:57 Movie were you guys talking about? Speaker 3 00:45:59 <laugh>. Speaker 5 00:46:00 Books of Blood. Speaker 6 00:46:01 What the fuck is that? Well, the, we Speaker 16 00:46:04 Interrupted this program to bring you a special report. Speaker 2 00:46:06 Uh, oh. Special report. Uh, Speaker 3 00:46:08 Uh. Oh boy. Just in time. Speaker 2 00:46:11 How are you guys Speaker 3 00:46:12 Familiar? Hey, now let's go to Joey being a dick. Joey. Oh, Speaker 6 00:46:15 Yeah, sure, guys. So Speaker 16 00:46:16 We interrupt this program to bring you a special report, Speaker 2 00:46:19 <laugh>. All right. Special report. Our field reporter Scott, is gonna be reporting on Beacon and the Galaxy Project. Speaker 3 00:46:26 Scott, Speaker 2 00:46:26 Sorry. Are you guys familiar with, uh, the Beacon and the Galaxy Project? I Speaker 5 00:46:30 Am not. Speaker 2 00:46:31 You're not? Speaker 5 00:46:32 I am not. Speaker 2 00:46:33 You're not? Speaker 5 00:46:34 No. Oh, Speaker 2 00:46:36 Danny, Speaker 5 00:46:37 I, I know a lot about the Galaxy. I just haven't heard about the Speaker 2 00:46:39 Beacon. Beacon and the Galaxy Project in, Speaker 5 00:46:41 I know that they camero they, they got good pictures of the black hole that's in the middle of our galaxy. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:46:46 That's it. That's another episode. I like Speaker 6 00:46:48 A black, the Speaker 2 00:46:48 One behind me. That's the episode. Next episode. Speaker 3 00:46:50 The one behind me. Speaker 2 00:46:50 Oh, uh, oh. Yeah. So call me, bro. It's not new, but, uh, it is new. Uh, an updated, binary coded message has been developed for transmission to extraterrestrial intelligence in the Milky Way galaxy. The proposed message includes basic mathematical and physical concepts to establish a universal means of communication, followed by information on the biochemical composition of life on earth. The solar system's timestamped position in the Milky Way relative to known idea. Global clusters we're already Speaker 5 00:47:27 Doing, that's a bad idea. Speaker 2 00:47:28 As well as digitized descriptions of the solar system in Earth's surface. The message concludes Speaker 3 00:47:35 And the died. Speaker 2 00:47:36 The message concludes with digitized image, images of the human form naked, along with the invitation for anyone receiving intelligence to respond. So Speaker 6 00:47:47 They, they're Speaker 2 00:47:48 Pumping out So they're, they're pumping out nudes. Speaker 5 00:47:50 No. Out Speaker 6 00:47:51 Space. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:47:51 No, I know, but, and, and so not only are they pumping out nudes into space, but they're saying, Hey, this is where you find us. No, Speaker 6 00:47:57 No, no. They, they're actually bad. They're actually doing this already. They're, they're blasting it from, and there's someone kind of orbital. Speaker 3 00:48:04 That's what she said. Speaker 6 00:48:05 Satellite. And it's pumping it out even Speaker 5 00:48:06 Farther. I think we need to have a Speaker 2 00:48:07 Vote on that's, it's not new. They've been doing this for a long time. But this is the Speaker 6 00:48:11 First I just read an Speaker 2 00:48:12 Article. So this is not only do, are they sending, they're drawings. They're not nude pictures, but they're diagrams of Of naked mail. Yeah. Yeah. Including our DNA code. It comes with the dna. Speaker 6 00:48:25 These are that Dr. Crap. Speaker 3 00:48:26 Yeah. Speaker 5 00:48:26 Yeah. That's Speaker 2 00:48:27 Dna. Speaker 6 00:48:28 No. What was the, probably Speaker 2 00:48:30 I think it was Rob pooping. Rob Speaker 5 00:48:32 DNA coming. Speaker 2 00:48:34 So, does anyone else think this is a really bad idea? Speaker 5 00:48:37 I do, for Speaker 6 00:48:38 Sure. They're already doing it. I think it's a horrible idea. Speaker 2 00:48:40 I love it. Speaker 6 00:48:41 They, Speaker 2 00:48:41 I think it's great they're doing it, but they haven't given like, full-on directions on how to get to earth. They, they've, oh, Speaker 5 00:48:47 They just follow the signal. They've Speaker 2 00:48:48 Sent sounds and all kinds of stuff out Speaker 6 00:48:50 There. I'm pretty sure I just read something on this. They're already pumping it out there. Speaker 5 00:48:53 I mean, if we, if we have the technology to, um, look at planets in a different galaxy, they can find our signal. If there's, it's, it's gonna be, you know, something that, well, Speaker 6 00:49:06 Come on guys. I just, all the Navy stuff, like, you've seen all the videos. They've been, have you guys gonna wear those yet? Speaker 5 00:49:12 The what? The what? Speaker 6 00:49:14 The U F O videos They've been, you guys gonna releasing? Yeah. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. They're Speaker 3 00:49:19 Amazing. That was like episode 12. Speaker 6 00:49:21 Oh, that was like four years ago. <laugh>. Sorry. Yeah. I'm way behind. Speaker 3 00:49:27 I Is this factor crap, Scott? Speaker 2 00:49:29 No, that's, that's news. That is news Beacon of the Galaxy Project. You can look it up. I Speaker 3 00:49:33 Call bullshit. Speaker 6 00:49:34 Jesse's bullshit. Jesse's not here. So Speaker 2 00:49:36 There's no, it's, it's not fact crap. Jesse, that's actually in the news. Danny Speaker 3 00:49:42 <laugh> Speaker 5 00:49:43 Signal. These signals only go the speed of lights. So it takes years and years and years. If they're falling Speaker 6 00:49:48 Away. Is this Speaker 3 00:49:50 Actually the speed of light is very instant. Speaker 5 00:49:53 <laugh> no. Speed. Not when, not in space. Not in space terms. Speaker 2 00:49:57 Speeding. Speaker 5 00:49:58 Yeah. No. Oh Speaker 3 00:49:59 God, we have to look this up, <laugh>. Because Speaker 5 00:50:02 If you sent us signal to the closest system to ours, it's four light years. It takes four years for the light to reach. Speaker 3 00:50:15 No, the moment. So let's use the sun as an example. This is what I learned. Let me, lemme challenge this Speaker 2 00:50:21 Aad Speaker 3 00:50:22 Diet moment. Speaker 5 00:50:22 You're gonna lose Batton. You're gonna lose. Speaker 3 00:50:25 Boon is created. It's also received Speaker 5 00:50:28 <laugh>. Okay, well, we're not talking moments Speaker 3 00:50:30 That happens. Speaker 5 00:50:31 We're not talking about photons. Speaker 3 00:50:34 Photons of light. What do you think lights made up Speaker 5 00:50:35 Of? Well, I mean, okay, <laugh>. But, but when we see something, it's like, if the sun went out now, right now, we wouldn't know for six minutes. Speaker 3 00:50:47 Yeah. Speaker 5 00:50:48 Yeah. Speaker 3 00:50:50 Because there's no light <laugh> Speaker 5 00:50:53 No there <laugh>. It would take six minutes for that. Shut turnoff. Speaker 3 00:50:58 <laugh>. You know what we should do? Let's do a space episode. I'll Speaker 5 00:51:02 Take it. Let's do, I'm I'm all in. Wait, we should do Speaker 6 00:51:04 It. Okay. We should do it. Speaker 5 00:51:05 I'm all in. Speaker 6 00:51:06 I'll, I'll bring Griffin so he can school all of us about Speaker 5 00:51:09 Oh yeah, totally. Speaker 2 00:51:11 I have, uh, speaking of, uh, fact or crap, Speaker 3 00:51:16 <laugh>. Let's go to Joey being a Dick. Joey, Speaker 2 00:51:21 Northwest Curiosity Society brings you Speaker 3 00:51:24 Back to you buddy Speaker 2 00:51:26 Fact or crap. Our beloved Jesse Speaker 5 00:51:35 <laugh>, dearly <laugh> Speaker 2 00:51:37 Was supposed to, uh, was supposed rest. His rest his soul, uh, was supposed to bring us a factor craft for this episode. Jesse's not here, uh, bailed. We don't know why he didn't give any sort of Speaker 4 00:51:49 <crosstalk>. And, and he wrote, he wrote on the text group. I, I just, uh, reemphasize that on our, Speaker 2 00:51:54 What was that again? You what? Speaker 4 00:51:56 I re <laugh>. Speaker 5 00:51:58 I still didn't understand. Speaker 6 00:52:00 Excuse your lip rock. Yep. Speaker 2 00:52:01 I can't. One more time. Rob. One more time. Speaker 4 00:52:03 I highlighted <laugh> Speaker 3 00:52:06 That'll bring for Speaker 4 00:52:08 Park. I, I put a circle around it and sent it out, but he said Jesse said, I'm old Speaker 2 00:52:16 In. Speaker 5 00:52:17 Oh, Speaker 6 00:52:17 That's Jesse. Speaker 2 00:52:19 Uh, so Joey is gonna be doing this evening's factor crap. Speaker 6 00:52:23 Okay guys, Speaker 2 00:52:24 What you got? What do you got for us? Right? Speaker 6 00:52:25 All right. So I'm gonna tell you a little story. Speaker 4 00:52:28 <laugh>, sorry, Speaker 6 00:52:29 I tell you a little story that happened, um, that we experienced in Clackamas, Oregon while I was tucking my daughter into bed. So it was a Friday night. My daughter is going to bed and she's like wanting me to come and tell her her story. So I come in and I'm like, Hey, it's time to go to bed. Gotta shut the lights down. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I turn on the little night lamp, right? And she's like, Hey, after I talked to her about her story and all that, she's like, can you please check under the bed? Speaker 5 00:53:03 So you read her scary stories Speaker 6 00:53:04 Sometimes <laugh> it, sometimes it didn't really help, like growing up with, you know. Yeah. It didn't, didn't work out very well. She's like, dad, please check under the bed and make sure there's no monsters under there. So, lo and behold, I get down, look underneath the bed, I pull up her blanket and she's laying underneath the bed. Speaker 5 00:53:26 Uh, what? Speaker 6 00:53:28 And I'm like, Speaker 5 00:53:29 That's freaky. Speaker 6 00:53:32 So she's on top of her bed and I'm talking to her and I'm tucking her in. I already had a story with her. Speaker 5 00:53:37 Yeah. Speaker 6 00:53:38 But when I go under the bed, she's actually under the bed looking at me scared. And she said, somebody's in my bed. Speaker 5 00:53:49 Ooh. So this is fact or crap. Fact Speaker 6 00:53:52 Or crap. That's my fact. Wait. Speaker 5 00:53:56 So Friday night, Speaker 3 00:53:57 What is the statement that you're claiming here? So you're saying that someone was in the bed, or that Speaker 5 00:54:02 She told you were reading the story to Speaker 6 00:54:04 So Speaker 5 00:54:04 I literally had a, some entity. Speaker 6 00:54:06 Yeah. I had a 15, 20 minute conversation with my daughter in bed, tucked her in and she said, please make sure there's nothing under the bed. And I go under the bed. Okay. And sure enough, there's some, it's her would Speaker 5 00:54:17 Would under the bed. Would, would she, she daddy go under the bed that easily? Speaker 6 00:54:21 Would Speaker 5 00:54:21 She What? Ha. Have you ever seen her under her bed before? Before that moment? Speaker 6 00:54:26 Um, Speaker 3 00:54:26 What color was the nightlight? Speaker 5 00:54:29 <laugh> Speaker 6 00:54:29 Damnit Danny. It's, it was Speaker 5 00:54:31 What? It Speaker 6 00:54:32 Was a regular light bulb. Speaker 5 00:54:33 Was was it on a contestant or l e d <laugh>? Speaker 6 00:54:38 No, that was a while. That was a while ago. She was little. She was a little girl. She was like six. Speaker 5 00:54:42 Was it? Was it on a Tuesday? Speaker 6 00:54:44 <laugh>? No, it was a Friday night. I already told you that. Speaker 5 00:54:46 Friday night. Friday night. It could have been, was it summer? Winter? What month was it? Yeah, summer, winter. Speaker 6 00:54:51 It was summertime. Cuz she's wearing her regular pajamas. Summer light, light pajamas. Speaker 3 00:54:55 What, what phase? What phase was the moon? Speaker 5 00:54:59 It was in its waxing Speaker 6 00:55:00 Phase. You know, I don't recall where the moon was at. It was a dark, it was a dark evening. It was Speaker 5 00:55:04 Light. But I mean, it's that something she would do when she was scared. Would she get under her bed? Speaker 6 00:55:07 She got under her bed? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Speaker 5 00:55:09 Yeah. Okay. I called. Tell me more about this light. I, I have never heard this story. So I call bullshit Speaker 6 00:55:15 God guys. Speaker 3 00:55:16 Jesse, I wanna know more Speaker 5 00:55:17 About this light. Jesse, what do you think? Unai. Okay. <laugh>. Thanks, Jesse. Speaker 3 00:55:23 Good talk, bro. Good dog. Speaker 5 00:55:24 Good talk, bro. That was great. I called bullshit. Speaker 3 00:55:28 I'm going with the same. I'm Speaker 5 00:55:29 Calling bullshit. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap crap. Everybody's crapping. Out, out. All right. Speaker 6 00:55:33 Well I had to try, I had to try to swap Speaker 5 00:55:34 You. Boy, what was, but that is a good one. What I, I, I like the, the concept. Speaker 6 00:55:38 Yeah. A little concept beyond that. Speaker 5 00:55:40 <laugh>. Uh, Speaker 6 00:55:41 That's all I Speaker 5 00:55:42 Have. That's great. I Speaker 6 00:55:44 Enjoyed it. I mean, I could tell you about the demonn that was in the house. Speaker 5 00:55:47 Oh. Because that could be a factor craft. Speaker 6 00:55:50 I think this is, Speaker 5 00:55:50 This is the real deal. This Speaker 6 00:55:51 Is the real one. Speaker 5 00:55:52 Yeah. Oh, well, tell us your story. Speaker 6 00:55:55 Uh, Speaker 5 00:55:55 Was it on a Friday 13th? Speaker 6 00:55:57 No, man. This is the real deal. Yeah. End of Johnson Creek Boulevard. End of Johnson Creek Boulevard. And there's a demonn in, that's Speaker 5 00:56:06 Inhouse Oregon. Speaker 6 00:56:07 It's, and there's a real demonn there. Speaker 5 00:56:10 Well, and this is a house Speaker 6 00:56:12 He lived in. We haven't confirmed it's a demonn. But Speaker 5 00:56:14 This was a house. Speaker 6 00:56:14 Definitely an evil entity. Huh? Speaker 5 00:56:16 You lived in this house? Speaker 6 00:56:17 No, my friend's parents lived there. Okay. My second, like, kinda like a second mom. Yeah. Didn't What leads to, I've told stop this Speaker 2 00:56:24 One. A Speaker 6 00:56:24 Demonn. It filled their, so the dog, it's a long story. Started with little things like their drawers would be open in the house and they're like, what the hell? And they would put 'em back. They're very normal people, like faith-based type people. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And so they were like, what the hell? So they thought some, one of the kids was screwing around opening the drawers and stuff. And so they would just shut 'em, et cetera. Right. And they'd come back in five minutes later and all the cupboards would be open. They're like, what the hell? So they'd come back in and shut all, everything. And then they were like yelling at the kids, knock it off. They're, I've known 'em my whole life, like pretty normal people. So started getting progressively worse and worse and worse. Just like weird things. And um, so one night they're in bed and they lived, it was an old house. It had like this switchback staircase and they say they were laying in bed and they had a, I can't remember what they call those dogs. They're Japanese, like Speaker 2 00:57:21 Guard dogs. Shit too. Speaker 6 00:57:22 No, like the big fluffy ones. Like the big like Akita type, maybe an Akita or something like that. I don't remember what they call 'em. Anyways. Pretty aggressive. Like a chow chow. Yeah. Chow. That's the name of those guys. Could be mean. Those super mean dog. Like c you can't get near that dog. Right, right. Well he would sleep at the bottom of their bed and their door was always open cuz it was just them. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And so this freaking, um, the story is, I'm not gonna say any names cuz Yeah. I didn't ask. That's fine. Share their story. But basically they hear, Speaker 2 00:57:55 Don't hit your Speaker 6 00:57:56 Stand, dude coming up the stairs, like footsteps in, I can't say his name. Heavy, heavy footed. Heavy foot coming up. And it's like a switchback. I've talked to Scott about this story before. I'm sure. Pretty sure. It's a pretty interesting story. And so he kind of starts like leaning up in bed and the dog starts growling. Mm-hmm. And um, so he says, chewy, get it. And so the dog starts kind of going towards the door. And all of a sudden this black shadow basically described it as this thing that you could not see through, but it filled up the whole African American. It filled up the whole <laugh>. What? What Jesus Speaker 2 00:58:33 Danny's. It's African American Speaker 6 00:58:34 <laugh>. It wasn't a person, it was a, Speaker 2 00:58:37 It was, it was an African American mass. <laugh>. We Speaker 6 00:58:41 Got it. This mass. We can move on. Okay. We can move on. You can strike all that. Speaker 2 00:58:46 Might No, go. Go ahead. Finish your Speaker 6 00:58:48 Story. Are you sure? Yeah. Speaker 2 00:58:48 You're not, you're not in trouble. Speaker 6 00:58:50 Oh, I thought you were yelling Speaker 2 00:58:51 At me. No, you're not in trouble. Oh. Speaker 6 00:58:53 So this mass like fills the door. The dog actually Speaker 2 00:58:56 Starts, what, what color was the mass? Speaker 6 00:58:58 It was definitely black. Like really black. Speaker 2 00:59:00 You could not see through it. It, Speaker 6 00:59:03 You could not see through the block. Speaker 2 00:59:05 Yeah. Right. Speaker 6 00:59:07 <laugh>. Okay, so it filled up. Why is Scott laughing so hard? Speaker 2 00:59:12 <laugh>. Speaker 6 00:59:14 So the things starts Speaker 2 00:59:15 Anyway, let's get past Speaker 6 00:59:16 The mass, the things <laugh>. So this black mass Speaker 2 00:59:20 <laugh>, Speaker 3 00:59:21 That's what she said. Speaker 5 00:59:24 Oh. Oh. No. Damnit. Speaker 6 00:59:26 We'll have to, we'll have to work on that one. It's a good story. I'll have to get it all. Speaker 2 00:59:30 You're not gonna finish it. Okay. Speaker 6 00:59:31 I'll finish it. Speaker 2 00:59:32 Just the, this Speaker 5 00:59:33 Is part one, part two. Speaker 2 00:59:35 Punchline. If we wanna Speaker 6 00:59:36 Talk about the part punchline, where they get bit, Speaker 2 00:59:38 Was it how there's spider? How much longer is this story? Speaker 6 00:59:41 We'll do, we'll do it later. Oh Speaker 2 00:59:42 My God. No, no, no. I mean, you already started it. There's no doing it later. Speaker 6 00:59:45 Okay. So then, alright, so, so Speaker 3 00:59:47 There was a black mass Speaker 5 00:59:48 <laugh> that you cannot see through dog. Speaker 6 00:59:52 The, the dog gets super scared of the black mass for some reason. So back's underneath the bed. Right. And so he is scared. He leans over, flips the light on, and it dissipates. It goes away. So that was the first night, huh? Or that was, that was like an acceleration of stuff. So another time they felt like a spirit had gotten into the vehicle with them and they had to go to, they drove to a church and had the pastor come out and pray with them. And then he advised them, he said, I can feel the presence in the vehicle. I think you need to go home and we need to try to get it to go back to the house. Um, so they, they did that Anyways, long Speaker 2 01:00:42 Story. Why, why not just drop it off at Walmart Speaker 6 01:00:44 <laugh>? That's true. I don't think it, Speaker 5 01:00:45 I was kind of thinking of that too. Speaker 2 01:00:46 Yeah. I mean, why go home? I be, I'd be like, Hey, we're all going to Walmart. It's gonna be fun. We're going our car really Speaker 5 01:00:51 Quickly. We're going to Denny's, let's Speaker 6 01:00:53 Go. So I can't really give too much information on this next part of it, but there was somebody that was coming home, um, that hadn't been home in a long time and a very large, strong, capable person. Yeah. Black that I've known forever. I'm sorry, what'd you say? Danny? Black Mass. Hmm. I dunno. No more black masses. So they didn't want to scare him or tell him about issues they were having at the home. Right. And so he was sleeping on the downstairs couch and he woke up to something pushing him down into the bed or into the couch. Speaker 5 01:01:29 Yeah. You hear stories like that. Really? Yeah. You've heard that before. I've heard. Yeah. They like, uh, I can't remember exactly what they call 'em, but I think they call 'em either suffocating dreams or where they feel like something is smothering this a sleep paralysis. Yeah. And I, I get those too. Yeah. I don't get that feeling of someone on me, but, okay, Speaker 6 01:01:48 So this guy, for an example, this guy's probably six three, two hundred and sixty pounds of Yeah. Muscle, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and knows how to handle himself so he could strong Speaker 2 01:01:58 Man Speaker 6 01:01:59 <laugh> with a hairy chest. Wait, what? Oh, sorry. That got weird though. Um, so he could not get off of the couch. It was pushing him into the couch. Um, it finally let him go. He ended up going upstairs and sleeping on his parents' floor. Oh. Cuz he was so scared about what just happened. Speaker 5 01:02:18 Oh yeah. I would too. Speaker 6 01:02:20 So, yeah, it gets a little crazier from there. Speaker 5 01:02:25 Yeah. We'll, we'll save it for the next, Speaker 6 01:02:27 We'll, we'll, we'll continue this conversation. Speaker 5 01:02:29 Yeah. Speaker 6 01:02:30 Let's, because I gotta, it's, it's a good one. Moving on Speaker 2 01:02:45 Northwest Curiosity Society brings you Speaker 4 01:02:49 What the <unk> was that Speaker 3 01:02:53 Language? Speaker 2 01:02:57 Let me see if you guys can guess this sound. Speaker 4 01:03:00 Wait, wait a minute, Speaker 5 01:03:11 Stereophonic. Speaker 6 01:03:19 I got it. I got it a hundred percent. Speaker 5 01:03:25 Oh, I wasn't ready. Speaker 6 01:03:26 Sorry. Okay. That's moto gooey. Wait, that's crotch Rockets. Speaker 2 01:03:32 Okay. Weird though. Speaker 3 01:03:33 Is it the well to hell? Speaker 5 01:03:34 One more time. I gotta, Speaker 6 01:03:37 They just tweaked the sound. Speaker 0 01:03:47 What? Speaker 5 01:03:48 Yeah, I can hear that now that you Speaker 6 01:03:51 Say it. Yeah. It's mozzies. It's motorcycles. They tweak the sound. Speaker 5 01:03:55 Look. Cafe racers. Speaker 6 01:03:57 No, not even that. Like full on Speaker 0 01:03:59 Moscola. Super deep. Deep Speaker 6 01:04:02 Cola. Speaker 3 01:04:02 Super deep Speaker 6 01:04:03 In Russia. Where'd you find that audio at? That's cool. Speaker 0 01:04:05 Well, Speaker 5 01:04:09 You think it's several of them going, passing. Speaker 6 01:04:11 It's a Speaker 5 01:04:12 Racetrack. Passing a mic. Speaker 2 01:04:13 That is the sound of a black hole. Speaker 5 01:04:16 Really? Oh, Speaker 6 01:04:17 Stop. Where did that's, why did we have to keep going black stuff all the time? That, Speaker 3 01:04:21 That's African American Speaker 2 01:04:23 Hole. That's the Sagittarius. Wait, Sagittarius A which is known as a Speaker 0 01:04:29 African Speaker 6 01:04:30 American hole. What the, the fuck is going Speaker 2 01:04:33 On tonight? That's Sagittarius. A Danny Speaker 5 01:04:36 Super. Speaker 2 01:04:37 Yeah. A super massive African American hole <laugh> hole. Uh, it's at the center of our Milky Way galaxy. Speaker 6 01:04:45 Is that the audio? Seriously from Speaker 2 01:04:46 That? That's the audio from our black hole. The side. Speaker 6 01:04:49 I haven't heard that yet. I saw Speaker 5 01:04:50 That They, well, see. I didn't know the answer. And it's funny, I brought up the center of our galaxy's black hole. I had no idea. Right. Speaker 2 01:04:57 Uh, that was that. Anybody have anything else? Do you know? Speaker 4 01:05:01 Well, yeah. I, I thought I was the one that was supposed to come up with, uh, what the fuck? No Speaker 5 01:05:05 Sound. Okay. What was yours? Speaker 2 01:05:06 God, he's Go ahead. Really Speaker 4 01:05:08 Well. No, I mean, I'm, I'm just looking at the Rob, I'm looking at the list here. You Speaker 2 01:05:11 Didn't send, you didn't send me Speaker 3 01:05:13 Anything. Is it on the notes? Speaker 4 01:05:14 Yeah, it's on the notes. It's Speaker 2 01:05:15 On the notes. I know you didn't send me anything though. Speaker 4 01:05:17 Yeah. Cause then you would know Speaker 2 01:05:18 What it is. What do you have? Go Speaker 4 01:05:20 Ahead. No, it's fine. Speaker 6 01:05:21 We're, I think we were trying to give you a lip a break. Speaker 2 01:05:24 <laugh>, go ahead. Speaker 4 01:05:25 Well, I, I don't know if it'll play Okay. On here. Speaker 3 01:05:28 Hey guys, Speaker 6 01:05:28 You got it. Do it. We'll send it to Scott. You'll play it. Speaker 4 01:05:32 No <laugh>. You don't need Tofl over. Speaker 3 01:05:37 Take two. Alright, hang on, Rob, take two. We'll fix it in editing. Speaker 4 01:05:42 I it's not gonna come across on the mic Speaker 2 01:05:44 Northwest. We'll fix it in curiosity. Society brings you Speaker 4 01:05:48 What the <unk> was that Speaker 6 01:05:53 We're going old school analog. Speaker 2 01:05:55 Let Speaker 4 01:05:55 Me see if it works. Speaker 6 01:06:12 Monkey. Sounds Speaker 2 01:06:13 Like a bird. Speaker 3 01:06:15 Sounds like a Sasquatch. Orgasm. Speaker 6 01:06:17 <laugh>. That's Speaker 2 01:06:23 The sound of black love. Speaker 6 01:06:34 That's, that's a bird. Speaker 3 01:06:38 I'm sticking with squash. I'm sticking with Speaker 2 01:06:40 My, I'm thinking of a bird in mating. Speaker 6 01:06:43 Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:06:44 Like getting a Speaker 6 01:06:45 Little come into orgasm. How come Rob actually has that video. Cued. Speaker 2 01:06:50 What? What is it? Rob it. Speaker 6 01:06:51 Sit in his porn folder. It's Speaker 3 01:06:53 Sasquatch. Speaker 6 01:06:53 It's Oh, it is a, a monkey. Monkey. I knew it. I called it. Speaker 2 01:06:59 Oh, okay. Interesting. Speaker 6 01:07:01 Interesting. It's a monkey's Speaker 3 01:07:02 A um, monkey. Hey, I got an idea. Speaker 6 01:07:06 What color is that monkey? Speaker 3 01:07:07 Do we want to nominate? Do we want to nominate? Hang on a sec. Do we want to nominate our first annual, first monthly, Speaker 4 01:07:14 Uh, Joe, uh, Speaker 3 01:07:15 Horse shit participation award. Speaker 4 01:07:17 All Speaker 3 01:07:18 Right. Winner for the Speaker 2 01:07:19 Evening. We need some, we made some dramatic music. Speaker 3 01:07:23 <laugh>. Uh, Speaker 6 01:07:25 I got some dramatic, haven't even seen the, I got some right here. I haven't even seen the trophy. Oh, this is beautiful. Speaker 3 01:07:42 So dramatic. Ooh. Speaker 2 01:07:46 Okay. Yeah. Uh, Danny, who are the nominees for this, uh, N w C S Horse? Shit Participation Trophy. Who, who are the nominees? Speaker 3 01:07:56 <laugh>. Let's see, let's see. How many do we want to do? Speaker 2 01:08:04 Uh, you can do, you can do, you can do as many as you like and then we'll vote. Speaker 3 01:08:08 Let's do all of us. Speaker 2 01:08:10 Okay. Speaker 3 01:08:11 It is a participation award, so let's all participate. Speaker 2 01:08:14 Danny is nominating, uh, Joey Speaker 3 01:08:18 For the <laugh> Speaker 2 01:08:19 Horse shit. Participation trophy as well as Tab Rob. Yes. Myself and Jesse. And the winner is, Speaker 3 01:08:28 And Jesse Speaker 2 01:08:31 And the winner is Speaker 6 01:08:33 The Did he freeze? Speaker 3 01:08:35 I thought we were Speaker 2 01:08:35 Gonna vote. Oh, are we gonna vote? Okay. Speaker 6 01:08:37 Well, let's just all, let's just all vote for Jesse since he's not here. Speaker 3 01:08:40 Let's see. What, what's the rule? What's the rule? Do you have to be, Speaker 2 01:08:42 You can't vote for yourself. Speaker 6 01:08:44 Let's vote for Jesse. Speaker 3 01:08:46 I'm gonna eliminate myself. I, Speaker 4 01:08:47 I, I kind of, I think that too. I was thinking Joe, but you know, maybe Jesse cuz he said he was. Oh Speaker 6 01:08:54 Yeah. So that's horse shit. Speaker 2 01:08:55 No, no, no, no. That Speaker 6 01:08:57 Was, I'm all in. He said he's all Speaker 2 01:08:59 In. And, and is this in relation to this podcast? Because if it is, Joey was the one that was flipping the most horse shit of anybody on this podcast. That's true. That was true. I think we, I say this podcast, we just need to give it to Joey. That's, yeah. Speaker 3 01:09:12 But Joey, Joey's the winner. Speaker 6 01:09:15 Gonna play. Speaker 2 01:09:16 I'm a legit award. I'm gonna play. But, but Hey Joey, you can't take that home with you cuz you're not gonna be coming back. So, Speaker 6 01:09:21 Well, here's my acceptance. Here's my, here's my acceptance. Music of Speaker 2 01:09:25 This award is your prize. Speaker 3 01:09:26 <laugh>. Speaker 2 01:09:27 That's your prize. Oh, pieces. Chicken Speaker 3 01:09:31 <laugh>. Speaker 6 01:09:36 You digging it Danny? Yeah. Speaker 3 01:09:38 Oh yeah. It's my, it's my shit. Speaker 2 01:09:41 We just got demonetized. Speaker 3 01:09:44 <laugh>. Speaker 6 01:09:44 That's what happens. What's the music I play when I walk in a room when I win a award? Speaker 2 01:09:48 <laugh> Speaker 3 01:09:48 Don't, don't put this on YouTube. Cause we'll get Yeah. Speaker 2 01:09:51 All Speaker 3 01:09:53 Seconds. Speaker 2 01:09:54 Thank you Joey, for being here tonight. Really appreciate Speaker 3 01:09:57 It. Participation Speaker 2 01:09:58 Award. Winner tab. Thanks for being here. You're welcome. Why is my, Speaker 6 01:10:02 You're welcome. Thanks. Thanks for having Speaker 2 01:10:03 Me guys. Clocked out for a little bit. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for sleeping through this, uh, episode. Danny, thank you so much for the gifts, the N W Cs. That was awesome. Speaker 3 01:10:14 Hey, rock. Speaker 2 01:10:15 Awesome. Awesome stuff. <laugh>. Uh, and until next time. Oh, thank you for Joey for being here. Speaker 3 01:10:27 Thank you. Speaker 6 01:10:28 Thanks for having me guys. Speaker 2 01:10:29 Night. Thank you. Speaker 3 01:10:31 Oh yeah, Joey. Speaker 2 01:10:31 Thank you. Do we get a hug? Everyone's like a group hug. Group hug. Speaker 6 01:10:35 Group hug tips first. Speaker 2 01:10:37 Wait. What? No, just a tip. What? I'm sorry. Speaker 4 01:10:41 Night y. Speaker 2 01:10:42 Bye-bye. Wow, Speaker 3 01:10:43 Good night Nighty. Speaker 2 01:10:45 And with that night.

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