NWCS - Into The Dark Episode 40 Haunted Lighthouses

Episode 40 October 17, 2022 01:06:34
NWCS - Into The Dark Episode 40 Haunted Lighthouses
N.W.C.S. Into The Dark
NWCS - Into The Dark Episode 40 Haunted Lighthouses

Oct 17 2022 | 01:06:34


Show Notes

Lighthouses and ghosts are to popular passions for many. Join NWCS as we discuss both and tell the tale of our overnight adventure at a notoriously haunted lighthouse. 

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:04 The Qua in the Ninth Speaker 2 00:00:10 Bear. Speaker 1 00:00:11 Normal being come out of playing. Feel that shoe upon your neck, but do not fear win the rug. Follow you into the follow you, into the Speaker 3 00:00:39 Into the dark. Contains subject matter and language that may be unsuitable for younger listeners, listener discretion is advised. Hello, Greetings and welcome to N wcs into the Dark podcast. This is our special haunted Lighthouse episodes in the studio. Tonight we have Rob with 11 Bees. Speaker 2 00:00:59 Yep. Wow. It's Speaker 3 00:01:02 Just so what I cl what, Speaker 4 00:01:04 What's wrong, Rob? Speaker 2 00:01:05 No <laugh>. I don't want to talk about my feelings. Speaker 3 00:01:09 This is the best time to talk about your feelings. Speaker 4 00:01:11 No, you don't want to be alone and talk about your feelings. Speaker 3 00:01:15 We've Speaker 2 00:01:15 Got moving Speaker 3 00:01:16 On. Hey, we've got tab Rob. Speaker 2 00:01:17 Oh ho. It's not your fault. What's not my fault. Rob. Rob, it's not your fault. Speaker 4 00:01:21 Yeah. Whatever it is. Speaker 2 00:01:22 It's not your fault. <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:01:24 We love you, bro. We've got tab Speaker 4 00:01:28 A Ho Speaker 2 00:01:30 A ho. I'm still not used to a Speaker 3 00:01:33 Hoy and I'm not either. Speaker 2 00:01:34 I don't either. Yeah, me Speaker 4 00:01:35 Either. So I'm gonna have to change it. I Speaker 2 00:01:37 Don't know. Yeah, you're voted. Speaker 3 00:01:38 You don't have, It's, uh, Speaker 2 00:01:40 I Speaker 3 00:01:43 Sounded that just sounded white. We've got, speaking of which, we've got Danny Speaker 2 00:01:47 <laugh>. Wait. Oh, wow. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:01:51 Oh yeah. It just gives me shivers. Uh, shiver Speaker 2 00:01:55 Meet Tims etch Speaker 3 00:01:56 At the end. Joining us from the Lone Star state, we've got Jesse. Hey. Speaker 2 00:02:00 Hey, y'all. What is y'all? This episode already? I don't Speaker 3 00:02:04 Comfortable. I don't know. Uh, very special guest. Uh, Danny's a little lady. Speaker 2 00:02:09 Hey guys. Speaker 3 00:02:10 That was not too bad. That was better than It Speaker 2 00:02:12 Works. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:02:13 Better than Jesse's <laugh>. And, uh, Mondo is joining us as well. Well, Speaker 1 00:02:19 Hello. Claire's. Speaker 2 00:02:20 Oh, Speaker 3 00:02:21 Creepy, Creepy, Speaker 2 00:02:23 Creepy, Speaker 3 00:02:23 Creepy. Speaker 2 00:02:25 And another special guest, Mr. Big Foot Moon chair. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:02:28 Let's talk about all the empty bottles around Rob. Speaker 3 00:02:30 I know Speaker 2 00:02:30 There are quite no few Speaker 3 00:02:32 Over there, and we wonder what's bothering Rob. He's just, there's one up with the Shine <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:02:38 A Speaker 3 00:02:38 Little too much Mountain Dew over there, I guess. Speaker 2 00:02:40 Yeah. <laugh>. If, for those of you don't know, Mountain Dew is the nickname for Moon Shine. I did not know that. Speaker 4 00:02:51 What was that? Speaker 2 00:02:54 Sounds very, It's Bon Corn. Should we duck get under the tour? Bon Speaker 3 00:02:58 Creepy Lighthouse episode. You didn't supposed to, You didn't get that. You didn't get what I was thrown down there. I Speaker 4 00:03:04 Didn't get the memo. Speaker 2 00:03:04 Uh oh. I smell what you're cooking. Speaker 3 00:03:07 You do. Good. Good, good, good. Anything new? Anything new with the group, Rob? Speaker 5 00:03:12 Uh, making popcorn Speaker 2 00:03:13 That okay. Amazing. Speaker 3 00:03:15 That, uh, popcorn and moon shine does not sound desirable to me, but <laugh>. Okay. Okay. I can smell the popcorn and I can smell the moon. I smell it. It's kind of making me sick. Can Speaker 2 00:03:25 You smell Speaker 5 00:03:25 This still? I'm still celebrating Speaker 3 00:03:29 Your birthday. Happy Speaker 4 00:03:30 Birthday. It actually is birthday. No, no, no. Your birthday too. Just yeah. Speaker 5 00:03:35 Days. Speaker 3 00:03:35 And yours. Just Speaker 5 00:03:36 Before that, we didn't mention Scott and Tabs birthday. Abby birthday to us Bird. Speaker 4 00:03:50 Okay. Let's stop. Speaker 3 00:03:51 Moon away from him. Speaker 4 00:03:52 People are changing the Speaker 3 00:03:53 Chair. Seriously. Take the moonshot away from Speaker 2 00:03:55 Him. You all suck. You what? What, what happened? Sorry. I Speaker 3 00:04:00 Don't, I don't know. We were talking, You said we all suck. No, Speaker 2 00:04:02 I don't. Speaker 3 00:04:03 I'm pretty sure I heard Speaker 5 00:04:03 That. I heard it too. Speaker 3 00:04:05 Uh, okay. So nothing new. We discussed a whole bunch of new things on our last episode last week. Thank you for joining us. Again. Same bat time. Same bat channel. Yeah. Welcome. Speaker 5 00:04:15 Not really. I do wanna say that after, um, you know, base camp had sat for a little while. We actually took it out on a run the other day. And, you Speaker 3 00:04:23 Know, we did, we did. Ran them like a beauty. Yeah. Speaker 5 00:04:25 Got those gears of moving and the oil running and Yeah. So she's rearing up. Danny, we gotta take Speaker 3 00:04:32 A trip. Danny's gonna be joining us tonight at the, at the ranch. Yeah. We're a little spaghetti dinner. I think we should all hop into Base Camp and take them into the town. Ofs. We can go to the bar there. Oh Speaker 5 00:04:42 Yeah. Oh, this sounds fun. I don't know if they'll, nevermind. Speaker 4 00:04:45 Are they even opened? <laugh>? Speaker 2 00:04:48 It's, Speaker 3 00:04:48 Oh, they're open. Yeah. Oh, it's Sunday. Yeah. They'll be open. Yeah. I think tonight is, uh, night. As a matter of fact. Speaker 2 00:04:54 This feels very get out Speaker 3 00:04:56 And or square dance. You, you're been square dancing Danny <laugh> Speaker 2 00:05:01 Squared. Yes, actually. Speaker 3 00:05:02 Okay. Well, good. You'll fit, you'll fit right in What Speaker 4 00:05:05 Square Dance and bingo. Huh? Speaker 2 00:05:06 I feel like I don't trust you. Why? Just seems shady. Speaker 3 00:05:10 Look me in the eyes. Yes. You don't trust me. Speaker 2 00:05:13 No. Speaker 3 00:05:13 Wow. <laugh> After all these years. All these years. You know who I don't trust is Jessie. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:05:20 That guy. Yeah. Jesse. Oh, what was that? Jesse? Rob. Speaker 6 00:05:23 Hey Rob. Good job. Speaker 3 00:05:24 Stop. No nipple. Speaker 2 00:05:26 Nipple <laugh>. Rob's been conditioned. His secret word is nipple. Speaker 3 00:05:32 How is, uh, how is Texas Jesse? It's Speaker 6 00:05:35 Great, but it is Sunday and in the county that I live in, it is a dry county. Speaker 2 00:05:40 Oh no. Does that mean you can't drink at all? Speaker 5 00:05:43 So you just stop up, Speaker 4 00:05:45 Say on Sunday Speaker 6 00:05:46 You, So it's illegal to buy alcohol on Sunday. So, Speaker 3 00:05:50 So you bought it yesterday, cuz I see you're drinking. I Speaker 6 00:05:52 Bought it yesterday. Yeah, I bought it yesterday. Speaker 3 00:05:54 I mean, we won't say what county in Texas you're at, but I do see you drinking on a Sunday. Huck Speaker 2 00:05:59 Brush County. Yes. Speaker 3 00:06:00 Huck up. Brush County. You Speaker 6 00:06:02 Will never find <laugh>. You'll never find me. Speaker 2 00:06:05 <laugh>. Um, I'm pretty sure we would, but quick request is location. Go. Speaker 3 00:06:09 GPS coordinates. Activated <laugh>. Uh, Lighthouse. Anything new? Mondo? You got anything new? Is that baby born yet? Speaker 2 00:06:16 Not yet. Just still, still cooking. Okay. <laugh>. Still making <laugh>. B Speaker 3 00:06:22 Uh, we're gonna be talking about Lighthouse and more specifically haunted lighthouses. Danny, uh, why don't you give us a little introduction on Lighthouse. Speaker 2 00:06:30 Lighthouse. Well, that sounds great, Angela. Oh, sorry. <laugh>, we're not right. Referring to me <laugh>. So, Okay. We've talked about, Well, Speaker 7 00:06:39 I have heard I will kick in for just for a second. I have heard that, uh, lighthouses are the cock of the ocean. Speaker 3 00:06:45 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:06:45 Oh, the, Speaker 3 00:06:46 Whoa God. The Speaker 2 00:06:48 Ocean. That's a, that's Speaker 4 00:06:49 A thing. It's like an adhesive or Speaker 3 00:06:51 Ca No, that's ca Oh, that's cal ca Speaker 7 00:06:53 Stand up. They're erected. They stand up straight. They Speaker 2 00:06:56 Sometimes there's Speaker 4 00:06:57 Three. It's the phallic symbol of the ocean. Speaker 3 00:06:59 I already liked the little lady front. Danny Speaker 2 00:07:01 <laugh> like, Thank you. Thank you. Speaker 3 00:07:03 The cock of the Speaker 4 00:07:04 You're done. Good buddy. Speaker 3 00:07:05 Yeah. Kinda like Jesse. Kinda like Jesse the cock of the studio. Speaker 2 00:07:10 <laugh>. I see. Speaker 3 00:07:12 I'm so glad he's in Texas. <laugh> Speaker 2 00:07:15 Rob nipple. Speaker 3 00:07:17 Rob's not here. Okay. Speaker 2 00:07:19 Rob's not here, man. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:07:21 No no's little Speaker 8 00:07:24 Daddy's little wi friend. Joe Speaker 2 00:07:26 <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:07:30 She actually did it. There's a good chance my nipple might be purple by the end of the day. Did Speaker 2 00:07:35 You pull up his nipple ring though? Okay. So Lighthouse Speaker 3 00:07:38 Lighthouses, uh, let's not get too, Remember Danny, your only fan Yes. Was saying that. It just gets a little off track. Just a little. Is this little lady your only fan Speaker 4 00:07:47 <laugh>? No. See what happens? What happens when Speaker 3 00:07:48 You say acquiring mines? Want to know this? Speaker 4 00:07:50 See what happens when you say caul in the studio? Yeah. I mean, it just goes, We just derail Speaker 3 00:07:55 Juveniles because we're a bunch of juveniles, Right. Speaker 4 00:07:58 Is play playground Speaker 3 00:08:00 Territory. Speaker 4 00:08:00 You Speaker 2 00:08:00 Want me to try it Speaker 3 00:08:01 Again? She's said cock Speaker 2 00:08:03 <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:08:03 Wait, do you have to Speaker 7 00:08:06 Bleep that word Speaker 3 00:08:07 Out? No, no, we don't. This is, this is a PG 13. So we can say a variety of different words. Speaker 4 00:08:13 We're talking about birds, right? Speaker 3 00:08:14 Yeah. Right. Speaker 2 00:08:15 Yeah. Yeah. There you go. Speaker 3 00:08:16 Uh, Danny, what do got for us? Speaker 2 00:08:18 So lighthouses. Okay, so we've, we've tossed this around a little bit and kind of, uh, just had some random conversations about visiting different lighthouses and things along those lines. We've actually made our way out to one, which I think we'll talk about later. But, um, one of the questions that usually comes up is about why these places have these, this reputation of being haunted, creepy, or a place you might not want to go hang out necessarily, but rappers Speaker 3 00:08:47 Are probably not the best idea. Rob. Speaker 2 00:08:48 Yeah. I think Rob Rob's, Speaker 3 00:08:51 Rob's Rob is bringing paper bags of popcorn into the, I dunno Speaker 5 00:08:56 How there's an issue. Speaker 4 00:08:57 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:08:59 So Speaker 3 00:09:00 My blood is boiling. Speaker 2 00:09:02 I feel like, I feel like this is the Roswell episode all over again. Just anyway. I hope Speaker 3 00:09:08 Not. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:09:10 So, so lighthouses, I I wanted to kind of get a discussion about what we thought about lighthouses or, or why they're creepy. Do we know the history of lighthouses? Why were they created Speaker 5 00:09:23 To protect ships from grounding? What were you talking Speaker 2 00:09:24 About? Grounding and or crash Speaker 3 00:09:26 Lighthouses. Lighthouses is the topic of Speaker 5 00:09:29 The show, especially in foul weather, Especially fog where they could not see the land. Speaker 2 00:09:34 Right, right. Good job, Rob. It sounds like you did some research in Yeah. Speaker 5 00:09:37 Uh, no, just grew up in Oregon. Oh, Speaker 2 00:09:40 Okay. Well, Speaker 4 00:09:41 <laugh> <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:09:43 So now, I don't know if you all know, but there was an evolution of lighthouses, right? Early on they were lit by different means and methods. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> from Rob, What were they lit Speaker 5 00:09:54 By? Um, actually Speaker 4 00:09:55 A camp fire. Speaker 5 00:09:56 Light source. Yeah. Like, uh, a fire. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, candle fire, all that. Because modern day didn't have Speaker 2 00:10:04 Electricity. That is, that is, Well, it is modern day now, but I know what you mean. Speaker 5 00:10:08 Yeah. That's <laugh>. Well back in. Speaker 2 00:10:12 I hope somebody's driving him home. I out <laugh>. So anyway, with that though, they found that the lighting source was insufficient in a way, right? Oh yeah. Nice. And some of 'em even had, you know, mechanical means, which I think I've seen some that were automated by a similar mechanism as a grandfather clock. Right. The whole counterweight and weight kind of go up and down and, and create the rotating mechanism. Well, Speaker 5 00:10:36 Some of them actually were pretty sophisticated in their time. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> with mirrors and, and utilizing the small light source they had mm-hmm. <affirmative> to magnify it. So Yes. I I actually find that very intriguing as well. Speaker 2 00:10:50 Do you know what the most advanced type of lens is? I just gave you a hint Speaker 5 00:10:56 Lens. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:10:57 It's a, that they use to magnify that. Is Speaker 4 00:10:59 That the Fresno lens? Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Speaker 5 00:11:02 <laugh>. What is it? Speaker 2 00:11:03 Fornel. Speaker 5 00:11:04 Fornel. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:11:05 No lens. Fornel. How does the fornel win Speaker 4 00:11:08 Long? Speaker 2 00:11:09 Yeah. <laugh>. Yeah. How does the fornel lens work? Scott, go ahead. Speaker 4 00:11:14 Well, Speaker 3 00:11:14 It takes two lighting sources and it creates one single lighting source from the combination of the two through a ation purpose. Speaker 2 00:11:21 That actually is pretty close. Speaker 4 00:11:23 That sounded like the Google. Speaker 2 00:11:24 It actually is pretty close, but it only takes the one light source and it refracts it and focuses it because effectively the original lenses defuse the light. Right. That kind of went Yeah. Up and out. But the Fornel lens takes that and bends the light and focuses it all into one beam so that you can get and achieve greater distances. <laugh>. So some of the lighthouses, Speaker 4 00:11:49 <laugh>. So it's more like a spotlight. Speaker 2 00:11:51 It's Yeah. Effectively Speaker 4 00:11:53 Then a flood. Speaker 2 00:11:54 There was a French, um, researcher, engineer, I don't know what he was, something Fornell Lewis Speaker 3 00:11:59 Pasture. Speaker 2 00:12:00 Uh, close. Close, Yeah. Fornell. And created this lens. And it, it was actually pretty revolutionary. They still use fornell lenses in the electronic versions of these, I guess. So. Nice. That all being said, Why do they have such a reputation? I want to see what you guys thought. Speaker 5 00:12:17 They're associated with death. Speaker 2 00:12:19 How so? Speaker 5 00:12:20 Because sometimes if the lighthouse had a failure of their light, then boom. Death, Speaker 4 00:12:25 Or, or even before the lighthouse was there, a ship would wreck right there. And so they would consider that land maybe haunted. Haunted, Yeah. And I'm just guessing. Speaker 5 00:12:34 And, you know, I don't wanna, uh, jump forward, but people are known to go a little crazy when they're all by themselves at the That's true. The lighthouses. Speaker 2 00:12:44 How so? And Speaker 4 00:12:45 Why? Because they'd only get supplies like once or twice. Speaker 7 00:12:48 No socialization. Speaker 4 00:12:49 Where Speaker 5 00:12:50 Is that? Isolation. Isolation, you know? Yeah. Speaker 2 00:12:52 One, Speaker 6 00:12:52 The little lady friends Speaker 2 00:12:54 <laugh>. Speaker 5 00:12:56 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:12:56 That's, that's, Well, one of the things I also heard about the history of the design of the lighthouse was that some of them were, uh, the, the lens mechanism sat in a mercury bath, um, Oh. So that they would allow them to rotate in that space. So, Speaker 4 00:13:13 Ooh, heavy metals. Yes. Speaker 5 00:13:15 Heavy mercury. Speaker 2 00:13:15 Yeah. And there was a lot of, of cases of considered mercury poisoning. Poisoning maybe discovered later on. But the mercury actually kind of evaporated in the process of they would have to refill and, um, you know, some of it would evaporate off and things like that Speaker 5 00:13:31 Back when you didn't know the, the real dangers of mercury. Speaker 2 00:13:34 Exactly. And so some of that was attributed to the, the, the craziness, if you will, to that mercury poisoning beyond the other factors of being by yourself or what some other random person that you don't necessarily like or get along with. So anyway, What do you guys think? Speaker 5 00:13:50 I like it. I like, uh, I like your information. Speaker 2 00:13:53 What, what research did you guys do? Speaker 5 00:13:55 Go ahead. Scott Speaker 3 00:13:57 <laugh>. I, uh, go ahead. Deb Speaker 5 00:14:00 <laugh>. Speaker 4 00:14:01 Mondo <laugh>. Speaker 7 00:14:05 Has anyone been to very many lighthouses? Speaker 4 00:14:08 I've been to a couple. Speaker 5 00:14:09 Yeah. We actually, a few years ago stayed in Washington. I think Speaker 3 00:14:14 It was MCO Speaker 4 00:14:15 Oaco in like 10 years ago. Speaker 5 00:14:17 Oaco. Yeah. And we, we stayed at, uh, um, quarters that, uh, Speaker 3 00:14:21 There's a whole segment on that. Speaker 5 00:14:22 Oh, do we? Yeah. Okay. Check your notebook. So we did, we did stay there. Speaker 7 00:14:26 I've been to No, we Speaker 6 00:14:27 Have a video. Speaker 5 00:14:28 Probably. We do. We have a video. Danny Speaker 4 00:14:31 Shadow video <laugh>. Speaker 6 00:14:33 I think we Speaker 3 00:14:34 Do, we do say that. Uh, I can bring Speaker 2 00:14:36 That up. I think it was deleted. Speaker 4 00:14:38 Tap Top. I'm the one that recorded. Speaker 2 00:14:40 Are you talking about the Rainbow Writers? Speaker 5 00:14:42 No, that one's pretty close. Speaker 3 00:14:43 No. Oh, Speaker 2 00:14:44 No. What, what happened? The Rainbow. Speaker 3 00:14:46 I don't, Ballers not even gonna say it. Speaker 2 00:14:48 We were the Rainbow Rider though. Speaker 3 00:14:50 We were, we were pretty tough. Pretty tough. Little Speaker 2 00:14:54 Bike game. Pretty, I think it was a helmet. Might Speaker 3 00:14:56 Have Speaker 2 00:14:56 Been. We should have gone down to the, um, this weekend they're hosting the, uh, in Stockton, California. The, uh, funeral for Sunny Barger. Oh, the Hell's Angels. The Speaker 3 00:15:05 Rainbow Riders could have gone together as a big group. We Speaker 2 00:15:08 Should have rolled down there on AEDs and helmets. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 3 00:15:11 Okay. Mondo <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:15:15 I'm just here. Speaker 3 00:15:16 Okay. Speaker 2 00:15:17 Good talk. Did anyone do any Speaker 3 00:15:19 Research? I did. I did lots of research actually. Uh, Speaker 7 00:15:22 So Kate Patis is the tallest lighthouse in North America. It's in the outer banks of North Carolina. And it's outer banks is over hundreds of years. There's been over 600, um, shipwrecks in the outer banks. And the outer banks covers the outer range of, um, North Carolina and Virginia. And I've been actually been to the top of KPAs. I've been to several lighthouses, and it's absolutely beautiful. Um, they actually had, in 1998 or 1999, they had to actually, it was receding. There was a beach erosion. So they had to move it in, in, from the coast. And that's, Speaker 4 00:15:54 They actually moved the whole, Speaker 7 00:15:56 Right. Wow. It was actually replacement lighthouse. The original lighthouse was, was gone, but they actually, Wow. This was a new lighthouse that they had to rebuild, but in 98 or 99, they, they moved, It was like a $12 million project. Wow. Wow. Speaker 2 00:16:09 How tall is it to see? Speaker 7 00:16:10 I Speaker 2 00:16:11 Don't, 15 meter Speaker 7 00:16:11 Meters, Speaker 2 00:16:12 Is it? I don't know. <laugh>. Speaker 7 00:16:14 No, it's, but it is the tallest. I asked in North America probably what? Most iconic, recognized one in the world. Speaker 4 00:16:19 Probably. I wonder why they made it so tall. Speaker 7 00:16:21 That's a good Speaker 2 00:16:22 Question. Probably to reach greater distances, I assume. I don't know what it's like over there, Speaker 4 00:16:25 But, So I'm, I'm, I'm guessing it's almost in the, I mean, it's literally in the sand, so it's not really setting up a It was up on a Speaker 7 00:16:32 Rock. It was originally, Yeah. But now Speaker 4 00:16:34 It's, so that's probably why they made it Speaker 7 00:16:36 Taller. And then they moved the house, the house adjacent to it. They moved that back as well. Um, but yeah, the Outer banks, it's called the Graveyard of the Atlantic, cuz there's been over 600 shipwreck over there. Oh, Speaker 2 00:16:47 Wow. 600. So White House is even, they, they predate the, of course, GPS and, and radio. So nowadays there are still some in operation, but you know, the need for them is maybe a little less. Won't be it still in existence, it sounds like. But GPS and radio has helped, frankly. Speaker 4 00:17:06 Yeah. I mean, if shit hits the fan, I mean, Speaker 2 00:17:09 <laugh> Speaker 4 00:17:09 P we're gonna need something that's analog and not digital. Speaker 2 00:17:12 We're gonna need a bigger boat. Yeah. <laugh>. Speaker 7 00:17:14 Yeah, that's what she said. Speaker 2 00:17:16 <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:17:19 That's what she Speaker 2 00:17:22 <laugh> Speaker 4 00:17:23 Little AIDS Speaker 2 00:17:23 Guy. Yeah. So, good talk guys. Um, this is great. Speaker 3 00:17:26 Uh, I, I did my research on the North Head Lighthouse, which as you guys may recall, is located in beautiful I Waco, Washington. Mm. Uh, we had a chance to stay there at the Light Keeper's home, The notoriously allegedly haunted light keeper's home. Just a little bit of history. The North Head Lighthouse, uh, sits on our, this is from, uh, living.com. We were there. I'm just gonna regur regurgitate theirs from Rosemary Gilly because she gives a good, um, story of it that I can't, um, articulate quite as well as she did. Uh, the North head, North head Lighthouse sits on a rugged basalt cliff that rises 194 feet above the Pacific Ocean. The location is described as one of the fogies and windiest places on the entire west coast of America. Uh, when I inquired about ghosts, I was not surprised to hear that the place is haunted, not life house itself, but the nearby residents of the head light keep. Speaker 3 00:18:23 That's where we stayed. The details were sketchy and we eventually pieced together the whole story by tracking down old newspaper articles and paying a visit to the Oaco Cemetery. When the North Head Lighthouse went into operation, it was placed under the direction of Alexander Pesin as head keeper. There were two assistants in the three men pulled off eight hour shifts to keep the light going from dust till dawn. Every day it was demanding work, hauling the kerosene and repe and whale oil from storage houses up the stairs and keeping the mirrors in Fresno lens properly polished during the daylight hours. For now? Speaker 4 00:19:01 No, it's Fresno, Speaker 3 00:19:02 Right? Fresno that was right Speaker 4 00:19:04 For now is the good one. Speaker 3 00:19:06 F r e s n e l. That Speaker 4 00:19:08 Was later technology. Maybe Speaker 3 00:19:10 Fel is the knockoff Japanese version. China. Speaker 4 00:19:14 Chinese What? China Speaker 3 00:19:17 The train was beautiful, but the climate was damp and dreary and the winds were often fierce. Persona was a bit of a local maritime celebrity, uh, born in Finland in 1859, he immigrated to America and made his way to the Columbia. He served on a tender named the Maserati as keeper, the famous Till Rock Lighthouse at, uh, Tilc, Oregon. Spending eight years as the head keep there. During his tenure, he, he saved the lighthouse from a severe storm, that waves of which nearly engulfed the structure and threatened to sweep, uh, everything out to see. I'm not sure how you save a light. I Speaker 4 00:19:53 Was, I was gonna ask how must have superpowers Superman or Yeah. That's mother nature Speaker 3 00:19:59 For it. He got an award. Speaker 4 00:20:00 He Speaker 3 00:20:01 Got an award. Yeah. For saving the lighthouse for, Speaker 4 00:20:04 Okay. Speaker 3 00:20:05 In 1892 years after assuming his duties at North Head PIs persona, married Mary Watson, a native of Ireland, born in 1870. As the wife of the head keep. Mary was expected to oversee all domestic affairs for herself, her husband, and the assistant keepers. Weird. They lived in a duplex, uh, house next door. That's where we stayed. There were gardens to tend and chickens and animals to feed and manage. Anyway, uh, Mary ended up killing herself. Speaker 4 00:20:37 <laugh>. Why? Okay. Speaker 3 00:20:39 Yeah, she got tired. Wow. Speaker 4 00:20:41 That went from chickens. And Speaker 3 00:20:43 She got tired of doing those wifely duties for her, uh, husband and the assistant light keeper and the two helpers. Um, Speaker 2 00:20:51 No broken heart in there. Speaker 3 00:20:52 Anything. Yeah. So on, uh, June 9th, uh, Mary Awoken told her husband, uh, he could remain in bed while she went out for a walk as her doctor had advised and to, uh, do some small errands. She dressed and put on a coat, took her little dog who was always with her when she went for a walk. And she was never seen alive again. After an hour and a half longer in bed, Alex arose and dressed and started looking for his wife. Soon the little dog came back alone, acting strangely. Now, Passan known was, uh, quite worried. He contacted the local radio station. Apparently what she did was she jumped off the, uh, committed suicide, jumping off the clips and jagged rocks to the surf below. Wow. So that's one of the spirits that allegedly haunt the grounds of the North Head Lighthouse in I, Waco. Speaker 2 00:21:43 Waco Rock, Speaker 3 00:21:45 Waco, which we will be discussing in a short bit. Yeah. Um, Stayed in the light's house. Anybody else have any other Well, Speaker 5 00:21:52 I did Speaker 3 00:21:53 Lighthouse stories. Speaker 5 00:21:54 I did a little bit of research. I, I did. I chose this one because as a kid, I'd go there. Um, to, uh, Newport. To Newport. <laugh>. The Yaquina head. Speaker 3 00:22:05 Quin. Speaker 2 00:22:06 I had died. Yeah. Speaker 7 00:22:08 Quin, He's fine. Speaker 5 00:22:09 Quin. Yep. So, um, <laugh> it is, Sorry, the Speaker 7 00:22:15 <laugh>. Speaker 5 00:22:16 It's Oregon's tallest lighthouse. 93 feet tall is how tall it is. And it was first lit on August 20th. Guess August 20th. Speaker 3 00:22:27 1862. Speaker 2 00:22:30 1891. No. 92. Speaker 5 00:22:33 Anybody else Speaker 2 00:22:34 Have a guess? 18. 90. Speaker 5 00:22:36 Anybody Speaker 3 00:22:37 Else? 1986. Speaker 2 00:22:39 1913. 1865. I don't know. Oregon wasn't a state until 1859. Speaker 5 00:22:44 Okay. Mondo, You have a guess. Speaker 2 00:22:46 1892. Speaker 5 00:22:48 1873. Speaker 2 00:22:48 $1. Oh. Oh. I was Speaker 5 00:22:50 Close. You were close. You were close. Anyway, um, I just liked it cuz I used to go there as a kid. And you can go there still today. It's still active. Um, but it's, it's a cool, You Speaker 2 00:23:02 Can touch starfish. Sorry. They have to <laugh>. They have the little like, live pool. You can put your hands in. Has anyone else in it? Light pools. Thank Speaker 5 00:23:11 You. Yeah. Okay. That's all I have on it. It's Speaker 7 00:23:14 A beautiful light Speaker 5 00:23:14 House with it is. Grass is down below. It's, it's got the classic look, the white building next to it with the black call. Speaker 2 00:23:22 The light Speaker 5 00:23:22 House? No, the building next to it. The quarters. Speaker 2 00:23:26 Okay. Sorry. Speaker 5 00:23:27 The light house quarters and Speaker 2 00:23:29 The light keeper's home. Yes. Speaker 7 00:23:30 It photographs Speaker 5 00:23:31 Well, Yes it does. Speaker 7 00:23:32 The blue sky and everything cloud. Yep. Very flic Flic Speaker 5 00:23:36 Looking. It's owned by the Bureau of Land Management. Ooh. Speaker 3 00:23:40 Blm. Speaker 7 00:23:40 You know, and sometimes my houses go up for sale for to the public as well. Speaker 2 00:23:44 Idea Podcast Speaker 3 00:23:45 Studio Speaker 2 00:23:47 <laugh>. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Idea. Speaker 3 00:23:49 That would be quite a Speaker 2 00:23:50 Drive. It might be worthwhile. Uh, checking that out and, Speaker 3 00:23:53 But what happens if we all went there and we all just went crazy. Speaker 2 00:23:55 Too late. Speaker 9 00:23:56 We're already Speaker 3 00:23:57 There. Uh, true. Very true. Uh, anyone else? What do you got? Light houses. Light houses. Jesse Speaker 5 00:24:04 Got any lighthouses there? Speaker 6 00:24:07 I, I do a haunted one. Speaker 2 00:24:09 Really? Hmm. Tell me more. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:24:12 Interesting. Inquiring Mines flight Speaker 6 00:24:14 About Battery Point Lighthouse and Danny's neck of the woods. Speaker 2 00:24:17 Oh. Speaker 3 00:24:18 Down in California. Speaker 2 00:24:19 Also known. That's a little north. Amazing. Yeah. Speaker 6 00:24:21 Also, also known as Preston City Light Station. Speaker 2 00:24:25 Yeah. That's way more, That's almost to the border of Oregon. Speaker 5 00:24:27 That is, Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 6 00:24:29 It's on a peninsula in northern California. Uh, and when it tide comes in, it actually becomes an island. Wow. And it was decom decommissioned in 1965 and automated people that were the light keeper, I guess you would say, saw a huge tsunami, hit the northern California coast. Wow. And take out seven blocks of Crescent City. Speaker 5 00:24:52 Oh, wow. Wow. Speaker 6 00:24:53 Geez. And after that, uh, many people believe that it's been haunted. And investigators that have gone there have said that they've, um, there's two adults and one child spirit. They've been reported being touched footstep. And also their stopped being rearranged. So Speaker 2 00:25:11 That sounds familiar. Things being rearranged. Yeah. Interesting. God, Speaker 3 00:25:15 This is movie Soul. <laugh>. Speaker 5 00:25:17 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:25:18 Did anybody do any research on this? Speaker 3 00:25:20 I just told Speaker 5 00:25:21 Mondo. Mondo's got something. Okay. Speaker 2 00:25:23 Mondo. Yeah. Speaker 9 00:25:24 Hey, I'm Mondo. Um, <laugh>. So the, the one that I did mine on was actually terrible. Tilley. Speaker 3 00:25:32 Bless you. Speaker 9 00:25:33 Thank you. Thank you. Also known as the Tillamook Lighthouse. Oh, Speaker 5 00:25:38 Nice. Speaker 9 00:25:39 Keep it local. The crazy thing about that one is, is that it's at the mouth of what they call the graveyard of the Pacific, at the mouth of the Columbia River where it meets the Pacific Ocean. That's the graveyard of Pacific. There was actually one case to where it was almost finished and a English ship just barely missed the lighthouse. It's, it's literally sitting on a rock in the middle of the ocean and it barely missed it. And Wow. Hit the Tillamook head instead. And, Yeah. Speaker 2 00:26:14 Yeah. Speaker 3 00:26:16 Interesting. Speaker 9 00:26:16 There's many paranormal things that have, from what people say have gone on there. Yeah. Um, one of, one of the first lighthouses, lighthouse keepers was swept out to sea. Wow. The very first one. Uh, he was hit by a wave and they never found him. So. Speaker 5 00:26:33 Well, I, I, I dunno if you guys, I looked it up and it, this is probably the shortest lighthouse I've ever seen. If you look up the, the, Speaker 2 00:26:42 It's, it's a little guy. The same one. It's mostly rock. Oh, wow. <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:26:47 A little stubby. Danny Speaker 2 00:26:49 <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:26:52 Familiar buddy. That's, Speaker 2 00:26:53 It's all bald. That's what she said. Speaker 5 00:26:55 Wow. Speaker 2 00:26:56 Jesse. It was implied in a joke. Oh, okay. My bad. So, mm-hmm. <affirmative> question. Is this the one that Ghost Adventures did an episode on? Is that got little stubby or something? <laugh>? Yeah. No, that the, the opening the graveyard of the Pacific. Speaker 3 00:27:12 They did, uh, they went to the Waco. Oh, Speaker 2 00:27:15 Okay. I Speaker 3 00:27:16 Believe we may have gone there before they did. In fact, I know we did score. Speaker 2 00:27:21 I'm pretty sure they got, They, uh, did that after us. So, Speaker 3 00:27:23 Take that bitches. Speaker 2 00:27:25 <laugh>. That's right. Bitch. Mike. They stayed in the cabins though, Speaker 5 00:27:28 Didn't they? Mike Drop, Speaker 2 00:27:29 Didn't have VIP status. Speaker 5 00:27:31 Couldn't drop my mic. It was attached. Speaker 2 00:27:33 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Jesse, you all right buddy? I'm good. You're all right. Little buddy. Are we boring you? Are we still podcasting? <laugh>? Speaker 3 00:27:41 Yeah. We, we are. Speaker 2 00:27:42 No. Be really Speaker 5 00:27:43 Short about that. Mondo, did you have anything else to add about Tilly? Stubby? No. Speaker 2 00:27:47 Mm-hmm. <affirmative> Interesting. Stubby Nuy. Little Speaker 3 00:27:50 Stubby. Interesting. Speaker 5 00:27:52 This is bad. This probably this, this lighthouse probably means a lot to somebody else. And we're calling it Stubby. Know Speaker 2 00:27:58 It probably saved lives. Speaker 5 00:27:59 I'm sure it did. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:28:01 I'm very confident Speaker 5 00:28:01 It did. And taken them. Speaker 3 00:28:03 Fascinating. Maybe we can find some statistics on that. Speaker 2 00:28:06 Okay. Speaker 5 00:28:06 Yeah. So, Speaker 7 00:28:08 Yeah, it was, um, de it was activated in 1881 and it was decommissioned, Oh, sorry, Forgot there's a microphone here. It was, um, activated, um, or commissioned inaugurated, wherever they wanna call it, in 1881. And I believe I saw that it was decommissioned in 1957. Speaker 3 00:28:28 Fascinating. Speaker 2 00:28:30 <laugh> <laugh>. Speaker 7 00:28:32 You wanted some facts on it. Speaker 3 00:28:33 Yeah, no, absolutely. I'm saying that's Speaker 2 00:28:35 Fascinating. Speaker 7 00:28:36 And, um, from the, from the coast, you can see it. But obviously to get a really good look at it, either have to be on a boat around it, or from a helicopter, or have a drone. Speaker 2 00:28:46 That's what she said. Speaker 3 00:28:50 Interesting. Speaker 7 00:28:52 And sea lions, you know, like to sit on the rocks. So sea lions tend to Speaker 3 00:28:55 Really walruses. Yeah. Speaker 7 00:28:57 Try to, Speaker 3 00:28:59 Uh, is it true your cousin got bit by Sea Lion? Speaker 2 00:29:01 <laugh>? <laugh>, Speaker 3 00:29:07 Moving on. Speaker 7 00:29:13 I didn't hear that one. Speaker 2 00:29:16 We Speaker 3 00:29:16 Are Northwest Curiosity Society, Speaker 2 00:29:21 And Speaker 3 00:29:21 These are our files. I certainly wish, uh, Jesse wouldn't have been on the big screen because, uh, much. I'd much rather look at the photo montage that we had than Jesse. Sorry, mug. But, um, I had a full slideshow of our oaco visit. Well, Speaker 4 00:29:42 Let's just plug it in and see what happens. Speaker 3 00:29:43 It's already plugged in. I didn't do anything. So what, uh, what we're gonna do is I think we will nearing the, uh, episode of this, uh, we will post those photos on Facebook for everyone to see them of them in their glory. Every single single of them. Okay. Speaker 4 00:30:00 Leon, even shadow puppets. Speaker 3 00:30:01 Shadow puppets, Speaker 2 00:30:03 <laugh>, Speaker 3 00:30:03 There'll be a video. Speaker 2 00:30:05 I Speaker 5 00:30:06 Wanna see it now you're Speaker 3 00:30:07 Talking about Well, that's, that's gonna be on the only fan. Um, <laugh> be on the only fan. Facebook, you Speaker 2 00:30:13 Have to have, uh, VIP status for that. Speaker 3 00:30:15 Yeah. So let's talk about the, uh, North Head lighthouse located in Oaco, Washington. Speaker 4 00:30:22 Yeah, we stayed there on a stormy Speaker 3 00:30:24 Night. It was a stormy night. It was very, very creepy. Really creepy. It was a creepy night. Danny, what, what do you recall about the, uh, operation I, Waco Speaker 2 00:30:33 Operational Oaco, Speaker 3 00:30:34 Which was 2016, I Speaker 2 00:30:36 Think. Speaker 4 00:30:36 2016. I think that was even before our organization. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:30:39 Well, no, we, we had Jackelope Society International. Speaker 4 00:30:43 Well, that's Speaker 2 00:30:43 True. International <laugh>. Sorry, Rob, sorry to interrupt your drinking while we're podcasting. Speaker 4 00:30:53 <laugh> hemo. Speaker 2 00:30:55 He almost sprayed us again. Yeah, so I, Waco Oaco Oaco. First off, I had to check a couple times on how to spell it, by the Speaker 3 00:31:05 Way. Or in Oregon we call it I Waco. Speaker 2 00:31:07 I Waco. Oh, yes. That's the French pronunciation. No, Speaker 3 00:31:11 Of that. The, uh, tribal first. Speaker 2 00:31:12 Oh, okay. Okay. Sorry. So Oaco Okay, so getting there. Yeah. I think this was one of the first trips we kind of, maybe not, like I said, you know, sanction. But one of our first goes at, uh, investigating paranormal and such mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I don't know. It must have been Scott's idea. I'm guessing somebody, uh, decided we're gonna go check it out and see what it was all about. So I recall, well one, it was, it was just kind of, the vibe was fun. We had a lot of few people that maybe we haven't heard from in a while. At least I haven't. Josh was there. Yeah. Um, who else was there? Speaker 5 00:31:47 Jaw was it, was that another kid named Jesse Speaker 2 00:31:50 Too? That was his last, uh, person. Speaker 3 00:31:52 Josh, same person. Speaker 2 00:31:54 <laugh>. Okay. Yeah. Why do I feel like everyone was armed going in there too? We, Speaker 3 00:31:58 We, we ended up playing poker and there, there was 27 guns on the table and was only like six of us. Speaker 4 00:32:03 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:32:04 Yeah. Guns and knives all displayed on the table and, you know, it is what it is. But, uh, anyway, cool vibe. But then towards the night, of course, we decided to go on our little invest investigation. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right. So I think we started in the attic because that's where we could figure out how to get to. Speaker 4 00:32:21 We're not disclosing that though. We're not getting too much Speaker 2 00:32:25 Info on that. We started in an area that Speaker 4 00:32:29 Was off limit. I mean, I can't say it was off limits. Speaker 2 00:32:32 <laugh>. And so we started our investigation and uh, I recall for me, I downloaded a ghost finder app. <laugh>, you remember that? You, you hold it Speaker 3 00:32:43 Around room that was so stupid. Speaker 4 00:32:45 <laugh>. And it led you to Yes. The Speaker 2 00:32:48 Secret. There were many apparitions seen on that trip. There were, uh, humanoid form and uh, there were terrifying. Most of them were in and around where Rob was the whole time. But, you know, I don't know what that was about. But nonetheless, Speaker 3 00:33:02 Well, are we talking about the shadow puppet or like, things around him? Speaker 2 00:33:06 Orbs, uh, orbs and, and figures. But, uh, I, I don't know. We must have had a thermometer there cuz that's goes hunting equipment. And we, I think we had good average tempera reserves of about 60 degrees, something like that. Was it <laugh>? Yeah. So good, good information, you know. But yeah. And, and then for me, I remember the scariest part of the trip was our, Am I allowed to disclose that part? Our night adventure? Just, Speaker 4 00:33:31 Just, you can't give away where it is. Speaker 2 00:33:34 <laugh>, our night, our night adventure to explore the actual lighthouse. Uh, that was an interesting, uh, little trip there. So <laugh> the brightness up, moved the bottle out of the way. Angle. Yeah, there was a knife. See it's the angle of Thele. Here's Josh. Josh, Yeah. Dave was there. Dave. Oh yeah. <laugh>. I'm, Speaker 3 00:33:56 I Speaker 2 00:33:56 Mean, no last name. Darn it. <laugh> Speaker 3 00:33:59 101 Ways to Kill Dave. Speaker 2 00:34:06 That music is great. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:34:08 And what, what, what we're doing for the listeners who are extremely bored at this point, if we're looking at photos Yeah. Of us there. Pretty, uh, pretty fun photo. Speaker 2 00:34:17 Well go back. Go back one. What was Speaker 4 00:34:19 The date on those? Speaker 2 00:34:20 Go back one October 8th, 2016. You know what's funny about that picture with Dave? You know why he's smiling like that? Because he has an auto tattoo that he hasn't told us about in that <laugh> in a, in a tramp stamp area. Speaker 4 00:34:36 No, no, no. That's not public info. Speaker 3 00:34:38 Go ahead, Danny. We, it'll we'll continue to look at these photos while you're telling your story. Speaker 2 00:34:42 So our night excursion, all that place our night excursion. So for some reason, I don't know whose genius idea it was to go check out the, the, uh, the lighthouse, uh, Danny at night. It was you It was my idea. Yes. Speaker 4 00:34:55 <laugh>. There was yours. Speaker 2 00:34:56 Like it wasn't, I Speaker 3 00:34:58 Kind of remember us almost dying. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:35:00 We almost died on the cliffs of, of whatever you call it. But, uh, but so anyway, the, the lighthouse itself was, was under construction and it had a big fence around it. So you couldn't, you couldn't get in that space. Oh, there's our award. We found the secret, uh, Speaker 4 00:35:17 Room. The room, Speaker 2 00:35:18 The secret room that tells you Congratulations. Now get out <laugh> Speaker 3 00:35:22 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:35:22 Yeah. Yeah. But, um, so we, uh, decided to go on excursion in the middle of the night. It was raining sideways. Yeah. The lighthouse was under construction. Wow. And we decided to crawl along the outside of the, the fence <laugh> allegedly Speaker 5 00:35:39 Alleged Speaker 2 00:35:40 And go out and Speaker 3 00:35:41 Allegedly and go out onto a jetty. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:35:43 Allegedly Speaker 3 00:35:44 Like 85 mile an hour winds Speaker 2 00:35:46 <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:35:47 And I'm a tiny guy. I literally almost blew away. Speaker 2 00:35:51 Yeah. Literally. Speaker 4 00:35:52 I didn't, I didn't Speaker 2 00:35:53 Part Oh, I almost blew away. Speaker 3 00:35:54 If I wasn't hiding in Danny's bosom, I would've completely flown away. Speaker 2 00:35:59 It's weird though that you were suckling. I don't understand that part. Speaker 3 00:36:02 <laugh> Well, I was scared. Speaker 2 00:36:04 <laugh>. He liked it. I scared I a little bit. Oh. Scared <laugh>. But, uh, yeah, I know. So not very, uh, smart on our part, but hey, we got to see you up close and as close as we could anyway, of the longhouse. And, uh, we Speaker 3 00:36:18 Almost, we almost met, uh, Met Mary in person. Speaker 2 00:36:20 Yeah. We, I think we almost went off the side of the cliff there. But nonetheless, uh, fun trip. Fun trip. So, and then of course we had our rainbow writer, the international, Yeah. Uh, Rainbow Writer Association. We, um, went and, and and caused all kind of havoc around the city, including McDonald's. Speaker 3 00:36:38 It wasn't an association, it was more like a mc motorcycle club. Speaker 4 00:36:41 Yeah. We were sponsored by Same difference. Yeah. The Speaker 3 00:36:44 OA Oaco chapter. That, Speaker 5 00:36:45 That was my first Speaker 4 00:36:46 Video that Jack that I Speaker 2 00:36:48 Produced. Yeah. It was really good. So anyway, um, yeah, that's, uh, Speaker 3 00:36:54 What, on a serious note, was there ever any time that you were at that light, he's house where you were scared? Like you had a feeling like, this is kind of creepy. Speaker 2 00:37:03 I, I think I was in the area that we were first investigating that we weren't supposed to be in. Yeah. Speaker 5 00:37:09 <laugh>. I, I felt that way when there was lights casted on the building. I felt a little weird. Speaker 2 00:37:15 Yeah. And it was really foggy on one of those nights too. I think it was like, I don't know. That's cool. That was a little creepy. Speaker 3 00:37:21 I remember there was a, there was a, uh, a front entrance that was, I guess at the back of the house, but it was a front entrance that led into a little, um, entryway that led to like a stairwell. The coat room going up. Speaker 4 00:37:34 The coat room. Speaker 3 00:37:35 No, it was just, it was just an entryway. Speaker 2 00:37:37 Like I went to the kitchen, I think. Speaker 3 00:37:39 Yeah. Anyway, I got a really bad feeling when I was in that entryway. Just as you're starting to go up the stairs. For some reason that, that little entryway gave me the He gies, he Speaker 2 00:37:49 Gies. Speaker 3 00:37:49 But by and large it, you know, it's allegedly pretty haunted. But I didn't really get much of a sense of maybe it was the bacon Speaker 4 00:37:58 <laugh> distracting. Well, there was a lot of people and we weren't really there for just investigating. We were there just to Speaker 3 00:38:04 Have fun play poker and Speaker 2 00:38:06 No one got shot armed. That's a benefit. So, Does anyone remember the arcade? <laugh>? You Speaker 3 00:38:12 Remember? I, I remember the arcade. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:38:14 Yeah. I remember I was the, uh, reigning champion on the quick draw game. No one could beat my 98%. 99% <laugh>. I think you were cheating. I I had nailed it. I had it. Speaker 3 00:38:25 I, I remember being pretty good at ski ball. Speaker 2 00:38:27 Yeah. Speaker 3 00:38:28 Yeah. I got a bunch of tickets. Speaker 2 00:38:29 You can handle balls pretty good. Speaker 4 00:38:32 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:38:33 Speaking of allegedly <laugh>. Yeah. I feel like I've talked enough. What else do you guys remember on the trip? Come on somebody. Speaker 3 00:38:43 What? We got a squeaking noise. What is that? That Speaker 5 00:38:45 Was Jesse. I thought Speaker 4 00:38:46 Jesse squeaking. Speaker 2 00:38:47 I think it was Jesse. Oh, we Speaker 1 00:38:49 Don't Speaker 0 00:38:49 Know. Not it Speaker 4 00:38:50 See him. Cuz he doesn't Speaker 3 00:38:51 Have fun. Was Jesse on that trip? <laugh>? No, he wasn't invited. No, Speaker 2 00:38:54 He wasn't a rainbow writer at Speaker 3 00:38:56 Uh, Poor Jesse wasn't invited. I think that Speaker 4 00:38:59 Was the most memorable right. There was the rainbow writers for me, Speaker 3 00:39:02 I think it was most memorable that Jesse wasn't there. Speaker 5 00:39:05 <laugh>. I, I Speaker 2 00:39:07 I Speaker 3 00:39:08 Just love that he's not here to smack me on the back of the head tab. What'd you think? Speaker 4 00:39:12 What of Oh yeah. It was great time. Speaker 2 00:39:15 Yeah. Is this the same trip that we stayed in the cabin? No, Speaker 4 00:39:18 No, no. Speaker 5 00:39:19 That was Speaker 3 00:39:19 A different, that was a Bigfoot trip. Oh. Cuz that area's known for quite a few different things. Speaker 2 00:39:23 Why do I remember my Speaker 4 00:39:24 Grid? But it wasn't really Bigfoot. Cause we went to the Speaker 3 00:39:28 It was a Bigfoot trip. Speaker 5 00:39:29 Yeah, it was, it was a Bigfoot trip. However, Speaker 3 00:39:32 We didn't really look for Bigfoot. Speaker 4 00:39:33 Yeah. Oh, okay. We Speaker 5 00:39:34 Found the raccoon. Remember? Speaker 3 00:39:36 And we Speaker 4 00:39:36 Drank. I Speaker 2 00:39:37 Remember. Is that the one, is that the one where we did the tree calling and there was the uh, when I found the ladybug? Speaker 3 00:39:43 No, that was Mount Hood. Oh, that's right. Yeah. Mount Speaker 2 00:39:46 Lake. That was, Speaker 4 00:39:47 I can't remember it was the Armory or the Trussel or what was that place that we went and it was all underground. It Speaker 2 00:39:54 Looks like that place. Yeah. That, that was the For the battery. Yeah, that was the for that was just north of there. Yeah, Speaker 4 00:40:00 I remember that. Speaker 3 00:40:00 That was just right next to OC Fort Speaker 2 00:40:03 Consequences. Speaker 4 00:40:03 That was the year before though, right? Speaker 3 00:40:05 Yeah. You guys, uh, you guys ready to move on? Speaker 2 00:40:07 I feel like I was the only one talking. Who else was there? You're Speaker 4 00:40:10 Fine. <laugh> Speaker 2 00:40:11 Rob? Speaker 5 00:40:12 Um, no, it was cool. I liked how they had it laid out for people to go stay there. The house is amazing. I I really wish at the time it wasn't under construction, the lighthouse. But it'd be great to go back there sometime. Speaker 4 00:40:24 Are they opening it up? Yeah, Speaker 3 00:40:25 We you can run it. I think that it would be, Oh, Speaker 4 00:40:27 I thought they closed it for a while. Speaker 3 00:40:28 I don't know. That was a long time ago. Um, but if you can go back. I think we should go back with all of our gear that we have now. Speaker 5 00:40:35 Yeah. Um, Yeah, Speaker 2 00:40:37 Totally. And get in the basement. Yeah. What? Speaker 4 00:40:39 There's a basement. Speaker 3 00:40:40 Yeah, there is. Somebody wrote about it, didn't they? Somebody wrote about the Speaker 2 00:40:43 Basement. Yeah, I Speaker 3 00:40:44 Think they said it was. Oh, we felt like we were totally gy cuz we're like basement. What? Speaker 2 00:40:47 Well, you couldn't, we found the door. We couldn't get in there though. Oh. Cause it was locked. Speaker 3 00:40:51 We have ways now. Not that we would ever, you Speaker 4 00:40:54 Know. No, that's trust. Go Speaker 3 00:40:55 Through a locked door or anything like that. But you're probably, you guys, uh, you guys ready to move on? Speaker 2 00:40:58 Let's do it Speaker 1 00:41:01 In a quiet town, in a small studio. It's Northwest Curiosity Societies' movie review. Speaker 0 00:41:31 Tell me Speaker 12 00:41:32 What's a timberman want with being a wiki? Speaker 15 00:41:38 Just looking around a living. It's like any man starting new Speaker 16 00:41:42 On the run. Speaker 14 00:41:48 Keeping Speaker 13 00:41:48 Secrets on you. No sir. Watch, just fill your beans. Just fill your, Speaker 16 00:42:33 How long have we been on this rock? Five weeks, two days. Help me to recollect Speaker 3 00:42:51 What in the actual hell Speaker 2 00:42:54 Was not. Speaker 3 00:42:55 Danny. Let, let me Speaker 5 00:42:57 Let Danny, Danny, Speaker 3 00:42:58 Danny, I gotta start. Not Speaker 2 00:42:59 Be too hard on Danny Speaker 5 00:43:00 Dan. No. Speaker 2 00:43:01 What other movie would you have picked other than the Lighthouse? Speaker 3 00:43:05 I understand that it's appropriate for this episode. Yeah, but bro, bro, like I watched that and I'm still disturbed. Speaker 2 00:43:14 Yeah. I think that was kind of the point. Speaker 3 00:43:16 That was a disturbing, disturbing, first of all, it's not my jam. Speaker 2 00:43:21 Yeah. But Speaker 3 00:43:22 It was the, Speaker 2 00:43:23 What does that mean exactly? Cup of tea? Not my cup of tea. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:43:27 It rubbed, robbed the wrong way. It Speaker 5 00:43:29 Rubbed me the Speaker 2 00:43:31 Literally way. Speaker 3 00:43:32 Not my jam. Speaker 5 00:43:33 It wasn't my jam. Speaker 2 00:43:34 Okay. This is good. Scott said Rub Speaker 5 00:43:38 Wrong. No, but Danny, I I think this was a perfect movie for you to pick though. You Speaker 2 00:43:44 Didn't want It didn't, Speaker 5 00:43:45 I think you didn't watch one. It because in some aspects it's, there's a lot of like, deep thought to it. A little bit like these hidden, I don't know. It's, it is a perfect Speaker 2 00:43:55 And it's really hard Speaker 5 00:43:56 To watch. I can't wait to hear your, uh, description of it. Speaker 3 00:44:00 So, speaking of deep thought is that I, did he die when he fell off the lighthouse? Speaker 2 00:44:06 Allegedly. Speaker 3 00:44:07 And then everything else from that was Wait, Danny, him die. His dying thought. Spoiler Speaker 5 00:44:12 Alert. Speaker 2 00:44:13 Did you just say that? Speaker 3 00:44:15 I don't subscribe to the whole spoil alert thing and we're not saying that remember Speaker 2 00:44:20 <laugh>, it's a two year old movie. We have a range. Right? Right. If it's in the last year, then we You can spoil. Yeah. Well then we should, we should give the spoil alert in Speaker 3 00:44:30 The last horrible movie. Speaker 2 00:44:31 Why is it horrible? Speaker 3 00:44:32 Oh, I wouldn't say horrible. Speaker 2 00:44:33 Did you expect from it? Speaker 3 00:44:35 It was so dark. Speaker 2 00:44:36 He didn't like William Defo and Edward. Speaker 3 00:44:39 He was great. <laugh>. William Defo was an amazing actor in that and his portrayal of the salty, you know, Lighthouse guy was awesome. I don't know how he even pulls that off. <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:44:52 But what about Edward? That's a reference to Twilight. You guys didn't Yeah, I get it. Okay. I get it. <laugh>, I Speaker 3 00:44:58 I didn't watch Twilight. Speaker 2 00:44:59 It was, it was Twilight. Speaker 3 00:45:01 It what was with all the gay stuff? Speaker 2 00:45:03 Why was it gay? Maybe it's the, it's a message about the dichotomy of man. Oh Speaker 3 00:45:08 My Speaker 2 00:45:08 God, what is Speaker 3 00:45:10 He insane? Speaker 2 00:45:12 It's the crazy side and the normal side. Right. Speaker 3 00:45:15 I don't know. There was too much thinking involved in that movie. Speaker 2 00:45:18 <laugh> like art Speaker 3 00:45:19 Or think about it was, Speaker 2 00:45:20 I said it was black and white. It made you kind of, it Speaker 3 00:45:23 I enjoyed how No, Speaker 4 00:45:24 It wasn't really even that. It was just like, what the f was that? Yeah. What am I watching here? Yeah. Speaker 3 00:45:30 And then balance from one thing to just this other bizarre thing. And you're like, Speaker 4 00:45:35 The guy is out doing roof work and he goes and what is he doing? What is he doing in Speaker 2 00:45:41 There? Well again, it's, it's that, it's that that dichotomy of man. Right. It's the, it's the normal side in the crazy side and just kind of, you know, Speaker 3 00:45:50 So one of 'em was normal. Speaker 2 00:45:52 Yeah. Edward was mostly normal, but, you know, succumbing to the crazy side. What is normal? Normal is what is normal. Yeah. Subjective. Speaker 3 00:46:00 Oh my gosh. Definitely Speaker 2 00:46:01 Subjective. Speaker 3 00:46:02 I'm still disturbed. I could not sleep after watching. It was the darkness of it. It was just the creepiness of their relationship. It was the seagulls eating them every time they turned around. And Speaker 2 00:46:16 What do you suppose that William def, William Defo fart smells like Speaker 3 00:46:20 Onions, Speaker 2 00:46:21 <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:46:23 I, I did enjoy that part when he started just telling him off. He just had enough of his farts. Speaker 2 00:46:27 He had what started telling him off. 10 of them are so in there, but mm-hmm. <affirmative> nonetheless. It's, uh, it's a psychological movie. It, it very much is. Yeah. I would say it's kind of like watching What's the, uh, what's the guy, what's the pretty boy in in uh, the actor? The, that, uh, always takes the younger women. What's his name? Oh, uh, DiCaprio. Capo. Yeah. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So it's like that movie DiCaprio was in Shutter Island. Speaker 3 00:46:51 Uh, that was good. That Speaker 2 00:46:53 Was good. Kind of artsy fary. Right. But there was, there was, I've seen different references to the, uh, madness created by the lens and a tie into like Greek mythology and things like that. So re you know, talking about the sirens of, of who was it wast in the ID or whatever. But, um, just talked about the hypnotic kind of nature of the light in the lens. And the, again, you know, you can draw from it what message you want, I guess. But there's, there's some, um, supposedly some tie in to, to Greek mythology in there as well. Speaker 3 00:47:24 Well, yeah. Cuz one of 'em appeared. The older guy appeared to be Zeus. Yeah. At some point. Or Neptune or Neptune Zoos, whatever. Speaker 4 00:47:33 <laugh>. So your, your take from it was that the High Lighthouse never existed because you Speaker 3 00:47:38 Said Okay. Cause we, we talked about it earlier. So at the end it made me wonder, Rob, what'd you think? Speaker 5 00:47:43 Well, I want to agree with you. Uh, it was not my jam Speaker 3 00:47:49 <laugh> not my jam. Speaker 5 00:47:50 Strong talk. No, no. It Speaker 3 00:47:53 Was, that was funny. It, it was, uh, let's, if we're gonna do this, let's, let's let's tell the truth. Oh no. Okay. Speaker 5 00:47:59 No. So Julie watched the movie and, and she told, she told all of Speaker 3 00:48:04 Us, we were all, we were all hanging out at the ranch. We were at the ranch last night. Yeah. And it was probably midnight. And I was like, Whoa. Like Danny had, Danny gave us a movie review Midnight and Ta and Robert were like, What? Yeah. I was like, Yeah, we got a movie review and we had to get up at like six in the morning to get here. It's midnight. We're like, How are we gonna 10 Speaker 5 00:48:24 Review Speaker 3 00:48:25 This movie? And Julie was like, I've seen it. We're like, Oh, you have interesting <laugh>. Speaker 5 00:48:29 Yeah. Speaker 3 00:48:30 Interesting. Tell, tell us more. I Speaker 5 00:48:31 Couldn't get into it. Give us the Speaker 3 00:48:33 Dates. Speaker 5 00:48:33 She's like, She's not my Speaker 3 00:48:34 Jam. She's like, Well, it wasn't really my jam. I actually came, not my Wow. Not my jam. Okay. Very blackberry. But I did watch it. I went to bed and watched it and wish that I didn't. Speaker 4 00:48:46 I got about three or halfway through it Speaker 3 00:48:48 And I can honestly say it wasn't my jam. Speaker 5 00:48:51 Yeah. I, I, I, like I said, I haven't watched it recently, but when I did try to watch it, I could not watch the whole thing. However, I did enjoy William Will. How'd you say? Will, Will, Will, will. I always say that wrong? Will Devo, He's a great actor. Um, played that part very well. Uh, I, I may try to watch it again at some point, but, uh, Speaker 3 00:49:15 No, don't waste your time. You should watch Speaker 5 00:49:18 The Witch. The Witch. Yeah. Okay. Yes. And that was with Robert? Robert Edgar Edgars. Okay. Yeah. So, yeah. Uh, that's all I got Me. Hi. Speaker 9 00:49:27 Hi. Um, good morning. Good morning. Yeah. I've been sleeping Speaker 5 00:49:31 Afternoon. Sorry. Speaker 9 00:49:32 Um, I actually rather enjoyed the movie. Um, I really couldn't see it as a horror film more so than a psychological thriller, um, with some really good tidbits of comedy in there. Um, Speaker 3 00:49:49 It's, Wait, I, Where was the con? Maybe I missed that part. Art Speaker 9 00:49:53 Joke, Speaker 3 00:49:54 Jokes. Okay. Okay. Speaker 9 00:49:56 Um, so, I mean, it's the second movie of the directors that I've seen. The first one was The Witches, which was extremely good. Um, I think that this movie was better than The Witches. So, I mean, it, it was a very, very good movie. I really like how they, how it was filmed and just the entire aspect of it. The casting, the filming, everything was just beautiful. Um, it kind of reminded me of, of kind of, it kind of reminded me of the old, um, House on Haunted Hill with, uh, with Vincent Price. Very psychological, good stuff. So, hands down, one of my favorites, Speaker 2 00:50:43 <laugh>, you know, one thing that intrigues me about movies like this, Well, um, movies that, uh, this movie had one scene, not scene one environment. Right. Meaning it didn't go from like place to place to place. It all took place in the lighthouse for the most part. So one location. And I always admire the ability to create a whole story out of just one location. You know what I mean? So, Right. I thought it was pretty cool from that perspective too, but, Speaker 4 00:51:12 So what's your take on, on what happened? Cuz we're kind of confused. Did he die? Makes sense when he fell cuz he fell a long ways and then the next scene he was eating or whatever he was doing. And I thought that was Speaker 9 00:51:29 Odd. Honestly. I think what it's meant to do is meant to make you think about those things. It's not meant to make sense. No. Okay. So everything that seems outta place, it is. It, it's just to get your mind working. You make, you can make whatever you want out of the movie. He's just giving you what, what it is. Your mind takes over after that. And that's what I love about these kind of movies is they make you think Speaker 7 00:52:00 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yeah. They don't, they don't make enough movies like this I don't think. Speaker 9 00:52:03 No, not really. They need more of it. Bunch of Sheep Speaker 4 00:52:07 <laugh>. Speaker 7 00:52:08 I like the movies that are psychological and really make your mind twist like Speaker 9 00:52:12 That. Very much. So my favorite thing though is you can actually, you can see the decline of um, I forget the other guy's name. The dude from Twilight. Speaker 2 00:52:26 Robert. Speaker 9 00:52:26 Pats Robert Patson. You can actually see him quickly descending into madness and the further you go into the movie, the more he's going down and it's like, just to see what's happening and knowing what's happening is really just Speaker 2 00:52:46 Wow. Do you notice Will to FO's character became very kind of dominant as well, Right? So maybe again, this is about him losing that sanity and moving to this craziness. They were both named Thomas. Speaker 9 00:52:58 Very much so. Speaker 2 00:52:59 Yeah. Maybe it's, uh, on Alter Ego or Split Personality. Yeah. Maybe something, but yeah, I dunno. Speaker 3 00:53:04 Anyone else got anything? Jesse? Speaker 7 00:53:08 I'm looking forward to watching it. I know that. Speaker 2 00:53:11 Yeah, me too. Speaker 7 00:53:13 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:53:13 Jesse, what do you got Jess? Speaker 4 00:53:15 He's Speaker 6 00:53:16 Got, um, Speaker 3 00:53:17 Jesse. Speaker 6 00:53:18 Oh yeah. Speaker 3 00:53:20 What Speaker 2 00:53:21 Do you got buddy? Unad died. Speaker 6 00:53:23 It was a great movie. I liked it. It uh, I really liked William Depro. Speaker 2 00:53:28 D Depro Depro Def. Speaker 6 00:53:32 What was his name? Speaker 3 00:53:34 Will Defo Speaker 6 00:53:35 Will. Yeah, that's what I said. And the Seagul thing was a little weird. I didn't really get the Seagul. He Speaker 3 00:53:43 Didn't, he didn't watch it. Speaker 6 00:53:44 I didn't watch it. He didn't. It was rri it was horrible. Speaker 3 00:53:48 You know, this is one that I won't blame you. Tough to get through. I to get Speaker 6 00:53:54 Through. I made it like 10 minutes. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:53:56 Bad. So I, I I surmised that he actually died when he fell off the lighthouse. The first. That's what I was thinking. That, that's what I think is kinda Speaker 2 00:54:04 Like sixth Speaker 3 00:54:04 Sense. Hey Jesse, you ready to move on? Ready? Speaker 6 00:54:06 We Speaker 17 00:54:07 Interrupt this program to bring you a special rep report. Speaker 3 00:54:10 What do you got Jesse on the spot? Reporter Jesse. Speaker 6 00:54:17 This kind of goes along with, uh, Danny's little lady saying about Whitehouse up for auction to the public. You can buy one Where Chesapeake. Chesapeake Bay Lighthouse. Is that for, for bad news? Virginia. The bad news, nobody wants it. Speaker 2 00:54:34 Why? Speaker 6 00:54:35 You can, the starting price is $15,000, but because of where it's at, Speaker 2 00:54:41 They want it moved. Speaker 6 00:54:42 But the, with the na no, with the Navy and the all the rules, you're not allowed to stay at it. And <laugh> what? Because of Yeah. You can't spend the night. It's in poor to fair conditions. It's a lot of renovations and it's historic. So you have to follow all those rules because the government uses that area for arms testing. You're not allowed to stay there or you have to leave when they're gonna be firing off gummy missiles and all that other stuff. But you get past all that, you could buy it for 15 grand. Speaker 3 00:55:20 Yeah, that sounds too good to be true. It's cheap. Speaker 2 00:55:23 <laugh>. I have a question. Who owns it right now? Who's selling it? The government Probably Speaker 6 00:55:29 <laugh> the government. Speaker 2 00:55:31 <laugh>. Yeah. That just sounds silly then. Totally. Speaker 6 00:55:34 Yeah. The government, they've tried to get like people to restore it or you know, like nonprofits and all that, but nobody wants it. So they've opened it to a public and yes, it's the government that's selling it. Speaker 3 00:55:46 Wow. What's Speaker 7 00:55:47 The one right in the water? Right? It's like, Yeah. Yeah. It's hard to get to Speaker 6 00:55:51 It. And the problem is, Speaker 2 00:55:52 Is can't just pick a ding Speaker 6 00:55:53 Not on an island. Yeah. You can't, there there's not like an island you can dock your boat to. You have to like tie your boat to the lighthouse and then climb the ladder with waves crashing on it. That sounds so Yeah. It'd be perfect for Scott. Speaker 2 00:56:06 Do we have, do we have enough funds in the N wcs uh, account? Speaker 3 00:56:11 We do not. Okay. We do not. We're still waiting to be reimbursed. Dan? Yeah, from the Yeah. If I try the Mexico trip. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:56:20 The Do want trip. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:56:22 My other Speaker 9 00:56:23 Only fans Speaker 3 00:56:24 Speaking, speaking of in the news, uh, guess what's coming up Danny? Speaker 2 00:56:29 Um, Monday Speaker 3 00:56:31 Universal Studios, Hollywood Horror Nights. <laugh> Speaker 9 00:56:34 Yeah. Horror Speaker 3 00:56:34 Nights to which you will be joining. Is that correct? Speaker 9 00:56:38 Or he'll just leave you standing out at the front. <laugh>, Speaker 3 00:56:41 Do you know what they have this year? You know what mazes they have? Speaker 2 00:56:44 Um, I know they have Killer Clowns again. Speaker 3 00:56:46 They have the weekend after hours Nightmare. You love his music, but can you survive his mind? The weekend is about to stalk your squad through this haunted house. A surreal living nightmare from his after hours videos. His nightmare is now yours. Tara Tram, obviously always a lot of fun doing the, uh, Tara Tram. Oh yeah. Halloween. His beginning is your end silent, merciless, relentless. There's nobody like Michael Myers. And if you Scream Squad is ready this year, you can gather together and face a tear of Halloween from the very beginning. Please. Then they have the, uh, how the horrors of Bloom House. You get ready for a blood curling new double feature from Bloom House Horror. Wow. As you, you scream squad faces a ruthless killer in freaky and an evil kidnapper and the relentlessly terrifying black phone. Speaker 2 00:57:46 Blum House. Speaker 3 00:57:47 Bloom Speaker 2 00:57:48 House, Blum, Speaker 3 00:57:50 Uh, then they have the, uh, Universal Hollywood Legends in the Wolf Man versus Dracula versus the Mummy. Oh, if you thought one of, uh, Universal monsters was scary, how about three Someon, Your Scream Squad? Cuz you're about to get caught between the Wolfman Dracula and the Mummy together for the first time ever. The one that you mentioned. Killer Clowns from Outer Space. You'll be screaming but not without laughter. There's nothing funny about these killer clowns. Who's her back to make gooey out of this world? Snacks? I you Speaker 2 00:58:25 Read it right? Speaker 3 00:58:26 Scream. I've never seen colored clowns from out her face, so I don't know what they're talking about. Speaker 2 00:58:30 What're Speaker 3 00:58:30 Gonna, if there's a reason people are afraid of clowns, this is it. Uh, Lala Ronna. When Lala Ronna Weeps scream, What was that? Mondo? Speaker 9 00:58:42 La Yo Speaker 3 00:58:44 La. Speaker 9 00:58:48 Or if you don't wanna roll the r just la Yo, Speaker 3 00:58:50 I can roll the R Speaker 9 00:58:52 Car. Car car <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:58:57 And Rob had to jump in with his Moon Shine version of Yeah. It you and your Scream Squad. Remember the tale of the woman who drowned her children and then herself once a childhood fable? She's back to terrify once again. This is no nightmare. This is, Speaker 3 00:59:17 And just a couple more, just a couple more. Fear is about to be sewn at an abandoned depression era. Farm vengeance takes root. The scarecrows are avenging the revenge ravaged land in this all new haunted house, The only harvest that will be reaped is your scream squad. That's, that's the one that I'm looking forward to the most. Scarecrow, the reaping. And welcome to the hotel from hell, a 1920s Hollywood hotel. Once the hunting grounds of its infamous serial killer owner has been turned into a modern day haunted hotel. Now he's back from the dead. You'll, you'll first day will be the last, Oh, uh, looking forward to it this year. Hope to see you there, Danny, at the Universal Hollywood Horror Nights Speaker 2 01:00:05 October 8th, right? Speaker 3 01:00:06 I have the frontal line passes, but I do not have the v p Crazy. Danny Passes. Where you gonna go with the stars and eat Speaker 2 01:00:14 Pizza? I p They have a, they have a buffet. Oh, wait, what? Wait, what? If you get the r i p pass, you get the buffet. Wait, wait a minute. Now, now you got Speaker 3 01:00:26 'em. I saw nothing about a Speaker 2 01:00:27 Buffet upgrading. Now there is a, Speaker 3 01:00:30 I saw nothing about a, Speaker 2 01:00:31 Well, okay, there was a buffet when I went last. Oh, now you're, now Speaker 3 01:00:36 I think you snuck into some place you were not Speaker 2 01:00:39 Supposed to be. You went in the green room, was probably a thing. You were in the green room. But the cheeses were great, allegedly <laugh>, all the, Speaker 3 01:00:48 Did they happen to be filming a movie nearby and Speaker 2 01:00:51 <laugh>, Speaker 3 01:00:51 They just had a table set up with food and there was so, Hey guys, I hate to interrupt. So I did happen to find in our archived files, our investigation notes and summary from the North Head Light Keeper's home. Uh, so I wanted to read that off so that we could do the investigation files correctly. And as you guys may recall, we used to always put these together at the end of our investigations and have gotten somewhat lazy over time and have not kept up with these. But, uh, this particular investigation, we did, uh, take good and accurate notes with a summary. So, uh, if you guys don't mind, I'm just gonna go ahead and read over this. The, uh, heading his location, North Head Light Keeper's Home in I, Waco, Washington. The next category is investigators, and these were all who were present got, uh, Lawrence Danny, Tab David and Rob Tools utilized during that investigation, we had two digital cameras and one EDP recorder. Speaker 3 01:01:48 The next category is the history and the North Head lighthouse in Oaco, Washington is still functional and serves to alert ships of the dangerous current and shifting sands that make up the graveyard of the Pacific Rising. 194 feet above the dangerous and raging northwest waters on a rugged shelf of pure basalt. The lonely lighthouse grounds have been home to several keepers in their families through the years. It's rumored by many that his spirit still haunts the light keeper's home. Mary Pessin and the wife of the first light keep, who we discussed. The first light keep apparently still resides at the residence. And despite her death, the wife has seen on the property, N WCS spent the weekend in the light's home and we were unable to verify that rumor. In fact, the home was nothing more than a cozy and comfortable place. While we are not saying the place is not haunted, we were just unable to find any evidence of this, but very much enjoyed our visit and investigation. Speaker 3 01:02:50 The next category is the investigation. We arrived at the light keeper's home on a damp, cold, and foggy October evening. And it certainly added to the mystery of the place and kept our group excited about the prospect of identifying paranormal activity. Uh, rumors of this haunted home swirl around the small town of Oaco. And while having dinner at a local watering hole, we spoke with Yes, Watering Hole. Uh, we spoke with some locals who wished us luck on our overnight stay. Uh, while there seemed to be some folklore associated with the home, we were unable to obtain any specific information from any of these people regarding sightings or knowledge of the history. We tried to do some interviews of some locals and nobody could really put anything together for us. Once we arrived and set up our equipment, we discovered a diary of sort, which allowed guests to share their experiences. Speaker 3 01:03:37 And located within the writings, we noticed a, uh, pattern of tales, including locating the hidden haunted attic. After not much investigation, we were able to locate and access the attic. Uh, while it initially had a really creepy feeling, it seemed to wear off after a significant amount of time sitting in the dark and trying to elicit spirit responses. The only odd thing we heard, uh, were the rumbling of our bellies. Uh, this was a sure sign that it was time to abandon our attic investigation and cook up our midnight snack the second day and night. We spent much of the same. Our state of the art equipment and personal experiences yielded negative results. Although upon returning from an extended hike, we noticed upon entry to the home that all the kitchen covers were open, the table chairs were stacked on the table, and all the pictures in the home were hung upside down. Speaker 3 01:04:28 Very quickly, we deducted that this was the work of Tom Foolery from a very Board N WCS member. Our stay at the North headlight keeper's home was relaxing and peaceful. We had a wonderful time and would dare to stay at this location. Uh, again, you know, we're not gonna say that it wasn't haunted, but it is a wonderful place to chase ghosts. And until late night, ghost stories as far as the evidence category, we obtained no evidence. Uh, while we did not collect any evidence to support the existence of any paranormal activity at this particular location, while we would like to spend a little more time at this location, we feel fairly confident that this place is not haunted. We will, however, spend another weekend at this location with some of our newer ghost gear, uh, before we make any sort of final determination on that. And, you know, sometimes hauntings are historical time events and, uh, it's quite possible that we have not visited during any historical events that provoke paranormal spirits. But I just wanted to read that to you guys, just to kinda refresh your memories of, of that. All right. Thank you for joining us on this episode of Lighthouse. Thank you TA for being here. You're welcome. Thank you, Rob. Speaker 18 01:05:42 Apparently you're welcome. Speaker 3 01:05:44 And Danny and your little lady friend, thank you for being here. Thank you. Always a good time. Mondo. Yeah. Speaker 18 01:05:49 Jesse, wake up. Wake up. Are you there? Speaker 3 01:05:52 Jesse, sir, thank you for being here. We hope to see you in, uh, Louisiana, Jesse. Absolutely. Uh, the Man, Check Swamp Rugo Festival and Home of Louisiana. And then over to Bro Bridge. Hopefully you'll be there with us and kayaking with the Gators and looking for all the creepy, scary things that we do when we're in Louisiana. And until next time, Speaker 18 01:06:19 99. Speaker 3 01:06:23 Night. Speaker 18 01:06:26 Night later. All right, peace. Speaker 3 01:06:28 Okay, Speaker 18 01:06:29 Byebye. Good night. Oh my.

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