NWCS Into The Dark Episode 42 Glitches In The Matrix

Episode 42 February 27, 2023 01:37:05
NWCS Into The Dark Episode 42 Glitches In The Matrix
N.W.C.S. Into The Dark
NWCS Into The Dark Episode 42 Glitches In The Matrix

Feb 27 2023 | 01:37:05


Show Notes

Join N.W.C.S. as we discuss Glitches In The Matrix

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:03 The Sasquatch, Helen, in the nine Bear Normal being come out to playing. Feel that upon you, upon your neck. But do not fear when the rug bikes, because of all you into the dark, follow you into the dark, Speaker 2 00:00:39 Into the dark, contains subject matter and language that may be unsuitable for younger listeners, listener discretion is advised. Hello. Greetings and welcome to N W C S into the Dark. This is phenomenal. Episode number Speaker 4 00:00:55 3 8 3 8 38 38. Speaker 2 00:01:00 Correct. Gentleman? Number 38, almost 43. Speaker 3 00:01:03 A pause Speaker 2 00:01:04 There. Almost a 40 Speaker 5 00:01:05 A pause. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:01:06 Oh, I thought everybody was gonna, that's a little pause in there. Join in with the big number eight. Speaker 5 00:01:11 I know. I, I was, Jesse and I were on sync, but we just sat there. What Speaker 3 00:01:16 Is the significance of eight? I don't get it. What I Speaker 5 00:01:19 Miss there is none. Speaker 3 00:01:21 Oh, okay. Speaker 5 00:01:22 <laugh>. We, we just Speaker 4 00:01:23 Try to, we're having a party Speaker 5 00:01:24 Out. We try to elaborate, make it sound better than what it actually Speaker 3 00:01:27 Is. Oh, sorry, I didn't get the memo. Let me try again. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:01:31 Check Speaker 5 00:01:32 Your notes. Isn't, isn't that the premise? Isn't that the premises of every single episode? Just make it sound Speaker 4 00:01:39 Really, really impressive. Speaker 2 00:01:41 Every episode. No, it's, it's not, not it's not. Jesse are still alive. It's not. But this one is huge. This one is huge. Speaker 5 00:01:49 This Speaker 2 00:01:49 One is beyond. Speaker 5 00:01:51 It's huge. Huge. Speaker 2 00:01:52 It's, Speaker 4 00:01:53 It's bigger than the last Speaker 2 00:01:54 Episode. It's huger than huge. Speaker 3 00:01:56 I'm here for it. Okay. Speaker 2 00:01:58 That's the thing one. This one is amazing. I'll say it's, uh, amazing. What is this episode about? Anyway. Glitches. That's right. Glitches in the matrix. Huge. Huge. Because we're gonna, we are going to, uh, we're gonna break some boundaries here with this. Are we <laugh>? Yeah. This is, uh, <laugh>. I wouldn't be surprised if some, uh, some big media people contact us after this. Really? You think so? I'm gonna be dropping some, some real science. Big stuff. Yeah. Some scientific stuff. Speaker 5 00:02:29 Not like in the bathroom. Speaker 3 00:02:30 Like ground breaking. Speaker 2 00:02:31 Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 5 00:02:32 <laugh>. Wow. Speaker 2 00:02:33 Um, Speaker 3 00:02:35 Yeah. You heard it here first? Speaker 2 00:02:36 Hmm. Yeah. Everyone? Anything new? Anybody go to anything new? Where we going Speaker 5 00:02:41 In two weeks? Speaker 2 00:02:42 Wolf Creek Inn. I'm so excited. Where's that at? I have my little tingling. I'm all in. I have some tingling in my knee. My kneecap. It's tingling. That's called Speaker 3 00:02:52 The knee Speaker 2 00:02:52 Arthritis. Yeah. My Speaker 5 00:02:54 But your kneecap. Speaker 2 00:02:54 Yeah, my left kneecap is tingling. I'm sorry. That's Speaker 3 00:02:57 Arthritis. Speaker 5 00:02:57 That, that's Speaker 2 00:02:58 Probably our thing. Oh, is that what it's Speaker 4 00:02:59 Right. You're getting older. Speaker 2 00:03:01 I just thought it was like excitement for an upcoming trip. Speaker 5 00:03:03 So wait, where Speaker 2 00:03:04 I sometimes I get so excited that the whole left side of my body, like, Speaker 4 00:03:08 It's because you wears up, you're sleeping on that one side. My whole, Speaker 2 00:03:11 I have no control over the left side of my body. That's, Speaker 6 00:03:14 I get Speaker 3 00:03:14 It's toast. Speaker 6 00:03:15 That's not good. Speaker 2 00:03:16 It's just excitement. Maybe Speaker 4 00:03:17 It's precursors MS or something. Speaker 5 00:03:19 So where's the Wolf Creek? Speaker 6 00:03:20 In, in Wolf Creek. Speaker 5 00:03:23 What? Speaker 2 00:03:24 <laugh>. Look at Rob representing N WC s over there. I Speaker 4 00:03:28 Know he's been Speaker 2 00:03:28 Doing that. He's got his body dos. Speaker 5 00:03:30 I haven't had my N wc s hat. Speaker 2 00:03:32 Oh, he has like one of the first edition hats. Speaker 5 00:03:35 Yeah. Check that out. That's Speaker 4 00:03:36 Like, what is Speaker 2 00:03:37 Over? Speaker 3 00:03:38 It's, I can't check that out, Speaker 2 00:03:40 By the way. That's a dirty ass hat. Speaker 5 00:03:41 It's weathered. That's the, that's Speaker 6 00:03:43 The logo. That's the way you made it. Speaker 3 00:03:45 Is it the Ghostbusters Speaker 2 00:03:46 One? It looks like you have ec ectoplasm all over it. It's that Ectoplasm. Speaker 5 00:03:50 It's the tan base camp. Uh, Speaker 2 00:03:52 Logo. Logo. Speaker 5 00:03:54 Oh, it needs go the wash. It looks all weathered and stuff. It Speaker 4 00:03:57 Original. It just needs go the water Speaker 3 00:03:58 Side. I can't see you guys. Speaker 2 00:03:59 We're we're working on it. We're working on it. We're, we're gonna get you up here and we're gonna see your beautiful, beautiful, manly face here. Just in a, just in a few minutes. So Speaker 6 00:04:08 The historic Wolf Creek in where history and luxury meat. The walls tell stories. Come listen. Speaker 4 00:04:16 So someone wrote on the wall Speaker 6 00:04:19 Better, not a, so that's their <laugh>, that's their, uh, homepage. Speaker 2 00:04:25 I'm excited. Yeah. It's, I'm really close. Speaker 4 00:04:27 Excited. So, Danny's, I'm Speaker 2 00:04:29 Hoping the bar's open. So not that I'd really drink, or Speaker 6 00:04:31 The restaurant is open. Is it 30? Speaker 2 00:04:35 Can you pull the menu up for me? I Speaker 6 00:04:36 Already pulled it Oven in. Like what Speaker 4 00:04:38 Do they have? I think Scott's gonna need a bar. Is there a bar they like Speaker 2 00:04:41 Or not? Gimme an idea what they have on their menu. Speaker 6 00:04:43 Um, they have a Speaker 3 00:04:45 Chicken fried steak. I'm Speaker 6 00:04:46 Betting. No, they got a pretty limited menu. Oh. Speaker 3 00:04:49 Oh. Basket of Tots. Speaker 6 00:04:51 They've got, um, oh, they're, they're special is blueberry and raspberry pancakes. Speaker 2 00:04:58 Yeah. And I don't like breakfast. Speaker 6 00:05:01 Um, Speaker 4 00:05:02 Rob, Rob and I hit it. Speaker 2 00:05:03 Yeah. Hold on. They're a restaurant and their specialty is blueberry pancake. Speaker 6 00:05:08 No, that's, that's what they have for b That's their special for breakfast. Speaker 4 00:05:11 That sounds good. Speaker 2 00:05:12 Really? I mean, good. It's Speaker 5 00:05:14 Difficult as that. No, they're red, white and blue pancake. Yeah. Speaker 6 00:05:18 America, Speaker 5 00:05:19 You Speaker 2 00:05:19 Look like you have to strain your neck to talk in that microphone. Speaker 5 00:05:22 Well, I'm trying to keep it outta my way, so I don't, and Speaker 4 00:05:24 He's working on his posture, Speaker 5 00:05:25 Dude. Like you guys Speaker 4 00:05:26 Working on his posture. Speaker 6 00:05:28 Um, they have, well, you don't like breakfast, but they got the normal two egg, classic egg. They got Al Al Muts. And Speaker 2 00:05:35 Let's talk about like scrambles. What do they have? Like, as far Speaker 4 00:05:38 As, do they have a buffet, is what Speaker 2 00:05:39 Scott's asking? I know they don't have Speaker 6 00:05:40 No, no buffet Speaker 2 00:05:41 Grilled cheese. Tell me, tell me how grilled cheese tell Hamburg. Good entree. They might have Speaker 3 00:05:44 Meatloaf. How about meatloaf? Speaker 2 00:05:46 Just like I'm mentally prepare my Speaker 5 00:05:47 Meat. Lo They have a good old American apple pie. Speaker 6 00:05:50 Yeah, I have a You have meat? How's meatloaf? Meatloaf? Speaker 5 00:05:54 Ooh. Speaker 6 00:05:55 But I think Scott, out of, of this menu, Speaker 5 00:05:59 It looks like Speaker 6 00:05:59 They have, I think he's gonna go for the French dip. He's gotta try the French dip there. Speaker 2 00:06:05 Yeah. I, I am kind of a French dip. Let's stop talking about food. I'm hungry. Uh, anybody else have anything new <laugh>. Danny, Speaker 3 00:06:12 Who's all, who's all in the studio today? Speaker 2 00:06:14 In the studio Today we have myself. We've got Jesse. Speaker 6 00:06:19 Hey, Speaker 2 00:06:19 We've got Tab. Speaker 4 00:06:21 Hello. Speaker 2 00:06:22 We have Danny. Speaker 3 00:06:24 Oh yeah. Speaker 5 00:06:25 Hey, Danny's not in the studio. What? Moving Speaker 2 00:06:27 On. Why you? Hey, moving on. Hey, why Speaker 5 00:06:29 You do that, bro? Speaker 2 00:06:29 Rob's here. Moving on. He hasn't been Speaker 4 00:06:31 Here for the last couple. Speaker 5 00:06:32 One. I missed one. Speaker 2 00:06:34 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I forgot. Was here. He hasn't been here. Speaker 4 00:06:37 But who else was supposed to be here today? Speaker 5 00:06:39 Cock suck. Wasn't Speaker 2 00:06:40 And we have Rob Pleasant. Rob. Speaker 5 00:06:45 Hello. Speaker 2 00:06:45 Hello, Rob. Gosh. Uh, anybody. Speaker 3 00:06:48 So much, so much love. Speaker 2 00:06:49 I got, I got something new. Hey. So yeah. Speaker 5 00:06:51 Anyway. Hey, Jesse, what do you got? Speaker 2 00:06:53 That's so old. That was so last episode. What? Speaker 6 00:06:56 That was awesome. Speaker 2 00:06:57 That was the last episode. Hey. Hey. So I was working the other night. All right. Speaker 6 00:07:01 You guys ready Speaker 2 00:07:02 To move on? Late night, <laugh>. Speaker 5 00:07:04 No. Speaker 4 00:07:04 Listen, you weren't working late at night. No way. Not you. Speaker 5 00:07:08 Oh, he, that's, look, he's already on the edge of walking out. Speaker 6 00:07:12 I know. This is, this is amazing. I'm all Speaker 5 00:07:17 In <laugh>. Oh, I'm all in Speaker 6 00:07:21 All. Sorry, Speaker 2 00:07:22 Scott. Go ahead. I think Go ahead. The shenanigans have to stop. Go ahead. I mean, we're never, we never get to our points. It gets all, all kinds of sideways. I think the, the shenanigans need, I guess some new, just get me frustrated. Speaker 6 00:07:33 What's dirty? Let's talk about the sweatshirt. Speaker 2 00:07:35 Let's not talk about that. No, Speaker 4 00:07:37 We're not. Speaker 2 00:07:38 We're not. Speaker 3 00:07:38 Did get one? Get that feedback from one of our listeners. By Speaker 2 00:07:41 The way, what Speaker 3 00:07:42 <laugh>? The Scott. They want less shenanigans. Speaker 2 00:07:44 Oh, really? Well, good. See, I'm proving my point. Less shenanigans. Speaker 5 00:07:48 Okay. Go ahead Scott. Speaker 2 00:07:50 How are you getting feedback? And we're not. Do you have like a fan? Speaker 6 00:07:55 Because hey, they're talking about your Scott, so they don't want to come to you Speaker 2 00:08:00 About it. Yeah. This isn't called N W C S into the shenanigans <laugh>. It's called Into the Dark. Let's, let's stay focused and talk about what people want to hear. Scott Speaker 5 00:08:09 Rain. Scott A we were just talking about this last night. We're like, I think we're, are we doing this to like, entertain other people? Or are we just entertaining ourselves For ourselves? Ourselves. For ourselves. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:08:21 Now I, I listen to it. I'm like, that is freaking hilarious. But does anyone else get that? Like, I don't think they do. I don't think they do. Speaker 4 00:08:28 Probably not. It's funny for us, Speaker 2 00:08:29 But without having to like really know Jesse, it's not very funny. So let's try to, let's be serious. But were Speaker 6 00:08:36 We talking about, Speaker 2 00:08:37 I don't know. Let's be serious. Less, Speaker 4 00:08:39 Less against Speaker 3 00:08:40 Scott. Scott had something new. Speaker 2 00:08:42 I did. I did 10 minutes ago. I had something new, but I forgot. I forgot what it was. No, I was, uh, I was working the other night and I was listening to my favorite radio program and it wasn't on, but what was on was the iHeart Media Podcast Awards. And I was waiting, Speaker 5 00:09:00 <laugh> Speaker 2 00:09:01 Waiting. Speaker 6 00:09:02 Are you still waiting? Yeah. Speaker 2 00:09:04 We were never mentioned. They talked about all these podcasts and I was like, dead. They gotta talk about us. Nothing. Speaker 3 00:09:11 Of Speaker 2 00:09:11 Course. Nothing. Nothing. Wow. Nothing. Who Speaker 3 00:09:14 Do we Speaker 2 00:09:14 Call about that? I mean, technically we probably wouldn't have gotten like a phone call beforehand to like prep us. But I was literally waiting for a phone call to be like, Speaker 3 00:09:22 I think they're surprised. Speaker 2 00:09:23 Those paranormal Podcast Speaker 6 00:09:24 Awards. Does anybody know how many podcasts there are? Speaker 2 00:09:27 They were talking about that on the awards. There's literally like 10 million podcasts. Speaker 6 00:09:32 Yeah. You know which number we are out of? 10 million. Speaker 2 00:09:35 11 million. Yeah. <laugh>. Yeah. I probably, Speaker 3 00:09:40 Probably, but, but in fairness, not all of 'em survive as long as we have. Speaker 4 00:09:43 Yeah. That's How many episodes are on Speaker 5 00:09:45 There? A lot. We, we, we don't Speaker 3 00:09:46 Have a lot of 'em start and then not go anywhere. Speaker 6 00:09:49 Yeah. Like this one. Well, I, we lit. There's literally six listeners and they're all in the studio right now. We just listen to 'em. We show Speaker 4 00:09:58 Over and Speaker 6 00:09:59 Over, over and over <laugh> and laugh at our own jokes. Speaker 5 00:10:01 I, yeah. I think this is, I think we're in our own glitch of the Matrix. We just keep on like, it's kind of like Groundhog Day. We just keep on doing the same. This is probably the same episode every time Speaker 3 00:10:13 I switch countries with my vpn. And then listen again. Speaker 4 00:10:16 Well, Danny just moved Speaker 5 00:10:17 Around California. Speaker 4 00:10:18 <laugh>. Danny moved around around Speaker 2 00:10:20 California. Thanks for to change it up. Is uh, that's giving us our international viewers. I appreciate that. Speaker 3 00:10:24 Danny <laugh>. Yeah. Speaker 5 00:10:25 I was wondering who was listening from Zimbabwe. Speaker 2 00:10:28 Cuz I'm the one Cause cuz I'm the one that goes to Kansas to log in from the library. Look at those Kansas viewers. Uh, anyway, uh, where are we going with this? Yeah, no, no mention of us on iHeartRadio podcast, you know, awards. Anyone else? That's unfortunate. Anyone else have anything new? Speaker 5 00:10:47 Um hmm. Seems like I do, but I Speaker 2 00:10:49 Can't remember. We are gonna the Wolf Creek Inn. Yeah. How we decided? Are we going to, I, I'm, I'm thinking, I'm rethinking. I think we do need to do a Facebook live on that Danny. Speaker 5 00:10:58 And we need to get that damn vehicle in. Speaker 6 00:11:02 We haven't done that. Speaker 2 00:11:03 No, we haven't. I'm Speaker 6 00:11:04 Driving this. Well, Speaker 4 00:11:05 We need to get it started, right? Speaker 2 00:11:07 Yeah. That's Speaker 4 00:11:08 The other thing. Gotta find the battery. That's Speaker 2 00:11:09 The we'll thing, isn't it? Speaker 5 00:11:10 Maybe I'll head Speaker 2 00:11:11 There. Right out there. It's not running right now. Speaker 5 00:11:13 I should. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:11:15 Somebody else needs to be responsible for base camp. Like, I don't want, I just need to get, I don't want it at my house Speaker 4 00:11:19 Anymore. A battery maintainer. Speaker 5 00:11:21 I'll, I'll just park it at my house. I'm sure. I'm sure my neighbors Speaker 4 00:11:24 Mine don't like that. Speaker 2 00:11:26 Yeah. Base camp is, uh, not running right now, Danny. Speaker 3 00:11:30 Oh wait. Uh, Speaker 6 00:11:31 It's like Brandon new. Are Speaker 2 00:11:33 We moving on? Speaker 3 00:11:33 Are we walking? Speaker 2 00:11:34 Are we moving on? Are we Speaker 4 00:11:35 Yeah. Scott doesn't wanna talk about base camp right now. Speaker 2 00:11:38 I just don't like the responsibility. Having to like, I'll take care of it. Maintain everything Done. Done. Speaker 5 00:11:42 I'll Speaker 2 00:11:43 Take care of it. I'm not a maintainer. I don't know how I, I can't. You Speaker 6 00:11:46 Just let it sit out there and Speaker 2 00:11:47 Yeah. Like I Speaker 5 00:11:49 Did the, did the corner of the, uh, studio drop even more. Cuz that light looks like it's tilting even. Speaker 2 00:11:55 It's falling apart. It's Speaker 5 00:11:56 Falling apart. Our I think we have like a, a black hole or something in the studio. Oh Speaker 4 00:12:01 My gosh. There is, there's Speaker 2 00:12:02 A big gap in the I know we need some sort of GoFundMe account. Speaker 4 00:12:05 Holy cow. Speaker 2 00:12:06 <laugh>. And Speaker 5 00:12:06 You see the Gap. It's Speaker 3 00:12:09 Like, it's, uh, that's like Speaker 4 00:12:10 Three inches from the board. Speaker 6 00:12:12 We're gonna be sitting here and then all of a sudden we're gonna be doing the podcast from the basement. Speaker 4 00:12:16 Right. Speaker 2 00:12:17 <laugh> and all fairness. Mondo was sitting there last time, so Oh, Speaker 3 00:12:22 Wow. Speaker 5 00:12:23 Mondo Speaker 4 00:12:23 Just saying. No, he wasn't. He was sitting in Rob's Speaker 2 00:12:26 Seat with no pants on. Yeah, Speaker 5 00:12:28 I know. All my shit. <unk> was all messed up. What's your mouth? Oh, I'll bleep Speaker 2 00:12:33 It. It's family friendly. Oh, I Speaker 5 00:12:34 Bleep it. Your mouth don't. I'm getting clo I'm getting closer to the right Speaker 4 00:12:38 Spot. Speaker 5 00:12:39 The right spot. Speaker 4 00:12:40 Okay. Speaker 3 00:12:41 You guys wanna know something, uh, really quick? Yeah. Speaker 5 00:12:43 Yeah. Speaker 3 00:12:44 According to researchgate.net, 56% of podcasts have fewer than 10 episodes. Ooh. 15% have fewer than 50 episodes. Speaker 2 00:12:57 Well, Speaker 4 00:12:57 That's us. That's 50. Just I know. Did you say 50%? Speaker 3 00:13:00 Five Speaker 5 00:13:00 Zero. Well, we gotta hit five. Speaker 3 00:13:02 Oh, I said 17% have fewer than 50. Speaker 2 00:13:05 Wow. Speaker 4 00:13:05 Okay. Speaker 3 00:13:06 So I think we're, I think we're Speaker 4 00:13:07 Ready to put some norms. Maybe we just sit down and do 20 more today. Speaker 2 00:13:12 <laugh>. No, we only need to do like 10 more. 12 Speaker 4 00:13:15 More. 12 more. Yeah. Yeah. No, we gotta get over the 15. Wait Speaker 5 00:13:18 Time out. Scott just did math in his head. Like, Speaker 4 00:13:21 Well, I was, I was gonna go above Speaker 2 00:13:23 And beyond. I was difficult. Speaker 5 00:13:26 Hey, you can't figure out how many people are in the studio. What are you talking about? Speaker 2 00:13:30 That's where it gets confusing. Hey. Speaker 4 00:13:33 Hey. That's Speaker 2 00:13:34 Where it gets too much. Speaker 4 00:13:35 Too farter. Too banter. Speaker 2 00:13:37 You know what, Rob? Speaker 5 00:13:38 Yeah. Speaker 4 00:13:38 Scott, Speaker 2 00:13:39 We only need one bully in the studio. I'm Speaker 5 00:13:41 Not bullying you. You are. I'm just stating that Speaker 2 00:13:43 Fag. Speaker 4 00:13:44 Okay. Scott's a little sensitive. Speaker 2 00:13:45 Remember? Remember Danny's? Uh, I Speaker 6 00:13:48 I like it. Speaker 2 00:13:48 Yeah. Remember Danny's fan said Les shenanigans. <laugh>. Speaker 5 00:13:53 I'm, I'm Speaker 2 00:13:53 Not, do you have the name of the fan? We can give him a shout out. Speaker 3 00:13:56 Uh, it's, uh, un undisclosed Speaker 2 00:13:58 <laugh>. All right. Undisclosed. Speaker 3 00:14:00 Yeah. Speaker 4 00:14:01 That's confidential. Speaker 2 00:14:02 Let's talk, let's, let's move to our topic, which is glitches in the matrix. Um, tab. Why don't you explain for us, Speaker 4 00:14:09 He, why, why Speaker 2 00:14:10 Don't you explain for us this whole matrix thing. Speaker 5 00:14:13 He was just getting ready to do something. Speaker 4 00:14:15 He just totally put me on the spot. Well, Speaker 2 00:14:17 I know that Speaker 4 00:14:18 You are Speaker 2 00:14:19 Probably a little bit more knowledgeable of this than everybody really Speaker 4 00:14:21 Else. So what makes you think that? Speaker 5 00:14:22 Do I have to go through Speaker 4 00:14:24 Smart? Well, Speaker 2 00:14:24 You're smart. Other than most of the people in this room, particularly Jesse, so if there's a, there's a who, Speaker 4 00:14:30 What Speaker 2 00:14:30 If there is this talk Speaker 5 00:14:32 About bullies. Speaker 2 00:14:32 If this, if there is this, you know, other dimension, the matrix. Like how, how does Speaker 4 00:14:37 That work? I, I don't know if it's with dimensional. I think it, it's, some people believe that we're living in a simulation, Speaker 2 00:14:44 Like a computer generated simulation. Right. And we're pawns and this. Speaker 4 00:14:48 Right. And they're comparing it to all, all the advances made in computer graphics and mm-hmm. <affirmative> and that, and the network and everything. And how it's, you know, it doubles every five years or whatever. And um, and then people are seeing these strange anomalies on, on, uh, like YouTube. People will put up videos on YouTube and, and, uh, people can't explain what they're, what they're recording. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, like for example, you know, some of Mike can explain because I've actually witnessed it. Um, I don't know if you, I'm sure you've seen planes come in on, uh, I 84 going out towards like Gresham and mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Well, the airport's right there. And, and if you get in a, you know, if you're going to certain speed limit and the plane is coming in for landing mm-hmm. <affirmative> and the foreground is matching your speed and the plane, it makes it look like the plane is just sitting in one spot as you Speaker 5 00:15:44 Drive <affirmative>. Yeah. I've seen, I I've watched a couple videos like Speaker 4 00:15:47 That. Yeah. I've actually witnessed it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> myself. You, Speaker 3 00:15:50 It's the earth, it's flat. Duh. Speaker 4 00:15:52 Right, right. <laugh>, I mean, that's just one example. Um, Speaker 6 00:15:56 So, so Speaker 2 00:15:57 Similar to the, like the helicopters where they show it taking off, but the propellers look like they're not moving. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:16:03 Well that's a sh that's a camera. Shutter speed. Shutter speed match too. It's taking pictures of the blade. Same spot. Right. You know, Speaker 3 00:16:10 Could you argue that that is the shutter speed of our eyes? <laugh> more such Speaker 5 00:16:16 A thing. Nice one. Speaker 3 00:16:17 Ooh. See, I like that. Could be <laugh>. Yeah. Speaker 6 00:16:21 All right. So our topic tonight is glitches in the matrix tab. What do you got <laugh>? Speaker 2 00:16:27 What do you, you're the smartest one here. What do you explain to us? I whole premise of the matrix and like, if there is this alternate world, Speaker 4 00:16:36 Like how it works? Well, you, if you wanna get into the movie The Matrix, I think it's got a, a ton of Speaker 6 00:16:41 Glitches. Speaker 4 00:16:42 Well, no, it's got a ton of different meanings. And, um, I mean, it could be political if you wanted to go that round or are that way. Um, it could be, you know, the simulation that some people believe that we're living in. Speaker 6 00:16:59 I think tab took the blue pill. Speaker 4 00:17:01 Yeah. Speaker 6 00:17:03 <laugh>. He definitely took the blue pill. Speaker 4 00:17:04 What, why, what makes you think I took the blue Speaker 6 00:17:06 Pill? Because you're noticing all these glitches and, and the matrix, the guys over here that took the red pill, they're like, I I'm all in. Speaker 5 00:17:13 I was thinking a different blue pill. Sorry. I was like, thought, I thought you noticed something there, Adam, that I didn't Speaker 6 00:17:22 Wow. Reference to the, yeah. To the original matrix. Speaker 4 00:17:26 I thought it was the guy that took the red pill was noticing the matrix. The, the glitches in the matrix. Speaker 6 00:17:31 No, I think it's the blue one. Speaker 4 00:17:33 The blue one was, I Speaker 6 00:17:34 Think you're wrong. You go down the rabbit hole, Speaker 4 00:17:36 You want the blue one. You wanna, you wanna stay in the matrix. Speaker 2 00:17:39 So the, the, the premise of the matrix theory is that we live in a world of simulation that we, we basically are, what do you call those things? Uh, glitches. No avatars. Avatars, uh, in a computer system as somebody else is controlling everything that we see and do. Speaker 6 00:17:58 Um, I think, I think a 10 year old boy is controlling me. That's why I'm like, <laugh>. That's why I'm always attacking. Yeah. Finish this thought. Finish this, this thought. I, I'm pretty sure his seven year old sister's controlling Scott. That's why I'm so focused on like, just beating him down. <laugh>. Speaker 5 00:18:19 So you're, you're controlled by a 10 year old bully. Are Speaker 2 00:18:22 You focused on beating me down? Speaker 6 00:18:23 Well, Speaker 4 00:18:24 No. Do you know what, what I think it is what's, I think you guys are secretly lovers. You just love each other so much. Wow. He, Speaker 6 00:18:32 He did gimme a back rub before the podcast. Speaker 4 00:18:34 Right, right. Wow. Speaker 5 00:18:35 He really did. Yeah. Speaker 6 00:18:36 Yeah. Speaker 5 00:18:37 That's cute. Anyway, I, my experience, but so I I, I'll just add really quick. When I started looking at stuff, I, it just this whole rabbit hole of Oh yeah. Do doppel Speaker 4 00:18:49 Gers. Yeah. I saw a lot of that Speaker 5 00:18:51 Rabbit hole. Some of them weren't even like close. Like some guy had a beard and a bald head. So the guy said, oh, here's my doppel gringer. And they looked nothing alike, but there's some of 'em that like wearing in the exact same thing at the exact same time. Yeah. Speaker 6 00:19:06 At Speaker 5 00:19:07 The exact same place. I don't know. That to me just seems like coincidence. Speaker 4 00:19:13 I don't know what baseball teams these two guys were on, but I saw, um, I saw that too. Yeah. Where they looked identical. Yeah. And then they did an actual DNA test and figured that they weren't related in any way. Yeah. Really. But they looked like Yeah. But they were both identical Speaker 2 00:19:29 Professional baseball team. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:19:31 And they had, they had like same Speaker 2 00:19:34 Mannerisms. Speaker 4 00:19:35 Yeah, same disorders. Like, like same surgeries and Really, yeah. Just crazy. Yeah. Wow. Speaker 6 00:19:41 Hmm. So one of the, so probably the most convincing photo that I've found on this glitch in the Matrix is this old bicycle. I don't know if you guys ran across it, but it's literally in a bike rack and it looks like somebody smashed the rim. You know, the rims all bent, but it's parked in like a puddle. So you can see the reflection of the bike in the puddle when you look at the bike, the rim is completely smashed. Somebody jumped it or something, smashed it, but, and it's reflection. It's a perfect bicycle tire. So it's like the glitch and the matrix is, is, uh, it, the glitch is it thinks it's perfect. Uh mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, it's not busted. Speaker 4 00:20:25 Yeah. From actual angle. From the angle. It actually is. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:20:28 That's weird. So it's, how do you know that that photo wasn't Photoshop? Speaker 6 00:20:31 You have no idea. Speaker 4 00:20:32 Right. I know. I mean, I saw lots of photos, you know, like this older lady, you know, wearing, wearing, uh, bifocals with sunglasses on top of her head. Um, just a floral pattern sitting in a bus between her as a a lady. And then there's an exact same duplicate lady doing the exact same thing. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, bifocals, same pattern on, you know, wearing the same pattern, shirt, blouse. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> mm-hmm. <affirmative> and doing crossword puddle puzzles. And it was same hair color, everything. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I thought that was pretty crazy. Speaker 2 00:21:07 Yeah. But how do you know that that wasn't Photoshop? Speaker 4 00:21:10 No, I know. I mean, I know the problem, Speaker 2 00:21:12 The problem with all of this is that you're, everybody tries to put forth this theory of these things based on certain things that could easily be, that's the problem with Google and the internet. You know, it's like Speaker 4 00:21:26 Right. Some of these apps, what they can do to your face. Speaker 2 00:21:28 Yeah. So much of it. Or even your voice, like quite literally, you could make a conversation that somebody had and program the conversation to say, right. With that person's voice, what you, what you want it to say. Speaker 4 00:21:41 Well, we can get into AI too. I mean, there's, there's AI software out there that actually picks up the phone and you can have a conversation with a computer and you wouldn't even know it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I mean, I could have swore, when I called Amazon once, um, I thought the way that they were answering it just got kind of repetitive. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I thought I was talking to a bot, <laugh> mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I was, I think it's <laugh> sometimes I swear it's like I have to like, or, or when you, when you, uh, try to do it through text mm-hmm. <affirmative> mm-hmm. <affirmative> to get support. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you don't know if you're actually talking to someone or a Speaker 2 00:22:15 Bot. Right. I would imagine most of those times you're not talking to somebody. Right. Speaker 2 00:22:20 Somebody real. It's, it's all very confusing. But, you know, when you're doing the research on these glitches in the matrix, like, like we all did, except for Jesse <laugh>, most of it that you see could very easily be altered. Or like, I mean, the one that I think was kind of most compelling, I'm not sure why they would've done it, because I know a lot of people actually saw it was the Pope when the Pope was talking, and then he like, turned around and disappeared. Like was it kind of glitched. And he disappeared when he was talking. Speaker 4 00:22:52 That's cause he is magical. Oh, I didn't come across him secret. Secret Speaker 2 00:22:54 Hours. Yeah. You should look it up. Pope disappears. So he come, he comes out to speak to all the people and everybody saw it. So he comes out to give this speech and then he turns around to go back in and he, uh, glitched and Yeah. Then disappeared. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:23:07 I mean, I saw some videos where some celebrities glitched mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, or they were talking mm-hmm. <affirmative> and then they just kind of, I, I don't know, they just Speaker 2 00:23:15 Yeah. Speaker 4 00:23:16 Unnatural, glitch expression. Right. Totally outta context and then just kind of snap back. Mm-hmm. Speaker 2 00:23:22 <affirmative>. So, I mean, it's not, it's, so I take something like that, that is something that's not Photoshop, but people actually witnessed and talked about and saw and filmed. Yeah. Yeah. So you take something like that, that on, on the surface is realistic, um, but then come up with some sort of a plausible explanation of why, well, maybe the Pope was sick and it doesn't, it's not too farfetched to believe that the Vatican has that kind of technology to just do a screen and a hologram. Not even a hologram, but just project the image. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, I can see that actually. Yeah. And, and so he was sick, but they don't want to They did that Speaker 3 00:24:01 With Michael Jackson. Speaker 2 00:24:03 Did they? Speaker 3 00:24:04 Yeah. Michael Jackson and Tupac. They created a whole Speaker 4 00:24:08 <laugh>. It was like, I'm Speaker 3 00:24:09 Realistic. Speaker 4 00:24:10 Instead of I'm bad. Concert thing tour. It was, I'm back Speaker 2 00:24:12 To her. Gosh. You know, I bringing that up. Danny, I'm gonna take us down a side alley here. But, um, no. So it's funny that you mentioned that because in doing my research on glitches in the Matrix, I came across and I, I wish I had written down the guy's name, but there's this guy that looks like it could be Michael Jackson today. Yeah. And there, nobody really knows who he is, but he's running in the circles of celebrities mm-hmm. <affirmative> and somebody should look that up because it's, Speaker 3 00:24:42 I think I've seen that before. Speaker 2 00:24:43 Yeah. He's running in the circles of celebrities and he like literally kind of drops these weird hints that it could be Michael Jackson and his face is all just really con like, overly plastic surgery. Like it almost does, it almost doesn't even look like a Speaker 4 00:25:00 Real fix. We're getting into like Illuminati Speaker 2 00:25:02 <laugh>. Yeah. I mean, look, look up, uh, Michael Jackson. I don't even know what you would look at. I don't know. I went down a rabbit hole to find that, but it was actually real easy to hear. He sounds like him, but he's not claiming to be him at all. But he's running with these circles and the people in those circles don't really know who he is or where he's from. He just kinda like popped up in these circles of celebrities and millionaires and That's weird. I wish I knew his name. Speaker 4 00:25:29 So he had an in, Speaker 2 00:25:30 Obviously. Speaker 4 00:25:31 Yes. So he had an in. So somebody's gotta know his Speaker 3 00:25:33 Name is, his name is Jackson Michael. Speaker 2 00:25:35 Yeah. <laugh>. No, no. I wish I could remember his name. Somebody needs to Google that before we're, before we're done with the show. But I'll, Speaker 3 00:25:43 I'll, I'll see if I can dig in here. Speaker 2 00:25:45 And there's video of him at these events and, uh, gosh, I frank something, uh, anyway, that was a whole, that should be a whole nother episode of that guy. But anyway, so like I was saying, like you, you have these things aside from something that could be clearly photoshopped, but you, you look into it and then try to find some sort of a plausible explanation like the, like the Pope. Um, and I really, I really do think that the Pope was just sick and they didn't want people to, um, miss this mass that he was doing or something. So they just created this, you know, computer generated image of him. Um, and if you guys haven't seen it, it's actually pretty weird to see that pope uh, Pope video and everybody's literally watching and going, oh my God, he just disappeared. Like the whole crowd saw it. I don't necessarily think that that was a, a glitch in the Matrix, but Speaker 5 00:26:35 I found one guy named Sergio Cortez. Speaker 2 00:26:39 No, I don't think Speaker 5 00:26:40 That was, they're calling for d n a test because I guess me see what it looks like. Well, I just, oh, I'm just, just now looking. So, but definitely not a frank or Speaker 2 00:26:50 Whatever. I don't remember. Where Speaker 4 00:26:51 Does, where does he live? Speaker 5 00:26:52 I'm looking right here to see Speaker 2 00:26:54 Jesse. Speaker 5 00:26:55 Oh, wow. Yes. Definitely looks like him. Did Speaker 4 00:26:58 You guys come across that one video where someone's driving through a park and everybody's standing Speaker 2 00:27:04 Still? Yeah. I think that they, they proved that that was a flash mob. Yeah, Speaker 4 00:27:07 That's what I was thinking. And they just happened to drive through. Yeah. When it was happening. Speaker 2 00:27:11 They, they do these surprise flash mob things where they just try to freak people out so everybody just stops and Yeah. Speaker 4 00:27:17 Just, but could you imagine, yeah. That would be if you were driving through a park and, and everybody was just standing there Speaker 2 00:27:25 Still. Yeah. Kind of reminds me of this, uh, find it here, there was a story of a lot of people are giving their matrix stories. That reminds me of this one. Speaker 4 00:27:36 I actually had one happen, this Speaker 2 00:27:38 Is the other day. This is called Just Stopping for Gas. And this is just a, a website where people share their glitch and the matrix stories, and similar to that flash mob incident where people are just kind of stopped and frozen in time. So, uh, this gal's boyfriend told him this story and the, uh, sister and mom confirmed it, but the boyfriend was driving in Texas on his way to visit relatives and it was dead in the night, uh, on a two-lane highway in the middle of nowhere. Basically, uh, they hadn't passed the gas station in a while and his tank was getting low, so they decided to stop the, the next available station. So after they rolled into this small town, there was a lit up diner on the right and a local gas station on the left. And all the lights were on and cars were filling up. Speaker 2 00:28:20 So he had figured the place was open. So he pulled in and it seemed to be exceptionally busy for the time of night, but he really needed gas, so he decided to wait in line to fill up. So they're waiting in line. There was only two cars ahead of him, so it shouldn't take long at this point. His sister, uh, wakes up in the back seat and she goes, what's taking so long? And, and she's like, it's been like 10 minutes and no one's moved. Uh, then all of a sudden his sister blurts out. None of the people are moving. Sure enough, the people waiting in the cars, the people filling up the cashiers and the people in convenience store, no one had moved since they pulled up to the station. They said that their heart started racing at that point, uh, pulled up to get a closer look and every single person at the gas station was a mannequin. So basically they just got outta there as fast as Speaker 4 00:29:05 <laugh>. Did you say what state they were in? Speaker 2 00:29:07 Um, Texas. Texas. Yeah. Speaker 5 00:29:10 That'd be f i I want to do Speaker 2 00:29:12 That. So it almost seems like that could be just some kind of wealthy guy prank, you know, he, it is probably not too far from his house and he just, that, that doesn't seem to me to be like a matrix type thing. Yeah. If it was actually people that weren't moving, but how funny thought you were. How funny would that be if you were just kind of like an eccentric millionaire? Yeah. And you just bought, you just paid gas station, Speaker 5 00:29:36 Paid a group of actors to just like Speaker 2 00:29:38 Freeze. Yeah. Or just, I Speaker 3 00:29:40 Did that for fun on the weekends. Wow. Speaker 6 00:29:41 That's kind, that's kind of like our podcast where we, you know, just do it for our own kicks. He's Speaker 5 00:29:47 Probably sitting no apparent reason at Speaker 6 00:29:48 All. Yeah. He's probably just sitting in his house going like, look at these guys. This is hilarious. Speaker 2 00:29:52 This is completely off subject <laugh>. So I'm gonna go down another alleyway here. Speaker 5 00:29:55 Oh, we never do that. Speaker 2 00:29:56 Yeah. So, uh, Speaker 5 00:29:58 Just, just, just listen to our year and review <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:30:02 So my girlfriend, my girlfriend, her friend, uh, we got this little town called Malala here in Oregon. Oh, I was Speaker 5 00:30:09 Gonna bring it up. Mal Malala Speaker 4 00:30:10 At the gas station. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:30:12 So my girlfriend and her friend, uh, her female friend were pulled up to get gas and they sat at this gas station for literally almost 10 minutes waiting for the attendant to come. Speaker 4 00:30:23 Yeah. Because here in Oregon you Speaker 2 00:30:25 Pump your own gas. Speaker 4 00:30:26 No, you, no, no. Speaker 2 00:30:26 People, people pump your gas. Right. So they're sitting and just waiting gas attendants and waiting and they're just carrying on a conversation cuz they're just waiting for the guy to pulp and pump the gas. Well, apparently like five, 10 minutes go by and they realize that the gas station had been closed for like years. Speaker 5 00:30:41 <laugh> Speaker 4 00:30:41 Gas was like, wow. Like a buck 50. And they, Speaker 2 00:30:44 They looked up the gas and it said like a dollar 50 and they're like, oh my God, this place has been closed for like 10 years. It's Speaker 4 00:30:50 Like, damn. I thought they were getting a deal, but Speaker 2 00:30:52 They sat wait, sat there for like 10 minutes. Has nothing to do. Maybe that was a glitch in the Matrix. I don't know. Maybe they went, it could Speaker 4 00:30:57 Have been. I actually personally had a glitch. Did they fill up the last week? Speaker 2 00:31:00 Week? Well, ho hold on. Tell just how, how did Glitch happen to him last week? Well, Speaker 4 00:31:05 I came home. Speaker 5 00:31:07 No way. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:31:08 That's Speaker 4 00:31:09 Weird. Yeah, <laugh> and I literally, I had to go get my son, you know, but I just had to do something real quick at home. And so I went in check the mail and I did a couple of things. I literally went into the kitchen and I into the bathroom. That's what I remember doing. And then as I was leaving, I couldn't find my wallet. I thought maybe I put it down cuz I brought a bunch of things in with me and, but I just dropped him off in the kitchen. I don't remember going anywhere else. And, and I just couldn't find my wallet. And so I went and got my son came back, I was like, cleaned up the countertop just to make sure that I didn't put it under something. And in the living room it was in my boot and I never took my shoes off. It was in a boot. I wasn't wearing that day. But how did my wallet get my boot? I just was tripping on that. Speaker 5 00:32:01 Hmm. Speaker 2 00:32:01 That is weird. Are Speaker 3 00:32:02 We sure it wasn't paranormal? Speaker 4 00:32:04 I mean, it could be paranormal, <laugh> could be a glitch in the Matrix. I don't know. Yeah, it was really strange. I I I was like, I had no, I don't even remember going in the living room. Speaker 6 00:32:13 Like you set your wallet on the counter and it glitched and fell on your boot. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:32:17 <laugh>. It's just odd. I was like, to this day, I do not know how my wallet ended up in my boot Speaker 3 00:32:23 Apple mix air tags for that now, Speaker 5 00:32:25 Just so you know. I know you Yeah. Speaker 3 00:32:27 <laugh>, they have these Speaker 5 00:32:28 Little disc. Speaker 4 00:32:29 I know. Yeah. <laugh>. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:32:31 <laugh>. I have, I have questions about this. Let me, let me chime in here. So as I, as I kind of dug into this a little bit, I wanted to understand, try and take a, an approach to understand the theory and how people validate that. So one of the questions I had as I kinda dug into it was, what is the argument for and how do you prove it? So as near as I can tell, most people are aren't making the argument that, uh, you know, it's the, the matrix quote unquote, exists because of this, this theory based on, uh, my understanding is called Bayesian statistics, where the probability that as we, as we evolve our technology and we get closer and closer to things like, um, virtual reality and, and video games and things like that, that look more realistic because of the rate of evolution over time. Pian statistics says that the probability is likely that we will get to a place where we won't be able to tell the difference between the two. Speaker 4 00:33:35 Yeah. Speaker 3 00:33:35 Most people that I've, I've, or most things that I've seen or people talk about are, are based on that theory. So, and, and then I wonder too at the same time, you know, how do you, okay, so that's our working theory is that the probability is that these video games or technology will evolve to that place. But how do you validate basian statistics is really, um, a belief, not an actual belief based on statistics, I guess. So how do you, how does that though then prove that this, that the matrix exists and then who are the they that ones pulling the levers and pushing the buttons <laugh> in this? I, I, I try to understand that a little bit more, but I couldn't really, I guess understand it. I know what you guys got. Speaker 6 00:34:23 I'm sorry, Danny, what was I I wasn't gonna continue Speaker 3 00:34:26 <laugh>. Speaker 5 00:34:30 Wow. Speaker 3 00:34:31 Did any, did anybody do any research <laugh>, Speaker 5 00:34:34 Uh, on what, what, what is this episode? <laugh> Speaker 4 00:34:38 A glitches? A glitch is in the Oh, okay. Speaker 2 00:34:41 Well, I mean, I I guess in theory, if you're going to, if you're gonna say that we live in some computer simulation and there's some, you know, power overseeing that and, and dictating what we see and do, I mean, some people have gone so far as to say that, you know, the, that the towns that we go through are just facades. Right. You know, and, and mm-hmm. <affirmative> mm-hmm. Speaker 4 00:35:06 <affirmative> I saw Yeah. In that Speaker 2 00:35:07 Story. So if, if that's true, then we would really never be able to find any facts about the Matrix and whether or not we're living in the simulation. Because isn't it ultimately just, unless there's a glitch? I mean, isn't it ultimately controlled by people and that they can, they can go through all, it could be generate us. How can they they could just, they're presenting the facts because it's, they're computer simulation but's a, it's a glitch. Speaker 4 00:35:35 So if we are living in a simulation, we're talking about the glitches that are in it mm-hmm. <affirmative> that make us aware that it Speaker 2 00:35:40 Exists. Right. But why can't soft and some of those glitches that are, but if we're soft, if we're just, if we're just game pieces, why can't they just reprogram us not to see that Speaker 4 00:35:50 Glitch? Maybe you, havet been reprogrammed. Maybe when you die, you reprogrammed and you come back. Speaker 6 00:35:57 I think they probably the restart button, you die. They just delete that program. Speaker 2 00:36:00 It's so, because they're so smart, it's so old. They can create, they're so smart that they can create this, this virtual world that's three-dimensional and you can touch and smell and do all these things, but they can't erase our mind for the moment that we actually saw glitch. I mean, they're, they're programming it. So how, Speaker 4 00:36:17 I don't know, maybe they're programming. You think you can smell, but you really can't. <laugh>. It's just a program. Speaker 6 00:36:23 It's just a computer program setting sensations. Speaker 2 00:36:26 Speaking of which, that's why everything tastes like chicken. You taste and smell again. Or are you still infected? Speaker 5 00:36:32 That's a, that Speaker 4 00:36:33 Sounds like a, a month ago. That's Speaker 5 00:36:35 A HIPAA violation to announce that to everybody. Speaker 2 00:36:39 I didn't ask if he had covid. I asked if he could taste Speaker 5 00:36:41 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy. Speaker 2 00:36:43 I asked if he could taste, Speaker 4 00:36:45 I can taste just fine. When Speaker 5 00:36:46 Do you, when are you insinuating there Speaker 2 00:36:48 That you're a liar Speaker 4 00:36:49 And, and that you're what, Speaker 2 00:36:51 What? Speaker 4 00:36:52 And Scott's in violation. Speaker 3 00:36:55 <laugh>. Danny. Danny. Speaker 2 00:36:58 Danny. I'm interested, I'm interested in hearing more. Danny Speaker 3 00:37:02 <laugh>. Well, I, I, I don't know that I have an answer. I guess my question and I'm proposing is how do we, how do we prove this? But then some of the things that I saw, were talking about, you know, these glitches being things that, so some of the glitches that I've seen are things like synchronicity. Right. The, I think tab touched on that where you're seeing people moving or doing things at the same time. Maybe that's a glitch. Dejavu being a glitch. I think we talked about in one of our previous episodes the Mandela effect being a potential Right. Glitch. Speaker 4 00:37:33 Yeah. Speaker 3 00:37:34 And the system. And then some of the things that we, we see are, are not very clearly understandable. But I also heard this, um, I don't remember where I saw it, but they talked about, you know, uh, the possibility of us being on either end of the spectrum, meaning, uh, let me rephrase. The simulation being a simulation of this, this like multiple levels. Maybe the multiverse theory comes from this. Yeah. Multiple layers of simulation from each community. Right. Or each group of things or beings in, in that, uh, Speaker 4 00:38:08 Each layer of the onion. Speaker 3 00:38:10 Right. Right. Exactly. And so, and I've heard theories that either, you know, that the thought processes, maybe we are either the originators or maybe we're on the tail end that we're still trying to develop. I think in the movie we watched, they talked about, um, you know, really our, our knowledge base only goes as far as the technology that we have available to us or the known technology. So in this case, maybe we haven't quite refined it, but we're approaching that level where reality and, uh, virtual reality are indistinguishable. Yeah. Speaking and, Speaker 4 00:38:43 Oh, I'm sorry, Danny, go Speaker 3 00:38:45 Ahead. Speaker 4 00:38:45 No, no, go ahead. No, no. I interrupted. That was rude to me. Speaker 3 00:38:48 No, that was, that was pretty much it. Just, uh, just, just that convergence on the reality and virtual reality being our indicator that we're approaching it. So maybe we're on the tail end and about to create the next level simulation or the next multiverse. Speaker 4 00:39:02 Right. So, I mean, um, did you guys watch that, um, video I sent out? I sent a couple of them. It was in regards to the Unreal Engine five. Speaker 2 00:39:12 I, Speaker 3 00:39:12 I didn't get a chance to. Speaker 2 00:39:13 I thought that was spam <laugh>. Oh, you <laugh>. I didn't, I didn't. I Speaker 5 00:39:17 Didn't know that. I, I never, I never opened videos from U Tab. Speaker 4 00:39:21 Well, <laugh>, that's probably a smart thing. I Speaker 2 00:39:24 Thought somebody, I thought somebody hijacked you and was sending me a something Speaker 4 00:39:28 Bad. No, it's, uh, Speaker 3 00:39:29 I, I might have thought the same thing. Speaker 4 00:39:31 Uh, it's, it was regarding the video game that's actually coming out for The Matrix. I don't remember what the name of it unleashed or I don't know some, but it's not really about the game. It's just on, it is so real. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it's almost like actors of the future are gonna have a problem getting a job. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> Real. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I mean, five more years, 10 more years. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. It's gonna be like, you won't be able to tell the difference between a mm-hmm. <affirmative> computer generated person and Yeah. You know, I'm sure they're gonna still need live actors to get the motions and everything. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Cause that's how they do it. But it's crazy how advanced. Speaker 5 00:40:11 Oh, I'm sure there's gonna be graphics about a movie where they introduce a new actor or actress without telling anybody. And then later on Speaker 2 00:40:21 Find out. Find out as a Speaker 4 00:40:23 Yeah. It's just like in Star Wars, princess Leia. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I mean, there's scenes from that movie where she's digitally made because they didn't have that footage. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:40:32 Mm. Imagine how much money the studios will save. Speaker 6 00:40:35 They'll probably spend Speaker 3 00:40:36 Talk a lot of actors and actresses. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:40:39 <laugh>. It's just getting cheaper and cheaper. Our hardware's getting cheaper and cheaper. So, you know, Speaker 3 00:40:44 <laugh>, Speaker 4 00:40:45 Maybe we'll all be movie stars digitally. Speaker 3 00:40:48 I'm Speaker 6 00:40:48 Movie stars. I wonder if we can make Scott into a digital person and take him on the road trips and stuff. Speaker 4 00:40:54 Our first person should be Dave. And then we can actually say Speaker 6 00:40:58 He'd actually kill him multiple times. Speaker 2 00:41:00 A simulated Dave. Yeah. Yeah. That'd be awesome. Speaker 3 00:41:03 How what if if they okay, if they get too close though, how do we know the difference? <laugh>. Speaker 4 00:41:08 <laugh>. That's true. Speaker 3 00:41:12 You guys seen the movie Us? Speaker 6 00:41:13 That'd be terrible. Cuz then just Speaker 2 00:41:15 Put a, play a spaghetti in front of him and see who grabbed. See which one Speaker 4 00:41:18 Grabbed it. <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:41:21 Wow. Have you guys seen the movie? Us? Speaker 2 00:41:24 No, no, Speaker 5 00:41:24 No. Speaker 3 00:41:26 It's a pretty good movie. You should check it out. Yeah. I think it was, uh, oh, I don't remember what year it came out, but kind of that same, there was this, this, I don't wanna spoil it, but <laugh> watch the Speaker 5 00:41:36 Movie. Spoiler alert. Shut up. <laugh>. Speaker 6 00:41:39 Shut up. Speaker 3 00:41:41 It might, it might be worth a watch, but, hey, I also had this other thought. It kind of sparked my, um, thinking in this a little bit with one of the guys from that movie who watched talking about the sensory deprivation chamber. I probably should have shared this in the West New, but I did this yesterday. Actually. I'll send you guys pictures. Speaker 4 00:42:00 You did it actually. I Speaker 3 00:42:01 Went out. I actually went and did it yesterday. Yeah. I did this full. I wanna try therapy. Yeah. It's pretty cool. I've Speaker 6 00:42:07 Done it once. Speaker 3 00:42:08 Yeah. <laugh>. Yeah. Did you, did you, you all right? Speaker 6 00:42:12 You get scared. No, it was actually, it was very strange to Yes. I mean, I think the session was, I think it, we got like a an hour thing. I mean, it was a long time. Yeah. And Speaker 5 00:42:27 We got, I I, Jesse, hold on. I think Danny was telling his story. Yeah. Speaker 4 00:42:31 And then we, and then we'll let you Speaker 5 00:42:32 Every, everybody hijacks Danny's Speaker 6 00:42:34 Story. I know. But he was like, pick my kids. Speaker 4 00:42:37 Damn. Interesting. Thanks Danny for being so damn interesting. Cause we just, we can't help ourselves. Speaker 3 00:42:42 It's all good. Just make it natural. Let's go Speaker 6 00:42:45 <laugh>. Anyways, before Rob rudely interrupted me. Oh. And Speaker 4 00:42:50 Before you rudely interrupted Danny. No, Speaker 6 00:42:52 I'm feeding off of Danny. You weren't talking about something. Yeah, Danny, we're not talking at the same time. Like Rob, Speaker 5 00:42:58 Danny. We're we're sorry. Jesse was talking. Well, Speaker 6 00:43:01 Go ahead Danny. Go ahead. Speaker 3 00:43:03 <laugh>. Oh my Speaker 5 00:43:04 God. <laugh>. Let Speaker 3 00:43:05 Me, okay, so Speaker 6 00:43:07 Do they have, do they have a thing big enough for you? Speaker 3 00:43:10 Yes. Speaker 5 00:43:11 Oh, bam. Wow. Speaker 3 00:43:12 It was, it was, it was a tight squeeze. It was. Did Speaker 6 00:43:16 You bump into the wall? Speaker 3 00:43:18 I did hit the wall. Yeah, I did too. But that's the thing, you gotta kind of stay still in there. Yeah. Once you get a sweet spot, you're Speaker 5 00:43:23 Pretty good. But Danny, will you explain Speaker 6 00:43:25 What I'm, I'm sorry Rob, why are you interrupting? Danny, Danny? Because I wanted to ask, go ahead. Speaker 4 00:43:29 I'm sure, I'm sure people don't even know what the heck we're talking about. Speaker 5 00:43:31 That's why I wanted to ask him, what, what is it now? Speaker 3 00:43:34 <laugh>? Okay, so float therapy is you get a ton of salt water, basically in a tank and you fill it up and that allows you to float se seamlessly. Right. You, you don't have to put effortlessly, it's probably a better word. And so you're laying the salt water and you just float and you turn off, you close your little little pod and it shuts off all the lights and all your senses and uh, things like that. And you're, it's like you're just kind of floating in, in thin air, basically. Kind of. They Speaker 2 00:44:02 Had that in Portland. Float therapy. Yeah. Float therapy, right? Yeah. Speaker 3 00:44:07 Yeah. So I did it yesterday. Um, and, and thinking about this a little bit with someone, one of the guys mentioned something about doing that in New York in some guy's apartment, if you remember. Right. Speaker 4 00:44:16 And that, that'd be kind of crazy Speaker 3 00:44:18 Actually. <laugh>. Yeah, exactly. Come on in. Lock you in there or something. Yeah, exactly. But what started making me think is what if, what if, if we do live in the simulation, our, our, uh, senses all five senses. Six, I guess depends on who you're talking to. Um, our, the inputs to this player, right? The, they, the ones pulling the buttons or pulling the levers and pushing the buttons. What if our senses are the inputs to know that something's going on. But when you turn those senses off, they think something's wrong and they have to check in on you. Speaker 2 00:44:54 <laugh>, you uh, did check in Smoke weed before you went into your, uh, <laugh> therapeutic session. They Speaker 3 00:45:01 <laugh>. Speaker 5 00:45:01 Isn't that required? No. Speaker 3 00:45:04 No. Yeah, apparently. Did you actually, you have signed a waiver saying you didn't Speaker 2 00:45:07 And eat a mushroom pizza or Speaker 3 00:45:10 <laugh>. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:45:11 I wonder what the timeline No, it actually makes sense. I, I mean what you're saying makes sense. Much like when you said that we are only, we're only as smart as the technology that they show us at the time. Because I, I remember as a kid, and in fact with Tab, when we were young and we played these video games when we were like 10 or Speaker 6 00:45:29 They had video games, games Speaker 2 00:45:31 Back then 12 or something like that. They had Aari. <laugh>. Yeah. So we had Aari and then Tab got, I'm trying to remember the name of the game. Don't, Speaker 5 00:45:38 Was it that football Speaker 2 00:45:40 Game that No, it was where it was where he ran and he would grab the, oh, I know which one, what is it? Pitfall. Pitfall. So Pitfall came out and we're like, oh my God. Like how is technology gonna get any better Speaker 6 00:45:53 Than this Speaker 2 00:45:54 <laugh>? And it was literally like, uh, almost like a Minecraft. Very pixely. Yeah. But we, we just graduated from Pong <laugh> and we're like, holy cow, look, this guy has sort of a face and it, right. And his legs run. Like it was just the most silly run. And you would jump and grab, you know, like swinging branches and climb. It was called Pitfall. Yeah. Yeah. And we were like, how are they ever gonna get any better than this? Like, Speaker 5 00:46:21 There, there was something like that the other day. Uh, cuz uh, Tom Brady just retired from the NFL or whatever. And it showed, it showed hi the first image of him on the first nfl whatever NFL game. It was the first I image and then the most recent one. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and it <laugh>. I mean, they're so like the most recent mm-hmm. <affirmative> video game looks just like him. Like, like Speaker 2 00:46:46 A photograph. Speaker 5 00:46:46 Yeah. Right, right. And then the old one is like all pixelated. Right. And is it basically, you just show how long he's been in the nfl, like Right. He's been in the NFL this long. Speaker 6 00:46:57 Right. Speaker 2 00:46:57 Wow. Speaker 5 00:46:58 Yeah. Jesse, how did your experience go in the little Speaker 6 00:47:01 Floaty? I've never done it. Speaker 2 00:47:03 Oh, Speaker 3 00:47:04 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:47:04 Well that was weird. You made it sound like you did. Speaker 6 00:47:07 I I never, for like an hour. Speaker 5 00:47:09 We were just talking about You just said you did Speaker 6 00:47:11 It. I, I have no idea what you're talking about. Speaker 2 00:47:12 Yeah. Like 10 minutes ago. <laugh>, Speaker 6 00:47:15 Bro, I wasn't even, I didn't say thanks. I Speaker 5 00:47:17 We can play this Speaker 2 00:47:18 Back. Just, I think we just glitched. No. Speaker 3 00:47:20 Did Speaker 6 00:47:21 We just glitch? No, I think we glitched. I'm kind of disappointed Danny, that you didn't invite me. Cuz I know that they have together. Yeah, they Speaker 5 00:47:28 Have, they have couples, Speaker 6 00:47:29 Couple couples. Speaker 2 00:47:32 I wouldn't want to do that. I, I would not even with my girlfriend who I love a lot. Well, you're not, I would not want to be. Speaker 6 00:47:37 You're not in the same pod. Speaker 2 00:47:39 Right. Floating in this chamber of silence. That would, that would be so creepy. Like Speaker 5 00:47:44 I totally do Speaker 2 00:47:45 It. I feel like we're supposed to talk about Gotta try it. We're not gotta try. It's supposed to be quiet and I'm like floating in space with this person next to me. It's just weird. I could not do Speaker 6 00:47:53 That. So, Danny, did you Speaker 5 00:47:54 We could do that and then you can, we could play Guess what body part is touching you right now? <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:48:00 <laugh>. Wow. Why would Rob go there? Like why would Rob go Speaker 3 00:48:04 There? Because it's Rob. Speaker 2 00:48:06 You're the only one in the group that takes things in that direction so fast. Danny, Speaker 5 00:48:12 You just put yourself in there with your eyes closed and then you're like, get off me Speaker 6 00:48:17 Fucker. Speaker 3 00:48:18 At least he didn't say a play. Who's in my mouth? Speaker 6 00:48:20 Oh. Speaker 5 00:48:21 Oh Speaker 3 00:48:24 Wow. Speaker 5 00:48:24 Danny had to top me. Danny had to top me. Speaker 2 00:48:27 Speaking of witch, I heard there's a party and everyone's coming. Danny <laugh>. Oh man, bum. Okay. Mine. That was a Dane Cook. Remember? Remember cut down Tom Foolery cut down the Tom Foolery. Oh yeah. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Shenanigans out. Speaker 3 00:48:40 Jesse, go ahead. You Speaker 2 00:48:41 Had a question. Tom. Foolery bad shenanigans out Speaker 3 00:48:44 <laugh>. Speaker 6 00:48:45 Well, how long was your session, Danny? Speaker 3 00:48:48 Uh, what Speaker 2 00:48:49 Hours, what? Speaker 3 00:48:50 10 minutes. 10 minutes of music. Uh, 45 minutes of silence and five minute. Did it, uh, get out and Speaker 6 00:48:57 Yeah. Did it seem like it was like seven minutes long? Did it just seem, uh, did it not seem like an hour? Speaker 3 00:49:05 It did. Well. Okay. So I think at first when I got into it, when I really relaxed and kind of just let go and Right. And started seeing my shapes and, and special effects in my mind, uh, no ask questions. Um, once I was in that Speaker 2 00:49:22 Stage, let's ask questions. Speaker 5 00:49:24 Wait a minute, what do you mean shapes? And Speaker 6 00:49:26 Okay, so something happens in between, within like 15 minutes where Yeah, it's dark and you're la you, at first you you're, oh, like, okay, you're getting used to Speaker 2 00:49:38 The water. So is Jesse telling us about his experience? Speaker 5 00:49:41 Yeah. Speaker 3 00:49:42 Yeah. So far it's aligning with what Speaker 6 00:49:44 I got. I told you guys, I've done it. What Speaker 2 00:49:46 Is going on here? Speaker 5 00:49:48 I don't, Speaker 2 00:49:49 I told you guys I Speaker 6 00:49:50 Wait. I I did it. I'm Speaker 2 00:49:52 So lost. Speaker 6 00:49:54 It's an hour session. Well, what do you guys, you guys are being weird. Speaker 5 00:49:58 Well, you know, while Danny was talking, he was interrupting again, Speaker 6 00:50:01 That's all. No, me and Danny Speaker 5 00:50:03 Went Speaker 2 00:50:04 Together. I'm getting, getting frustrated myself and I'm sure the audience is getting frustrated and I'm Speaker 6 00:50:09 Getting frustrated. All I'm getting frustrated with Tab anyways, before I was rudely interrupted by tab Rob and Danny <laugh> Speaker 5 00:50:18 And not Scott. Speaker 6 00:50:20 I didn't hear him talking. Um, Speaker 5 00:50:25 <laugh>, god name, Speaker 6 00:50:27 Name that smell Speaker 3 00:50:29 15 minutes. Speaker 6 00:50:31 Let's, let's take a quick break. Speaker 5 00:50:33 Yeah, that was great. Speaker 4 00:50:35 <laugh> <laugh> Speaker 6 00:50:38 Sensory all in Speaker 2 00:50:40 Sensory matrix. <laugh>. I get it. Okay. Okay. Speaker 4 00:50:43 So what was your experience? Speaker 6 00:50:45 So it basically felt like time. I don't know, did it stand still or did it go fast forward? Danny, it was, so basically like the first 10 minutes you're kind of getting used to floating in this thing and you can feel the water and then all of a sudden, like the water goes away is like, feels like you're just floating in air and it's just dead silence. Or there's a little bit of music or a little bit of like natural noises going Speaker 4 00:51:12 On or, so the water temperature is like your body Speaker 6 00:51:14 Temperature? Yeah. It's like your body temperature. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and it then all of a sudden the like, the queue to get out comes on. You're like, I was supposed to have an hour. I've been in here for like 10 minutes and the hour's gone. Speaker 4 00:51:27 Exactly. Explain the pod that you're in. Speaker 2 00:51:29 Yeah. In theory, is that something that you could put in your own house? Speaker 6 00:51:32 Yeah. I mean it's not, yes. You could put it in the studio here. It's basically just like this bath Speaker 2 00:51:37 Get pod. Let's not get weird. Speaker 6 00:51:39 It's like this big bathtub <laugh>. Are Speaker 5 00:51:41 You, are you naked? Speaker 6 00:51:42 Yeah. You're, but as you're your, I was, you're in your birthday suit and then it has like this cover. So you get in, it's not very deep, it's probably six eight inches deep or what? Maybe it's eight, 10 inches. But you pull the pod down and it's com turns off. There's like lights in the side of it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. It's completely dark. I Speaker 3 00:52:00 Just sent you guys a picture Speaker 6 00:52:02 And uh Oh no, and you're Speaker 2 00:52:04 A view in it. Speaker 3 00:52:05 <laugh>. I just, no, I just texted to you guys. I think that's what I'm hearing in the background. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:52:14 I don't know where my Speaker 6 00:52:15 Phone is. Yeah, there's a, there's Danny sent a picture of Speaker 2 00:52:18 What? Where's my phone? Speaker 6 00:52:19 Of what the pod looks like. Where's Speaker 2 00:52:20 My, that looks like something outta Alien. Speaker 4 00:52:22 Oh wow. That's Speaker 2 00:52:23 Cool. I want one of those from my house. Speaker 4 00:52:25 I could see that Speaker 6 00:52:27 It, it's actually pretty, it's, I thought it was super relax. Speaker 5 00:52:30 That looks like, like Mork from, or freaking pot worry Speaker 4 00:52:35 About falling asleep and drowning. Speaker 2 00:52:37 Nanu, isn't it? Speaker 6 00:52:38 It Speaker 2 00:52:38 Look like that. It does look like Mork from work. They have Speaker 3 00:52:41 Like, don't flip over. Oh, don't float on your stomach. Speaker 2 00:52:43 Who remembers that? Ow. Like, I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be rude or anything, Danny, but like, how do you float in six or eight inches of water? <laugh>. Seriously. I'm not trying to be weird. Or Speaker 3 00:52:55 It's 10 inches. And the salt water Speaker 5 00:52:57 <laugh> the salt water. You said Speaker 3 00:52:59 10 makes it so that Yeah, <laugh> actually the salt water is what makes you float. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:53:05 Okay. Actually, so somebody of, somebody of your size could float in eight to 10 inches of water. Yeah. Yes. Really? Yes. Oh. Speaker 6 00:53:12 So Danny would actually float better cuz he has a bigger BMI than Scott. So he, it'd probably be easier for him to float than, Speaker 2 00:53:20 Has anyone seen Speaker 5 00:53:21 My phone? Scott would probably sync. Speaker 6 00:53:23 We don't have your notes. Um, Speaker 2 00:53:24 See my phone, Speaker 6 00:53:25 But tab, to answer your question, they have, like, if you're, uh, afraid they have like this pool noodle thing you can put around your neck that keeps your head floating higher. Okay. Speaker 4 00:53:35 So, Speaker 6 00:53:35 All Speaker 4 00:53:36 Right. So something is touching you then. Speaker 6 00:53:38 Well, I didn't use it. You don't have to use Speaker 4 00:53:39 It. Okay. Speaker 2 00:53:40 Okay. Yeah. Something's touching you. Speaker 6 00:53:41 Tab <laugh>. Yeah. Anyways, uh, you guys ready to move on? Speaker 2 00:53:45 Yeah, I am. Uh, does everyone, uh, has everyone explained their, uh, I got one more. I got one Speaker 6 00:53:51 More story. No, let's, let's move on. Mixed, uh, bringing Go movie Speaker 2 00:53:54 Reveal. This, this is a creepy general. So story, uh, this is again, somebody writing about their, uh, Speaker 4 00:53:59 With Speaker 2 00:54:00 Their chicken matrix. Yes. Uh, me and my fr uh, friend were at a Chinese restaurant and we ordered a general, so chicken dinner and a shrimp lomain dish. When we sat down, we took out both boxes and set them on the table about two feet apart. My friend opens the box and we see a shrimp lomain dish. It has all the things in there. Noodle shrimp, fried rice. He closes the box and opens the other box. Inside. The other box is another shrimp, low main dish, shrimp Speaker 4 00:54:29 Noodle, Speaker 2 00:54:30 Fried rice. So I think they must have mixed up the order. I was just about to say this, when my friend says out loud, looks like they made a mistake and gave us two, and he opens up the first box again, inside of the box is the general SO'S chicken dinner, general chicken, white rice, and an egg roll. He froze and looked at me. I looked back at him and they sat in silence. It Speaker 5 00:54:51 Took him Speaker 2 00:54:51 About five minutes. It took him about five minutes to collector themselves. And they're like, I have no idea what the fuck just happened. Speaker 4 00:54:57 Oh, wow. Oh boy. Speaker 6 00:55:00 They opened the same box Speaker 2 00:55:01 Twice. No. Speaker 4 00:55:03 Yeah. I think something's being left out. Like one of the guys went to the restroom or something and the guys switched Speaker 5 00:55:09 The boxes or they, they just got through, you know, smoking, <laugh> smoking up. Speaker 4 00:55:14 They, there's something left Speaker 2 00:55:15 Out. Yeah. They didn't say they were getting Chinese food at two in the morning. <laugh>. Speaker 4 00:55:18 Yeah. Right. What happened before? Yeah. What happened before, Speaker 5 00:55:22 After a three day binge, they Speaker 2 00:55:24 Ate the same, they ate the same pizza Danny did before he went mushroom pizza, before he went in the float chamber. Uh, Speaker 3 00:55:30 Mushroom pizza with Speaker 2 00:55:31 Oregano. So how do we, how do we surmise this reg, uh, glitch in the matrix? Speaker 5 00:55:36 I think a lot of it's coincidence, uh, as far as like people looking alike and stuff like that, but Speaker 4 00:55:42 Right. Glitches in the camera. Yeah. Speaker 5 00:55:45 Camera, video. Uh, just like the wind with the, i, the, the plane and I even, there were some birds doing the kind of the same thing, right? There's Speaker 4 00:55:54 Just, just flying in one spot. Speaker 5 00:55:56 I think it's all interesting and cool to see that sort of stuff, but I don't know if it's actually like a glitch, Speaker 4 00:56:02 Right? Yeah. Speaker 2 00:56:03 Right. You guys, uh, you guys ready to move on? Yep. So, Speaker 3 00:56:06 So Rob's taking the blue pill, <laugh>. Speaker 5 00:56:09 Oh yes, I am Speaker 2 00:56:11 <laugh>. Here we go. Speaker 3 00:56:12 Which, which pill? Let's ask really quick, really quick. Which pill would he do all take? Speaker 4 00:56:17 Oh, red Speaker 6 00:56:18 Matrix. Which, which one's? Which, Speaker 5 00:56:19 Well, you better explain this to Scott cuz he probably hasn't seen the movie Speaker 2 00:56:23 <laugh>. I don't know what you're talking. Speaker 3 00:56:24 So the red pill. The red pill is the, that's me getting, you know, ready to go and believe that it's true, basically. And I want to go learn more. The blue pill is I stay where I am. Blue pill and enjoy my, enjoy my ignorance and bliss blue pill. <laugh>. Speaker 5 00:56:40 Yeah. Speaker 6 00:56:41 So, Speaker 3 00:56:41 So Scott's a blue Speaker 6 00:56:42 Pill. I'm a red, Speaker 3 00:56:43 Yeah. <laugh>. Jesse, Rob. Speaker 6 00:56:47 I would do the red pill just cuz I want to dodge bullets. Although flying, although I'd Ms. Scott, if I came to red, like I would Ms. Scott and then, and that way I could mess with Scott the whole time. Speaker 2 00:56:58 You would all miss me. Speaker 5 00:56:59 <laugh>. I would, I would take one of those little, those little containers, little containers. I, I'd put a pill in there and I'd split it in half <laugh> and I'd take half half of one of the blue and half of the red Speaker 3 00:57:13 <laugh>. Yeah. I enjoy that. Speaker 2 00:57:14 I, I would, I would do what I, Speaker 3 00:57:15 Hopefully their time release, Speaker 2 00:57:16 I would do what my morning regimen usually has me do, which is crush up both of 'em and put 'em in some pudding and eat it Speaker 6 00:57:23 <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:57:24 Wow. Right next to the Centrum Silver. Speaker 2 00:57:27 Yeah, the Speaker 5 00:57:28 <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:57:31 Don't Speaker 6 00:57:31 Forget your ice cream. I Speaker 2 00:57:32 Would go Speaker 3 00:57:32 The little I would go, I would go red pill as well. Speaker 2 00:57:34 The little Dixie coat that my psychiatrist hands me every morning with pudding in it. Speaker 3 00:57:38 <laugh>, let's go find out. You guys ready? Speaker 5 00:57:40 Wow. Speaker 2 00:57:41 You guys ready to move on? Speaker 6 00:57:43 Let's Speaker 5 00:57:43 Do it. Speaker 1 00:57:47 In a quiet town, in a small studio. It's Northwest Curiosity Society's movie review. Speaker 7 00:58:10 I have, through dreaming and waking up lived thousands of different lifetimes. Speaker 8 00:58:17 There are fundamental metaphors about reality waking up from a dream. We have this cognitive experience of shifting between realities. There's another world behind this world. Speaker 7 00:58:34 Okay? So this is gonna set the tenor for everything. Speaker 9 00:58:41 We are living in a computer program. Reality Speaker 7 00:58:48 Simulation theory is the idea that this is all fake. Speaker 0 00:58:51 The Speaker 5 00:58:52 Matrix was real. Speaker 10 00:58:54 We are being inhabited by some sort of player. I would start giving myself tests. I'm thinking of someone and I turn the corner in there. They are. Speaker 9 00:59:04 The only clue we have is when some alteration in our reality occurs. Speaker 10 00:59:11 We are living in a simulation. Okay, so what do I do with that? I don't know. Enjoy it. Speaker 11 00:59:16 Simulation theory. Hey, it's a blending of religion in science. Speaker 8 00:59:20 This is the, a way to deal with the complexity of human existence. What's the point of laws? What's the point of all this? This is what it feels like to be alive right now. Speaker 12 00:59:31 The inability to separate real world from digital reality. Speaker 13 00:59:35 A world without rules, controls before scarcity. Real to me, Speaker 8 00:59:40 Because it's a game. There's a lot of very dark horses on the horizon. There are things that are trying to manipulate me. This world is capable of falling apart. Somebody's gotta be putting their hand on the scale. The creator of the game. Speaker 2 01:00:04 A glitch in the Matrix Speaker 4 01:00:06 Documentary. Who picked Speaker 2 01:00:07 That <laugh>? Who, who did pick that? I think it Speaker 4 01:00:09 Was Speaker 2 01:00:10 You, Scott. No, I don't think it was Rob. Was it Rob? Rob? Speaker 5 01:00:13 No, I did not pick that. Danny, Speaker 2 01:00:15 I have the notes. Look, Speaker 5 01:00:16 I did not, it Speaker 3 01:00:17 Definitely, it wasn't me, Speaker 5 01:00:18 Scott. I was Speaker 2 01:00:20 Email from Rob. I suggest a glitch in the Matrix documentary <laugh>. Speaker 5 01:00:24 I was wondering, I was wondering about that. Well, Jesse, when you ask Speaker 2 01:00:27 Scott my response, Speaker 5 01:00:29 Oh, it wasn't Speaker 2 01:00:30 Me. My response. I'm looking at my response, Rob. I don't think that that's a no no appropriate movie to watch. You're making that. It doesn't look very, you're Speaker 4 01:00:41 Making that, that Speaker 2 01:00:43 Says I don't give a shit What you think, Scott? Speaker 5 01:00:45 Nope. Speaker 2 01:00:46 We're watching a glitch in The Matrix. I was like, okay, guess we're watching a glitch in the Matrix. Nope. Speaker 5 01:00:51 Whatever. Nope. Like, Speaker 3 01:00:52 Find a big Speaker 4 01:00:53 Bully. What'd you think Denny <laugh>. Speaker 2 01:00:55 I gotta go first. Speaker 3 01:00:57 I, yeah, I gotta go first. Okay. I struggled with this movie. Uh, I had to watch it. I tried. I I had to do it a second time to, to kind of get it in with company <laugh> a second time, cuz I was not tracking. Speaker 5 01:01:11 No, you can't. You can And all with this thing. Speaker 3 01:01:14 Yeah, it was, it was confusing. But I, I mean, it, it helped me to understand people's perspective on it, theories on it. Right. You know, for if we're, if we're talking about the, the production of the movie. I mean, obviously it's a documentary, so, you know, it's not like they're, well, are they acting? I don't know. Speaker 5 01:01:32 <laugh>. Speaker 4 01:01:33 Yeah. I like, I like how they presented the, uh, the, the people Speaker 2 01:01:38 Avatars Speaker 4 01:01:39 As Yeah. Avatars, right? Speaker 2 01:01:40 Yeah. Speaker 5 01:01:41 I hated that part. Speaker 4 01:01:42 Well, I did. I'm, I, Speaker 3 01:01:44 I, I, Speaker 4 01:01:44 Yeah, I'm not saying I liked it. I'm just Why is your hand being sarcastic? Speaker 2 01:01:48 I guess Creepily coming towards me from the side of the table. Speaker 4 01:01:51 Rob, hands to yourself. God, Speaker 5 01:01:54 <laugh>. Speaker 2 01:01:56 I just, I feel like I need, like Speaker 4 01:01:59 You. I'm Speaker 5 01:02:01 Cold. People, people can't hear you turning your head. I'm, Speaker 4 01:02:04 Why don't we put a table over there, Scott, and we'll put you in a booth. Speaker 2 01:02:07 I need to be separated. I'm constantly having to look over my shoulder. Speaker 4 01:02:10 It's got a sneeze guard. You don't have to worry about me and my covid. It's Speaker 2 01:02:13 Just not a safe place in here for me. Speaker 5 01:02:16 <laugh>. Okay. You want to go? You could, could set up in your office and we, you Speaker 2 01:02:21 Could just call in via Zoom. Speaker 6 01:02:22 Yeah. <laugh>. Speaker 2 01:02:24 All right. Anyway, where were we? I'm sorry. Can I just stop everyone just for a second? Speaking of creepy hands. Yeah. And I want to go down this side El sort of a little tangent here. Totally based on what we're talking about, but really not. So, and I'll, I'll come back to you, Danny. So, <laugh>, Speaker 2 01:02:41 When I was doing the glitch in the Matrix, I came across, it was creepy. I came across this video of this dad in the pool with his kid, and it looked like it was maybe somewhere in Mexico or Costa Rica or something. I don't know. He was in this pool. It was obviously in a hotel pool. And he's grabbing his kid, his kid jumps off the side into his arms, and then he is going to the end of the pool to lift him up where the mom is. And then this, this hand comes from outta the pool and helps push the kid up. It's the weirdest thing ever. This hand comes out of nowhere. Speaker 4 01:03:15 Yeah. As Speaker 2 01:03:16 The dad's lifting the kid out. What kind grab Speaker 4 01:03:19 Now? How, what was the resolution of the video? It, Speaker 2 01:03:21 It looked legit. Like, I don't know why they would fake it. There was really no reason. It was family video and it was just weird. Like this hand comes outta nowhere and it helps the kid up. You should, you should Google it. Kid hand helps kid out of pool. Yeah. Speaker 4 01:03:36 There's another one where the, uh, the father's filming his, uh, son and daughter and the younger daughter's sitting furthest away. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and he's talking to his son. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> behind the camera. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I guess the kid had just messed his pants or something like that. And the little girl is grabbing for her cup, but she's short about eight, nine inches. And the cup slides towards her hand and she grabs her cup. Like she's got some kind of e s p thing going on. It was kind of crazy. Speaker 6 01:04:04 That has literally nothing to do with the Matrix, but thanks for that tab. Speaker 4 01:04:08 No, I Speaker 6 01:04:09 <laugh> Speaker 5 01:04:10 <laugh>. Speaker 4 01:04:11 How do you know that though? Speaker 6 01:04:12 That's, that's a totally different episode. No, no, no. That's episode 27. <laugh> Speaker 4 01:04:17 E S p. Yeah. Speaker 5 01:04:19 I It's no wonder tab always the wrong, the wrong movie or Speaker 4 01:04:23 No, I mean it, what it was in, it was in the category of the Matrix. I was looking, he went and it was in one of the top 10 No I dozen movies I was in. But you shows I was watching Speaker 5 01:04:36 Like, I don't know, like five, 10 years. Maybe five years ago you would Google something and the actual fact Google search would come up. Now you search for one little thing in like 40 million. No different view. You can't even find exactly what you're looking for Speaker 2 01:04:52 Now. So speaking of just that, God, like I talked about two things that I, that like the mysterious Michael Jackson. Man, I cannot find the video of that for the life of me now. And I'm trying to find the video of that mysterious hand helping the kid outta the pool. Can't find it anywhere. Speaker 5 01:05:06 That's because that's, I know, I'm looking for it too. Speaker 6 01:05:08 That's because the rabbit hole that you guys went down and then you started finding all the stuff. Speaker 4 01:05:13 Here's, here's another one. This br this one probably was in the nineties. This break dancer kid, he's break dancing. There's a guy filming him. There's a bunch of other people break dancing with him. He throws his hat at the end, and then he does one more move and his hat is back in his hand. It's crazy. Wow. Speaker 2 01:05:34 Okay. I found it. Here we go. Come and look. Oh, gotta get up. Speaker 15 01:05:48 Watch right Speaker 2 01:05:49 Down here towards the end of the pool. Speaker 15 01:05:53 Oh, Speaker 5 01:05:54 That is weird. Speaker 2 01:05:56 Watch again. Speaker 5 01:05:57 I just watched this weirdo. Speaker 15 01:06:09 I'm not, Speaker 5 01:06:10 What is that? How's it, we're we're watching, like, I'm watching it on my computer and he's watching on his, and we watched him both exactly at the same time, both times. Speaker 4 01:06:21 Wow. Speaker 6 01:06:23 That's, uh, that was really weird. That's a, that looked like his hand possibly, because early in the video he kind of had him like, yeah, cradled. Yeah. But then he went to lift him up and there was a another on his torso. Both his hands were on on, and his other hand was still cradled. So it was almost like it was glitching. Speaker 2 01:06:41 What is the name of the video on YouTube, Rob? Uh, Speaker 5 01:06:43 So people can, well, I, I'm just on some, Speaker 2 01:06:46 I clicked out Speaker 5 01:06:46 The straight time. I'm on some other website. Speaker 2 01:06:49 I, I I put in Mysterious Hand Help kids out a pool. It's weird. It's weird to watch. Yeah. Speaker 6 01:06:54 Um, yeah, definitely. Speaker 5 01:06:55 Yeah, it says Mysterious Hand. Speaker 2 01:06:57 I'm sorry. Let's go back. Danny Movie Speaker 4 01:06:59 Review the movie Speaker 3 01:07:01 <laugh>. I think we should start the movie Review over <laugh> Speaker 2 01:07:07 In a quiet town, in a studio, a small studio. It's Northwest Curiosity Speaker 15 01:07:14 Movie Review. Speaker 4 01:07:16 Thanks, Rob. That Speaker 2 01:07:17 Just, we just lost a bunch of listeners. I know. We just lost people. Anyway. Danny, go ahead. Speaker 3 01:07:25 Um, Speaker 4 01:07:25 Don't you love it when you, anyway, Speaker 3 01:07:27 <laugh>. Yeah. So good. It was, it, it was hard to follow for me. It was a lot of, uh, you know, kind of all over the place. But, um, you know, eventually I had some things kind of stuck and resonated with me. At least. Like I said, it helped me understand the perspective of those individuals that believed in this. But I, like I said, I tried to extract like a theme out of it. What was, you know, people's primary argument For this side note, this company, uh, one of the film distributors, Magnolia Pictures, is a, a subsidiary of, uh, 29 29 Entertainment, which is owned by a couple of billionaires, mark Cuban and, uh, Todd Wagner <laugh>. Just as a side note, it's kind of interesting. Speaker 4 01:08:11 So should I know who they're associated with? Speaker 3 01:08:14 You know who Mark? Well, I know who Mark Cuban is. Speaker 5 01:08:16 He's Mark Cuban. He's a multimillionaire. He owns like the Yeah. Clippers, Mavericks. He's a medium. Mavericks. Yeah. Speaker 4 01:08:22 He's a medium mogul. Or just the Mavericks or what? Speaker 5 01:08:26 Oh, no, he does, he's on that show too. He was on Shark Tank. Shark Tank. Shark Speaker 4 01:08:30 Tank. Oh, okay. Yeah. Okay. Speaker 5 01:08:31 But he's I Ridge Speaker 3 01:08:33 Guy is, but yeah, they're both billionaires. But it's just, it's just interesting to me. I I kind of went down that path with this one to just see, uh, maybe who was the influence behind this. Um, sponsors also, of course, we saw, um, you know, reference the Elon Musk in the movie too, another billionaire, you know, involved. It just kind of interesting to see the, uh, these folks are in there, but it makes you wonder, what do they know that we don't kind of thing, I guess. Yeah. But, um, Speaker 2 01:08:59 I think, I think, excuse me. I think Elon Musk would be a fascinating guy to sit down and have a beer with. Yeah. Speaker 3 01:09:05 <laugh>. Does he drink Speaker 2 01:09:06 Beer? I don't know. We should just get him in base camp and just go on a go on a drive with him. Speaker 5 01:09:12 Are you I don't think that, are you saying we kidnap him? Is Speaker 2 01:09:15 That No, no. I'm saying we like, go to his house and after hours and, and Speaker 4 01:09:20 Get arrested Speaker 2 01:09:21 And, uh, ring the doorbell as Jesse goes in the back door and just have a talk with him. All right. You know, well let, how we do Speaker 5 01:09:28 Here. Let me give him Speaker 2 01:09:29 A call. Like Friday night. Jesse's like, I can't go out my old ladies, you know, tell me to watch a movie. And then we go, you know, we go and get him <laugh> Speaker 5 01:09:37 And Speaker 3 01:09:37 Labor home. Speaker 5 01:09:38 Well, you want me to, and then we eat some home. You want me, you you want me to text? Speaker 2 01:09:42 Spit it out? What are you trying to Speaker 5 01:09:43 Say? No, you want me to text Eli? Speaker 2 01:09:45 Do you have Elon's text? Speaker 5 01:09:46 No, he goes, Eli, I, I call him Eli, but I'll Speaker 2 01:09:49 Text. Oh, you got his number? Yeah, I'll text him. Oh, you can text him. You're like that. Okay. Okay. Well, let's just, that's the easy way, I guess. Speaker 5 01:09:56 Yo, Eli, what's, uh, there Speaker 3 01:09:57 You Speaker 2 01:09:58 Go. Start. Yeah. So what was your, what was your kind of takeaway on this? Danny? Speaker 3 01:10:01 Are you saying about the, the movie or the kind of theory in general? Speaker 2 01:10:05 The theory, the, the documentary. Uh, Speaker 3 01:10:08 I, I str I, okay. So I do struggle a little bit with the argument that the convergence of technology in reality is proof that we live in this matrix. But I do wonder what happens when, and if we get there, <laugh>, that's a scary place to be where we can't differentiate between virtual reality and reality. I don't know. I don't know. That'd be a weird place to be. Speaker 4 01:10:38 Yeah. Like an avatar situation. Speaker 3 01:10:41 Right, right. And who's to say we're not there now? And that may be technology for different people is, you know, maybe we are there, but not everyone is exposed to it. And then I I, it got me thinking too, is it's my reality, only my reality. Or are we all realistically sharing this in this time? You know what I mean? Like, are you guys all here or am I engaging with you as non-player characters? <laugh> Speaker 5 01:11:05 The speed Speaker 3 01:11:07 <laugh>. Speaker 2 01:11:08 Well, I mean, I, I, I guess you can also look at it like this, is that if, if in fact we are living in a video game, so to speak, right? This alternated reality, why then are people like Zuckerberg and, um, what is Facebook called now? Meta. Speaker 3 01:11:27 Meta. Speaker 2 01:11:27 Yeah. Metaverse. Why, why is meta investing billions and billions of dollars into these alternate worlds? And if that's what we're already in, Speaker 6 01:11:41 Because it's in-game current. That's, it's in-game currency. So like in the video game, you get money or whatever mm-hmm. <affirmative>, they're just spending end-game rent. Right. Currency not, it's Speaker 4 01:11:51 Like the company store. Yeah. Kind of. It's Speaker 6 01:11:53 Like, it's like in a video game, you're like, I'm gonna, I'm Speaker 2 01:11:56 Gonna, but what I'm saying is that we are clearly moving forward in a direction of dumbing down people, right. To live in this, to, to, to not take off their VR glasses. Right. So we do these is Speaker 3 01:12:10 Dumbing down people. Speaker 2 01:12:11 Absolutely. Is dumbing down people. I, I mean, without a doubt, if you're, if you're detracted from reality to the point that your virtual reality is reality, then yeah. You're dumbing down Speaker 3 01:12:21 That. Scott, can you see me? Speaker 2 01:12:24 Denny <laugh>, Speaker 4 01:12:25 Bro. I think we lost Speaker 2 01:12:26 Danny <laugh>. He's Speaker 4 01:12:27 Got his VR on. Speaker 2 01:12:28 Oh, he's had him on the hole. No, I mean, abso absolutely. You absolutely throw that Speaker 5 01:12:34 <laugh>. Speaker 2 01:12:35 What, what do I look like as an avatar, Danny, in your world? Speaker 3 01:12:39 <laugh>. Yeah. You don't want to know. Speaker 2 01:12:40 Two can. Speaker 3 01:12:42 That's crazy. Speaker 6 01:12:43 <laugh> all, all of Danny's avatar. Speaker 2 01:12:45 No, but what I'm, what I'm saying is that you, you absolutely are dumbing down society. If you, if you get them to put the virtual reality glasses on and they ultimately don't take them off, then you can't get any more dumb. As brilliant as you might think you are, you're detracted from reality and what's going on around you. So I don't, I I don't think the dumb is the right word to use, but you're, you're definitely isolated. And that's where they're moving with this whole meta stuff. May Speaker 5 01:13:12 Maybe in the, maybe in the Speaker 2 01:13:13 Future, distracting people from what, I mean, I don't want to get politics involved in it, but you're completely distracting people from what's, what's going on in the real world. Yeah. Uh, I think that it is What Speaker 3 01:13:24 If this is the, the metaverse, right. Or the multiverse, rather. What if this is the next layer of the onion? Like, like tap said, Speaker 5 01:13:32 What if we're in it right now Speaker 3 01:13:34 To the next Well, yeah, we Speaker 4 01:13:36 Could be. I think it's, I think it's Speaker 5 01:13:38 What if we're, what if we're all back at our, at our pods, back at our, our homes or our whatever, and we're Speaker 2 01:13:44 All floating. We're all floating in water. Speaker 5 01:13:46 Yeah. And we have IVs. We have IVs hooked to us <laugh>. And we have, we have, you know, things hooked up. So we, Speaker 2 01:13:54 I know, I know. Right now I've got a test. I can confirm 100% that we're in reality right now. Speaker 4 01:14:01 Okay? Speaker 2 01:14:01 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, Jesse. Okay. Take your hand and give your left knot a good whack. <laugh> just like, Speaker 5 01:14:08 Wow. Speaker 2 01:14:09 Just a quick pullback, whack. Speaker 6 01:14:11 Okay. Speaker 2 01:14:11 Right now. And we'll know. Okay. We'll know. Give it a whack, not me. Give it. Speaker 4 01:14:16 No, that's nice. Speaker 2 01:14:17 Give it a good Speaker 5 01:14:18 Wax. I'm good. He's, he's trying to get Scott's out. It's real. Not real. Wow. Gosh. I thought we said no more shenanigans. Speaker 2 01:14:29 No more's Speaker 4 01:14:30 Gone. Speaker 5 01:14:30 Listen, wait. Starting now. Tom, Speaker 2 01:14:32 Pull Speaker 4 01:14:32 Out. That went from like zero to a Speaker 2 01:14:35 Thousand. You literally touched my left testicle. Speaker 5 01:14:37 <laugh>. Wow. Speaker 3 01:14:38 I clarify, by the way, it's less, it's not about the shenanigans, it's about the, when we start down a path and then we go <laugh> and then try and come back Speaker 5 01:14:47 Like now, right? Like the Speaker 4 01:14:49 Fourth time Speaker 3 01:14:50 <laugh>. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:14:51 Okay. So, no, it's all good. Anyway. No mid-sentence. We're in the middle of something. Good. Slap testicle. Well, Speaker 4 01:14:56 I mean, okay, let's go, let's go back to the movie. Speaker 5 01:14:58 <laugh>. The movie. The movie. It's a bunch of damn gamers who base all the theories on personal experiences. Speaker 4 01:15:03 I think it's, you know, if people out there are interested in this subject, I think it's a good place to start and to, so they can kind of understand. Cuz I don't know if we're doing a really good job of explaining it. Um, other than referencing movies, Speaker 2 01:15:15 Who stuff? Who is the controller? Speaker 4 01:15:17 Well, I don't, is Speaker 2 01:15:19 It this person that's sending Danny the messages Zuckerberg that we need to quit? The Tom Fooly, Speaker 5 01:15:24 <laugh> Zuckerberg sitting there with a, a remote, he's controlling everybody. Speaker 4 01:15:28 I mean, do you remember, do you remember the, what do they call furs? Fur, Speaker 2 01:15:33 Furbies. Speaker 4 01:15:34 Furies do, no, no, not furbies. Uh, people that dress up Speaker 2 01:15:38 Like furbies, furries, fur, Speaker 4 01:15:40 Furries, furries, furries. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I mean that, I think that was kind of like the first version of like an avatar because they could be the way they want to be and not worry about, you know, so I bet people knowing who they are, and I bet, uh, Speaker 6 01:15:54 Tabs of avatars like this, 65 year old ladies, like, you guys knock it up. Speaker 5 01:15:58 <laugh>, you stop it. Speaker 2 01:16:00 Yeah. Speaker 4 01:16:02 And now Speaker 2 01:16:03 Is Rob, Rob and I were in Alabama. Were we in Alabama? Uh, Mississippi. I'm sorry. Mississippi. And we got in the elevator to go up to this gift shop. We were there for training, and we get in the elevator who, who gets in the elevator with us at that gift shop where we started to go for the second level. Speaker 5 01:16:19 I can't, I, I'm starting, Speaker 2 01:16:21 You can't remember who got Speaker 5 01:16:22 In the, I'm starting to vaguely Speaker 2 01:16:24 Remember them. It was so bizarre. Speaker 5 01:16:25 I, I don't, I c come on. Speaker 2 01:16:27 It was like an avatar person. It was like a Furby. Speaker 5 01:16:30 Oh yeah, that's right. A wolf boy. Yeah. And we were just kind of like, looking at each other, like, what Speaker 2 01:16:35 The f Yeah. This guy gets in dressed like a fox. And he, it wasn't like he worked there or was part of a Speaker 5 01:16:43 Street performer, and Speaker 2 01:16:44 There was no, like, he had this ultra realistic, it was a fox. Yeah. Speaker 4 01:16:48 Yeah. Speaker 2 01:16:48 Fox. And, and, and the mouth moved all weird. And he just kind of looked us with this weird head movement. Yeah. Speaker 4 01:16:53 Right. Speaker 2 01:16:54 And we were all going up to the El elevator to the second floor of this gift shop. And I was like, and then he got off and we were just like, looking at each other, like, what? Yeah. Fuck. What's that? Speaker 5 01:17:03 Weird. And there was, I, there was, I was, I think we even looked up, there was no like Comic-Con or anything nearby Speaker 2 01:17:10 Or anything. No. Like, we're like, Speaker 4 01:17:12 What? I, I I think it's, there's, there's people out there that can't be comfortable, you know, with people without this mask that they wear mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And then, and then moving on to the digital, you've got these worlds that these creators are making. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I mean, I mean, they go like the universe. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I mean, they got these space games that just perpetuate, they just go on and on and on and on for <laugh>. I, I, I mean, they're just, Speaker 2 01:17:40 I could see Speaker 4 01:17:41 It's crazy. Speaker 2 01:17:42 I I'm totally against all of that stuff with every fiber of my being, but I had a really weak moment. This was probably, God, I'm gonna take a rough guess and say 12 or 13 years ago, and I was introduced to this video game called Second Life. Speaker 4 01:17:56 Yeah. Speaker 2 01:17:57 And Speaker 4 01:17:58 That was years ago. Speaker 2 01:17:59 That's what he said about 12 years ago. Maybe Speaker 4 01:18:01 This is longer than that. I think Speaker 2 01:18:02 Maybe 13, 15. I don't know. I'm not very good with time, but I, I don't play, I don't play video games. I'm not into any of that stuff. But this second Life thing sucked me in. Like, it totally sucked me in. Did Speaker 4 01:18:14 You have a girlfriend? Speaker 2 01:18:14 I was married at the Time's. Divorced shortly after <laugh>. That was weird. Speaker 4 01:18:18 Second Speaker 2 01:18:19 Life. Speaker 4 01:18:19 She came Speaker 2 01:18:20 Across your profile. No, it was, it was a very short period of time. Like we're talking weeks. Yeah. But I would, after I was done with work and we were done with dinner and stuff, I, I got on to this second Life thing, and before I knew it, it was literally like three or four in the morning. And I'm like, oh my God, I've been on this thing for like 10. It was weird. It just like sucks you into this alternate, because you go into Build Speaker 4 01:18:43 A house, Speaker 2 01:18:44 You go into bars and interact with people, and you walk around. Have you ever, do you know what second Life is? Uhuh. It's crazy. Speaker 4 01:18:49 It's like this. I don't even know if it's around anymore. It's Speaker 2 01:18:52 Like this life simulation and you're this avatar and you can go up and talk to people Speaker 3 01:18:56 Called Sims. Speaker 2 01:18:57 Sims. Yeah. Sim and you can walk, you can float anywhere in this world. Yeah. To like Speaker 4 01:19:03 Getto Speaker 2 01:19:03 To Ghetto Cities. And there's like crime going on around you. Or you can go to like the beaches and you go into these bars and there's people from all over the world that are these, and you can go up and talk to people and dance with people. It's the weirdest thing. Yeah. Speaker 4 01:19:16 And I'm like, I think that's what the Metaverse is gonna end up. Speaker 2 01:19:19 Yeah. But like after about, you Speaker 3 01:19:21 Can do that now in vr. Speaker 4 01:19:22 See, I don't know. I'm so outta loop. Speaker 2 01:19:25 But even for 13 years ago, the technology, but so what people do is they spend their own money to build stores. Yeah. And people come in and spend their own real money to buy clothes for their, and people who are making tons of money selling real estate in Second Life. Right? Like, there's people that, that's their career is they've built these, you know, you Speaker 3 01:19:49 Can do that. Now. Speaker 2 01:19:49 They've built these Speaker 4 01:19:50 Retails store. What, what is the, uh, the now Speaker 3 01:19:54 You can, you can actually buy real estate using crypto. Inside of my understanding is like storefronts or, or, or property. There's actually the ability, as I understand, I think this is where Meta is moving to. Yeah. Um, the ability to buy virtual real estate and things like that, using different, uh, like cryptocurrencies and things like that. Speaker 6 01:20:15 Yeah. I heard something about that. Like, you can buy real, uh, real estate right next to some multimillionaire or whatever you can use, you can be Speaker 3 01:20:25 Monetize it. Speaker 6 01:20:26 Yeah. Be his meta metaverse, uh, neighbor. Speaker 2 01:20:29 Neighbor. Meta neighbor. Yeah. Speaker 3 01:20:31 Yeah. Or a landlord, or, Hey, do you guys remember, uh, Speaker 2 01:20:34 Men and Black Thinking his windows late at night? Speaker 3 01:20:36 <laugh>. Weird. That's creepy. Yeah. Do you remember the Monster or one of the creatures from Men and Black? Do you see my screen here? Speaker 2 01:20:43 Yeah. Speaker 3 01:20:45 Remember the little, uh, character inside, uh, inside his face? The man's face? Yeah. <laugh>. What if this is what reality is? Yeah. That they're, we're actually just the, we're the vessel for <laugh>. Oh, yeah. Scott, you asked me what you look like in, in, uh, <laugh>. Speaker 2 01:21:07 Oh, Speaker 4 01:21:08 It's a little alien, dude. Speaker 3 01:21:09 It's, it, it's more, it's more like this, but <laugh> Speaker 16 01:21:12 <laugh>, Speaker 2 01:21:14 That's what I look like according to your avatar. Speaker 16 01:21:18 Oh, Speaker 2 01:21:18 Wow. Does anybody, anybody have anything else in regards to, uh, our movie review? No. Speaker 5 01:21:24 That, uh, I, I think we should just Speaker 4 01:21:25 Move on. Yeah. It's, it's, it's not really a movie, so it's hard to review it. <laugh>. I, I just say, you know, people, Speaker 2 01:21:31 So I'm, I'm gonna quickly, quickly just throw in my takeaway before we move on. So I quickly realized about 20 minutes into this, that I think is possible. This is just a theory going through my little, little brain, but my theory is that people can be so smart that they're actually stupid. Speaker 4 01:21:50 I I can agree with that. No comment. Speaker 2 01:21:52 Like, kinda like somebody, like, like you could tell these people that were trying to explain this, were really smart, smart people. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But they, they don't have a good grasp on reality of they're just like so smart that they're stupid. Yeah. I mean, I agree. They used big words. Speaker 4 01:22:13 They were clearly Speaker 2 01:22:13 Articulated. They were Speaker 5 01:22:15 PhDs. Yeah, they were. Speaker 2 01:22:16 And they could, they were clearly articulate, but they, they seem to be lacking common sense. Like, they're so smart that they don't, they don't factor into their, they're theories. I Speaker 5 01:22:29 Have a reality, I have an example of that kind of, there's this guy where I work, he's like this high up manager in like it or something. Like he's, maybe he's finance, I don't know, but he's super, like, super smart, intelligent guy, high up within the company that I, I'm working for. And there's a, uh, lease building <laugh>. No, there's a lease building with a shared bathroom and it's, has a code on it. It's locked. You have to enter the code to enter the bathroom. The code is 1, 2 34, enter, and then you open the door. That guy, every single time he screws it up, he, he's super, super smart. But all you have to do is hit 1, 2, 3, 4, enter, and then open the door. Not once has he gone into that door without fing it up. It's so we, and we just, we could sit there and watch him and, and Speaker 2 01:23:27 Everyone was like, Rob, Speaker 5 01:23:29 No, no. 1, 2, 3, 4, enter <laugh> anyway. But yeah, exactly what you're talking about. Just, they're super smart, but they're, they can't do the simplest function. Speaker 2 01:23:38 Right. I just, I found myself watching this movie maybe Speaker 3 01:23:42 Shark Drive Speaker 2 01:23:42 Full. I found myself watching this movie going Smarty Pants, smarty Pants, Mr. Smarty Pants. Like the way that they talked was really annoying to me, right? Like, they think, like, they think they're smarter than anyone else. Just the way that they taught, like, you won't understand what I'm saying because I'm so smart, but just humor me, humor me for a moment, right? Like, it was just obnoxious. Kinda like, did you kinda Speaker 3 01:24:04 With anger, Scott Speaker 2 01:24:06 <laugh>? No, not at all. I really went Speaker 5 01:24:07 Insult in mind. He does everything with anger. Speaker 2 01:24:10 I really went into, I really went into Rob's movie wanting to like, Speaker 5 01:24:14 Oh, no, no, no. This is Scott. This is all Scott. He, he does that. He'll, he'll pick something and if it's a success, he'll be like, oh, I picked this movie out. This is my movie. Speaker 3 01:24:25 I'm all Speaker 5 01:24:27 <laugh>. And then if it's something else, he'd be like, Danny, I can't believe you picked, oh, Rob, I can't believe you picked Speaker 2 01:24:32 That out. I'm not an angry person. <laugh>, Speaker 5 01:24:34 I want that out. Everything you do is with anger Speaker 2 01:24:35 Stuff. I want that known for the, for the record. Speaker 5 01:24:38 I don't know. I felt like this was a bunch of gamers that got together. <laugh>. Yeah. You Speaker 2 01:24:43 Mean you guys ready to move on? Do it. Let's go Speaker 1 01:24:56 Northwest Curiosity Society Speaker 17 01:25:02 Gear Review. Speaker 2 01:25:03 It's making a Smarty Pants. Smarty Pants. Mr. Mr. Smarty Pants. Danny <laugh> millimeter. Yeah. What do you got Speaker 3 01:25:11 For I I am wearing my, my blurred shirt today, by the way, do you guys remember what that stands for? Yeah. Speaker 5 01:25:17 Yeah. Black Nerd baby. Speaker 3 01:25:19 There you go. There you go. I Speaker 2 01:25:21 Thought you, I thought you. So anyway, I thought you said you were gonna get me one of those for my birthday. Speaker 3 01:25:24 I You didn't get it yet? Speaker 2 01:25:25 No, I didn't. I totally sent it mail. Yeah. Wouldn't, wouldn't that check on that. Wouldn't that be word clad? Speaker 3 01:25:33 <laugh>. <laugh>. Okay. So anyway, today, I, I happened this last week come across, uh, millimeter, uh, as a device. So today's device is the millimeter for review, but I, I came across a story, I'll, I'll share with you, uh, on the millimeter after this kind of talking through what it is. But basically it is a combin, the original version of this was a combination device of EMF reader slash ambient temperature. So if you guys remember back in the days when we used to carry the emf, and then the, also the temperature, little pistol grip looking thing where we got our average readings based off of one reading <laugh>. Um, but this is a device that is a combination of the two. And so in the, again, in the original version, you have the EMF reader, uh, reading capability, and you also plug in a little device that reads the ambient temperature around the space. Speaker 3 01:26:28 So the goal is to, uh, really having those two types of readings to, uh, assess spikes in electric magnetic frequency and also either raising or dropping of temperature with that, uh, temperature gauge as well. Kind of the combination of the two readings, giving you indication of, you know, potential paranormal activity in the space. So, you know, just like with any other EMF reader and also temperature reader, it's gonna be affected by the environment that you're in. So if you have a lot of electricity running through and things like that, just be mindful of how you position and use that, uh, in different spaces. But some of the devices come with, or most of them anyway, with, uh, it's backlit and you have the capability to switch between individually or the combination of the two different ratings. Some of these I've actually noticed have actually spun off into larger capabilities. Speaker 3 01:27:19 So the original millimeter only had those two capabilities, but there's some companies out there that have developed these kind of expansion slots to give them capability of doing things like rm then pod type capabilities, infrared sensors, different things like that. So you have different types of companies that have created these, uh, capabilities to expand these, the capability of the device a lot more. So some of them come with also flashlights also, like I said, being back lit and, uh, things like that. But of course, they run off a nine volt batteries. So you gotta be mindful of your, your power draw when you're doing this. The original version from what I've seen, runs out there about a hundred dollars. You can go all the way up to $329 if you really want to get something super fancy woods bang with all kinds of capabilities, including Ari, pod feature, proximity detector, things like that. So by chance, and I don't know if we actually have a millimeter proper, I have not had the opportunity to use one myself. What drew me to this though, was the story behind this. Does anybody know the story of the millimeter? Speaker 6 01:28:19 I do. I Speaker 5 01:28:20 Have a feeling I'm going to know Speaker 3 01:28:22 <laugh>. Yeah. I predict Speaker 5 01:28:24 That. I'm going to know here soon. Speaker 3 01:28:26 Yeah. <laugh>. Okay. Jesse. Jesse, you wanna, Jesse, Speaker 6 01:28:29 You want me to go ahead? Yeah, go ahead. Jesse. Anad, diet <laugh>. That was Jesse's version of what the, uh, Speaker 3 01:28:38 <laugh> Speaker 6 01:28:39 Anai Anad Diet equipment. Speaker 3 01:28:41 Anad diet. It's, so the, the millimeter was created by an electrical engineer named Gary Galk back in 2004, the original version. And he created this after, unfortunately, his daughter named Melissa, had passed away car crash, and I think it was car crash, Speaker 6 01:28:57 Car accident crash. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 3 01:28:58 Crash. Yeah. Car crash. So the family began experiencing different things that they considered, you know, after death, communication, abc and inside the house, things like doorbells, ringing touches, lights coming on, a lot of the things we see in the studio there, right? So Speaker 4 01:29:14 <laugh> we're not allowed to investigate <laugh>. Speaker 3 01:29:16 <laugh>. Yeah. Um, seeing some different apparitions and things like that. So taking those as a sign of attempted communication from Melissa Galk, their daughter, Gary took it upon himself to create the millimeter again, with this combination of EMF and temperature. And he's actually, my understanding is created quite a few different tools out there, uh, over time. I think it's somewhat, last I saw was around 50, 30 to 50, maybe different paranormal investigation tools. He's also been featured in Ghost Adventures a couple times to participated in some of the investigations there, including, including our beloved Speaker 6 01:29:52 USS Speaker 3 01:29:52 Hornet, uh, USS Hornet. Yep. <laugh>. Exactly. So of course, after creating this device, he gave it their kind of nickname that they gave their daughter was Mel, and gave the name to the millimeter, um, how they kind of got to where they are now. So anyway, kind of a cool device. Like I said, I haven't had a lot of experience, I don't know about you guys with this particular device, but Speaker 6 01:30:13 I think we don't exactly have the millimeter, but we have equipment that's similar. Similar. We, yeah. It's just the millimeter's all built into one and, um mm-hmm. <affirmative> and there's d several different variations of it, or, um, you know, the original one was just a couple options, like you said, and then now they have ones that kind of do multiple different things. Speaker 3 01:30:40 Yeah. I think in those expansion slots, seems like it's cool. And maybe we'll have to see about getting one and, and kind of check it out and review it. Speaker 2 01:30:48 Yeah. Thanks for that, Danny. Appreciate it. You guys, uh, ready to move on? Speaker 6 01:30:52 Let's Speaker 18 01:30:52 Do it. We interrupt this program to bring you a special rip. Speaker 2 01:30:55 What do you got for us Speaker 5 01:30:56 <laugh>? Speaker 6 01:30:58 Why is Rob laughing? Because Speaker 5 01:31:00 He like, cut it off. <laugh>. Speaker 3 01:31:03 Yeah, it did cut Speaker 4 01:31:04 Off. It did cut off Scott. Yeah. The Speaker 2 01:31:06 End. Yeah, the end. That's how it's recorded. I, the end is cut off for Speaker 6 01:31:09 Some weird reason. It's, it's a glitch. It's just glitched. Speaker 4 01:31:11 I don't remember it being like that. <laugh>. And we're having a, man, Speaker 18 01:31:15 We left this program to bring you a special report. Speaker 4 01:31:18 There it Speaker 2 01:31:18 Goes. Yeah. Sometimes it doesn't, some I don't, I didn't cut anything off. I just let it play. No, watch. Let's do it again. We, Speaker 4 01:31:24 You're double, Speaker 18 01:31:25 We interrupt this program to bring you a special report. Speaker 6 01:31:27 Speaking of glitches on the matrix. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. No. Um, Speaker 18 01:31:31 We interrupt this program to bring you a special report. Speaker 2 01:31:35 I didn't touch it. Speaker 4 01:31:36 That was weird. That Speaker 3 01:31:38 Was, I was gonna say, I was gonna say, why is that Speaker 18 01:31:40 We interrupt this program to bring you a special report Speaker 5 01:31:43 <laugh>. Guys. Speaker 6 01:31:44 Guys. Scott, every time. Speaker 4 01:31:46 Okay. Put your hands up. Put your hands up. All right. Keep 'em Speaker 6 01:31:50 Up. Yeah. You just have to do that <laugh>. He's over there. Glitching. Speaker 2 01:31:53 All right, go ahead. Speaker 18 01:31:54 We interrupt this program to bring you a special report, ah, Speaker 5 01:31:57 For five Speaker 6 01:31:58 Sake. So I'm probably gonna butcher her name, but there's this lady, her name is Ricardi, she's 38, she's a songwriter, and she's fallen in live with this guy named Eduardo. And he is a Victorian soldier, and they're getting married, but the problem is they're having a hard time getting a church to do the ceremony because Eduardo has been dead for a couple hundred years, and that is a problem. Yeah. So apparently she, Speaker 2 01:32:34 How does he sign the marriage certificate? Speaker 6 01:32:36 Uh, yeah, they're, they're working through that. So he's apparently, um, proposed to her and she, and he communicates to her through, like, she'll be get up in the morning, take a shower, it's nice and steamy, and he'll start drawing on the, in the steam on the, on the, uh, bathroom wall. And so she wakes up one morning, she feels this ring on her pillow, and she's like, oh, that's weird. So she gets up, goes, takes a shower, and Eduardo draws a question mark on the shower, like proposal. So she decides to get married, and, um, she's gonna make a Ouija board with all these different dates on it so he can help pick the wedding date. And she's gone to all these churches, but they've, um, instead of agreeing to the marriage, they either deny her or want to do a, um, or they want to try and talk her out of it, or do some type of, um, Speaker 2 01:33:47 Intervention, Speaker 6 01:33:49 Something <laugh>. Um, Speaker 4 01:33:51 Just have a ceremony. Why make it legal? Speaker 6 01:33:54 Yeah. So apparently the other issue they're having is Eduardo wants his best friend to be his best man, but he went to hell in 1875 and he hasn't seen him since. So Yeah, Speaker 2 01:34:08 The church would probably frown on that, right? Yeah. I would Speaker 4 01:34:11 Imagine, like I said, just have the ceremony, so be done with Speaker 6 01:34:13 It. But they also want to have like these big name celebrities come to the wedding, like Johnny Cash Speaker 2 01:34:20 Ands. I could see how Yeah. Yeah. You'd want him to be there. Speaker 6 01:34:23 John Wayne. Yeah. All these different celebrities are in, you know, that are also me or may not be in Hell <laugh>. Speaker 2 01:34:31 I just picture the Haunted Mansion ride where they're all just dancing around the table and the, the music is playing and mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, Speaker 4 01:34:40 Interesting, interesting Speaker 6 01:34:40 News. Yeah. And she went to the Catholic church and they, um, they told her that we should probably do an exorcism on you. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So she Speaker 4 01:34:48 <laugh> I could Speaker 6 01:34:49 See. So <laugh> Speaker 2 01:34:51 And she, she was calling from, uh, she was, uh, interviewed from Fort Hill Sanatorium. Where was she interviewed? Speaker 6 01:34:58 Um, I don't know where the interview was. Speaker 2 01:35:00 Is this the Onion News? Speaker 6 01:35:02 No, Speaker 2 01:35:03 I think she might have a mental health issue. Um, I'm just throwing that out there. I don't know. It could be. Speaker 6 01:35:08 Well, I mean, it's not, when I was looking for the, this article, there were some other kind of interesting articles along the same lines. Not so much like doing, getting married and wearing this, getting dressed and going to a church and everything. But there was definitely some interesting, uh, human ghost relations. Um, there was one lady, an Irish lady that married a ghost who was a pirate. Um, so, wow. It, it is out there Speaker 2 01:35:44 Rg. That was a wonderful impersonation of a pirate. Danny, can you do that one more time? Speaker 3 01:35:50 Thank you. Thank you. Er me tea. Speaker 2 01:35:52 Wow, <laugh>. All right. With that, we should Speaker 19 01:35:58 Do an episode on Pirates one one of these Speaker 2 01:36:00 Days. I agree. Uh, that wraps up big exciting. Episode number 38. Speaker 5 01:36:06 Is it Speaker 2 01:36:06 The big three eight to come up episode number 39, which is gonna be even bigger than this one now for 40, we're gonna have a big party. 40 might be our Wolf Creek Inn. Oh, yeah, it might be. That might be our 40. Speaker 6 01:36:20 Yeah, Speaker 5 01:36:20 It's not gonna be now that we said Speaker 6 01:36:22 That. Yeah. It, it's Speaker 5 01:36:23 Gonna sit on, it's Speaker 6 01:36:24 Gonna be 39. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:36:26 Uh, Danny, thank you for being here, RO tab. Thank you for being Welcome, welcome. You're Speaker 6 01:36:31 Welcome, Jesse. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Speaker 2 01:36:33 Yeah. No, I didn't say Speaker 5 01:36:34 Scott. Scott, we really appreciate. Speaker 2 01:36:37 But I, I do appreciate you being here. Danny, shout Speaker 5 01:36:39 Out to Scott. Danny. Danny, thanks for calling in, Danny. Speaker 2 01:36:42 Love you problem. Speaker 3 01:36:43 Thank Speaker 2 01:36:44 You. And Speaker 5 01:36:45 You, man, Crescent City, California. Speaker 2 01:36:48 Until next time. Speaker 6 01:36:51 99. Speaker 5 01:36:54 99 20. Speaker 2 01:36:57 Twink. Bye-bye. Speaker 20 01:37:01 Bye. Bye-Bye Speaker 2 01:37:03 Bye. Night night.

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