N.W.C.S. - Into The Dark Episode 18 Preston Castle

Episode 18 June 14, 2021 01:07:01
N.W.C.S. - Into The Dark Episode 18 Preston Castle
N.W.C.S. Into The Dark
N.W.C.S. - Into The Dark Episode 18 Preston Castle

Jun 14 2021 | 01:07:01


Show Notes

On this 18th Episode Northwest Curiosity Society speaks with our special guest Connie Brenner (Board of Directors of the Preston Castle Foundation) Brenner discusses the history of the Castle and her various paranormal experiences in this notoriously haunted home for boys which dates back to 1894. We discuss our own upcoming investigation to this location and provide a movie review of "A haunting at Preston Castle." We will also engage in a variety of other interesting paranormal discussions. Enjoy!

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